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Publications list
dr Marcin Iwanowski
Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics
Warsaw University of Technology
ul.Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warszawa POLAND
e-mail: [email protected]
September 9, 2008
Book editing
[1] B. Beliczynski, A. Dzielinski, M. Iwanowski, and B. Ribeiro. Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms - Proc. of 8th International Conference ICANNGA07 part I, volume LNCS 4431. Springer
Verlag, 2007. ISBN 3-540-71589-4; ISSN 0302-9743; DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-71618-1.
[2] B. Beliczynski, A. Dzielinski, M. Iwanowski, and B. Ribeiro. Adaptive and Natural Computing
Algorithms - Proc. of 8th International Conference ICANNGA07 part II, volume LNCS 4432.
Springer Verlag, 2007. ISBN 3-540-71590-8; ISSN 0302-9743; DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-71629-7.
Book chapters
[1] A Korzynska and M Iwanowski. Detection of mitotic cell fraction in stem cells in cultures.
In E Pietka and J Kawa, editors, Advances in Soft Computing - Information Technologies in
Biomedicine, volume 47 of Advances in Soft Computing. Springer Verlag, 2008.
[2] M Iwanowski. Binary shape characterization using morphological boundary class distribution
functions. In M. Kurzynski, E Puchala, M Wozniak, and A Zolnierek, editors, Advances in Soft
Computing - Computer Recognition Systems 2, volume 45 of Advances in Soft Computing, pages
305–312. Springer Verlag, 2007. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-75175-5 38.
[3] M. Iwanowski and P. Soille. Fast algorithm for order independent binary homotopic thinning.
In B. Beliczynski, A. Dzielinski, M. Iwanowski, and B. Ribeiro, editors, Adaptive and Natural
Computing Algorithms, volume LNCS 4433 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 605–
615. Springer-Verlag, 2007. ISBN 3-540-71590-8 (Proc.of 8th Int. Conf., ICANNGA07, Apr.11-14,
2007, Warsaw, Poland); DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-71629-7 68.
[4] M. Iwanowski and P. Soille. Order independence in binary 2d homotopic thinning. In A. Kuba,
L.G. Nyul, and K. Palagyi, editors, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume LNCS
4245 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 592–604. Springer-Verlag, 2006. ISBN 3540-47651-2 (Proc.of 13th Int. Conf., DGCI 2006, Oct. 25 27, 2006, Szeged, Hungary); DOI:
10.1007/11907350 50.
[5] M. Iwanowski and P. Soille. A queue based algorithm for order independent anchored skeletonisation. In A. Gagalowicz and W. Philips, editors, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, volume
LNCS 3691 of Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 530–537. Springer-Verlag, 2005. ISBN
3-540-28969-0 (Proc.of 11th Int. Conf., CAIP 2005, Sept. 5 8, 2005, Versailles, France); DOI:
10.1007/11556121 65.
[6] M. Iwanowski and P. Soille. Morphological refinement of an image segmentation. In A. Gagalowicz
and W. Philips, editors, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, volume LNCS 3691 of Lecture
Notes on Computer Science, pages 538–545. Springer-Verlag, 2005. ISBN 3-540-28969-0 (Proc.of
11th Int. Conf., CAIP 2005, Sept. 5 8, 2005, Versailles, France); DOI: 10.1007/11556121 66.
[7] M. Iwanowski. Morphological normalized binary object methamorphosis. In K. Wojciechowski,
B. Smolka, H. Palus, R.S. Kozera, W. Skarbek, and L. Noakes, editors, Computer Vision and
Graphics, pages 626–632. Springer-Verlag, 2005. ISBN 1-4020-4178-0 (Proc.of Int.Conf.on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG04, Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 22-24, 2004); DOI: 10.1007/1-40204179-9 90.
[8] M. Iwanowski. The metamorphosis of 3d binary objects using morphological interpolation. Machine
Graphics and Vision, 10(4):537–550, 2001. ISSN 1230 0535.
[9] M. Iwanowski. Generalized morphological mosaic interpolation and its application to computeraided animations. In W. Skarbek, editor, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, number LNCS
2124 in Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pages 494–501. Springer-Verlag, 2001. (Proc.of 9th
Int. Conf., CAIP 2001, Sept. 5 7, 2001, Warsaw, Poland); DOI: 10.1007/3-540-44692-3 60.
[10] M. Iwanowski and J. Serra. The morphological-affine object deformation. In J. Goutsias, L. Vincent, and D.S. Bloomberg, editors, Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Signal and
Image Processing, pages 81–90. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. DOI: 10.1007/0-306-47025X 10.
Journal papers
[1] M. Iwanowski and A. Huk. Satellite image pansharpening by chrominance propagation combined
with kernel interpolation. Machine Graphics and Vision, 2007. ISSN 1230 0535 (proc. of Proc. of
Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Graphics ICCVG06, Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 25-27, 2006).
[2] P. Vogt, K. Riitters, M. Iwanowski, C. Estreguil, J. Kozak, and P. Soille. Mapping landscape
corridors. Ecological Indicators, 7(2):481–488, 4 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2006.11.001.
