St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church


St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church
St. Ferdinand Church
Rectory: 5900 W. Barry Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634
(773) 622-5900
March 11, 2007
Photo by Romuald Gluch
Third Sunday of Lent
Page Two
Third Sunday of Lent
Mass Intentions
MONDAY, Lenten Weekday
7:00 AM— Anna Urynowicz
rq. Leo & Louise Golemo
8:00 AM—Special Intention
7:00 PM— Mass in Polish
TUESDAY, Lenten Weekday, St. Joseph
7:00 AM— Joseph Wolszczak (on B-Day and Name’s
Day) rq. Wife Veronica and Family
8:00 AM— Mary Larson rq. Dolores Ladisa
7:00 PM— Mass in Polish
WEDNESDAY, Lenten Weekday
7:00 AM— Ann Rojek rq. Sharon Dillon
8:00 AM— Darius Gordon rq. Audrey Janik
7:00 PM—Mass in Polish
THURSDAY, Lenten Weekday
7:00 AM—People of St. Ferdinand
8:00 AM— Jadwiga Ferenc 3rd Anniversary
rq. Son Andrzej and Family
7:00 PM— Mass in Polish
FRIDAY, Lenten Weekday
7:00 AM—Special Intention
8:00 AM—Special Intention
1:30 PM—Stations of the Cross with children in
5:30 PM—Stations of the Cross in English
7:00 PM—Stations of the Cross in Polish
SATURDAY, Lenten Weekday, St. Patrick
7:00 AM— Mass in Polish
8:00 AM— Leon Kolaski rq. Charles McClland Jr.
Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Lent
5:00 PM— John Lucas rq. G. Norkiewicz
SUNDAY, Fourth Sunday of Lent
7:00 AM— Mass in Polish
8:30 AM— Tom Fahey rq. Jeff and Kathy Aloisio
10:30 AM—(Chapel) Neil Sweeney rq. Proctor Family
10:45 AM— Józef Kulesza w 3 miesiące po śmierci;
Antoni Król
12:30 PM—People of St. Ferdinand
2:00 PM—Lenten Lamentation in Polish
3:00 PM—o zdrowie, bł. Boże oraz potrzebne łaski dla
Ireny i Dariusza
5:00 PM—People of St. Ferdinand
6:30 PM— Mass in Polish
March 11, 2007
The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:
Lucy Benigno & Rosalie Ponticelli
Alex Ladisa
Exposition of the Blessed
Is held each Thursday following the 8:00
a.m. Mass until 6:45 p.m. Consider
spending a few quiet moments with Our
Lord in the Eucharist.
Attention All Bakers!
Please help provide baked goods
for our St. Joseph Day Sweet Table,
hosted by the Fish Fry, in McManus
Hall on Friday, March 16th. We are expecting over 700 guests.
Not a baker?
Fresh fruit, nuts, mints, candies, etc.
are also a welcomed addition.
Donations of baked goods can be dropped off at the
school office 8:00 am till 2:15 pm on Friday March 16th.
After 2:15 pm please bring donations to McManus Hall.
There will be a free will offering.
All proceeds go to the poor.
A Prayer for the Armed Forces
Almighty God, stretch forth Your mighty arm to
strengthen and protect the men and women of our Armed
Forces. As they face the myriad of challenges and decisions that each day is destined to bring, may they be anchored by their faith, protected by Your presence and
comforted by the knowledge that they are loved by You
and by this community of faith. Grant that, meeting danger with courage, and all occasions with discipline and
loyalty, they may truly serve the cause of justice and
peace to the honor of your holy name, through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen
May God keep you safe!
Daniel Guziec
We would like to keep those parishioners
who are serving in the military in our
prayers. Please print the name of your loved
one’s, tilted “A Prayer for the Armed
Forces” and drop in the collection basket or
bring to the Rectory.
March 11, 2007
Third Sunday of Lent
Page Three
Remember in Prayer
As members of the parish faith community, it is
our responsibility to remember both in concrete
and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate
with us each week because they are ill. Those who
are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers
and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings
because of their remembering us. And so...please remember in your prayers:
Tom Anastos
Thomas D. Angarola
Joseph Balicki
Isabell Beyer
Stephanie Bosco
Alba Jennie Burroughs
Barbara Bush
Benito Cabanin
Sharon Carr
Mary Cleary
Anna Diks
Anna Dobjan
Marye Dorgan
Honor Draftz
Paul Duda
Ramona Duran
Lillian Dziedzic
Marie Fitzgibbons
Alice Flannagan
Joseph Gagliano
Anetka Gałas
Marilyn Gibbons
Fatima Gomez
Bob Greenberg
Sam Grisanti
James Gruber
Ben Guttiula
Mary Hain
Dcn. Irwin Hotcaveg
Margery Janz
Janina Jaromińska
Loretta Kamienski
Catherine Keeler
Madeline Kocinski
Tad Koziol
Peter Lach
June Landers
James Lamberti
Helen Lipski
Sam LoDolce
Netta Lohrmann
Amado Lopez
Eleanor Loscuito
Elizabeth Ann Maher
Susan Maher
Mary Manieri
Florance Magro
Gianni Marconi
Ann Monardo
Emilia Moreno
Kathleen Nemec
Rose Nygren
Leslie May O’Brien
Iris Otto
Patrick Pennington
Artur Pęza
Ed Pfeiffer
Francis Pinello
Marjorie Pisani
Jean Pudlo
Roseann Regan
Irene Rowe
James Rowe, Sr.
