test II etap


test II etap
GIMNAZJUM Z ODDZIAŁAMI INTEGRACYJNYMI NR 1 im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Olkuszu
IV edycja
5 luty 2016 R.
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Masz 70 minut na rozwiązanie wszystkich zadań. Maksymalnie możesz zdobyć 90 punktów. Pamiętaj,
aby uważnie czytać polecenia. Jeśli się pomylisz, przekreśl pomyłkę i wyraźnie zaznacz właściwą
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Wylosowany numer: kod ucznia
Miejsce na metrykę po odkodowaniu pracy
Uzyskane punkty
Parent-Free Zone
The Prince and the Pauper
Wysłuchaj biografii Marka Twaina i wykonaj zadania.
1. Uzupełnij informacje odpowiednimi liczbami (możesz je zapisać cyframi).
a. Mark Twain was born in _________ in Missouri.
b. He was _________ when his father died of pneumonia.
c. Since the age of ___________ he worked for his brother.
d. When the Civil War broke in ____________ the steamboat trade finished and Twain was out
of a job.
e. His first success “ Jim Smiley and his jumping frog” was published in ______________
His best known books : “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” was published in _____________
and “Adventures of Huckelberry Finn” in ________________
g. He wrote __________ books.
h. He died at the age of ___________ on April ___________, 1910
2. Oceń prawdziwość zdań: TRUE / FALSE
a. All the people call Twain the father of American literature. ________
b. Mark Twain was not the real name. ________
c. He could not stand his job on the steamboat. ________
d. During the Civil War he served in the Confederate Army. _________
e. He went West with his brother. _______
In San Francisco he had a career of a journalist. ________
g. “Jim Smiley and his jumping frog” was not very successful. ________
h. He wrote only books and stories. _______
He wanted to have a public image. ________
He wanted to be photographed only in a white suit. _______
READING ………../20 pkt
Przeczytaj teksty i wykonaj zadania.
Korzystając z wywiadu z Brianem Mosesem odpowiedz na pytania (1-5) pełnymi zdaniami. Za każdą
poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz po 2 pkt.
When did you start writing? I started writing when I was about sixteen. I started writing songs to
begin with and trying to play the guitar, but I wasn't very good at playing the guitar and I think most
people realised that I was never going to be a rock star long before I did. I put the guitar to one side
but the songs carried on and the songs turned into poems and I just carried on from there really.
How long does it take you to write a poem? To write a poem it could take anything from five
minutes to a year. I think the longest time it took me to write a poem was nine years.. I think with
poems it's like that, sometimes you have to wait for a while for the idea to reveal itself. On other
occasions it's just a bit of a splurge, the idea's there, I'm writing the ideas are pouring out faster than I
can write them down and the poem's written very very quickly.
Where do your ideas come from?
Ideas really come from anywhere and everywhere. As a writer
you become a bit of an ideas detective, always on the hunt for anything that might be useful as the
starting point for a poem. On one occasion I was walking down the street and a lady and her son were
walking towards me and I heard him say as we passed, "Mummy, did pirates wear nail varnish?" I
thought "What??" I didn't hear what the answer was. But I thought that would make a wonderful first
line for a poem about a different view of pirates.
What part does music play in your poetry?
For me music plays a big part. It's percussion, I can
keep a rhythm but I can't play a piano. It's really just for emphasising the rhythms of the poems and I
like to use a range of percussion instruments. For example there's an instrument that comes from
America called a spring drum - this always gets children going, "Wow, what's that?" It makes such a
wonderful sound.
What else do you like doing? Well I don't do anything terribly dramatic like hang-gliding over active
volcanoes, but I do like travelling all around the UK and Europe. I get a lot of ideas from travelling - I
like going to Scotland and just wandering around there, I find it a very inspirational place. As well as
that I do a lot of reading, I collect books - I've got thousands of books in my house and I'm always
wandering around second-hand bookshops buying new volumes. I've got a fish pond in my garden
that takes up a bit of time and when I want a bit of exercise I get on my bike and I ride around the
bridle paths and the woods at the back of my house, sometimes in the rain when it's very muddy I end
up coming off the bike and coming back covered in mud.
1.Why did he stop singing and playing the guitar?
2. What is the shortest time to write a poem?
3. How did he use the question he overheard "Mummy, did pirates wear nail varnish?"?
4. What instruments does he play?
5 What sport does he like doing in his free time?
Przeczytaj wiersz Briana Mosesa. Dziesięć słów zostało usuniętych z tekstu. Wstaw je z powrotem .
world / adventure / flakes / secrets / found / route / discover / hangers / end/ children
Only a Wardrobe
In the 1____________, it was, unfortunately,
only a wardrobe,
although hopes had been raised
that it could have been
an alternative 2____________ to Narnia.
For one thing, the wardrobe was old,
ancient in fact, woodwormed
and waiting, surely, for four 3____________
to come adventuring.
It was spacious too, and there were coats
and empty 4____________ that clanged
as they pushed past them.
But for Sharon and Tracey, Gavin and
Isaac, it was disappointing.
They’d hoped for snow, a few 5___________
at least to show they were on the right track
but they’d not even felt cold.
They’d tapped and pushed and stamped,
hoping to 6_______________ a secret spring,
a trapdoor, an entranceway,
but nothing happened, no exciting window
to another 7____________.
The wardrobe was simply a hollow space
and they’d just have to face it, life was dull,
8____________ only happened on the screen,
in books, to others; they weren’t for them.
In the end it was only a wardrobe
and I’d be lying to you if I said they 9______________ Narnia,
or indeed if any of us have.
