Safety – where there is no place for


Safety – where there is no place for
Paweł Zawadzki* - Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, Warsaw, Poland
Please cite as: CHEMIK 2015, 69, 4, 209–212
The current analyses conducted by the Polish Chamber of Chemical
Industry that there is drop in number of accidents in processing
industry year-to-year. The “Safe Chemistry” Programme led by the
Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry (PCCI) as well as actions taken
by the Commission for Occupational Health and Safety and Process
Safety help to maintain and strengthen this positive tendency.
Reasons behind the drop in number of accidents
In comparison with respective period in 2013, number of
accidents at work in processing industry in the first three quarters of
2014 has decreased by 1.6%. The decrease of casualties in accidents
at work was observed also for the chemical industry (calculations
indicated 1985 injured, which is 10.6% of total number of injured in
the processing industry)*.
The industrial safety is affected by number of factors. The
PCCI believes that one of the most important reasons behind
the improvement of conditions is a change in the mindset of the
executives. Today managers think that spending on improving safety
is a type of high return investment. Very often as a result of carried
out safety audits, the work improves through the implementation
ergonomic solutions, reducing action duration, and hence increase
in the efficiency of the entire organization. Some importance shall
be also assigned to avoiding negative financial effects resulting from
e.g. compensation or losses caused by downtimes in exploitation.
Implementation of procedures preventing dangerous incidents
becomes a priority of companies operating in every branch of
industry in Poland. Chemical industry companies also take numerous
actions regarding safety: procedures are modernized and improved,
new equipment is being bought, there are also carried out extensive
actions aiming to strengthen so important safety culture.
The “Safe Chemistry” Programme speeds up positive changes
An important role in promoting modern, positive and proactive
approach to process safety is played by the Programme “Safe Chemistry”
led by the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry. The programme is an
original concept of the Chamber. We started to think about launching
this project in 2013, when we have noticed that chemical industry
requires our response to its needs related to the improvement of
occupational and process safety.
The most important goal of the Programme “Safe Chemistry” is
to improve safety and decrease number of accidents in the chemistry
sector. The programme also aims for:
• improving knowledge regarding occupational health and safety, as
well as process safety among chemical plant workers,
• increasing safety culture in these plants,
• promoting occupational safety and best practice,
• strengthening awareness of occupational safety among the
Members of the PCCI,
• promoting highest action standards in the field of safety,
• raising awareness regarding OSH and Fire Protection,
• informing about OSH and process safety related issues,
• exchanging experiences between PCCI Members.
Corresponding author:
Paweł Zawadzki – M.Sc., e-mail: [email protected]
nr 4/2015 • tom 69
The programme is carefully prepared both in terms of substance,
as well as strategy. It is worth mentioning that the following institutions
have joined the Programme as Content-Related Patrons: Office of
Technical Inspection, State Labour Inspectorate and Central Institute
for Labour Protection. The Honorary Patronage over the Programme
was taken by the State Fire Service and the Institute of Occupational
Medicine. The “Safe Chemistry” Programme is addressed to employees
of the member companies of the PCCI: Grupa Azoty S.A., PKN ORLEN
S.A., ANWIL S.A. and PCC Rokita, with particular regard to high and
middle level executives responsible for providing appropriate fire and
occupational health and safety conditions. Additionally, Grupa Azoty
S.A. and PKN ORLEN S.A. serve as Programme Strategic Partners,
while PCC Rokita and ANWIL S.A. are the Main Partners. As the
Programme develops, we are planning to successively include all the
member entities of the Chamber. Ultimately, the Programme is to cover
also external contractors performing services for chemical companies.
To this end we anticipate extensive activity in the field of occupational
health and safety, both in terms of content and marketing. This year
we are also planning to organize OSH Seminars and to integrate the
Programme with the Programme Responsibility and Care.
