Qhov Tseeb Txog Thaub Qab Tsheb Tsoo Neeg


Qhov Tseeb Txog Thaub Qab Tsheb Tsoo Neeg
Qhov Tseeb Txog Thaub Qab Tsheb Tsoo Neeg Hauv tebchaws Mekas, 50 tus menyuam raug luam thaub qab tsheb TXHUA LIMTIAM vim yog tus tsav tsheb tsis pom lawv. Ua koobthaij pom tom qab rau txhua lub tsheb yuav tiv thaiv tau. Cov Chaw Qhov Muag Tsis Pom… txhua lub tsheb yeej muaj Qhov chaw qhov muag tsis pom yog qhov chaw nyob tom qab ntawm lub tsheb uas tus tsav tsis muaj cuab kav pom tau, txawm yog saib tom qab thiab siv daim iav pom tom qab thiab daim pom ntawm ib sab kom yog. (Ntawm hauv ntej los kuj yog ib qho qhov muag tsis pom yog tias qhov khoom ntawd tsis loj).  Kwv yees cov chaw tsis pom = 15 txog 25 taws  Cov tsav tsheb yog neeg qig taub = cov chaw tsis pom muaj ntau dua  Tshaj 60% thaub qab tsoo neeg yog cov tsheb hom loj xws li (truck, van, SUV) Qhov Muag Tsis
Cov Xwm Txheej  Thaub qab tsheb tsoo neeg feem ntau yog cov chaw tawm tsheb ntawm tsev thiab tom cov chaw nres tsheb.  Ntau tshaj 70% thaub qab tsheb tsoo no yog leej niam‐txiv lossis cov txheeb ze yog cov tsav tsheb ntag.  Qhov mob ntawm hais bye‐bye™: Cov menyuam tsis xav ncaim niam‐ txiv nyob tom qab thaum lawv hnov lo lus tias, ‘bye‐bye! Muaj ntau zaus cov menyuam caum tom qab ntawm tus neeg uas tabtom tsav tsheb sawv kev mus. Tus tsav tsheb tsis nco tias tus menyuam twb khiav tuaj nyob tom qab tsheb lawm, tseem xav tias ntshe lawv tseem nyob hauv tsev. Tus menyuam sawv tom qab lub tsheb uas saib tsis pom thiab thaub qab mus luam lossis tsoo. Tej Yam Muaj Tseeb Tus Tsav Tsis pom
Koj yuav txwv tsis tau qhov tsheb tsoo no yog tias koj tsis muaj cuab kav pom.  Cov tsav tsheb feem coob tsis nco pom tej yam loj‐loj, ntawm cov chaw “qhov muag tsis pom” uas muaj rau TXHUA lub tsheb.  Menyuam yaus tsis nkag siab txog qhov tsheb tsoo thaum lub tsheb maj mam khiav; lawv xav tias yog lawv pom lub tsheb, tus tsav tsheb pom lawv.  Menyuam yaus tsis paub txog ciajciam (tej kab kev, chaw taug kotaw, chaw tsheb tawm mus lossis chaw nres tsheb) thiab tsis xav txog dabtsi. Tus Tsav Tsis Pom
Hnub Nyoog  Lub hnub nyoog raug tsoo thaub qab tsheb ntau tshaj yog hnub nyoog ib xyoos (12‐23 hlis). Cov menyuam lub hnub nyoog no tabtom pib mus kev/khiav kev, xyaum ua tej yam thiab sim tej yam tshiab.  Cov menyuam yau dua 5 xyoos yuav raug feem ntau dua, tabsis menyuam txhua tus muaj cuab kav raug tsoo. Kev Soj Ntsuam Nruab nrab ntawm 232 tus raug tsoo tuag thiab 13,000 tus raug mob txhua lub xyoos los ntawm thaub qab tsheb tsoo* Ntau txhiab tus menyuam raug mob sab lossis tuag txhua xyoo vim yog tus tsav tsheb thaub qab tsis pom lawv tom qab ntawm lawv lub tsheb. Coob tus cov neeg laus los tseem raug thaub qab tsheb luam tib yam nkaus. Kev Pom Rau Tom Qab Lub Tsheb: Yuav kom txo tau qhov thaub qab tsheb tsoo neeg rau cov menyuam yaus (tshwj xeeb yog cov menyuam tseem yau heev), ntawm KidsAndCars.org thiab lawv cov phoojywg, thiaj li ua haujlwm uake los tivthaiv cov teebmeem paub ua ntej no thiab cov teebmeem muaj cuab kav tiv thaiv tau uas muaj ntau tshaj kaum xyoo lawm. Ib txoj cai tsim tau kom saib pom tom qab Xav paub ntau ntxiv mus saib rau ntawm www.KidsAndCars.org lossis sau ntawv rau [email protected]. lub tsheb tau tawm rau thaum lub 4 hlis tim 7, 2014 tias kom yuav tsum tau nqis tes ua los ntawm Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Act. Ntawm Phab Saib Kev Mus Los Sib Cuag (Department of Transportation) tau hais ua txojcai zaum kawg kom yuav tsum muaj qhov pom tom qab rau txhua lub tsheb uas hnyav tsawg dua 10,000 phos. Txoj cai tshiab no hais meej txog cov chaw tom qab ntawm ib lub tsheb uas yuav tsum muaj qhov pom tom qab rau tus tsav tsheb thaum hloov rau qhov thaub qab. Lub koomhaum hais ua ntej tias tsis ntev tom ntej no, cov chaw tsim ua tsheb yuav tsum tau tsim kom muaj cov koobthaij pom tom qab lub tsheb thiab nyob hauv tsheb pom tom qab kom tiav raws li txoj cai no. Txhua lub tsheb muag lossis xoj hauv tebchaws Mekas