Curriculum Vitae - Index Copernicus International


Curriculum Vitae - Index Copernicus International
Curriculum Vitae
Professor Dominik Sankowski graduated a MSc in 1970 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Lodz
University of Technology and a MSc in Mathematics in 1973 with a specialization in Numerical
Methods at the Silesian University. He achieved a PhD with distinction (1979), DSc (habilitated doctor
- 1989), and was granted the title of professor (1998). Since 2001 he has held the position of full
Professor. In 1995 he obtained position of the Head of the Department of Computer Engineering. He
established this Department, which currently employs over 70 people. In 2012 the Department was
converted to the Institute of Applied Computer Science and Professor Sankowski currently plays a
role of the Head of the Institute.
Professor Sankowski was one of the main animators of establishing Computer Science studies in the
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Lodz University of Technology. He performed
lectures at the Universities in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, China, Australia
and Singapore. To develop research in the Department, Professor Sankowski has formed scientific
teams in the following fields: signal processing, image processing and analysis, process tomography,
software engineering, artificial intelligence and automatic identification and control of industrial
objects in real-time systems. Recent publications and presentations at conferences have been
concerned with issues related to the information society. The current scientific activities of Professor
Sankowski also include the computerization of public administration. Professor Sankowski was the
supervisor of 16 successfully completed PhD theses (11 with distinction), additional 8 PhD
dissertations are in progress. PhD students have been inspired by him to continue their research
work, and this has resulted in 6 habilitated theses being achieved by the Departmental staff. The
DSc’s (habilitated doctors), all students or co-workers of Professor Sankowski, are working in the
Department and are significantly active in research.
Professor Sankowski was appointed as a member to the:
• Group of Experts in the Computer Science specialisation of National Accreditation Committee (PKA)
• Technical Universities Accreditation Committee (KAUT)
• Universities Accreditation Committee (UKA)
Professor Sankowski is a member of:
• IEEE Computer Society,
• International Society of Process Tomography (ISIPT). Since 2007 he plays a role of Communication
Director of the Society,
• Electro-thermal Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 1994).
Scientific activity of Professor Sankowski can be additionally characterised in the following way. He is:
• the author of 6 national and international monographs,
• the author of over 300 publications in conferences, national and international journals,
• the reviewer of publications from the “Thomson Scientific Master Journal List” (Philadelphia List)
including IEE, IEEE. In addition he has been the Chair of many sessions performed at international
conferences and congresses,
• the author or co-author of 4 patents. Additionally some of his solutions were applied in industry.
Professor Sankowski was granted the following awards:
• Silver and Golden Cross of Merit,
• Medal appointed by the Ministry of Science,
• Belgian Chevalier Cross Merite de L’Invention,
• Honourable Medal of Polish Inventors’ Association (Tadeusz Sendzimir Medal),
• Diplomas given by the Ministry of Science and the chairman of KBN for the innovative activity,
• Individual 1st class Prize given by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, for the education of
scientific staff in 2011.
Professor Sankowski additional achievements:
• The award of Doctor Honoris Causa of National Finance Academy in Lviv, Ukraine,
• The inventor and co-founder of Lodz School of Process Tomography,
• Coordinator and director of many national and international research project grants,
• The Institute of Applied Computer Science, under the leadership of Professor Sankowski, will
organise the 7th International Congress on Industrial Process Tomography in Krakow, in 2013.
Scientific field: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering
1. Research Specialisation:
Image Processing and Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering,
Data Processing, Real-Time Systems, IT Systems in Management, On-line Identification of Industrial
Objects, Automation of the Thermal Processes.
2. Publications:
a. monographs: 6,
b. chapters in books: 37,
c. papers in journals from the Thomson Scientific Master Journal List: 21,
d. papers reviewed in international journals: 8,
e. papers reviewed in national journals: 90.
3. Citations: 57
4. Acquired patents: 4
• Sankowski D., "A device for cooling sytems leakage check" ("Urządzenie do kontroli szczelności
układów chłodzenia"). Patent No 101423, 1980. Contribution 25%,
• Sankowski D., Wojciech Łobodziński, Jacek Kucharski – Given patent to the invention, dated
22.01.1998. "Electronic temperature control system" ("Elektroniczny układ regulacji temperatury") –
Patent No 303941,
• Sankowski D., Gozdecki T, Łobodziński W, Senkara J – "A method and tester for determining
solderability of materials" ("Sposób i tester do określania lutowności materiałów") Patent No 379037,
• Sankowski D., Gozdecki T, Łobodziński W, Senkara J – "Electric heater" ("Grzejnik elektryczny")
Patent nr 379269, 2011.
5. Supervision of PhD thesis
a. Completed: 16
1. Jacek Kucharski, PhD: "Adaptive temperature control of chosen electoheat systems" ("Adaptacyjna
regulacja temperatury wybranych urządzeń elektrotermicznych") – graduated in 1993. Thesis with
distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the Lodz
University of Technology,
2. Lidia Jackowska-Strumiłło, PhD: "Identification of dynamic properties of resistive temperature
sensors using multi-frequency binary signals (MBS)" ("Identyfikacja własności dynamicznych
rezystancyjnych czujników temperatury za pomocą Wieloczęstotliwościowych Sygnałów Binarnych
(MBS)") - graduated in 1994. Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology,
3. Zdzisława Rowińska, PhD: "Automated methods for determining the characteristic points of
transition temperature for some solids" ("Automatyczne metody określania charakterystycznych
punktów przemian temperaturowych niektórych ciał stałych") - graduated in 2001,
4. Krzysztof Strzecha, PhD: "Statistical pattern recognition methods in the identification and
diagnosis" ("Statystyczne metody rozpoznawania obrazów w identyfikacji i diagnostyce") - graduated
in 2002. Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology,
5. Szymon Grabowski, PhD: "Ensembles of nearest neighbour classifiers" ("Konstrukcja klasyfikatorów
minimalnoodległościowych o strukturze sieciowej") - graduated in 2003. Thesis with distinction
awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering
of the University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Krakow (scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
6. Wojciech Bieniecki, PhD: "New image processing algorithms in computer vision systems for
pathomorphologic diagnostics" ("Nowoczesne algorytmy przetwarzania obrazów w wizyjnych w
systemach komputerowych wspomagających diagnostykę patomorfologiczną")- graduated in 2005.
Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic, Computer
and Control Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology (scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
7. Zofia Stawska, PhD: "Minimum-Distance cascade classifiers and their properties"
("Minimalnoodległościowe klasyfikatory kaskadowe i ich właściwości") – graduated in 2006 (scientific
8. Radosław Wajman, PhD: "New image reconstruction method for capacitance process tomography"
("Modyfikacja algorytmów rekonstrukcji obrazów dla potrzeb pojemnościowej tomografii
procesowej") – graduated in 2006. Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of
Electrical and Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology
(scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
9. Sławomir Jeżewski PhD: "Model of high-temperature lighting for image processing of samples of
the border between the solid and liquid phases" ("Model oświetlenia wysokotemperaturowego w
zagadnieniach przetwarzania obrazu próbek na granicy fazy stałej i ciekłej") – graduated in 2006.
Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic, Computer
and Control Engineering of the University of Science and Technology AGH in Krakow (scientific field
10. Zbigniew Chaniecki PhD: "Algorithms of data processing and analysis in electrical capacitance
tomography for diagnosis of selected industrial processes" ("Algorytmy przetwarzania i analizy
danych pomiarowych elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej w diagnostyce wybranych procesów
przemysłowych") – graduated in 2006. Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of
Electrical and Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology
(scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
11. Krzysztof Grudzień PhD: "Algorithms and vision data processing in process tomography systems
for selected industrial processes" ("Algorytmy i przetwarzanie informacji wizyjnej w systemach
tomografii procesowej dla wybranych procesów przemysłowych") – graduated in 2007. Thesis with
distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic, Computer and Control
Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology (scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
12. Robert Banasiak PhD: "3D visualization algorithms in industrial electrical process tomography
systems" ("Algorytmy wizualizacji 3D w przemysłowych systemach elektrycznej tomografii
procesowej") – graduated in 2007. Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of
Electrical and Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology
(scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
13. Anna Fabijańska PhD: "Image enhancement algorithms for high-temperature measurements of
physicochemical properties of selected metals and alloys" ("Algorytmy poprawy jakości obrazów w
wysokotemperaturowych pomiarach właściwości fizyko-chemicznych wybranych metali i stopów") –
graduated in 2007 (scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
14. Andrzej Romanowski PhD: "Spatial and temporal modelling algorithms for electrical capacitance
tomography data processing" ("Zastosowanie systemów tomografii procesowej do czasowego i
przestrzennego modelowania zjawisk fizycznych") – graduated in 2008. Thesis with distinction
awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering
of the Lodz University of Technology (scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
15. Tomasz Koszmider PhD: "An integrated computer system for the measurement of geometric
features of metals and their alloys samples performed at high temperatures" ("Zintegrowany system
komputerowy do pomiarów cech geometrycznych próbek metali i ich stopów wykonywany w
wysokich temperaturach") – graduated in 2009 (scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
16. Dominika Lisiak-Felicka PhD: "IT projects in management of local government administration
units" ("Projekty informatyczne w zarządzaniu jednostkami administracji samorządowej") –
graduated in 2012.
17. Bartosz Matusiak PhD: "Parallel computing algorithms using graphics processing units (GPU) for
processing and visualization of measurement data from industrial process tomography systems"
("Algorytmy obliczeń równoległych z użyciem procesorów graficznych (GPU) do przetwarzania
i wizualizacji danych pomiarowych z przemysłowych systemów tomograficznych”) - graduated in
2013. Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic,
Computer and Control Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology (scientific field COMPUTER
18. Michał Postolski PhD: “Discrete topology and geometry algorithms for quantitative human airway
trees analysis based on computed tomography images”. („Algorytmy topologii i geometrii dyskretnej
do ilościowej analizy drzew oskrzelowych człowieka na podstawie obrazów tomografii
komputerowej”) - graduated in 2013. Thesis with distinction awarded by the Board of the Faculty of
Electrical and Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology
(scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE)
19. Paweł Kapusta PhD: „Algorytmy równoległego przetwarzania danych pomiarowych i obrazów w
wybranych systemach tomografii przemysłowej” - graduated in 2014 (scientific field COMPUTER
20. Łukasz Jopek PhD: „Segmentation algorithms for X-ray microtomography images of titanium
alloys” („Algorytmy segmentacji rentgenowskich obrazów mikrotomograficznych stopów tytanu”)graduated in 2014 (scientific field COMPUTER SCIENCE),
21. Maciej Łaski PhD: „Design of distributed real-time systems for autonomous mobile platform
using AADL Methodology” („Metodyka AADL projektowania rozproszonych systemów czasu
rzeczywistego w autonomicznej platformie mobilnej”)
6. Reviewer of PhD theses or participation in DSc (“habilitation”) granting or professorship:
Reviewer of 2 PhD theses defended abroad:
1. MIN YANG: "Development of New generation electric al capacitance tomography system and
application for milk flow metering". Defended at the University of Manchester in 2007,
2. YI LI: "Key issues of 2D/3D image reconstruction in electrical tomography". Defended at the
University of Manchester in 2008.