[3] M. Iwanowski. Automatic car number plates detection using morphological image processing.
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 81(3):58–61, 2005. ISSN 033-2097.
[4] F. Ilnicki and M. Iwanowski. Analysis of the dna microarray hybridization images using morphological
image processing. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 81(3):54–57, 2005. ISSN 033-2097.
[5] M. Iwanowski. An application of mathematical morphology to filtering and feature extraction for
pattern recognition. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 80(4):305–310, 2004. ISSN 033-2097.
[6] M. Iwanowski. The metamorphosis of 3d binary objects using morphological interpolation. Machine
Graphics and Vision, 10(4):537–550, 2001. ISSN 1230 0535.
[7] M. Iwanowski. Image morphing based on morphological interpolation combined with linear filtering.
International Journal of WSCG, 1(10):233–239, 2002. ISSN 1213-6072 (Proc.of The 10-th Int.
Conf. in Central Europe on Comp. Graphics, Visualization and Comp. Vision ’2002, Pilzen, Czech
Republic; Univ.of West Bohemia).
[8] M. Iwanowski. Fault detection using mathematical morphology and clustering. Machine Graphics
and Vision, 9(1/2):215–220, 2000. ISSN 1230 0535 (Proc.of GKPO 2000 Conf., May 15-19, 2000
Podlesice, Poland).
Proceedings papers
[1] S. Sobolewski, A. Korzynska, and M. Iwanowski. Segmentation of digital microscope images of
white blood cells using morphological image processing. In Proc. of 14th International Congress
of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC, 2008. Wrocaw, Poland, September 9-12, 2008.
[2] M. Iwanowski. Morphological boundary pixel classification. In Proc. of IEEE EUROCON Conference, 2007. DOI: 10.1109/EURCON.2007.4400677.
[3] M. Iwanowski. Zastosowanie morfologii matematycznej do wykrywania obszarow o zadanych
cechach na obrazach cyfrowych. In Materiay V Sympozjum Naukowego ”Techniki Przetwarzania
Obrazu; Serock 16-18.11.2006, pages 270–281. IMIO PW, Serock, Poland, 11 2006. ISBN 827207-664-2.
[4] M. Iwanowski. Detection of heat-emission sources using satellite imagery and morphological image
processing. In Proc.of International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for
Energy Conservation PELINCEC; October 16-19, 2005, Warsaw, Poland, 9 2005. Inst. of Control
and Industrial Electronics.
[5] M. Iwanowski. Universal morphological interpolator. In Proc.of International Conference on Image
Processing ICIP05; Sept. 11-14, 2005, pages II–978 –981, Genova, Italy, 9 2005. IEEE, IEEE Signal
Processing Society. ISBN: 0-7803-9135-7; DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2005.1530221.
[6] H. Schaeben, M. Apel, T. Frank, M. Iwanowski, and F. Zaefferer. 3-dimensional fabric reconstruction from 2-dimensional orientation. In P. Van Houtte and L. Kerstens, editors, Textures of
Materials ICOTOM 14 (Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Textures of Materials; July
11th-15th; 2005), volume 495-497 of Materials Science Forum, pages 185–190, Leuven, Belgium,
2005. Trans Tech Publications Inc. ISBN 0-87849-975.
[7] N.M. Sirakov, M. Iwanowski, D.R. Hack, and M.L. Feves. Morphological approach to volume
calculation of complex 3d geological objects. In F.A. Camisani-Calzorali, editor, Proc. of 31-st
Int. Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries
(APCOM 2003), 14-16 May 2003, pages 329–334, Cape Town, South Africa, 5 2003. South
African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Johannesburg. ISBN 1-919783-46-6.
[8] M. Iwanowski. Zastosowanie morfologii matematycznej do przemyslowego przetwarzania obrazow.
In Automatic Image Processing in Production Process second Polish-German seminar, 27-28
March 2003, pages 49–59. Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 2003. ISBN
[9] M. Iwanowski. Morphological binary interpolation with convex mask. In Proc.of International
Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics; Sept. 25-29, 2002, pages 360–367, Zakopane,
Poland, 9 2002. ISBN 83-9176830-9.
[10] S. Skoneczny, M. Iwanowski, and J. Szostakowski. Degraded cinematic sequence restoration. In
Proc.of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA) Sept.17-21
2000, pages 103–106, Dresden, Germany, 9 2000.
[11] M. Iwanowski, J. Szostakowski, and S. Skoneczny. Image features extraction using mathematical
morphology. In G.Ritter, editor, Selected SPIE Papers on CD-ROM series, Mathematical Imaging
and Vision., volume 8. SPIE, 12 1999. CD-ROM edition; DOI: 10.1117/12.279581.
[12] M. Iwanowski and J. Serra. Morphological interpolation and color images. In Proceedings of 10th
International Conference on International Conference of Image Processing ICIAP’99; Sept. 27-29,
1999, pages 50–55, Venice, Italy, 9 1999. IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICIAP.1999.797570.