Consuelo Salinas
Alicia Schippits
Helen Schmitz
Ted Schulten
Gerry Simonek
Casmira Skripkus
George Smolen
Bill Smyczynski
Raymundo Soriano, Sr.
Tony Spano
Jim Steinhable
Estelle Stybur
Minerva Watson
Julia Wawrzyniak
Bernice Zajac
Anna Zatłoka
All Fridays of Lent are Days of Abstinence from meat.
Stations of the Cross
All Fridays of Lent
1:30 pm with the School Children — Church
5:30 pm —Church
Lenten Lamentations
All Sundays of Lent
2:00 pm in Polish — Church
Every Saturday of Lent
4:15 — 4:45 pm
Fish Fry
All Fridays of Lent
4:30 — 7:30 pm in McManus and Canning Hall
Soup and …
All Wednesdays of Lent
11:30 am in the Convent
Parish Reconciliation Service
April 2nd at 6:00 pm in the Church
SOUP and …
Every Wednesdays in Lent. Please join us
on Wednesday, March 14th at 11:30 am in the Convent Dining Room. Come spend an enjoyable afternoon with us.
Please RSVP by Monday, March 12.
By calling COR’s office at 773/622-9732.
Bulletin reminder:
All notices for the March 18 bulletin need to be in the rectory no later than 9 AM on Monday, March
12th. You may bring your bulletin notices to the rectory in an envelope labeled “bulletin”; you may fax
them to 773/622-5903; or you may e-mail them to: [email protected].
Page Four
Third Sunday of Lent
March 11, 2007
Our Financial Support of St. Ferdinand Parish
Second Sunday of Lent, March 4, 2007:
Loose Cash:
$ 7,294.00
$ 3,795.00
$ 11,089.00
Total Contributed at (5) Masses in English:
Total Contributed at (4) Masses in Polish:
Building & Maintenance Fund:
$ 5,917.00
$ 5,172.00
$ 5,636.00
From the Pastor:
As we continue our Lenten reflections on the seven capital or deadly sins, today we focus on avarice and lust.
The word "avarice" comes from the Latin avarus, meaning “greedy" or "to crave." The Catholic Encyclopedia defines avarice as
"the inordinate love for riches. Its special malice, broadly speaking, lies in that it makes the getting and keeping of money, possessions, and the like, a purpose in itself to live for. It does not see that these things are valuable only as instruments for the conduct of
a rational and harmonious life, due regard being paid of course to the special social condition in which one is placed. It is called a
capital vice because it has as its object that for the gaining or holding of which many other sins are committed. More so it should be
dreaded in that it often cloaks itself as a virtue, or insinuates itself under the pretext of making a decent provision for the future. In
so far as avarice is an incentive to injustice in acquiring and retaining of wealth, it is frequently a grievous sin. In itself, however,
and in so far as it implies simply an excessive desire of, or pleasure in, riches, it is commonly not a mortal sin."
In our culture, avarice may take the form of "consumerism." Consumerism is the tendency to buy or consume more than we really
need. Shopping malls are everywhere and they have huge department stores and supermarkets where we can buy almost any item
imaginable. We may buy many of these items more because we want to rather than because we need to do so. We buy the latest
fashions in clothes and shoes, CD's, home furnishings and various knick-knacks and bric-a-brac that fill our homes, then our closets,
basements, attics and garages.
In the Gospel, Jesus was critical of the rich man who built larger grain bins to store up his bountiful harvest for years to
come: "God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life shall be required of you. To whom shall all this piled-up wealth of your
go?' That is the way it works for the man who grows rich for himself instead of growing rich in the sight of God." (Lk 12:20-21)
Before we make that next impulsive purchase and ask ourselves if this is something we really need, or could the money be used for
something more important.
Lust is one of seven deadly sins related with sexual human behavior as adultery, fornication, pornography, prostitution,
rape, homosexuality, masturbation.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that lust is "disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure" (#2351). Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when it is sought for itself, separated from its morally legitimate purposes,
namely, the procreation of children and the expression of marital love between husband and wife.
This sin can be committed in flesh as well as in heart. Jesus says that "if a man lusts after a woman he has already committed adultery in his heart" (Matt. 5:28). Purity of heart is important because our thoughts and desires lead to words, and words lead to actions.
If we want to avoid acting out in ways that are immoral, and if we want to live a life of virtue, the place to start is with the desires of
our hearts.
