July 23, 2006 - St. Stanislaus


July 23, 2006 - St. Stanislaus
Mr. Bogdan (Don) Pieniak, Parish Administrator
Mrs. Alice Torrence, St. Stanislaus School Principal
Mr. Dan Kane Jr., Business Manager
Mr. David Krakowski, Director of Liturgy and Music
Mrs. Denise O’Reilly, St. Stanislaus School Secretary
Mr. Fred Mendat, Maintenance & Social Center Manager
Ms. Betty Dabrowski, Pastoral Council Chairperson
Mr. Frank Greczanik, Finance Council Chairperson
Mrs. Agnes Fronckowiak, Golden Agers President
Mr. Terence Philpotts, P.T.U. President
Mr. Frank Krajewski, Dad’s Club President
Ms. Marilyn Mosinski, Pulaski Franciscan CDC
Mr. Rick Krakowski, C.Y.O. Coordinator
Mr. Matt Zielinski, St. Vincent DePaul Society
Mr. Rob Jagelewski, Parish Historical Committee
Mrs. Nancy Mack, MANNA Coordinator
Mrs. Sharon Kozak, Alumni and Development
Mrs. Denise Ziemborski, Fr. William Scholarship
James Ostrowski, Lil Bros President
Rev. Michael Surufka, OFM, Pastor
Rev. Camillus Janas, OFM, Associate Pastor
Rev. Howard Stunek, OFM, in Residence
Rev. Pawel Juda, OFM, in Residence
Rectory & Parish Office
Parish Fax
St. Stanislaus Elementary School 883-3307
Central Catholic High School
Pulaski Franciscan CDC
[email protected]
The artist’s sketch on the right
depicts the original building
with the spires. Corner Stone
laid in 1886, and church
dedicated in 1891.
Daily Masses: 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM (no 7:00 on Sat.)
Daily Morning Prayer: 8:00 AM (exc. Sunday)
Sunday Vigil: Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday English Masses: 8:30 AM & 11:30 AM
Sunday Polish Mass: 10:00 AM
Holy Day English: Refer to Schedule
Holy Day Polish: 5:30 PM
National Holidays: 9:00 AM
The parish office is open from Monday through Friday,
7:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM or upon arrangement
with any of the priests.
Ordinarily on Sundays at 1:00 PM. Alternate times must
be arranged with a parish priest. Pre-Baptism instructions
are necessary in advance.
All arrangements must be made with one of the
priests of the parish six months in advance.
Those who wish to be sponsors for Baptism or
Confirmation must be regis tered and practicing members of
the Catholic Church. If you attend St. Stanislaus but you
are not registered, please contact the parish office so that
you can be listed as a parishioner here.
Arrangements are usually made in coordination with the
funeral home of your choice.
(R.C.I.A.): Contact any member of the Pastoral Team.
The church is open 1/2 hour before and after services.
For tours or private prayer please call the rectory.
July 23 Lipca 2006
5:00 PM + Mary Surace
8:30 AM +Ann Rody
10:00 AM +Tadeus Czarnecki
11:30 AM +Arthur and Clara Osinski
1:00 PM Baptism Ella Marie & Anthony Steven Libertovsky
Jul 24
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
Jul 25
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
Jul 26
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
Jul 27
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
Jul 28
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
Jul 29
8:30 AM
Weekday (St. Sharbel Makhluf, priest)
+Sophie Salomon
+Jan Jarmuziewicz
St. James, apostle
+Diane Kopania
+John & Mary Zajac
St. Joachim and St. Anne, parents of Mary
+Anna & Albert Szcepanik
+Frances Ciborowski
+Jerome Broski
Sp. Int, Markiewicz Family
Weekday (St. Lawrence of Brindsi, priest)
+Chester Kotek
+Dennis Pruc
St. Martha
+Daniel Witczak
July 29 Lipca 2006
5:00 PM + Ted Wenglewski
8:30 AM +John & Frances Lakota
10:00 AM +Clarence Segalski
11:30 AM +Beatrice Kubinski
Processional: The King of Love My Shepherd Is #292
Presentation: You Are Mine #227
Communion: One Bread, One Body #185
Recessional: God’s Blessing Sends Us Forth #285
Kiedy ranne wstaj¹ zorze #290
Ofiarowanie: Barka #331
Na Komuniê: Jezusa ukrytego #153
Zakoñczenie: Pobog³os³aw Jezu drogi #190
8:00 PM
10:00 AM
3:00 PM
10:00 AM
4:00 PM
A.A. & Al -Anon in the social center.
Festival cooking in the social center.
Church Cleanup Crew until 5:15.
Festival cooking in the social center.
Sacrament of Reconciliation until 4:45.
