

Preface ..............................................................................................................
Witold Abramowicz, Jakub Dzikowski, Agata Filipowska, Monika
Kaczmarek, Szymon Łazaruk, Towards the Semantic Web’s application
for preparation of reviews – requirements and architecture for the needs
of incentive-based semantic content creation .............................................
Frederic Andres, Rajkumar Kannan, Collective intelligence in financial
knowledge management, Challenges in the information explosion era ....
Edyta Brzychczy, Karol Tajduś, Designing a knowledge base for an
advisory system supporting mining works planning in hard coal mines ..
Helena Dudycz, Research on usability of visualization in searching economic
information in topic maps based application for return on investment
indicator ......................................................................................................
Dorota Dżega, Wiesław Pietruszkiewicz, AI-supported management
of distributed processes: An investigation of learning process ..................
Krzysztof Kania, Knowledge-based system for business-ICT alignment .....
Agnieszka Konys, Ontologies supporting the process of selection and
evaluation of COTS software components ................................................
Jerzy Leyk, Frame technology applied in the domain of IT processes job
control .........................................................................................................
Anna Ławrynowicz, Planning and scheduling in industrial cluster with
combination of expert system and genetic algorithm .................................
Krzysztof Michalak, Jerzy Korczak, Evolutionary graph mining in
suspicious transaction detection .................................................................
Celina M. Olszak, Ewa Ziemba, The determinants of knowledge-based
economy development – the fundamental assumptions .............................
Mieczysław L. Owoc, Paweł Weichbroth, A framework for Web Usage
Mining based on Multi-Agent and Expert System An application to Web
Server log files ............................................................................................
Kazimierz Perechuda, Elżbieta Nawrocka, Wojciech Idzikowski,
E-organizer as the modern dedicated coaching tool supporting knowledge
diffusion in the beauty services sector .......................................................
Witold Rekuć, Leopold Szczurowski, A case for using patterns to identify
business processes in a company ................................................................
Radosław Rudek, Single-processor scheduling problems with both learning
and aging effects .........................................................................................
Jadwiga Sobieska-Karpińska, Marcin Hernes, Multiattribute functional
dependencies in Decision Support Systems ...............................................
Zbigniew Twardowski, Jolanta Wartini-Twardowska, Stanisław Stanek,
A Decision Support System based on the DDMCC paradigm for strategic
management of capital groups ...................................................................
Ewa Ziemba, Celina M. Olszak, The determinants of knowledge-based
economy development – ICT use in the Silesian enterprises .....................
Paweł Ziemba, Mateusz Piwowarski, Feature selection methods in data
mining techniques ......................................................................................
Witold Abramowicz, Jakub Dzikowski, Agata Filipowska, Monika Kaczmarek, Szymon Łazaruk, Wykorzystanie mechanizmów sieci semantycznej do przygotowania i publikacji recenzji – wymagania i architektura aplikacji ..................................................................................................
Frederic Andres, Rajkumar Kannan, Inteligencja społeczności w finansowych systemach zarządzania wiedzą: wyzwania w dobie eksplozji informacji............................................................................................................
Edyta Brzychczy, Karol Tajduś, Projektowanie bazy wiedzy na potrzeby
systemu doradczego wspomagającego planowanie robót górniczych w kopalniach węgla kamiennego .......................................................................
Helena Dudycz, Badanie użyteczności wizualizacji w wyszukiwaniu informacji ekonomicznej w aplikacji mapy pojęć do analizy wskaźnika zwrotu
z inwestycji .................................................................................................
Dorota Dżega, Wiesław Pietruszkiewicz, Wsparcie zarządzania procesami
rozproszonymi sztuczną inteligencją:
analiza procesu zdalnego
nauczania ....................................................................................................
Krzysztof Kania, Oparty na wiedzy system dopasowania biznes-IT ...........
Agnieszka Konys, Ontologie wspomagające proces doboru i oceny składników oprogramowania COTS .....................................................................