Ultimately, only the Holy Spirit can satisfy the deepest desires of our heart. It is God's grace that turns our hearts away
from sin and fosters a deep desire and longing only for the Supreme Good. So we have to decide where we want our hearts to be
focused, because "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Matt. 6:21).
I wish you a happy Sunday and a blessed rest of the week.
God bless you!
Fr. Jason Torba
First Things First. First Him then all else!
Stations of the Cross — not everyone can go to the Holy Land and rewalk the steps Jesus took
as part of His Death and Resurrection but all of us are given the gift of the Stations of the Cross at
Our Church. It is a chance to relive what our God did for us then and apply it to what He is doing
for us now. It is a powerful way for us to be in touch with what must be ‘real’ in our Lenten
Journey. Please forgive my directness, but everything else can wait, no excuses; the beer will still
be cold, the fish will still be good, errands for another time.This has traditionally been very well
attended and should remain so. He does not leave us and so we cannot leave Him. 5:30 pm in the
Church, Friday Evening Stations in English — God’s blessings are free, no coupon needed!
March 11, 2007
Third Sunday of Lent
Page Five
March 19th Monday
8:00am Mass & 7:00pm Mass
March 20th Tuesday
8:00am Mass & 7:00pm Mass
March 21st Wednesday 8:00am Mass & 7:00pm Mass
Please join us for the Lenten Mission in English March 19th - 21st. Fr. Gerald Grupczynski will be the celebrant of the
Masses and his homilies will be discussing the issues of being a Christian/ Catholic today: the importance of the sacraments; understanding Christ's message to us in the Gospels; and taking time to let God into our busy lives.
Who is Fr. Gerald R. Grupczynski?
(pronounced: group-chin-ski) Fr. Gerry grew up in Wyandotte, Michigan, a city about 10 miles south of Detroit near
the Canadian border. He graduated from Wayne State University in Detroit in 1979. Fr. Gerry was ordained in Wyandotte, Michigan in 1988 after completing his studies at the Major Seminary of the Society of Christ in Poznan, Poland.
He was assigned as an associate pastor to parishes located in the cities of Toledo, OH, Philadelphia, PA, and Los Angeles, CA. Currently, he is the pastor of Five Holy Martyrs Parish here in Chicago, since 2001.
Why should you come to the English Lenten Mission? Lent is a time to slow down and reflect. Can you do this at
home? Yes, you can, but it is harder. Coming to church allows you to concentrate. It filters out the distractions of
phones, radio and TV.
Church allows you to communicate with God and let Him communicate to you.
Make some quiet time for yourself this Lenten season to reflect on what it means to be a Christian/Catholic in 2007.
Join us for the English Lenten Mission with Fr. Gerry Grupczynski. You’ll be glad you did.
A free will offering will be collected at the Wednesday Masses.
Refreshments will be served:
Wednesday after the 8:00am Mass in Mc Manus Hall
and after the 7:00pm Mass in Canning Hall.
Page Six
Third Sunday of Lent
March 10-11
Third Sunday
of Lent
March 17-18
Fourth Sunday
of Lent
March 11, 2007
March 24-25
Fifth Sunday
of Lent
March 31-April 1
Palm Sunday
L: M. Lucas
L: D. Lasiewicz
L: E. Supan
L: J. Camara
E. Mele
J. Lohrman
C. Szostak
R. Serran
F. Supan
E. Mele
Dcn. R. Weiner
J. Lohrman
C. Szostak
8:30 AM
L: B. Koziol
L: G. DeJesus
L: G. Soberski
L: M. Lucas
Dcn. R. Weiner
R. Barnhart
R. Wenzl
M.A. Barnhart
A. Vaccaro
R. Pasko
M. Chavez
B. Hotcaveg
H. Kanonik
Sr. M. Buckley
R. Barnhart
M.A. Barnhart
T. Kass
J. Evangelista
B. Evangelista
L. Sikorski
R. Pasko
H. Kanonik
S. Kass
No MOC Assigned
R. Clemente
J. Aloisio
M. Pallasch
M. Starsiak
M. Chavez
A. Vaccaro
10:30 AM
L: G. DeJesus
L: A. Steinhable
L: J. McGinniss
L: B. Koziol
K. Aloisio
J. Aloisio
D. Camara
E. Camara
Dcn. R. Weiner
K. Aloisio
D. Charles
S. Hagberg
J. Steinhable
M. McGinniss
A. Cesaroni
D. Camara
E. Camara
G. DeJesus
J. Steinhable
R. Barnhart
M.A. Barnhart
L: M. Griffin
L: J. Zarate
L: M. Lucas
L: A. Steinhable
T. Calcitrai
S. Kass
T. Sobczak
M. Medrano
A. Cazares
F. Mesina
M. Segovia
R. Serran
L: J. Camara
L: I. Beyer
L: T. Sobczak
L: M. Griffin
M. Segovia
D. Pappa
A. Cazares
T. Cazares
M. Vega
M. Segovia
D. Pappa
T. Calcitrai
5:00 PM
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
Possible English as a Second Language (ESL) class beginning end of March. Teachers and students are
needed, to be done in conjunction with Wright College and St. Ferdinand School. For more information
contact Marta or Andrea at 773/622-3022 ext. 300 or 340.