Troy Ayers & Christina Vernon (I)
Robert Butkowski and Lisa Corwon (I)
Erich Allen and Lisa Votruba (I)
Mark your calendars
Lajkonik...One More Tartar Related Tradition from 1287
Just when you’ve digested the legend regarding the Tartar invasion of 1241, there is still one more tradition that has been carried down through the centuries commemorating the next and
last invasion by that same horde—the lajkonik (hobby horse).
The year 1287 saw the last disastrous invasion of the city (at
least by the Mongols) and, finally, an opportunity for the royal
city the chance to grow and blossom in relative peace. As is typ ical of the traditions of war, the concept of ‘booty’ is a consequence. In the instance of this last battle the booty involved some
rather colorful items including regalia belonging to the Kha n of
the invading force. Clothing of both the leader as well as decorative coverings of his horse were amongst these items, thus the
fabrication of what looked like a half man/half horse. Referred to
as the lajkonik, this tradition began on the feast of Corpus
Christi when this character paraded through the streets showing
off his regalia, becoming part of the religious pageant and procession. He was accompanied by other me mbers of his fighting
team (the traditional guild of raftsmen who were defenders of the
city in 1287), traditionally dressed in captured Mongolian garb,
walking through the streets being greeted by the people, eventually meeting the leader of the city at the town square, outside of
Koœcio³ Mariacki, bestowing upon him a tribute in the form of a
good stiff drink! (cytrynówka??!!)
David Krakowski
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 30 Lipiec 2006
5:00 PM Lectors — Rob Jagelewski
Euch. Min. — Connie Aliff, Stan Witczak, Marge & Andrew Flock
Sun 8:30 AM Lector — Nancy Mack
Euch. Min. — Nicole & Mark Kobylinski, Maria & Don Stech
10:00 AM Lector — Teresa Cyranek
Euch. Min. — Mike Buczek, A. Jankowski, R. Drewnowski, Ewelina Ejsmont
11:30 AM Lector — Richard Konisiewicz
Euch. Min. — Joanne & Ron Grams, Stanley Koch, Emily Galish
Last Sunday’s Collection
5:00 PM …...………..………...$1,201.00
8:30 AM ..………………….....$1,470.00
10:00 AM...………..………...….$835.35
11:30 AM...………..……...…..$1,328.10
Mailed in……...……………... $1,325.00
Total (483 envelopes)
Thank you for your generosity!
After a few years now of being a
parish priest, I have a new respect for
the many families who settled and built
this neighborhood — and many like it
around the country — and established
small businesses to serve the needs of
the community around them. Our
neighborhood is filled with buildings
designed to be small stores with living quarters attached. You
can tell them by the boarded up and closed off first floor street
entrance, some more tastefully done than others. Butcher
shops, produce markets, bakeries — so many places here reminds us of a time long past. Yet there are still parishioners
and neighbors who remember those days, and some (like funeral homes) are still around..
Families in these places gave us the phrase, “living above
the store.” It described not only an architectural feature, it described a way of life. It implied a negative side, too. One could
never really get
away from it all,
Just hangin’ out with Jesus! never leave work
behind and come home to the sanctuary of home and family.
The two most important worlds they lived in, home and work,
were merged into one. And it took its toll.
Living and working at a parish rectory is similar. On the
one hand, it is kinda nice that I don’t have to drive to work!
And I can keep working late at night, when it is quiet, and not
worry about a long trip home in the wee hours. If I forget exactly where I left something, say, either on my dresser or in my
desk, I don’t have to drive for hours to find out. I just walk up
the stairs and check.
On the other hand, there is a down side. I can never really
take a day off and stay here, since the phone is always ringing,
the doorbell is always beckoning, and there is the constant presence of projects underway, unanswered e-mail, a desk to clear.
And our living room and kitchen are not exactly private during
the day. Imagine if someone just walked into your own kitchen
while you were having morning coffee or lunch, just to fill you
in on the latest gossip! “Private space” is an ongoing negotiation at a busy parish rectory.
That is why it is so wonderful to read Jesus’ invitation in the
Gospel this weekend. It is a divine command to make a getaway! Imagine, even Jesus and his disciples got tired and
needed a break. They needed to get away, to pray, to refresh, to
spend time with one another in simple conversation and not just
planning the next journey or arguing about some text in scripture.
Just hangin’ out with Jesus!
Recently I had to attend a meeting in Denver, Colorado.
Instead of flying there and back, so that I could spend every
possible moment working here, I decided to drive out and take
my time coming back. Four thousand mi les, all alone in my
little car! And what a delight it was, to do a 21st century version of Jesus’ invitation: Come away and rest awhile.
Summer is not over yet. There is still time! Listen to Jesus,
he’s got a great idea: Get away, take it easy, and just “be!”
Fr. Michael
July 23 LIPCA 2006
W dzisiejszej Ewangelii s³yszymy
jak aposto³owie gro madz¹ siê wokó³
Jezusa opowiadaj¹c Mu wszystko co
zdzia³ali I czego nauczali. Ich dzia³anie
jest akceptowane przez Mistrza skoro
zachêca ich do odpoczynku.