Yuav Tsum ua raws nraim txojcai ua ntej 5 hlis 2018. Ntawm KidsAndCars.org hais ua ntej tias txojcai pom rau tom qab yuav txo tau qhov thaub qab tsheb tsoo neeg. Kev kawm thiab kev ceevfaj ntawm thaub qab tsheb tsoo yuav muaj ntxiv mus ua ib qho tseem ceeb vim tias cov tsheb qub feem ntau tsis muaj qhov pom rov tom qab. Txhua lub tsheb muaj cuab kav thiab yuav tsum raug rov muab kho kom muaj qhov pom tom qab vim peb nyob rau tiam tshiab uas ua tau txhua yam. Kev Tiv Thaiv/Kev Cob Phum: Ntawm KidsAndCars.org nqua hu kom txhua tus kom nruab koobthaij pom tom qab thiab cov sensors rau lawv cov tsheb. Coob tus tsav tsheb nkag siab yuam kev tias lawv yuav tsum tos kom txog thaum lawv yuav lub tsheb tshiab uas muaj qhov pom rov tom qab; tabsis lub koobthaij pom tom qab thiab/lossis cov sensors muaj cuab kav dhos tau rau txhua lub tsheb. Cov tsav tsheb yuav tsum ras meej txog lawv qhov paub ua ntej yuav hloov cias thaub qab hauv tsheb; tshwj xeeb thaum muaj menyuam yaus. Cov menyuam uas tseem yau tsis paub xav thiab tsis txawj nkag siab; tseem tsis tau muaj kev txiav txim siab thiab lawv nkag siab me‐me txog kev raug mob xwb.  Txhua zaus yuav tsum tawm mus ncig thiab saib tom qab lub tsheb ua ntej yuav tawm mus.  Paub tias koj cov menyuam nyob qhov twg. Saib meej kom lawv txav deb ntawm koj lub tsheb uas koj pom tag nrho ua ntej txav lub tsheb. Xyuas kom muaj ib tug neeg laus saib menyuam ua ntej yuav txav koj lub tsheb.  Nruab lub koobthaij pom tom qab, cov sensors pom thaub qab thiab/lossis nruab iav ntxiv rau nej cov tsheb. Siv cov twj hais los no los saib puag ncig thiab saib tom qab koj lub tsheb seb puas muaj dabtsi ua ntej yuav thaub qab.  Xyuas meej kom menyuam tuav ib tug neeg laus tes ntawm chaw nres tsheb TXHUA lub sijhawm. Yog tias coj ob peb tug menyuam thiab tuav tes tsis tas, kom ib leeg tuav ib leeg tes lossis muab cov menyuam yau khi hlua rau ib lub laub cab thiab saib meej kom txhua tus menyuam nyob uake.  Qhia cov menyuam tias lub tsheb “nres” yuav txav tawm thiab qhia kom lawv nkag siab tias tus tsav tsheb yuav tsis pom lawv, txawm yog tias lawv pom tus tsav tsheb.  Qhia menyuam kom tsis txhob uasi nra qab, lossis puag ncig lub tsheb. Chaw tawm tsheb tsis yog qhov chaw uasi.  Yog tias koj coj ib tug neeg laus nrog koj, hais kom lawv sawv sab nraud lub tsheb thiab saib puas muaj menyuam lossis tej tsiaj ua ntej koj thaub qab tsheb. Saib kom lawv nyob deb lub tsheb yog li ntawd lawv thiaj tsis raug tsheb tsoo.  Ceev faj tias chaw ntxhab thiab cov tsheb loj SUV, vans thiab trucks yuav ntxiv ib qho nyuaj tsis pom tom qab.  Khaws menyuam tej khoom uasi, bike thiab lwm yam khoom siv uasi kom deb ntawm qhov chaw tawm tsheb.  Ntsim lossis txiav tej ntoo nyob puag ncig ntawm chaw tawm tsheb kom tus tsav tsheb thiaj pom tseeb txoj kev taug, kev tsheb, thiab cov neeg taug kev thaum thaub qab tsheb ntawm chaw tawm tsheb ntawm tsev. Cov neeg taug kev los yuav tsum muaj cuab kav pom lub tsheb thaub tawm ntawm qhov chaw nres tsheb.  Nruab cov pob qhov rooj kom siab rau sab hauv tsev kom menyuam yaus ncav tsis cuag thiab cov menyuam yaus txawj mus kev thiaj li tsis tawm mus nraum zoo lawv tus kheej.  Muab daim iav ntawm tus tsav laug kom poob qis thaum koj tabtom thaub qab yog li ntawd koj thiaj li hnov yog tias muaj neeg qw kom koj nres tsheb.  Ceev faj tshwj xeeb txog kev pab kom menyuam cobphum tom qab tsheb thiab puag ncig cov tsheb rau lub sijhawm muaj neeg coob, lajtxheej hloov, thiab caij muaj xwm txheej ceev lossis lub caij muaj cov hnub los so. Thov pab faib cov kev qhia cobphum tseem ceeb no rau koj cov neeg zov menyuam, cov kws qhia ntawv, cov kwv tij, tsev neeg, thiab cov phoojywg nyob ze koj… Cov kev ceevfaj no muaj cuab kav txuag tau txoj sia.
*Source: Not‐in‐Traffic Surveillance: Fatal and Injury Statistics in Nontraffic Crashes, DOT HS 811 813, April 2014, 2008‐2011 Xav paub ntau ntxiv mus saib rau ntawm www.KidsAndCars.org lossis sau ntawv rau [email protected].