March 11, 2007
Third Sunday of Lent
April 7
Easter Vigil
April 8
Easter Sunday
April 14-15
Second Sunday
of Easter
Page Seven
April 21-22
Third Sunday
of Easter
April 28-29
Forth Sunday
of Easter
L: M. Lucas
L: D. Lasiewicz
L: J. Camara
R. Scarpelli
C. Szostak
E. Mele
R. Scarpelli
J. Lohrman
E. Mele
L: B. Koziol
L: J. McGinniss
L: G. Soberski
L: M. Lucas
Dcn. R. Weiner
R. Barnhart
R. Wenzl
M.A. Barnhart
J. Evangelista
B. Evangelista
R. Pasko
B. Hotcaveg
H. Kanonik
Sr. M. Buckley
M. McGinniss
L. Sikorski
S. Kass
J. Evangelista
B. Evangelista
H. Kanonik
T. Kass
R. Pasko
T. Calcitrai
No MOC Assigned
R. Clemente
J. Aloisio
M. Pallasch
M. Chavez
M. Starsiak
L. Sikorski
10:30 AM
L: A. Steinhable
L: A. Cesaroni
L: G. DeJesus
L: B. Koziol
J. Steinhable
S. Hagberg
J. Aloisio
K. Aloisio
D. Charles
D. Camara
E. Camara
B. Koziol
Dcn. R. Weiner
M. McGinniss
J. McGinniss
A. Cazares
T. Cazares
K. Aloisio
D. Charles
S. Hagberg
A. Cesaroni
L: J. Zarate
L: I. Beyer
L: M. Griffin
L: J. Zarate
M. Medrano
M. Segovia
T. Sobczak
F. Mesina
A. Rabor
E. Rabor
Dcn. R. Weiner
M. Medrano
D. Medrano
L: J. Camara
L: E. Supan
L: J. McGinniss
D. Pappa
T. Cazares
A. Supan
F. Supan
D. Camara
E. Camara
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
and Lectors
to be contacted
by the Scheduler
Easter Triduum
Deadline date for “do not schedule me” — APRIL 18th!
Marian Pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain & France July 19-30, 2007
Bishop Thomas Paprocki will be leading a pilgrimage July 19-30, 2007 to Portugal, Spain and France, including the
Marian Shrines in Fatima and Lourdes, with visits to Salamanca, Avila, Madrid and Paris. Additional participants are
welcome. For more information, contact Tekton Ministries, 910 Oakwood Trail, Indianapolis, IN 46260;
call toll free 866-905-3787; e-mail: [email protected].
Page Eight
Third Sunday of Lent
March 11, 2007
St. Joseph / St Patrick Day
Please join us Friday, March 16th, as we celebrate the Saints.
There will be a special program of musical entertainment as we enjoy our beautiful St. Joseph Sweet Table in McManus Hall.
Breaded Whitefish $5.50
Beer Battered Cod
Breaded Perch
Breaded Shrimp
Above Dinners Include Potatoes, Coleslaw, Bread, Coffee, Tea & Dessert
Baked Un-breaded Tilapia $7.00
Baked Scrod Dinner
A very healthy selection served with a baked
potato, coleslaw, Bread, Coffee, Tea & Dessert
Shrimp Only
Fried Dough
Breaded Cheese Sticks (6) $3.00
Available from the Bar
Soup $1.50
Cheese Pizza Slice $1.50
Whole Pizza $5.00
Domestic Beer $1.50
Imported Beer $2.00
Wine $1.50
Soda $.50
Water $1.00
Dinners are served from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm
in School Hall 3131 N. Mason Ave.
Phone First Carry Out Orders
Taken From 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Call 622-3022
March 11, 2007
Third Sunday of Lent
Page Nine
St. Joseph / St Patrick Day
W piątek 16 marca będziemy świętować imieniny
Św. Józefa i Św. Patryka. Z tej okazji został przygotowany
specjalny program muzyczny i nieodzowny słodki stół
Św. Józefa. Serdecznie zapraszamy.
Panierowana biała ryba $5.50
Panierowany okoń
Dorsz w cieście piwnym
Panierowane krewetki
Każde z powyższych dań jest serwowane z frytkami, surówką, chlebem i deserem.
Pieczona Tilapia (bez paniery)
Zapiekany młody dorsz
Serwowane z pieczonym ziemniakiem, surówką,
chlebem i deserem
Pieczone racuchy $1.50
Panierowane paluszki serowe (6) $3.00
Przy Barze
Zupa $1.50
Piwo krajowe
Pizza (1 kawełek) $1.50
Cała Pizza $5.00
Piwo importowane $2.00
Woda $1.00
Napoje 50¢
Obiady są serwowane od 4:30 do 7:30 PM
w sali McManus Hall—3131 N. Mason Ave.