Reviewer of 13 PhD theses defended in Poland, 9 of them relate to the Computer Science Field:
1. Mariusz Jarocki MSc: "The concept and implementation of the multi- layer operating system"
("Koncepcja i konstrukcja warstwowego systemu operacyjnego"). Defended at the Institute of
Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Warsaw, in 2000,
2. Marcin Daniel MSc: "Computer aided modelling and design of the silicon microsystems using high
level languages VHDL-AMS" ("Komputerowe modelowanie i projektowanie mikrosystemów
krzemowych w językach wysokiego poziomu VHDL–AMS"). Defended at the Lodz University of
Technology, in 2003,
3. Ewa Raj MSc: "Micro-channel liquid cooling systems for integrated electronic systems"
("Mikrokanałowe chłodzenie cieczowe w zintegrowanych systemach elektronicznych"). Defended at
the Lodz University of Technology, in 2004,
4. Michał Szermer MSc: "Modelling and design of analog-digital processing units with particular
attention put on data rate in silicon microsystems" ("Modelowanie oraz projektowanie układów
przetwarzania analogowo-cyfrowego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem szybkości transmisji danych w
mikrosystemach krzemowych"). Defended at the Lodz University of Technology, in 2004,
5. Magdalena Stasiak MSc: "Identification of the interior of 3D-objects using impedance
tomography" ("Identyfikacja wnętrza obiektów trójwymiarowych metodą tomografii
impedancyjnej"). Defended at the Lodz University of Technology, in 2005,
6. Marcin Smolira MSc: "The computer aided system for automated selection of measurement
parameters for a mass spectrometer" ("System komputerowy wspomagający automatyzację i dobór
parametrów pomiarowych spektrometru mas"). Defended at the Technical University of Silesia, in
7. Agnieszka Dąbrowska MSc: "Implementation of MPEG-2 image codec in FPGA, fulfilling the realtime requirements" ("Implementacja w układach FPGA kodeka obrazów w standardzie MPEG-2
spełniającego wymogi czasu rzeczywistego"). Defended at the University of Science and Technology
(AGH), in 2007,
8. Maciej Stopczyk MSc: "Optimization methods for machinery and equipment repair policy using
Markov processes and stochastic optimization algorithms" ("Metody optymalizacji polityki
remontowej maszyn i urządzeń przy użyciu procesów Markowa i algorytmów optymalizacji
stochastycznej"). Defended at the Lodz University of Technology, in 2007,
9. Mateusz Orzechowski MSc: "Studies on the quantitative assessment of brain perfusion with
dynamic CT examinations" ("Badania nad ilościową oceną perfuzji tkanki mózgowej z wykorzystaniem
dynamicznych badań tomograficznych"). Defended at the Warsaw University of Technology, in 2008,
10. Wojciech Zabierowski MSc: "Comparative study of the effectiveness of automatic harmonization
of music in relation to the formal rules of tonal harmony" ("Studium komparatywne efektywności
metod automatycznej harmonizacji w muzyce w odniesieniu do formalnych zasad harmonii
tonalnej"). Defended at the Lodz University of Technology, in 2008,
11. Marcin Raniszewski MSc: "Strong reduction and editing methods of a reference set for a nearest
neighbour rule" ("Metody silnej redukcji i edycji zbioru odniesienia dla reguły typu najbliższy sąsiad").
Defended at the Lodz University of Technology, in 2009,
12. Agnieszka Janczulewicz MSc: "Analysis of the properties of electro - magnetic tomography
applied for detection of objects hidden in the ground" ("Analiza właściwości tomografii elektryczno –
magnetycznej w zastosowaniu do wykrywania obiektów ukrytych w gruncie"). Defended at the
Gdansk University of Technology, in 2009,
13. Paweł Tadejko MSc: "ECG signal processing techniques applied for automatic detection of heart
disorders" ("Techniki przetwarzania sygnałów EKG dla celów automatycznego wykrywania zaburzeń
pracy serca"). Defended at the Bialystok University of Technology, in 2010.
Reviewer of 4 DSc (“habilitation”) theses:
1. Lech Borowik PhD: "Knowledge acquisition for the diagnosis of selected electro-heat equipment in
passive experiments" ("Pozyskiwanie wiedzy do celów diagnostyki wybranych urządzeń
elektrotermicznych w eksperymentach biernych"). Defended at the Warsaw University of Technology,
in 2004,
2. Marek Gorgoń PhD: "Reconfigurable architectures for image processing and analysis and digital
video decoding" ("Architektury rekonfigurowalne do przetwarzania i analizy obrazu oraz
dekodowania cyfrowego sygnału wideo"). Defended at the University of Science and Technology
(AGH), in Krakow in 2007,
3. Marcin Szpyrka PhD: "Modeling and analysis of embedded systems using RTCP-network"
("Modelowanie i analiza systemów wbudowanych z zastosowaniem RTCP-sieci"). Defended at the
University of Science and Technology (AGH), in Krakow in 2007,
4. Bogusław Cyganek PhD: "Methods and algorithms of object recognition in digital images"("Methods and algorithms of object recognition in digital images") Defended at the University of
Science and Technology (AGH), in Krakow in 2010.
Editorial reviewer of 3 DSc (“habilitation”) theses:
1. Adam Jóźwik PhD "Minimum-Distance and other methods of construction of piecewise linear
classifiers" ("Minimalno-odległościowe i inne metody konstrukcji klasyfikatorów odcinkowoliniowych"). Thesis defended in the Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering,
Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Warsaw, in 2006,
2. Lidia Jackowska–Strumiłło PhD "Modelling and correction of some nonlinear systems using
analytical methods and neural aproximators" ("Modelowanie i korekcja wybranych systemów
nieliniowych z zastosowaniem metod analitycznych i aproksymatorów neuronowych"). Thesis
defended at the Lodz University of Technology, in 2010,
3. Szymon Grabowski PhD "New Algorithms for Exact and Approximate Text Matching". Thesis
defended in the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) in Warsaw, in 2011.
Reviewer of the scientific achievements to confer a title of professorship abroad:
1. Yong Yan Professor, position at Tianjin University, China – 2002,
2. Trevor York PhD, Promotion to the rank of Professor at Dept. of Electrical Engineering &
Electronics UMIST Manchester – 2004,
3. Wuqiang Yang PhD, senior faculty position at the University of North Texas, USA – 2005,
4. Wuqiang Yang Professor, applying for Yangtz River Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University in
China – 2007,
5. Masahiro Takei PhD, recommendation for professor position at Graduate School of Faculty of
Engineering, Chiba University, Japan.
Reviewer of the scientific achievements to confer a title of professorship in Poland:
1. Kazimierz Wiatr - assessment of the scientific, didactic and organisational achievements in the
procedure for awarding the title of professor. The University of Science and Technology (AGH), in
2. Remigiusz Rak – assessment of the scientific, didactic and organisational achievements in the
procedure for awarding the title of professor. The Warsaw University of Technology, in 2003,
3. Waldemar Nawrocki – assessment of the scientific, didactic and organisational achievements in
the procedure for awarding the title of professor. The Poznan University of Technology, in 2005,
4. Roman Wyrzykowski – assessment of the scientific, didactic and organisational achievements in
procedure for awarding the title of professor. The Czestochowa University of Technology, in 2010.
