Informacja nr 32 z 27


Informacja nr 32 z 27
Informacja nr 86
Spis treści:
1. Ostatnie konkursy w priorytecie 4 „Aeronautyka i Przestrzeń Kosmiczna” w 6.PR
2. Ogłoszono nowe konkursy w dziedzinie “Zrównoważony transport powierzchniowy” 6.PR.
3. Wspólnotowe Centrum Badawcze (JRC) – warsztaty, szkolenia oraz oferty pracy w 2005 roku
4. E-CONTENT PLUS – nowy program Unii Europejskiej
5. Warsztat "Pollutant pathways and mitigation strategies of their impact on the ecosystems", Kazimierz
Dolny, 7-10 lipca 2005
Informacje przekazuje:
Biuro Grantów i Współpracy z Regionem, A-1, pok. 141
mgr Anna Hałas
tel: 320-21-76
e-mail: [email protected]
mgr inż. Elżbieta Mazurek
tel. 320-28-46
e-mail: [email protected]
1. Ostatnie konkursy w priorytecie 4 „Aeronautyka i Przestrzeń Kosmiczna”
Dnia 01 kwietnia 2005 Komisja Europejska ogłosiła ostatnie konkursy w priorytecie 4 „Aeronautyka i Przestrzeń
Kosmiczna” .
1.1. Pierwszy konkurs dotyczy projektów typu IP (Integrated Project) z następujących dziedzin:
- strengthening competitiveness;
- improving environmental impact with regard to emissions and noise;
- improving aircraft safety and security;
- increasing the operational capacity and safety of the air transport system.
The total indicative budget for this call is 245 million euro. The deadline for submitting proposal documents is
To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address:
1.2. Drugi konkurs dotyczy projektów typu SSA w następujących dziedzinach:
- promoting small and medium sized enterprise (SME) participation;
- stimulating dissemination and exploitation of results;
- realising the European Research Area;
- promoting candidate countries participation;
- stimulating international cooperation;
- developing an EU research strategy in the sector.
The total indicative budget for this call is 7 million euro. The deadlines for submitting proposal documents are
30.6.2005 and 20.10.2005.
To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address:
1.3. Trzeci konkurs dotyczy “Space 2005” i obejmuje następujące tematy:
GMES (global monitoring for environment and security)
- water resources;
- security;
- long-term sustainability of GMES;
- data harmonisation for geo-information in support of integrated GMEWS/INSPIRE services;
- education and training;
- networking the users;
- international cooperation.
Satellite Telecommunications
- convergence and integration of satellite telecommunications with GMES;
- convergence and integration of satellite telecommunications with Galileo;
- end-to-end satellite telecommunications systems;
- analysis of future potential combined Galileo/satellite telecommunications services;
- international cooperation.
In specifying the instruments to be used in these areas, the call requests the use of Integrated Projects (IP) , specific
targeted research projects (STREP) , coordination actions (CA) , and specific support actions (SSA) . Proposers are
advised to consult the full call text at the address below in order to find out the particular instruments requested for
each area.
The total indicative budget for this call is 45 million euro.The deadline for submitting proposal documents is
To see the call text, please visit:
2. Ogłoszono nowe konkursy w dziedzinie “Zrównoważony transport powierzchniowy” 6 PR.
2.1. The areas covered by this call are:
- Objective 1: new technologies and concepts for all surface transport modes (road, rail and waterborne);
- Objective 2: advanced design and production techniques;
- Objective 3: re-balancing and integrating different transport modes;
- Objective 4: increasing road, rail and waterborne safety and avoiding traffic congestion.
In specifying the instruments to be used in these areas, the call requests the use of Integrated Projects (IP), Networks
of Excellence (NoE), specific targeted research projects (STREP), and coordination actions (CA). Proposers are
advised to consult the full call text at the address below in order to find out the particular instruments requested for
each area.
The total indicative budget for this call is 150 million euro. The deadline for submitting proposal documents is
To see the call text, please visit:
2.2. Drugi konkurs dotyczy projektów typu SSA i obejmuje nastepujące dziedziny:
- promoting SME (small and medium sized enterprise) participation;
- stimulating dissemination and exploitation of results;
- realising the European Research Area;
- promoting candidate countries participation;
- stimulating international cooperation.