Zamówienia na wynos przyjmowane są
od 4:00 do 7:00 PM
Po zamówienie dzwoń:
Przyjdź na sale lub podjedź do okienka
Page Ten
Third Sunday of Lent
March 11, 2007
Sprawozdanie finansowe
II Niedziela Postu, 4 Marzec, 2007:
W kopertach:
W gotówce:
$ 7,294.00
$ 3,795.00
$ 11,089.00
Składka niedzielna z (5) angielskich Mszy:
Składka niedzielna z (4) polskich Mszy:
Fundusz Naprawy i Rozbudowy:
$ 5,917.00
$ 5,172.00
$ 5,636.00
Słowo od Proboszcza
Kontynujemy naszą wielkopostną refleksję na temat siedmiu grzechów ciężkich, czyli śmiertelnych. Dzisiaj zwróćmy
uwagę na grzech chciwości i nieczystości.
Słowo „chciwość” pochodzi od łacińskiego słowa avarus, co znaczy rzeczownikowo „zachłanny” lub czasownikowo
„usilnie coś pożądać”. Encyklopedia katolicka definiuje chciwość jako „nadmierne umiłowanie bogactw. Szczególnie ich zło,
ogólnie mówiąc, zakłamanie tkwi w tym co powoduje uzależnienie od pieniędzy, środków materialnych i upodobanie w nich, przez
co stają się one celem życiowym samym w sobie. Wtedy te dobra nie są wartościowe dla człowieka jako środki do prowadzenia
życia rationalnego i harmonicznego w danych warunkach, w których przyszło nam żyć. Dlatego to zachowanie nazywa się wadą
główną, ponieważ jest to przyczyna, która powoduje czynną możliwość do popełniania innych ciężkich grzechów. Tym bardziej
należy obawiać się takiej postawy, która pod pretekstem zabezpieczenia na przyszłość lub starość, zgromadzenia jak najwięcej
rzeczy i dóbr materialnych uważa chciwość jako rodzaj cnoty. Chciwość jest grzechem ciężkim, ponieważ jest pragnieniem do
niesprawiedliwego nabywania i gromadzenia bogactw. Zarówno wada ta sama w sobie jest grzechem, ale także pociąga za sobą
niepohamowane pragnienia i przyjemności, które potocznie nie uważa się za grzechy ciężkie.”
W naszej kulturze, chciwość może także przyjąć formę „konsumpcjonizmu.” Konsumpcjonizm jest tendencją do
kupowania i konsumowania więcej niż rzeczywiście tego potrzebujemy. Wielkie centra handlowe mają tak zorganizowaną sieć
sklepów, że rzeczy są bardzo łatwo dostępne do kupienia, a wręcz powodują w człowieku presję, aby je nabyć. Dlatego często bez
namysłu kupujemy nie dlatego, że jakąś rzecz potrzebujemy, ale dlatego, że ją chcemy. Często kupujemy najnowsze ubrania, buty,
sprzęt elektroniczny, meble oraz inne przedmioty, które potem zalegają w naszych domach, szafach, piwnicach, strychach i
W Ewangelii Jezus skrytykował bogatego człowieka, który zbudował duże spichlerze, aby zgromadzić całe swoje zbiory i
dobra na przyszłe lata: „Bóg rzekł do niego, ‘głupcze, jeszcze tej nocy, zażądają twojej duszy od ciebie. Komu więc przypadnie to,
coś przygotował?’ Tak dzieje się z każdym, kto skarby gromadzi dla siebie, anie jest Bogaty przed Bogiem.” (Łk 12, 20-21)
Przy następnych zakupach zanim podejmiemy decyzję kupienia czegoś pomyślmy najpierw dwa razy i zapytajmy samych siebie,
czy rzeczywiście tę rzecz potrzebujemy, a może by użyć te pieniądze na coś bardziej wartościowego.
Nieczystość jest jednym z siedmiu grzechów ciężkich dotyczącym sfery życia seksualnego człowieka. Związana jest z
wszystkim grzechami cudzołóstwa, rozwięzłości, nierządu, pornografii, prostytucji, homoseksualizmu, gwałtu i masturbacji.
Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego mówi, że „nieczystość jest nieuporządkowanym pożądaniem lub nieumiarkowanym korzystaniem
z przyjemności cielesnych” (#2351). Przyjemność seksualna jest moralnie nieuporządkowana, gdy szuka się jej dla niej samej w
oderwaniu od jej moralnie uzasadnionych intencji, mianowicie zrodzenia dzieci i wyrażenia miłości małżeńskiej pomiędzy mężem i
Ten grzech może być popełnionych nie tylko cieleśnie, ale także w sercu. Jezus powiedział, że „jeśli mężczyzna pożądliwie
patrzy na kobietę, już się w swoim sercu dopuścił z nią cudzołóstwa” (Mt 5, 28). Czystość serca jest ważna, ponieważ nasze myśli i
pragnienia prowadzą do słów, a słowa do czynów. Jeśli chcemy uniknąć czynów na drogach, które są niemoralne, i chcemy
prowadzić życie cnotliwe, to miejscem rozpoczęcia takiego zachowania są pragnienia naszych serc.