Reviewer of the Associate Professorship:
1. Leszek Borowik: assessment of the scientific, didactic and organisational achievements in the
procedure for awarding the associate professor position at the Czestochowa University of
Technology, in 2005.
7. Participation in the Research Projects:
a. International – Managing the Polish contribution to International Grants:
• "Software Development for Industrial Tomography" No 12463/Regular Budget Fund (RBF) - coordinated Research Project funded by International Atomic Energy Agency from Vienna, concerning
the implementation of two complementary tomographic techniques,
• "Application of tomographic methods for modelling multi-phase flows", Royal Society, UK, grant
with the collaboration of UMIST, Manchester and the University of Leeds, concerning the
implementation of process tomography (2003-2005),
• "Formulation of the software for the GIS 3D systems" Harman Becker – Germany. Collaboration
with the German company in the area of reconstruction of environment models for car navigation
• "Development of Excellence in Non-Invasive Diagnostic System for Industrials and Scientific
Applications" acronym: DENIDIA, 6. PR - Mobility - Marie Curie Host Fellowships for the Transfer of
Knowledge, contract signed with the Commission of the European Communities – Research
Directorate General, MTKD-CT-2006-039546 (2006-2010). At the same time, a project supporting
DENIDIA grant, financed by the Ministry of Science and the Higher Education was also carried out
b. National – Managing Research Projects
• Research Project KBN Nr 8 T10C 024 10: "Development of the automatic constant method of
measurement of the sintering temperature of foundry molding materials" ("Opracowanie
automatycznej ciągłej metody pomiaru temperatury spiekania odlewniczych materiałów
formierskich"), (1996-1997),
• Goal Grant, KBN and OBR-Lumel, Zielona Gora. "A new generation of intelligent industrial
controllers" ("Nowa generacja inteligentnych regulatorów przemysłowych"), (1996-1998),
• Research Project KBN Nr 8 T10C 005 14: "A method for measuring surface tension and wetteability
in high temperatures" ("Metoda automatycznych pomiarów napięcia powierzchniowego i zwilżalności
w wysokich temperaturach"), (1998 - 2000),
The research was based on the analysis of samples’ images captured by a CCD camera, which
observed samples placed inside the oven, where high temperature processes were occurring.
• Research Project KBN Nr 4 T10C 040 22: "Automatic testing of solder used in industry" ("Metoda
oraz model automatycznego testera pomiaru lutowności lutów twardych dla zastosowań
przemysłowych"), (2002 - 2004). Tasks: Evaluation and implementation of algorithms for data
acquisition from the measurement stand. Evaluation and implementation of algorithms for initial
measurement data processing. Evaluation and implementation of the algorithms for real-time
measurement data processing. Evaluation and implementation of the algorithms for oven
temperature measurement and control. Evaluation and implementation of the algorithms for
protective in oven measurement and control. Evaluation and implementation of the software for
planning and performing tests, archiving and visualization of the gathered data and generating
• Development Project Nr 0010/1/R/T00/2008/05: "The autonomous battlefield robot designed for
reconnaissance and mine detection" ("Autonomiczny robot pola walki przeznaczony do zadań zwiadu
i wykrywania min"). Research, which lead to preparation of manufacturing of military reconnaissance
robot for mine detection, (2008-2011).
• Research Project Nr 6489/B/T02/2011/40 "Synthesis of the control algorithm based on fractional
order integrals and derivatives" ("Synteza algorytmu sterowania opartego na niecałkowitych rzędach
całkowania i różniczkowania"), (2011-2013).
Supervisory Grants (KBN):
• Zdzisława Rowińska MSc: "Automated methods for determining the characteristic points of
transition temperature for some solids" ("Automatyczne metody określania charakterystycznych
punktów przemian temperaturowych niektórych ciał stałych"), (1998 - 2001),
• Krzysztof Strzecha MSc: "Statistical pattern recognition methods in the identification and diagnosis"
("Statystyczne metody rozpoznawania obrazów w identyfikacji i diagnostyce"), (1999 - 2002),
• Sławomir Jeżewski MSc: "Model of high-temperature lighting for image processing of samples of
the border between the solid and liquid phases" ("Model oświetlenia wysokotemperaturowego pieca
w zagadnieniach przetwarzania obrazu próbek na granicy fazy stałej i ciekłej"), (2003 –2005),
• Zofia Stawska MSc: "Minimum-Distance cascade classifiers and their properties"
("Minimalnoodległościowe klasyfiaktory kaskadowe i ich właściwości"), (2004 –2006),
• Wojciech Bieniecki MSc: "Advanced image processing algorithms in computer vision systems
supporting the pathological diagnostics" ("Nowoczesne algorytmy przetwarzania obrazów w
wizyjnych systemach komputerowych wspomagających diagnostykę patomorfologiczną"), (2004 –
• Zbigniew Chaniecki MSc: "The application of process tomography in the process diagnostics"
("Zastosowanie tomografii procesowej w diagnostyce procesów"), (2004 –2006).