[13] M. Iwanowski, J. Szostakowski, and S. Skoneczny. Application of advanced morphological filters
into image segmentation. In Proc.of IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing ;
September 8-10, 1997, Mackinac Island, Michigan USA, 1997.
[14] M. Iwanowski, J. Szostakowski, and S. Skoneczny. Image features extraction using mathematical
morphology. In Proc. of: SPIE Int. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation Applications of Digital Processing XX (SPIE Proc 3164), SPIE’s 1997 Annual Meeting 21
July - 1 Aug 1997, volume 3164, pages 565–572, San Diego, CA,(USA), 7 1997. SPIE. DOI:
[15] M. Iwanowski, J. Szostakowski, and S. Skoneczny. Image segmentation by advanced morphological
filtering and clustering. In K.J.Kurzydlowski L.Wojnar, K.Rozniatowski, editor, Proceedings of
International Conference on The Quantitive Description of Materials Microstructure; April 16-19,
1997, pages 307–314, Warsaw, Poland, 4 1997. ISBN 83 904805-8-1.
[16] S. Skoneczny, J. Szostakowski, and M. Iwanowski. Fast neural network-based image segmentation.
In Proc. of: Int. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation Statistical and
Stochastic Methods in Image Processsing II (SPIE Proc 3167), SPIE’s 1997 Annual Meeting 21
July - 1 Aug 1997, volume 3167, pages 164–171, San Diego, CA,(USA), 7 1997. SPIE. DOI:
[17] J. Szostakowski, S. Skoneczny, and M. Iwanowski. Neural model-based motion estimation. In
Proc. of: Int. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation Advanced Signal
Processing: Algorithms, Architectures and Implementations VII (SPIE Proc 3162), SPIE’s 1997
Annual Meeting 21 July - 1 Aug 1997, volume 3162, pages 328–335, San Diego, CA,(USA), 7
1997. SPIE. DOI:10.1117/12.279505.
[18] J. Szostakowski, S. Skoneczny, and M. Iwanowski. Neural approach to algebraic image restoration.
In K.J.Kurzydlowski L.Wojnar, K.Rozniatowski, editor, Proceedings of International Conference
on The Quantitive Description of Materials Microstructure; April 16-19, 1997, pages 541–546,
Warsaw, Poland, 4 1997. ISBN 83 904805-8-1.
[1] M. Iwanowski. Zastosowanie morfologii matematycznej do interpolacji obrazow - rozprawa
doktorska. PhD thesis, Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Sterowania i Elektroniki Przemyslowej/Wyzsza Szkola Gornicza w Paryzu, Centrum Morfologii Matematycznej, WarszawaFontainebleau, 11 2000. promotorzy: prof.Tadeusz Kaczorek, prof.Jean Serra.
[2] M. Iwanowski. Application of mathematical morphology to the interpolation of digital images.
PhD thesis, School of Mines of Paris, Center of Mathematical Morphology/Warsaw University
of Technology, Inst.of Control and Industrial Electronics, Fontainebleau-Warsaw, 11 2000. thesis
advisors: prof.Jean Serra, prof.Tadeusz Kaczorek.
[3] M. Iwanowski. Rozpoznawanie znakow z wykorzystaniem sieci neuronowych oraz logiki rozmytej.
Master’s thesis, Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Sterowania i Elektroniki Przemyslowej, 6 1995.
[1] M. Iwanowski. Morphological interpolation. In Prace seminarium: Przetwarzanie i rozpoznawanie
obrazow oraz ich sekwencji r.ak.98/99; ISEP PW. ISEP PW, 1999.
[2] M. Iwanowski. Fault detection on the images surface using mathematical morphology and clustering. Technical Report 6/98, Politechnika Warszawska ISEP, 1998.
[3] M. Iwanowski. Interpolation methods in image processing (dea report). Technical Report N32/98/MM, Centre de Morpholgie Mathematique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1998.
[4] M. Iwanowski. Morphological interpolators in micromorph. Technical Report N-33/98/MM, Centre
de Morpholgie Mathematique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1998.
[5] M. Iwanowski. Morphological interpolation of color images. Technical Report N-31/98/MM,
Centre de Morpholgie Mathematique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1998.
[6] S. Beucher and M. Iwanowski. Morphological analysis of bank-check images. Technical Report
N-20/96/MM, Centre de Morpholgie Mathematique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1996.
[7] M. Iwanowski. Automatic reading of bank-check codes. Technical Report N-19/96/MM, Centre
de Morpholgie Mathematique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1996.
[8] M. Iwanowski. Micromorph micro studies. Technical Report N-21/96/MM, Centre de Morpholgie
Mathematique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1996.
[9] M. Iwanowski. K-means algorithm for greytone reduction. Technical Report N-13/96/MM, Centre
de Morpholgie Mathematique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1996.
[10] M. Iwanowski. Morphological segmentation of human brain images. Technical Report N34/95/MM, Centre de Morpholgie Mathematique, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1995.