Ostatecznie tylko Duch Święty może zaspokoić najgłębsze pragnienia naszego serca. To łaska Boża odwraca nasze serca od grzechu
i sprzyja głębokim pragnieniom i tęsknotom za Najwyższym Bogiem. Tak więc musimy się zdecydować gdzie chcemy, aby nasze
serca były zwrócone, ponieważ „gdzie jest skarb twój, tam będzie także serce twoje” (Mt 6, 21)
Życzę Wam miłej niedzieli i błogosławionego tygodnia.
Szczęść Boże!
Ks. Zdzisław Torba
Pielgrzymka śladami
objawień Matki Bożej:
Fatima, Lourdes, LaSalette
Paryż pod przewodnikiem
ks. Lewandowskiego w dniach
10—22 maja 2007. Po więcej
informacji proszę dzwonić do:
Veritas — 708/867-7780
Elżbieta — 773/510-2020
104 rocznica istnienia Stowarzyszenia
Przyjaciół Ułanów Polskich
“Ułani” serdecznie zapraszają Polonię na tradycyjne podzielenie się jajkiem Wielkanocnym w sobotę 14 kwietnia o godzinie 6:00
wieczorem w Lone Tree Manor pod adresem
7730 N. Milwaukee w Niles.
Bilety w cenie $55 można rezerwować
dzwoniąc do: Stanisława 708/557-2416 lub
Edwarda 847/526-3426.
Wright College zamierza otworzyć darmowe klasy nauki j.
angielskiego (ESL) w Szkole Św.
Ferdynanda! Wszyscy
zainteresowani proszeni są o
kontakt z Martą dzwoniąc pod
773/622-3022 wew. 300.
Potrzebni są również nauczyciele!
March 11, 2007
Third Sunday of Lent
Stowarzyszenie Apostołów
Bożego Miłosierdzia “Faustinum”
zaprasza do wspólnej modlitwy
w każdy piątek misiąca
o godzinie 6:30 wieczorem
w Kościele.
Wielki Post
Każdy piątek Wielkiego Postu jest dniem wstrzemięźliwości
Droga Krzyżowa
Każdy piątek Wielkiego Postu, 7:00 wieczór — Kościół
Gorzkie Żale
Każda niedziela Wielkiego Postu, 2:00 po południu — Kościół
W okresie Postu od poniedziałku do piątku od 6:30 do 7:00 wieczorem — Kościół
Page Eleven
Koła Różańcowe zwracają
się z prośbą do wszystkich o
codzienną modlitwę w intencjach papieskich, które w
miesiącu marcu są następujące:
Intencja ogólna: Aby dobra ziemi, które
Bóg dał wszystkim ludziom, wykorzystane
były mądrze i zgodnie z kryteriami
sprawiedliwości i solidarności.
Intencja misyjna: Aby walka z chorobami i
wielkimi epidemiami w Trzecim Świecie
napotykała w duchu solidarniości coraz
bardziej wielkoduszną współpracę ze strony
rządów wszystkich krajów.
Nowenna do Św. Józefa
Fish Fry (Smażona Ryba)
W każdy piątek Wielkiego Postu w sali McManus i Canning Hall od
godz. 4:30 do 7:30 wieczorem.
Spowiedź przedświąteczna
3 kwiecień 8:30 — 9:30 rano; 6:00 — 9:00 wieczorem
4 kwiecień 8:30 — 9:30 rano; 6:00 — 9:00 wieczorem
• Modlitwa • Post • Umartwienie •
Droga Krzyżowa odprawiana jest w każdy piątek Postu
o godz. 7:00 wieczorem.
Nabożeństwo Drogi Krzyżowej swój początek bierze z Jerozolimy. Z
czasem zaczęto w całym kościele wznosić stacje męki Pańskiej.
Wierni obchodząc je rozważają cierpienie Zbawiciela, który pomimo
bólu i cierpienia modlił się wędrując z krzyżem na ramionach. Na tej
drodze jesteśmy z Jezusem złączeni przez krzyż. Krzyże naszego
życia kładziemy na krzyż Chrystusa. Jego cierpienia i nasze chcemy
złożyć Bogu. Drogę Krzyżową poprowadzą poniżej wymienione
16 marzec — Polska Katolicka Szkoła
23 marzec — Zespół „Radość”
30 marzec — Zespół „Serduszka”
Serdecznie zapraszamy na Nowennę
do Św. Józefa
Kościół/Sanktuarium Św. Józefa
4821 S. Hermitage Ave.,Chicago, IL
Rozpoczęcie 9 marzec
Zakończenie 19 marzec
Nowenne poprowadzi
Dr Jan Fułat
Rektor Seminarium Duchownego
Ojców Bernardynów w Kalwarii
Zgłoszenia grup lub pojedyńczych
pielgrzymów proszę kierować
do Ojca Emila dzwoniąc
na numer: 773/254-2366.