c. Research implementation in the industry: 12
8. The scientific authority in the Computer Science field
a. elected membership in scientific societies authorities
• President of the Lodz Branch of the Polish Information Processing Society (since 2006),
• Communication Director of the International Society of Industrial Process Tomography (ISIPT)
b. Membership in scientific societies
• Member of American IEEE Computer Society (since 1998)
c. Membership in scientific boards
• Member of the Scientific Board in OBR Lumel, Zielona Gora (since 2003)
• Member of the Scientific Board of College of Social and Media Culture in Torun
d. Participation in the Editorial Committees of Scientific Journals
• International Journal of Information Technology and Intelligent Computing
• Journal of Applied Computer Science Methods
e. Participating in the Conferences Scientific Committees
• Member of the Organizational Committees: International Congresses of Process Tomography in
Banff, Canada (2003), Aizu, Japan (2005), Bergen, Norway (2007), Beijing, China (2010),
• The organiser and the Chairman of the Programme Committee of 3rd International Symposium on
Process Tomography in Poland (September 2004)
• Organisation and leading in the Program Committee of the 6-15 Conference "Network and the IT
systems – theory, implementation projects", Lodz (annually since 1997)
• The organiser and the Chairman of the Program Committee PROCTOM, 5th International
Symposium on Process Tomography (2008)
9. The Reviewer in the Scientific Journals. 30 papers published in the Thomson Scientific Master
Journal List
10. Reviews of the DSc, PhD theses and others
a. Reviewer of monographs:
• "Signal processing systems. Theory and design.", N. Kalouptsidis, A Wiley, New York, 1997
• "Akceleracja obliczeń w systemach wizyjnych." Kazimierz Wiatr, Wydawnictwa NaukowoTechniczne Warszawa 2003
a. Reviewer of successfully completed 7 DSc (“habilitation”) theses ,
b. Reviewer of 15 PhD theses,
c. Reviewer of 5-6 grants, from T10 i T11 sections - annually since 1998,
d. Reviewer of scientific achievements in the procedure for awarding the title of professor: 9 full
professor, 1 associate professor.
11. Session Chairman during the Conferences:
• Chair during international conferences and congresses: Bristol (Great Britain, 1993), Lodz (1997),
Glasgow (Great Britain, 1997), Dubrovnik (Croatia, 2003), Banff (Canada, 2003), Aizu (Japan, 2005),
Bergen (Norway, 2007)
• Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 3rd International Symposium on Process Tomography
in Poland (September 2004)
• Chairman of the session concerning "Software in Process Tomography"
• Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Annual Conference "Network and the IT systems –
theory, implementation projects", (Lodz 2010)
• Co-organiser and the host of Lodz SEP branch competitions (since 1996) for the best computer
programme of grammar school pupils from the Lodz district area,
• Chairman and the host of the national competition for the best computer programme of grammar
school pupils (since 2001),
• Supervisor of the M. Lesniewski’s MSc thesis "Protocol IPv6", which achieved the 1st award (2001)
in the SEP competition for the best MSc thesis,
12. National and International Scientific Awards:
Golden award during the 50th Jubilee Innovation Expo, Brussels-EUREKA for “Computerised System
of THERMO-WET for automatic measurement of the surface tension and wetteability in high
temperatures” (Skomputeryzowany system THERMO-WET do automatycznych pomiarów napięcia
powierzchniowego i zwilżalności w wysokich temperaturach), (2002),
Diploma of the Ministry of Science and KBN President for innovation activities, (2002),
Award GENIUS’2002 on the Innovation Expo in Budapest for THERMO-WET automatic measurement
system of the surface tension and wetteability in high temperatures, (2002),
Silver Special Award SIMP for the industrial activities in the region, (2002),
Silver Cross of Merit, (1994),
Golden Cross of Merit, (2001),
Silver (1997) and Golden, (2001) Award of the Polish Electric Society (SEP),
Award of the National Education Commission, (2003),
Golden award with a distinction on the 53rd International Expo of Inventory, Research, and New
Eureka Technologies, Brussels, (2004),
Special Award of the Prime Minister of Belgium on the 53rd International Expo of Inventory,
Research, and New Eureka Technologies, Brussels, (2004),
Special Award of the Patent Department in Macedonia on the 53rd International Expo of Inventory,
Research, and New Eureka Technologies, Brussels, (2004),
Belgian Cavalier Cross – Merite de I’ Invention for the involvement in Inventions, (2004),
Prize of the Minister of Education and Information Technology for the project “High temperature
brazeability tester for industrial applications” („Wysokotemperaturowy tester lutów twardych do
zastosowań przemysłowych”), (2005),
Grand Prix on the 8th International Show of Industrial Property ARCHIMEDES’2005 in Moscow for the
device: “High temperature brazeability tester” („Wysokotemperaturowy tester lutowności”), (2005),
Diploma and the Special Ministry of Education and IT Award for the innovation activities of the
device: “High temperature brazeability tester” („Wysokotemperaturowy tester lutowności”), (2005),
LODZ” 2004 for “High
(„Wysokotemperaturowy tester lutowności”), (2005),
Golden Award on the International Innovation Show CONCOURSE LEPINE-2005 in Paris, (2005),
Golden Award for the International Innovation Show in Gdansk “Process Tomography System for the
Industrial Applications” (“System tomografii procesowej do zastosowań przemysłowych”), (2005),
Golden Award on the 54th International Expo of Inventory, Research, and New Eureka Technologies
2005 Brussels, for the device: “Process Tomography System for the Industrial Applications” („System
tomografii procesowej do zastosowań przemysłowych”), (2005),
Tadeusz Sendzimir Special Award of the National Polish Committee of Inventors for the
extraordinary invention achievements and expertise in the area of IT, (2005)
Groszkowski Award, of the Polish Electric Association, (2006),
Special Prize of the Minister of Education for the international inventiony achievement for the
project “Use of the electrical capacitance tomography for the analysis and diagnosis of the dynamic
effects in silos” („Zastosowanie elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej do analizy i diagnostyki
stanów dynamicznych w silosach”), (2006),
Special Award of the Minister of Education for the international inventory achievement for the
project “High temperature welding tester” („Wysokotemperaturowy Analizator Lutowności”), (2006),
Diploma of the Minister of Education for the project “Use of the electrical capacitance tomography
for the analysis and diagnosis of the dynamic effects in silos” („Zastosowanie elektrycznej tomografii
pojemnościowej do analizy i diagnostyki stanów dynamicznych w silosach”), (2006),
Diploma of the Minister of High Education for the project “High temperature brazeability tester”
(„Wysokotemperaturowy Analizator Lutowności”), (2006),
Golden Award on the International Inventory Show, Seoul, South Korea for the project “Use of the
