Obchody 25–lecia Fundacji Szkolnej


Obchody 25–lecia Fundacji Szkolnej
Obchody 25–lecia Fundacji Szkolnej
Gimnazjum z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi Nr 14
Fundacji Szkolnej
im. Jana Gutenberga
Nazwa konkursu
Bowl - Quiz wiedzy o USA
czas trwania
Mariusz Nazimek
maj-czerwiec 2015
30 min (cztery razy w tygodniu)
uczniowie klas I-III Gimnazjum Nr 14 im. J. Gutenberga
Fundacji Szkolnej
Teams of up to four students representing a gymnasium class
compete in a tournament style event in head-to-head
competition. All students in a class are eligible to participate. If
over four students want to participate than a short quiz will
determine the students which students with the highest score
should represent the class. The team with the most points
moves onto the next stage until a final team is declared
During a quiz bowl game, two or more teams of usually up to
four players are read questions by a moderator. There are two
basic types of questions: tossups and bonuses. Tossups are
questions that any individual player can attempt to answer.
Players are not allowed to confer with each other. Each player
has a different buzzer to signal in at any time during the
question to give an answer. If the answer given is incorrect,
then no other member of that team may give an answer. If a
tossup is successfully answered, the correctly answering team
is given an opportunity to answer a bonus question.
Questions will be drawn from a randomized set on a
predetermined topic, theme or era.
Match length is determined by a game clock set for fifteen
A lightning round is held at the end of the contest during which
a team attempts to answer multiple questions as fast as
possible under a given time limit, sixty seconds.
In the case of a tie, tie-breaking procedures include reading
extra tossups until the tie is broken.
Two common types of tossups include: buzzer-beaters and
pyramidal tossups. Buzzer-beaters are relatively short, rarely
more than two sentences long, and contain few clues. This
type of question is written specifically to test quick recall skills
of players, and does not discriminate the different levels of
knowledge that the players possess.
Pyramidal tossups include multiple clues and are written so
that each question starts with more difficult clues and moves
toward easier clues. In most formats, correctly answering a
tossup earns a team 10 points. Extra points, usually for a total
of 15 or 20 points, may be awarded if a question is answered
prior to a certain clue-providing keyword in the question, an
action known as "powering". Answering a tossup incorrectly is
called "negging", and may incur a 5-point penalty for a team.
After a “neg” occurs the moderator continues reading the rest
of the question for the other team. There are no further
penalties after one team has already “negged”.
Bonuses usually have multiple parts that are related by some
common thread and may or may not be related to the
corresponding tossup.
Bonuses are usually worth a total of 30 points, and consist of
three individual questions worth ten points each. Upon
correctly answering each bonus part another part is asked.
Team members are generally permitted to confer with each
other on these questions for up to fifteen seconds.
Beginning in May, 2015, teams will be determined for each
class. Competitions will be held weekly in stages to determine
All questions will be taken from a single book on American
history and culture which will be available to purchase by
individual students.
Stages of the tournaments will have questions focused on
topics, themes, or eras a week prior to allow for preparation.
Winning teams will be go on to the next stage and be provided
the next topic, theme, or era and a week to prepare.
In the case of an odd number of teams advancing into the
semifinals, for example: three teams in the semi-finals. A
three-way competition will be held to determine which two
highest scoring teams will advance into the final round
sposób realizacji
Regulamin szkolnego konkursu wiedzy o USA
Uczestnicy: uczniowie gimnazjum
Cele konkursu:
1. Sprawdzenie wiedzy uczniów o krajach anglojęzycznych,
takich jak Stany Zjednoczone.
2. Zachęcanie młodzieży do samodzielnego zdobywania
wiedzy o Stanach Zjednoczonych – ich historii, kulturze,
geografii, zwyczajach, świętach.
3. Wzbudzenie zainteresowania językiem angielskim.
4. Zachęcanie do pozytywnej rywalizacji i rozwijania swoich
5. Umożliwienie uczniom sprawdzenie własnej wiedzy
zdobytej na lekcjach języka angielskiego, zajęciach
pozalekcyjnych i innych przedmiotach oraz stworzenie szansy
Konkurs ma trzy etapy w formie teleturnieju w języku
angielskim. Składa się z różnych typów zadań: wielokrotnego
wyboru, odpowiedzi na pytania, zdań uzupełniających.
Utworzono dnia 26.11.2014

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