Recently we increased the number of participants of the “Safe
Chemistry”. In February, the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry and
ORLEN Eko Sp. z o.o. has signed the agreement aiming to regulate
rules of cooperation regarding reciprocal obligations of the Parties in
connection with the fact that ORLEN Eko Sp. z o.o. runs the Office of
the Programme “Responsibility and Care”®. Based on the Agreement
the Executors of the Programme “Responsibility and Care” in the
original Programme of the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry –
“Safe Chemistry”. Additionally, the Executors of the Programme
“Responsibility and Care” will be able to participate free of expense in
the seminars organized by the PCCI**.
Goals of the Programme are to be achieved through:
• sharing ready OSH materials or materials that may serve as
substantial content for newly created programmes or materials
with Programme recipients,
• facilitating access to the best knowledge regarding fire and
occupational health and safety,
• organizing thematic seminars as a part of the Programme,
• monitoring of legislation changes in this regard,
• organisation of specialized training courses.
All the aforementioned actions combined with sensible and
directed actions of the high level executives of the entities associated
in the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry are meant to introduce
changes, mainly in the mindset of employees, their safety culture and
broaden their knowledge in this regard.
* Detailed statistics are available from the website of the “Safe Chemistry” Programme:www.
** The “Responsibility and Care” Programme is known and implemented by chemical
companies in over 50 countries worldwide. Direct supervision over the Programme
execution at the national level is carried by the national federations or associations of
chemical industry. In Poland, the direct supervision over the Programme is performed
by the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry that advertises setting direction of actions
and content supervision over the Programme delegated by the resolution of the Board
to the Chapter of the “Responsibility and Care” Programme. One of the fundamental
assumptions of the “Responsibilty and Care”® Programme is to commit to actions
resulting from Guiding Principles, in particular: – environmental protection; – process
safety; – health protection.
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technique • market
Safety – where there is no place for competitiveness
technique • market
Other activities related to promoting safety
Regarding promoting process safety, the Polish Chamber of
Chemical Industry goes outside actions under the “Safe Chemistry”
Programme. During the time when we planned “Safe Chemistry”,
within the PCCI the Commission for OSH and Process Safety was
established. The Commission brings together several member entities
of the Chamber and it works are integrated with the foundations of
the “Safe Chemistry”.
The most important project of the Committee include mainly:
monitoring accident rate and database of accidents and failures.
The concept of so-called Analytic Repository was developed by the
Commission, while the preparation of the interactive database was
undertaken by Ekonorm Sp. z o.o. The database is to serve for experience
exchange and thus reducing risk of occurrence of similar incidents in
other companies. Our experience shows that many accidents and failures
could be avoided by analysing similar events that occurred previously in other
companies. This is nothing else but the sharing of knowledge and best practices
– says Paweł Zawadzki, PCCI Project Manager.
In the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry we repeat the motto:
there is no place for competitiveness regarding safety! Fortunately,
businessman associated in the PCCI understand that institutional
egoism regarding safety and false economy regarding savings on
implementation of appropriate procedures and gradual exchange of
the equipment with equipment satisfying safety standards can only
have negative effects.
*Paweł Zawadzki – M.Sc., has graduated from the Pawel Wlodkowic
University College in Płock and completed the postgraduate course at the
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of the Nicolaus Copernicus
University in Toruń in the field of management and organization for executives. In 2013 he has completed postgraduate course in the field of Occupational Health and Safety. In the years 1997–2014 employee of ANWIL S.A.
Till 2006 worked with production, where he gained practical experience
regarding operation, conducting and controlling chemical processes. Since
2006 he was responsible among other things for the supervision over the
group of companies, supporting statutory bodies , as well as organization
of the company. In the years 2011–2014 he was responsible for managing
programme for decreasing accident rate at ANWIL S.A. Currently, he works
as the Project Manager at the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry. He is
responsible among others for issues related to occupational and process
safety as a part of his managing role in the Programme “Safe Chemistry”,
technology and external communication.
e-mail: [email protected]
Aktualności z firm
News from the Companies
Dokończenie ze strony 210
Miliardowa inwestycja Grupy Azoty
Grupa Azoty rozpoczyna największą inwestycję w swojej historii.