electrical capacitance tomography for the analysis and diagnosis of the dynamic effects in silos”
(„Zastosowanie elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej do analizy i diagnostyki stanów
dynamicznych w silosach”), (2006),
Golden Award on the International Inventory Show, Seoul, South Korea for the project “High
temperature brazeability tester” („Wysokotemperaturowy Analizator Lutowności”), (2006),
Prize of the of the Minister of High Education for the international inventory achievements, (2007),
Silver Prize on the International Inventory Show IWIS 2007, Warsaw, for the project “Visual system
for analysis of geometric sample metals and their characteristics at high temperatures” (”System
wizyjny do analizy geometrycznych cech próbek metali i ich stopów w wysokich temperaturach”),
Silver Prize on the International Inventory Show IWIS 2007, Warsaw, for the project “3 Dimensional
tomography of industrial granular flow” („Trójwymiarowa tomografia przepływu grawitacyjnego
granulatów przemysłowych”), (2007),
Special Award on the International Inventory Show Taipei, Taiwan for the project “Electrical
capacitance tomography system for 3D visualization of industrial processes” („System elektrycznej
tomografii pojemnościowej do trójwymiarowej wizualizacji materiałów sypkich w środowisku
przemysłowym.”), (2007),
The award of Professor Honoris Causa of National Finance Academy in Lviv, (2007),
Golden Award at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Investigations and New Technologies
Eureka 2007 in Brussels for the device “3 Dimensional tomography of industrial granular flow”
(„Trójwymiarowa tomografia przepływu grawitacyjnego granulatów przemysłowych”), (2007),
Silver Award at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Innovation in Technologies – ITEX 2008,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (2008),
Golden Award at the International Warsaw Invention Show, Warsaw, in the category: Electronic and
Computer Science as an invention: A self-reconfiguring vision system for a quantitative analysis of
images presenting heat-emitting objects, (2006),
Golden Award (awarded by South-Pacific Innovation Transfer Society Australia) at the International
Exhibition of a New Idea Products and Technologies ARCA for “The vision system for analysis of
geometric features of metals and alloys samples at high temperatures” („System wizyjny do analizy
cech geometrycznych próbek metali i ich stopów w wysokich temperaturach”), Zagreb, Croatia (2008),
Golden Award (awarded by ARCA) at the International Exhibition of a New Idea Products and
Technologies ARCA for the “The vision system for analysis of geometric features of metals and alloys
samples at high temperatures” („System wizyjny do analizy parametrów geometrycznych próbek
metali i ich stopów w wysokich temperaturach”), Zagreb, Croatia (2008),
Silver Award at the International Exhibition of a New Idea Products and Technologies ARCA for the
“Computer aided system for optimization of web content for visually impaired people”
(„Wspomagany komputerowo system optymalizacji zawartości stron internetowych pod kątem osób
niepełnosprawnych wzrokowo”), Zagreb, Croatia (2008),
The 1st prize - at the International Exhibition of a New Idea Products and Technologies ARCA for the
„3-Dimensional tomography of industrial granular flow”, Zagreb, Croatia (2008),
Golden Award on the International Exhibition of Inventions INST for the idea "Self re-configuring
video system for quantitative analysis of images of objects emitting thermal radiation" („Samorekonfigurujący system wizyjny do analizy ilościowej obrazów przedstawiających obiekty emitujące
promieniowanie termiczne”),Taipei (2008),
Special Award – Iranian Elite Academy z Iranu na 10 Międzynarodowych Targach Wynalazków i
Techniki za “The vision system for analysis of geometric features of metals and alloys samples at high
temperatures” („System wizyjny do analizy cech geometrycznych próbek metali i ich stopów w
wysokich temperaturach”), Taipei (2008),
Golden Award from Taiwan Committee of Inventors for the idea „High temperature brazeability
tester”, Taipei (2008),
Golden Award on 6th International Exhibition of Inventions - New Techniques and Products for „High
temperature brazeability tester”, Suzhou, China (2008),
Golden Award on 6th International Exhibition of Inventions - New Techniques and Products for
„3-Dimensional tomography of industrial granular flow” Suzhou, China (2008),
Silver Award on 6th International Exhibition of Inventions - New Techniques and Products for “The
vision system for analysis of geometric features of metals and alloys samples at high temperatures”
(„System wizyjny do analizy cech geometrycznych próbek metali i ich stopów w wysokich
temperaturach”), Suzhou, China (2008),
Bronze Award at the International Exhibition of Inventions and a New Technologies INVENTIKA for
the „3-Dimensional tomography of industrial granular flow” Bucharest, Romania (2008),
Golden Award at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Researchers and a New
Technologies "BRUSSELS INNOVA" 2008 for the idea of “The use of non-invasive ECT tomography for
the description of states of granular materials during discharge of industrial tanks” („Zastosowanie
bezinwazyjnej tomografii ECT w celu opisu stanów materiałów sypkich podczas procesu opróżniania
zbiorników przemysłowych”), Brussels, (2008),
Silver Award at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Researchers and a New
Technologies "BRUSSELS INNOVA" for the idea of “An innovative method for improving the image
resolution of electrical capacitance tomography” („Nowatorska metoda poprawy rozdzielczości
obrazu elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej”), (2008),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project „3-Dimensional
tomography of industrial granular flow”, (2008),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project “The vision system
for analysis of geometric features of metals and alloys samples at high temperatures” („Wizyjny
system do analizy cech geometrycznych próbek metali i ich stopów w wysokich temperaturach”),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project „High temperature
brazeability tester”, (2009),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project „3-Dimensional
tomography of industrial granular flow”, (2009),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project “An innovative
method for improving the image resolution of electrical capacitance tomography” („Nowatorska
metoda poprawy rozdzielczości obrazu elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej”), (2009),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project “The use of noninvasive ECT tomography for the description of states of granular materials during discharge of
industrial tanks” („Zastosowanie bezinwazyjnej tomografii ECT w celu opisu stanów materiałów
sypkich podczas procesu opróżniania zbiorników przemysłowych”), (2009),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project "Self re-configuring
video system for quantitative analysis of images of objects emitting thermal radiation" („Samorekonfigurujący system wizyjny do analizy ilościowej obrazów przedstawiających obiekty emitujące