Jerzy Leyk, Technologia ramek zastosowana do sterowania procesami wykonawczymi IT ...........................................................................................
Anna Ławrynowicz, Planowanie i harmonogramowanie w klastrze przemysłowym z kombinacją systemu eksperckiego i algorytmu genetycznego ..
Krzysztof Michalak, Jerzy Korczak, Ewolucyjne drążenie grafów w wykrywaniu podejrzanych transakcji..............................................................
Celina M. Olszak, Ewa Ziemba, Determinanty rozwoju gospodarki opartej
na wiedzy – podstawowe założenia ............................................................
Mieczysław L. Owoc, Paweł Weichbroth, Architektura wieloagentowego
systemu ekspertowego w analizie użytkowania zasobów internetowych:
zastosowanie do plików loga serwera WWW ............................................
Kazimierz Perechuda, Elżbieta Nawrocka, Wojciech Idzikowski,
E-organizer jako nowoczesne narzędzie coachingu dedykowanego wspierającego dyfuzję wiedzy w sektorze usług kosmetycznych .......................
Witold Rekuć, Leopold Szczurowski, Przypadek zastosowania wzorców
do identyfikacji procesów biznesowych w przedsiębiorstwie ...................
Radosław Rudek, Jednoprocesorowe problemy harmonogramowania z efektem uczenia i zużycia .................................................................................
Jadwiga Sobieska-Karpińska, Marcin Hernes, Wieloatrybutowe zależności funkcyjne w systemach wspomagania decyzji .....................................
Zbigniew Twardowski, Jolanta Wartini-Twardowska, Stanisław Stanek,
System wspomagania decyzji oparty na paradygmacie DDMCC dla strategicznego zarządzania grupami kapitałowymi .........................................
Ewa Ziemba, Celina M. Olszak, Determinanty rozwoju gospodarki opartej
na wiedzy – wykorzystanie ICT w śląskich przedsiębiorstwach ...............
Paweł Ziemba, Mateusz Piwowarski, Metody selekcji cech w technikach
data mining .................................................................................................
We are presenting to our readers the eleventh volume in the series of monographs
entitled Advanced Information Technologies for Management. The series was initiated in 2001 and a new volume is produced each year. The purpose of this initiative
has been the successive publication of research results in the area of business information systems. To effectively support long-term management processes, information systems must relate to current models of conducting business initiatives and
their development directions as well as supporting the latest information technologies. Such solutions are expected from users and other stakeholders.
The first monograph contained only articles written by researchers and Ph.D.
students of the Department of Computer Science at Wrocław University of Economics. In the years 2002–2006, the publication was given national character by linking it with National Scientific Conferences under the same title as the monograph
series. Since 2007 all papers have been published only in English to propagate this
monograph in foreign countries. As a result, the scope of the monograph has been
extended and the publication has gained a kind of “added value”. This year more
than 40 papers have been submitted. The papers give an overview of research activities and applications of Information Technology in business and management.
The papers present various points of view, perspectives, and research results derived
from diverse concepts and scientific foundations. The list of authors includes a large
number of scientists from Polish universities, consulting and integration firms. The
monograph also contains articles written by foreign researchers from Japan, France,
Germany and India.
This year the monograph is published in two volumes: the first entitled AITM
Information Systems in Business, and the second – AITM Intelligent Technologies
and Applications. The publication has been linked with the organization of the 9th
International Scientific Conference “Advanced Information Technologies for Management – AITM 2011” (Szklarska Poręba, September, 25–27, 2011), thus allowing
again presentation of ideas, concepts and IT applications to the wider audience. It
is worth mentioning that the AITM conference was supported by the UNIT4 TETA
BIC, which organized a session on business intelligence systems. We kindly invite all
participants, authors, readers, reviewers to visit the Web page of the AITM (http://, and of course, to participate in AITM’2012.
Editors of this volume would like to thank the authors and the reviewers for insightful and critical evaluation of all articles.
Wrocław, October 2011
J. Korczak, H. Dudycz, M. Dyczkowski