The total indicative budget for this call is 5 million euro. The deadline for submitting proposal documents is
To see the call text, please visit:
Jednocześnie informujemy, iż Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy w Warszawie ( dysponuje kilkoma
programami wspierającymi uczestnictwo Polaków w konkursach transportowych. Są to między innymi programy:
1. DonQ-Pol (pomoc w opracowaniu idei wniosku, pomoc w budowaniu konsorcjum a także pomoc w pisaniu
2. HunPol-Trans - finansowanie spotkań projektowych, opłat konferencyjych, bezpłatnego wyjazdu na konferencję
w Budapeszcie 19-20 maja, promocja młodych naukowców, pomoc w budowaniu konsorcjum
3. Etismarland - dołączanie do wniosków, finansowanie spotkań projektowych.
Osoby zainteresowane przygotowaniem pomysłów na projekty, szczególnie typu STREP, CA i SSA proszone są o
wypełnienie formularza "Project Idea Form" ze strony i odesłanie go do
p. Zbigniewa Turka, [email protected]
3. Wspólnotowe Centrum Badawcze (JRC) – warsztaty, szkolenia oraz oferty pracy
W załączniku znajdą Państwo ofertę dotycząca warsztatów, szkoleń i miejsc pracy, które JRC (Joint Research
Centre) oferuje w 2005 roku.
4. E-CONTENT PLUS – nowy program Unii Europejskiej
Poniżej przesyłam Państwu informację o programie, którego pierwsze konkursy zostaną ogłoszone w połowie tego
„The new programme should tackle the fragmentation of the European digital content market and improve
the accessibility to three domains where market forces alone have so far been insufficient to drive growth:
geographical information (maps, transport), cultural content (music, films) and educational material.
Amount Global budget: 149 Million Euros
Duration: 2005-2008
Qualifying activities: Creation of companies - Support toinvestment - Organisation of events - Pilot project
Exchange of know-how - Support to production
* Facilitating access to, use and exploitation of digital content. Activities shall improve effective
cross-border use and exploitation of PSI between public sector organisations and private companies for added-value
information products and services
* Improving quality and facilitating best practice for digital content. The activities intend to facilitate the
identification and wide diffusion of best practice in methods, processes and operations to achieve higher
quality, greater efficiency and effectiveness on the creation, use and distribution of digital content
* Reinforcing co-operation and awareness. Activities include measures accompanying relevant legislation
relating to digital content, and supporting collaboration between public sector actors, stakeholders
and potential users The programme will concentrate on the parts of the digital content market where there is clear
fragmentation in Europe, and where market forces have not been enough to drive growth:
3 priority areas:
* Spatial or geographical data (maps, planning and land registration details, postal codes,..)
* Learning, scientific and scholarly digital content
* Cultural content
Public sector information (PSI) remains a priority
* Innovative and viable content projects that improve existing services, processes and products
* Best practice actions to spread knowledge. They will normally be conducted in thematic clusters and linked
through thematic networks
* Thematic networks: networks bringing together a variety of stakeholders around a given technological and
organisational objective, in order to facilitate co-ordination activities and transfer of knowledge.
(linked to Best practice)
* Accompanying measures: organisation of conferences, workshops, seminars, exhibitions, studies for visions
and dissemination of the programme implementation (implemebntation by calls for tenders)
This programme is aiming all actors in the production, edition and marketing of multilingual digital content in
Europe of all sizes: Content creators and owners in private and public sectors; Packagers and designers;
Language and customisation players; Publishers and distributors; Net services companies; Rights trading
actors; Capital market players; Experts and market enablers. Others Community programmes in this field: IDABC,
MEDIA+, Elearning, IST, E-Ten...
How much can I expect? Maximum cofinancement between 50% and maximum 2 Million Euros/project.
Person in charge: Horst FORSTER
DG Information Society and Media, unit E6
Plateau de Kirchberg
LUX-2920 Luxembourg
352 4301 32 123
[email protected]
National contacts
5. Warsztat "Pollutant pathways and mitigation strategies of their impact on the ecosystems", Kazimierz
Dolny, 7-10 lipca 2005
W załączeniu przesyłam informację o bardzo ciekawym warsztacie, z prośbą o rozesłanie jej do jak najszerszego
grona zainteresowanych w Polsce i za granicą. Drugi już warsztat organizowany jest przez polską sieć naukową w
Kazimierzu Dolnym w dniach 7-10 lipca 2005.