Aposto³owie wiedz¹, ¿e dzia³aj¹
dobrze, gdy¿ w Jezusie mieli sta³y
punkt odniesienia. Lecz woko³o znajdowa³ siê t³um, który tego punktu odniesienia do Jezusa prawie
instynktownie szuka³ b³¹dz¹c czêsto bez celu.A Jezus pe³en
wspó³czucia zajmuje siê nimi ”nauczaj¹c ich,gdy¿ byli podobni
do owiec pozbawionych pasterza.”
Ten t³um najpierw opuszczony i rozproszony, czuje, ¿e
znalaz³ element duchowy, który nasyci³by g³ód poznania ¿ycia;
w koñcu otrzymali pewnoœæ nieb³¹dzenia wiêcej, gdy¿ to
w³aœnie Jezus jest Drog¹, Prawd¹ i ¯yciem i tylko On jest jedynym i prawdziwym Nauczycielem. Ci wszyscy, którzy dot¹d
byli tylko “jednostkami“ - nie dostrze¿onymi przez nikogo,
zwyk³ym t³u mem– od tego momentu staj¹ siê osobami, które
przechodz¹ od nieufnoœci do zaufania, od sceptycyzmu do
wiary, od nieznajomoœci bli¿niego do odkrycia w drugim
cz³owieku swojego brata, daj¹c tym samym pocz¹tek prawdziwej wspólnocie.
W Chrystusie wype³ni³y siê wiêc zpowiedzi proroka Jeremiasza o dniach królowania Boga jako Dobrego Pasterza gromadz¹cego owce z ca³ej ziemi. Jego przyjœcie sta³o sie okazj¹
“do wykonywania prawa i sprawiedliwoœci” (por.Jr 23,5)
Pozwólmy zatem aby On nas odnalaz³ i zgromadzi³ w swojej owczarni, byœmy z nim tworzyli wspólnotê pozbawion¹
lêku, wrogoœci i niepewnoœci tak aby nasze ¿ycie stawa³o siê
œwiadectwem Jego istnienia.
Otwórzmy siê na dzia³anie Jego ³aski poniewa¿ tylko dziêki
niej mo¿emy zrozumieæ siebie, otaczaj¹cy nas œwiat i drugiego
cz³owieka i nasze powo³anie
Chcê przy okazji tego rozwa¿ania podziekowaæ dobremu
Bogu za wszelkie dobro,które œwiadczy w moim ¿yciu,za dar
narodzin, religijnego wychowania, ludzi,których postawi³ na
mojej drodze i wspania³a ³aske powo³ania do zakonu œw.
Franciszka oraz kap³añstwa a wreszcie mo¿liwoœæ przebywania
w waszej wspólnocie parafialnej. Myœlê, ¿e to bardzo wa¿ne
doœwiadczenie w moim zakonnym i kap³añskim ¿yciu dlatego
chcê prosiæ Was o modlitwê w mojej intencji.
We wish to sincerely thank Mary
Ellen Guisinger for her hard work in organizing and administrating the Manna
Program since its inception. Being a wife
and mother of three active young children is more than a full time job and now
that the program is established she felt
that she can step down when someone
came forward to continue the excellent
job she started.
Nancy Mack is our new Manna Coordinator. She brings great creativity and
energy to this program, and the parish
will certainly benefit from her success.
We thank all those who have supported the program and ask that you continue that support.
We still have a few hundred dollars
worth of TOPS cards available for sale.
A call to TOPS has assured us that they
are still in business and accepting the
cards. We will be selling the $25 cards
after Masses until they are gone. Watch
for sales in the back of the church after
Open during summer!
In the late 1940’s St. Stanislaus High
School competed in the Congress Basketball League. This League consisted of St.
Stanislaus, St. Michael on Scranton
Road, Our Lady of Lourdes at Broadway
and East 55, St. Boniface on West 54, St.
Procop on West 41, and St. John Cantius
in Tremont. From the February 1948 issue of the Congress League newspaper,
“St. Procop’s and St. Stanislaus are the
only undefeated teams in the league. St.
Stan’s remains untried in second half
play defeating St. John Cantius, 57– 21
and St. Boniface, 59– 24.” In school
notes in the same is sue it states, “Father
Ed, much to the delight of all, has purchased warm-up jackets for the St. Stan’s
basketball teams and the cheerleaders.
The Juniors and Seniors were treated to
an ice skating party on January 18. Everyone was on their feet most of the time.
The party was climaxed with the serving
of hot chocolate and sandwiches.”