The best 10______________ stay hidden, hidden deep,
but there is, and must always be,
something to search for,
always that slim chance.
Brian Moses
LEKTURY Parent-Free Zone
20 pkt
Wykonaj zadania korzystając z tekstu wiersza.
Parent-Free Zone by Brian Moses
Parents please note that from now on, our room is a ‘Parent –Free Zone’.
There will be no spying under the pretence of tidying up.
There will be no banning of television programmes because our room is a tip.
No complaints about noise, or remarks about the ceiling caving in.
No disturbing the dirty clothes that have festered in piles for weeks.
No removal of coffee cups where green mould has taken hold.
(These have been left there for scientific research purposes.)
No reading of letters to gain unauthorized information which may be used against us at
a later date.
No searching through schoolbags to discover if we’ve done our homework or unearth
forgotten notes.
Our room is a ‘Parent-Free Zone’ and a notice is pinned to the door.
But just a minute, there’s something wrong…
Odpowiedz krótko na pytania.
Who is the information on the door for?...........................................
2. Who wrote the notice?..................................................................
3. Are there many dirty clothes in the room?..........................................
4. Do the children want the dirty clothes to be tidied?..............................................
5. Why shouldn't the coffee cups be removed?.........................................................
6. What is the real reason the parents enter the room (according to the children)
7. What can be found in the schoolbags?.......................................................
8. What can parents find in the letters ? .....................................................
9. Why is the smell in the room unpleasant?
10. What is wrong in Parent-Free Zone?
Wybierz jedną poprawną odpowiedź. Podkreśl ją.
1. The title of the poem means :
a) parents are free to do what they want
b) children's freedom is limited
c) parents' control is limited
2. Parent-Free Zone is:
a) children's room
b) children's beds
c) television programme
3. Children want their parents to:
a) spy on them
b) make their beds
c) take away dirty cups
4. Children don't want their parents to:
a) complain about damaged ceiling
b) tidy their beds
c) make them watch TV
5. A tip in the poem means:
a) hint
b) mess
c) money
Oceń poprawność zdań. T – zdanie prawdziwe, F – zdanie fałszywe, NI – brak informacji w tekście.
Otocz kołem swój wybór.
1. The children don't want their parents to have a look inside their schoolbags.
An information sign is glued to the door.
The children are completely happy about their room.
The children do not do their homework.
5. The notice on the door was written a minute ago.
Wykonaj zadania na podstawie znajomości lektury “The Prince and the Pauper”
30 pkt
Uzupełnij każde z poniższych zdań jednym lub dwoma słowami. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
otrzymasz 1 punkt.
1 Tom Canty's family lived in one room and only the …..................... slept in bed.
2 Tom and his sisters had to stand by the road for hours and …...................... for money.
3 Father Andrew taught Tom French and …....................... and how to eat nicely.
4 When Tom ran to the gates of the palace, one of the …......................... hit him and shouted at him.
5 Edward was unhappy because he couldn't play with other boys by the …........................
6 Edward was afraid of John Canty because there was no …..................... in the man's eyes when he
looked at him.
7 Tom answered King Henry's questions in Latin but he didn't answer his questions in …................
8 The king was surprised that his son didn't know where the …...................... …...................... was.
9 People shouted “Long live Prince Edward” when Tom travelled to the Prince's Banquet in the king's
10 John Canty had to run away because he hit Father Andrew hard on the …...................... and killed
Uzupełnij zdania nazwami osób podanymi w ramce. Kilka nazw podano dodatkowo i nie pasują do
żadnego ze zdań. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.
Arthur Hendon Basil Bet Father Andrew Hugo John Canty King Henry Lady Edith Lady
Elisabeth Lady Jane Lady Mary Lord Hertford Lord Somerset Miles Hendon Nan
Edward Richard Hendon
Sir Humphrey Marlow
Edward liked talking to Lady Jane and his sister …..................................
…............................ didn't love his wife or children.
Every day, …........................... and …............................ went with Tom into the streets to get money for
their father.
…...................................... put an important thing under a big cup.
…...................................... was King Henry's closest friend and worked for him.
…....................................... knew Miles Hendon from France and brought him to the king's palace.
…...................................... had to give his brother everything back.
After King Edward returned to the palace …............................... married …............................. .
Wybierz dwie poprawne odpowiedzi. Podkreśl je.
UWAGA! Jeśli wybierzesz dwie poprawne odpowiedzi otrzymasz 2 punkty. Jeśli wybierzesz jedną
poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt. Jeśli wybierzesz dwie odpowiedzi, a jedna z nich będzie
niepoprawna otrzymasz 0 punktów.
When Tom was at the Prince's Banquet
two Edward's sisters sat next to him
Edward's sister and cousin sat next to him
Lord Hertford came with sad news
Lord Hertford came with great news
he didn't like the singers or dancers
Miles Hendon
fought in France for five years
used his knife to stop the crowd from hurting Tom
wanted to see his mother and father
loved a girl called Lady Edith
thought that Edward was a pauper
On Edward's first day as the king,Tom
was dressed by two servants
had to listen to a lot of people
liked his conversation with Lady Mary
learnt a lot from Oliver Carpenter
wrote his name on a lot of documents
When Edward went with Hugo
they had a short walk
they came to a big old house
they met Tom's father
they had to beg to buy food and drink
they bought some food
When Miles Hendon found Edward
he paid for something to help the boy
he met Sir Richard
he talked to his father's servants at Hendon House
he and the boy were taken to prison
he wanted Basil to help them

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