promieniowanie termiczne”), (2009),
Distinction „ŁÓDZKIE EUREKA” 2009 for team supervised by Professor Dominik Sankowski for the
project: “Application of 3-Dimensional tomography in non-invasive diagnosis of some industrial
processes“ („Zastosowanie trójwymiarowej tomografii w bezinwazyjnej diagnostyce wybranych
procesów przemysłowych”), (2009),
Golden Award with Distinction at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and
New Technologies "BRUSSELS EUREKA" salon INNOVA 2009 for the idea of “An automated system for
determining the surface tension of liquid metals using the bubble maximum pressure method"
(„Zautomatyzowany system wyznaczania napięcia powierzchniowego ciekłych metali metodą
maksymalnego ciśnienia w pęcherzyku”), (2009),
Distinction at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and a New Technologies
"BRUSSELS EUREKA" salon INNOVA 2009 by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Innovation for
the idea of “An automated system for determining the surface tension of liquid metals using the
bubble maximum pressure method" („Zautomatyzowany system wyznaczania napięcia
powierzchniowego ciekłych metali metodą maksymalnego ciśnienia w pęcherzyku”), (2009),
Golden Award at the International Exhibition of Inventions, Scientific Research and a New
Technologies "BRUSSELS EUREKA" salon INNOVA 2009 awarded by International Salon of Inventions
and New Technologies „New Time” (Sevastopol, Ukraine) for the idea of “An automated system for
determining the surface tension of liquid metals using the bubble maximum pressure method"
(„Zautomatyzowany system wyznaczania napięcia powierzchniowego ciekłych mtali metodą
maksymalnego ciśnienia w pęcherzyku”), (2009),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the International Invention
Achievements (2010),
Golden Award acquired at the International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2010 for the idea of
“Electrical capacitance tomography sensors for liquid flow measurement” („Czujniki specjalnej
konstrukcji dla elektrycznych tomografów pojemnościowych do pomiaru przepływów cieczy”), (2010),
Golden Award acquired at the International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2010 for the idea of
"Emergency vehicles in traffic alarms detection system" („System wykrywania sygnałów alarmowych
pojazdów uprzywilejowanych w ruchu ulicznym”), (2010),
Silver Award acquired at the International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2010 for the idea of “The
optimization system of electronic content for visually impaired people” („System optymalizacji treści
elektronicznych dla potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych wzrokowo”), (2010),
Silver Award acquired at the International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2010 for the idea of
“Detection method of emergency air transport state by application of electrical capacitance
tomography with direct-measurement data processing” („Metoda wykrywania awaryjnego
zachowania procesu transportu pneumatycznego z użyciem elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej
przy wykorzystaniu bezpośredniego przetwarzania danych pomiarowych”), (2010),
Golden Award acquired at the International Exhibition of Inventions IWIS 2010 for the idea of
“Acceleration system for 3D industrial tomography visualization using distributed computing in
heterogeneous environments” („System akceleracji procesu wizualizacji dla potrzeb tomografii
przemysłowej 3D z wykorzystaniem obliczeń w rozproszonych środowiskach heterogenicznych”),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project “Electrical
capacitance tomography sensors for liquid flow measurement” („Czujniki specjalnej konstrukcji dla
elektrycznych tomografów pojemnościowych do pomiaru przepływów cieczy”), (2011),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project “Detection method of
emergency air transport state by application of electrical capacitance tomography with directmeasurement data processing” („Metoda wykrywania awaryjnego zachowania procesu transportu
pneumatycznego z użyciem elektrycznej tomografii pojemnościowej przy wykorzystaniu
bezpośredniego przetwarzania danych”), (2011),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project “The optimization
system of electronic content for visually impaired people” („System optymalizacji treści
elektronicznych dla potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych wzrokowo”), (2011),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project "Emergency vehicles
in traffic alarms detection system" („System wykrywania sygnałów alarmowych pojazdów
uprzywilejowanych w ruchu ulicznym”), (2011),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project: “Acceleration system
for 3D industrial tomography visualization using distributed computing in heterogeneous
environments” („System akceleracji procesu wizualizacji dla potrzeb tomografii przemysłowej 3D z
wykorzystaniem obliczeń w rozproszonych środowiskach heterogenicznych”), (2011),
Golden Award achieved at the 2nd International Computer Competition in Taiwan for the idea of
„Emergency vehicles in traffic alarms detection system” („System automatycznego wykrywania
pojazdów uprzywilejowanych w ruchu miejskim”), (2011),
Silver Award achieved at the 2nd International Computer Competition in Taiwan for the idea of „A
method for measuring component fractions in a multi-phase flow” („Metoda pomiaru frakcji faz w
rurociągach z przepływami wielofazowymi”), (2011),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education 1st class for the education of national
team (2011),
The Diploma from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the project „A method and
device for measuring component fractions in a multi-phase flow” („Sposób i urządzenie do pomiaru
frakcji składników w przepływie wielofazowym”), (2012),
The Lodz City Award for the extraordinary achievements in the scientific, artistic or social area
13. Key Publications
1. Sankowski D. “The application of PRBS signals for identification of electroheat objects”
(“Zastosowanie sygnałów PRBS do identyfikacji obiektów elektrotermicznych”), PhD thesis defended
with distinction the Lodz University of Technology, (1979)
2. Sankowski D. “Application of multi-frequency binary signals (MBS) for on-line identification of
resistance heating devices” (“Wykorzystanie wieloczęstotliwościowych sygnałów binarnych (MBS) do
identyfikacji ‘on-line’ rezystancyjnych urządzeń grzejnych”), (DSc - „habilitation”, 1989)
3. Sankowski D. “On-line identification of resistance heating devices by the multi-frequency binary
signals (MBS) method” (“Identyfikacja „On-line” obiektów elektrotermicznych metodą
wieloczęstotliwościowych sygnałów binarnych”), (1987),
4. Sankowski D., Sikora J. “Electrical Capacitance Tomography. Theoretical Basis and Applications”
Electrotechnical Institute, Warsaw 2010,
5. Sankowski D., Romanowski A. “Computer Science and Education” (“Informatyka i Edukacja”), Lodz
University of Technology Monographs, (2010),
6. Sankowski D., Mosorow W., Strzecha K. “Image processing and analysis in industrial systems”
(“Przetwarzanie i analiza obrazów w systemach przemysłowych”), Warsaw, PWN (2011).