Biuletynowe przypomnienie:
Wszystkie biuletynowe ogłoszenia na 18 marca prosimy dostarczyć do parafii nie później jak na
godzinę 9:00 rano w poniedziałek 12 marca. Ogłoszenia też można dostarczyć wcześniej lub wysłać
faxem na numer 773/ 622-5903, lub też wysłać internetem na adres: [email protected].
Page Twelve
Third Sunday of Lent
March 11
•Friendship Club—10 - 3 PM, Convent # 2
•Troop 51—6:30 - 9:30 PM, McManus Hall
•Cub Scouts—6:30 - 9:30 PM, Convent # 2, 3
•Jazz Band—6 - 8:15 PM, Music Room
•Highlanders Dance Class—7 - 9 PM, Canning Hall
•Scripture Study—7 - 8:45 PM, Convent # 4
•Mass in Polish—7 PM, Church
•Radosc—5:30 - 8:30 PM, Music Room
•Kropeczki—6 - 7:00, Canning Hall
•Serduszka—6:30 - 8:30 PM, Convent # 2, 3
•Athletic Association Meeting—7 - 8:30 PM, Henney Hall
•Polish School Practice—8 - 10 PM, McManus Hall
•Polonia—6:00 PM, McManus Hall
•Mass in Polish—7 PM, Church
•Wiggles and Giggles—9:30 - 10:30 AM, Gym
•Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help —1:30 PM, Church
•Jr. Legionnaires—2:30—4 PM, Convent # 2,
•Webelos Troop # 3051—6-9 PM, Convent #s 1, 2, 3
•Legion of Mary—6:30 - 8:30 PM, Small Convent
•Polish School Art Class—6 - 8 PM, McManus Hall
•Mass in Polish—7:30 PM, Church
•Eucharistic Adoration – 8:30 AM - 6:45 PM, Church
•Jr. Legion of Mary, Rosary—2:30 PM, Church
•Girl Scout—5:30-9 PM, Convent # 1, 2, 3
•School BD Mtg—7 - 10 PM, Heeney Hall
•Filareci-Polish Choir—7:15 PM, Chapel
•Polish School Practice—8 - 10 PM, McManus Hall
•Mass in Polish—7 PM, Chapel
•Legion of Mary – 9-11 AM, Convent # 2,
•Stations of the Cross with School Children in English —1:30 PM, Church
•Stations of the Cross in English—5:30 PM, Church
•Fish Fry—4:30 - 7:30 PM, All Halls
•Pilgrim Virgin—7 - 9 PM, Small Convent and Convent # 2
•Stations of the Cross in Polish—7 PM, Church
•Laudamus Music Group—8 PM, Chapel
•Polish School—8 - 4 PM, School and Chapel
•Living Stations of the Cross (Polish School)—9 - 4 PM, Chapel
•Holy Spirit Prayer Group—4 - 10 PM, Convent # 2
SUNDAY—Lenten Mission in English
starts today at all the Masses
•Knights of Columbus at all the Masses—Back of the Church
•CCD/RCIA Classes—9 - 12 PM, School and Chapel
•Serduszka—9 - 10:30 AM, Convent # 1, 2
•Laudamus Music Group—7:30 PM, Church
•Highlander’s Mtg—8:30 - 9:30 AM, McManus Hall
•Lenten Lamentation in Polish—2 PM, Church
•Polish School Practice—12 - 2 PM, McManus Hall
March 11, 2007
March 11, 2007
Third Sunday of Lent
Page Thirteen
Copyright 2007 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected])
Disclaimer No. 1: I did not watch the recent Academy
Awards extravaganza. Disclaimer No. 2: I have not see the
movie Dreamgirls (but my buddy Andrew did and he said it was
terrific…). Disclaimer No. 3: I haven’t followed the career of
Jennifer Hudson after she was voted off American Idol three
years ago. But I’ve read enough newspaper accounts and heard
enough electronic media coverage to appreciate that this young
woman is somebody special, so perhaps I’d better start paying
attention. And why not? Besides all of the hoopla surrounding
her at the moment, she’s still a local girl, and we here in Chicago at least--regardless of where in the city we find ourselves-can all call her our very own. She went to Dunbar Vocational
for goodness sake. She’s a real person with a real voice, and
Jennifer’s popularity has taken root because that’s the way she
comes across, even in an industry known at times for raising the
shallow and the marginally talented to super-stardom. To quote
a phrase I don’t hear much anymore, “You go, girl…”
A few days back, the Chicago Tribune published an op-ed
letter from “Deni in Philly.” Per the letter-writer, “When I saw
(Dreamgirls) the day after Christmas, I got up and yelled in the
theater that (Jennifer Hudson) was going to be nominated for
best supporting actress and that she would win…” And of
course, she did. But what people seem to like most about Jennifer is her humility. She’s sky-rocketed to the top of her game,
yet she comes from humble beginnings, and this appears to not
be lost on her. Just listen to her acceptance speech when she
received the hardware: “Oh my God, I have to just take this
moment in. I cannot believe this. Look what God can do. I didn’t think I was going to win…” It’s been written that modesty is
the best bait when one goes fishing for compliments. Maybe.