Mamy przyjemnoœæ przywitaæ do naszej
parafji franciszkanina, Ojca Nikodema,
prowincja³a z Polski. Ojciec Nikodem Gdyk
pobêdzie z nami ¹¿ do koñca tego miesi¹ca. Dla
niego to jest pierwsze przybycie w Ameryce.
Przyby³ do parafji aby widzieæ na w³asne oczy jak
wygl¹da Polsko-Amerykañska parafja
Witamy te¿ Ojca Paw³a, franciszkanina który
pozostanie w parafji przez trzy miesiêcy. Ojciec
Pawe³ Juda zamierza uczyæ jêzyka
amerykañskiego i pomagaæ w parafji.
¯yczymy im szczêœliwego pobytu w Ameryce i w
naszej parafji Swiêtego Stanis³awa. .
Our parish welcomes Fr. Nikodem Gdyk, Franciscan Provincial of Krakow, Poland, visiting the
U.S. for the first time. Fr. Gdyk will be staying
with us until the end of the month.
We also welcome Fr. Pawel (Paul) Juda. Fr.
Paul will be staying with us for three months to
study English, feel the American flavor of Franciscan brotherhood, and help to serve our Polish Co mmunity.
Please extend to them our love and hospitality.
O. Nikodem Gdyk OFM
O. Pawel Juda OFM
Polish Festival Cooking is on a Roll!
This past week our kitchen was heated up and the cabbage rolls were being
stuffed! Over 30 pans of stuffed cabbage were made! This week we will be rolling
over to the Beef Roll-Ups. Our volunteers will be making Beef Roll-Ups, one of the
FAVORITE items on the festival food menu, on July 27th and 28th. The rolling will
begin at 10:00am and continue till 3:00pm each day. We will need people to help
chop and dice vegetables that get rolled into the beef. Come learn the secret ingredient behind the success of this favorite food. Call Joe at 216/271-0832 with any questions.
Look in your mailboxes the 1st week of August for your Festival raffle tickets!
Raffle Prizes Needed
One of the many fun things to do at the festival is our Games of Chance booth.
We have many great prizes that get donated every year. Although we do have some
great prizes left over from last year, we still need to restock. So any type of prizes
from Stuffed Animals, board games, dolls, trucks or adult prizes can be of great use.
Please bring them to the rectory during office hours or bring them to church and give
them to either of the priests or ushers at your Mass.
Remember to contact Marilyn Mosinski at 216-441-1533 or Joe Calamante at 216271-0832 with any questions or concerns regarding the festival.
Last Spring we ordered a subscription to
Catholic Update, a monthly publication by
the Franciscans in Cincinnati. It is ni tended to be an aid in adult ongoing faith
formation. But nobody in the parish has
said if they like it or not! Give a call or
drop a note and say whether you like having it available!
BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS. The next class is on Aug 6, 12:30 PM, at St. John Nepomucene. Call 641-8444 to register.
July 23 LIPCA 2006
The Rectory Peace Garden has a new addition! A beautiful
concrete fountain was installed replacing the old fountain. Pictured above with Fr. Michael is the Pettiti Garden Crew that
installed the fountain. Many thanks and prayers for God’s
blessings to the benefactors whose generosity will bring a moment of prayerful peace to generations.
each Monday evening in summer and enjoy free
music performed live in the heart of the city.
Bring your lawn chair, get a free soft drink from
McDonalds and have fun.
Golden Agers celebrate their 40th Anniversary with Mass and
Dinner last Sunday. They are always looking for new members
call Agnes Fronckowiak at 216 341-4092.
Services of the Diocese of Cleveland has announced its sponsorship of the 2006 Summer Food Service program for Children. Free lunch meals will be made available to all children up
to and including age 18. Persons over age 18 who are determined by a state or local public educational agency to be mentally or physically disabled will also be able to receive free
lunch meals. A nearby site for eligible members of our parish
faith community is located at The Boys & Girls Club of Cleveland on Broadway Ave. For more information call Ed Morel at
216-696-6525, ext 3110
REMEMBER 9-11. This year is the fifth anniversary of September 11. There will be an evening prayer service with Bishop
Richard Lennon as celebrant and homilist on 9-11-06 at 7PM at
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church on East 71. All parishes of the
southeast district are invited. Parishioners from the district parishes can provide the names of family members who are in the
military or are presently in service in Iraq. Also provide the
names of any police or fire personnel who were killed in the 911 attack. Forward this information to the Sacred Heart Rectory
office at 216-341-2828.
Parking lot resurfacing was completed on Monday of last week.
GOOD YARN NEEDED. The St. Vincent de Paul Society of
St. Columbkille Parish Warm-up America Group needs orlon or
acrylic yarn for crocheting or knitting afghans for the needy.
Place the yarn in a bag labeled “Warm-up America” and bring
it to the rectory. . Any questions call Donna Ciborowski at 216398-9653.
Sto lat! 1906-2006 Franciscans at Saint Stanislaus

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