Chapters in Monographs
1. Wajman Radosław, Sankowski Dominik: Sensitivity analysis for Capacitance Tomography, in:
Electrical Capacitance Tomography. Theoretical Basis and Applications. Warsaw: 2010, s.108-117
2. Sankowski Dominik: “Education and Science in the Knowledge Based Economy” (“Edukacja i
nauka w Gospodarce Opartej na Wiedzy”), in: Computer Science and Education, Lodz (2010), pp.9-26,
3. Włodarczyk Jarosław, Sankowski D., Lewandowski S.: A reconstruction algorithm for dual modality
tomography, in: Some Aspects of Computer Science. Warsaw, (2011), pp.114-121,
4. Lewandowski Sławomir, Sankowski Dominik, Włodarczyk Jarosław: New approach to image
reconstruction for gamma-ray tomography, in: Some Aspects of Computer Science. Warsaw, (2011),
Papers in the Thomson Scientific Master Journal List (Philadelphia List)
1. McGhee J., I. Henderson, Sankowski D.(1986): "Functions and structures in measuring systems: A
system engineering context for instrumentation". Measurements 4, pp 111-119
2. Mc Ghee J., I. A.Henderson, Sankowski D. (1991): Electronics and computers in thermal systems:
Reviewing current trends. Trans Inst MC. Vol.13.No 2.London. pp. 75-90
3. W. Łobodziński, D. Sankowski, J. Kucharski (1995): Start-up identification of electric resistance
furnaces. Elektrowärme International, Essen.pp B43
4. Jackowska-Strumiłło L. Sankowski D., McGhee J. Henderson I.: (1996) Simulation of the RTD
dynamics using MBS testing. SAMS, Vol.24, pp 43-52., Overseas Publishers Association, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
5. Sankowski D. Kucharski J. Łobodziński W. (1997): Auto-tuning temperature control using
identification by MBS. IEE Proc.- Control Theory Appl.Vol.144 No 3. May 1997 pp. 233-240
6. Jackowska-Strumiłło L., Sankowski D., McGhee J. Henderson I.(1997): Modelling and MBS
experimentation for temperature sensors. Measurement Journal of the International Measurement
Confederation. UK Vol. 20 , pp 49-60
7. Mosorov V., Sankowski D., Mazurkiewicz Ł., Dyakowski T., (2002) The 'best - correlated pixels'
method for solid mass flow measurements using electrical capacitance tomography, Measurement
Science and Technology, 13, pp. 1810-1814
8. Sankowski D., review of book: Signal processing systems. Theory and design., N. Kalouptsidis, A
Wiley - Interscience Publication, New York, 1997, pp. XXI+840, ISBN 0-471-11220-8., Int. J. Adapt.
Control Signal Process., 2003; 17, pp. 262-263
9. Chaniecki Zbigniew, Dyakowski Tomasz, Niedostatkiewicz M, Sankowski Dominik: Application of
Electrical Capacitance Tomography for Bulk Solids Flow Analysis in Silos. Particle & Particle Systems
Characterization., 2006, vol. 23, no. 3-4, pp. 306-312, ISSN: 0934-0866
10. Dyakowski Tomasz, Johansen G.A., Hjertaker B.T., Sankowski Dominik, Mosorow Włodzimierz: A
Dual Modality Tomography System for Imaging Gas/Solids Flow. Particle & Particle Systems
Characterization., 2006, vol. 23, no. 3-4, p. 260-260, ISSN: 0934-0866
11. Wajman Radosław, Banasiak Robert, Mazurkiewicz Łukasz, Dyakowski Tomasz, Sankowski
Dominik: Spatial imaging with 3D capacitance measurements. Measurement Science and
Technology, 2006, vol. 17, no. , pp. 2113-2118, ISSN: 0957-0233
12. Wajman Radosław, Banasiak Robert, Mazurkiewicz Łukasz, Sankowski Dominik: Reply to
comments on Spatial imaging with 3D capacitance measurements Measurement Science and
Technology, 2007, vol. 18, no. 11 , pp. 3668-3670(3), ISSN: 0957-0233
13. Grudzień Krzysztof, Romanowski Andrzej, Sankowski Dominik, Williams R.: Gravitational Granular
Flow Dynamics Study Based on Tomographic Data Processing. Particulate science and technology,
2008, vol. 26, no. 1, p. 67-82
14. Fabijańska Anna, Sankowski Dominik: Computer vision system for high temperature
measurements of surface properties. Machine vision and applications, 2008
15. Fabijańska Anna, Sankowski Dominik: Improvement of the image qality of a high-temperature
vision system. Measurement Science & Technology, 2009, vol. 20, no. 10, p. 1-9
16. Banasiak R., Wajman R., Sankowski D., Soleimani M., Three-dimensional nonlinear inversion of
electrical capacitance tomography data using a complete sensor model, Progress In Electromagnetics
Research PIER, 100, (2010), p. 219-234
17. Grudzień Krzysztof, Romanowski Andrzej, Chaniecki Zbigniew, Niedostatkiewicz M, Sankowski
Dominik: Description of the silo flow and bulk solid pulsation detection using ECT. Flow
measurement and instrumentation, 2010, no. 21, p. 198-206
18. Liu Zhijian, Babout Laurent, Banasiak Robert, Sankowski Dominik: Effectiveness of rotatable
sensor to improve image accuracy of ECT system. Flow measurement and instrumentation, 2010, vol.
, no. 21, p. 219-227
19. Mosorow Włodzimierz, Johansen G.A., Maad R., Sankowski Dominik: Monte Carlo simulation for
multi-channel gamma-ray process tomography. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2011, vol.
22, no., p. 1-10
20. Grudzień Krzysztof, Chaniecki Zbigniew, Romanowski Andrzej, Niedostatkiewicz M, Sankowski
Dominik: ECT Image analysis methods for shear zone Measurements during silo discharging process.
Chinese journal of chemical engineering, 2012, vol. 20, no. 2, p. 337-345
February 2015

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