But I don’t think Jennifer Hudson is fishing for anything. I
think she’s sincere, and that’s the magic of her.
So I was speaking with my wife about all of this the other
day, and she said that there is actually a Lenten element to the
Jennifer Hudson story. I asked her how so. Gail said that we rise
to glory from humble beginnings over these forty days, just like
Jennifer Hudson rose from humble beginnings to the Oscar. I
told Gail that I understand the Jennifer Hudson part, but that I
wasn’t seeing the Lenten part. She said that we all start out on
Ash Wednesday from the very humblest of beginnings--by being told that we are dust and that into dust we shall return--and
that then, through the glory of Christ’s resurrection, we know
that we, too, shall rise--gloriously--in the fullness of time. Deni
closes the Tribune letter about Hudson saying, “I am so happy
for her.” We should all be so happy for each other as we hit the
mid-way point of Lent, because my wife is dead-on about the
Lenten element, and Jennifer Hudson got it right way more than
she knew: “…I cannot believe this. Look what God can do….”
St. Ferdinand Parish
Grand Knight
Ladies of St. Anne - President: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio
Laudamus - Mr. Jarosław Buranicz
Mrs. Dorota Gołda, Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor
Legion of Mary - Presidents: Mr. Justo Evangelista & Mrs. Fely
Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Administrative Assistant
Legion of Mary, Juniors - President: Emma Camara
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club - Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Market Day - Coordinator: Mrs. Kelly Trujillo
Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director
Polish & English Altar Servers - Fr. Mariusz Stefanowski
of Music and Liturgy
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd - President: Andrzej Parada
Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator
Polish Rosary Group - Mrs. Helena Lesak
Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of Eucharistic Ministers &
Polish Saturday School - Director: Mrs. Renata Gawlik
Ministers of Care
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of Ministers of Care to the Home- Polish School Parents’ Ass’n. - President: Władysława Mitoraj
Serduszka - Music Teacher - Miss Iwona Raszyk
Radość - Miss Marzena Kulesza
Parish Council
St. Ferdinand Athletic Association - Director: Victoria Matthews
Ralph Barnhart - President, Mary Bucaro, Terri Calcitrai, Gilbert St. Ferdinand Family & School Association - President: Mrs.
Sharon Fanuke
DeJesus, Sophie Kass, Ken Presslak, Anthony Supan, Andrew
St. Ferdinand Parish Council - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club - President: Mr. Stanisław
Parish Organizations
St. Ferdinand School Board - Chairperson: Mrs. Mary Ann BarnAdult Scripture Study - Coordinator : Miss Ameriga Cesaroni
Boy Scout - Coordinator: Mr. Vince Clemente
St. Vincent DePaul Society - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
Friendship Club - President: Mrs. Rosalie Anastos
Ushers Club - President: Mr. Peter Holod
Girl Scout - Coordinator: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss
Knights of Columbus - Tonti Council: Tony Mangiaracina, past
Support Staff
St. Ferdinand Church
5900 W. Barry Ave.
Chicago, IL 60634
St. Ferdinand Parish
(773) 622-5900
Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor
Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor
Rev. Roman Rataj, Associate Pastor
Rev. Mariusz Stefanowski, Associate Pastor
Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon
Ronald Weiner, Deacon
Saturday Masses
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
10:30 AM (Chapel)
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
St. Ferdinand School - 773 622-3022
Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal
Christian OutReach (COR) - 773 622-9732
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director
Religious Education Office - 773 622-3022 ext. 366
Mr. Joseph Kummer, D.R.E.
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979
Sr. Genowefa Potaczała, Superior
Sr. Hiacynta Ratajczak
Sr. Elżbieta Barnowska
Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak
7:00 AM
10:45 AM
3:00 PM
6:30 PM
Saturday: Following the 8:00 AM Mass until all are
Pierwszy Piątek Miesiąca: 6:00-7:00 PM
Sobota: 6:30 PM
For Children: a pre-baptism class is required for baptism of the first
child. The class in English is held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:00 PM in the Convent, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of
each month at 7:30 PM in the church .
Upon registration the sacrament is celebrated in English at 1:45 PM
on the second and fourth Sunday of the month,. In Polish on the first
Sunday of the month at 1:45 PM and on the third Sunday of the month
at 3:00 PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register.
For Adults: Instructions are processed through the Rite of Christian
Initiation (RCIA). Contact local Director of Religious Education
(DRE) at the rectory ext. 366.
Must be arranged at least four months prior to the ceremony. Please
call the rectory.

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