Do 2019 r. w Policach wybudowana zostanie najnowocześniejsza i największa w Europie instalacja do produkcji propylenu metodą PDH.
W ramach projektu powstanie też blok energetyczny oraz rozbudowany zostanie terminal chemikaliów we własnym porcie w Policach. Skala
inwestycji porównywalna jest z wybudowaniem kolejnych zakładów
chemicznych w województwie zachodniopomorskim.
Projekt o wartości 1,7 mld PLN zakłada budowę instalacji do produkcji propylenu, bloku energetycznego oraz rozbudowę polickiego
portu o terminal chemikaliów płynnych. Docelowo terminal obsługiwać będzie największe w Polsce statki z LPG, zwiększając dwukrotnie
swoje zdolności operacyjne. Inwestycja zostanie zrealizowana w ciągu
4 najbliższych lat, a jej wpływ na wyniki finansowe będzie widoczny już
w 2019 r. Przychody Grupy Azoty Police wzrosną o ok. 2 mld PLN,
a zyski o setki mln PLN. Przy budowie instalacji pracować będzie
ok. 1000 osób. Po uruchomieniu produkcji na stałe zatrudnionych zostanie ok. 200 osób. Bezpieczeństwo finansowania zapewni specjalnie
powołana Grupa Azoty celowa (project finance). (kk)
(, 28.03.2015)
Żywice nowolakowe docenione za jakość
Sukcesem dla firmy LERG zakończył się konkurs Jakość Roku 2014.
Produkowane w spółce żywice nowolakowe NOWOLAK zostały nagrodzone tytułem Jakość Roku 2014, nadawanym produktom, które
spełniają wysokie normy jakościowe. (kk)
(, 23.03.2015)
212 •
TAURON partnerem strategicznym FOB
Podczas ogłoszenia raportu „Odpowiedzialny biznes w Polsce
2014. Dobre praktyki” TAURON Polska Energia otrzymał certyfikat
potwierdzający przynależność do Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu
w roli partnera strategicznego. Program Partnerstwa FOB to kompleksowy program współpracy z firmami – liderami odpowiedzialnego
biznesu, które poprzez swoje zaangażowanie i działania przyczyniają
się do szerzenia idei odpowiedzialnego biznesu w Polsce. Partnerzy
strategiczni, to firmy, które mogą pochwalić się dorobkiem w zakresie
odpowiedzialności społecznej i zrównoważonego rozwoju. (kk)
(, 31.03.2015)
Inżynierowie w Polpharmie
Polpharma znalazła się w grupie 10. najbardziej pożądanych
pracodawców wśród studentów studiów inżynieryjnych. Badanie
zostało przeprowadzone na zlecenie organizacji BEST (Board of
European Students of Technology), która zrzesza studentów uczelni
technicznych z ponad 30 krajów Europy. Studenci wskazywali w badaniu pracodawcę, u którego chcieliby pracować za 5 lat. Zwycięzcą w tym plebiscycie okazała się firma Samsung. Polpharma zajęła
9 miejsce w rankingu. W pierwszej dziesiątce były również firmy:
PGNiG Termika, Orlen, Intel, Rolls-Royce, Coca-Cola HBC, Grupa
Żywiec, P&G oraz Airbus. W badaniu wzięło udział ponad 10 tysięcy respondentów; najliczniej reprezentowaną grupą byli studenci
III roku oraz kierunków: Informatyka, Budownictwo, Automatyka,
Zarządzanie i Inżynieria Produkcji, Mechatronika, Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn. Wg studentów, najważniejszymi kryteriami w wyborze przyszłego pracodawcy są: wysokie zarobki, możliwości awansu
i rozwoju zawodowego, atmosfera i kultura firmy, bezpieczeństwo
zatrudnienia oraz elastyczny czas pracy. (kk)
(, 23.03.2015)
Dokończenie na stronie 220
nr 4/2015 • tom 69

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