Publications in 2004 1. Agekyan V.F., Vasilev N.N., Serov A.Y.


Publications in 2004 1. Agekyan V.F., Vasilev N.N., Serov A.Y.
Publications in 2004
Agekyan V.F., Vasilev N.N., Serov A.Y., Filosofov N.G., Karczewski G., "Optical properties of
Cd(0.6)Mn(0.4)Te/Cd(0.5)Mg(0.5)Te quantum - well structures", Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Phys. Solid State), vol.
46, 1776-1780, (2004).
Aleszkiewicz M., Fronc K., Paszkowicz W., Żuberek R., "Magnetic domain structure of sputtered FeN
films", KONF, (2004).
Amo A., Martin M.D., Vina L., Kossut J., "Free and bound exciton dynamics in bulk II-VI
semiconductors", KONF, (2004).
Andronikov D.A., Kochereshko V., Platonov A., Crooker S.A., Barrick T., Karczewski G., "Singlet and
triplet trion states i quantum well structures", KONF, (2004).
Astakhov G.V., Yakovlev D.R., Crooker S.A., Ossau W., Christianen P.C., Rudenkov V.V., Karczewski G.,
Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Identification of singlet and triplet states of negatively charged excitons in CdTebased quantum wells", Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 1(3), 551-554, (2004).
Astakhov G.V., Yakovlev D.R., Rudenkov V.V., Christianen P.C., Maan J.C., Crooker S.A., Ossau W.,
Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Hidden crossover of singlet and triplet states of charged excitons
in high magnetic fields", KONF, (2004).
Bagaev V.S., Onishchenko E.E., Karczewski G., "Features of multilayer CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot
structures: optical studies", KONF, (2004).
Bagaev V.S., Vodopyanov L.K., Vinogradov V.S., Zaitsev V.V., Kozyrev S.P., Mel`nik N.N., Onishchenko
E.E., Karczewski G., "Electronic states and vibration spectra of CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot superlattices", Fiz.
Tverd. Tela (Phys. Solid State), vol. 46, 173-175, (2004).
Bastian M., Grabecki G., Michaluk E., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Aleszkiewicz M., Dietl T., "Preparation of
superconductor-semiconductor structures for detection of spin-polarization", KONF, (2004).
Bogusławski P., Bernholc J., "Electronic and magnetic structure of (Ga,Mn)N and (Ga,Mn)As", KONF,
Bogusławski P., Bernholc J., "Electronic structure and magnetic interactions in (Ga,Mn)N and (Ga,Mn)As",
KONF, (2004).
Bogusławski P., Bernholc J., "Theory of electronic structure and magnetic interactions in (Ga,Mn)N and
(Ga, Mn)As", KONF, (2004).
Brodowska B., Dobrowolski W., Portugall O., Goiran M., Furdyna J.K., Wojtowicz T., Cywiński G.,
Dugaev V.K., Witkowska B., "Anomalous Hall effect in semimagnetic semiconductors", KONF, (2004).
Butkute R., Aleszkiewicz M., Janik E., Cywiński G., Daweritz L., Primus J.L., De Boeck J., Kossut J.,
"Epitaxial overgrowth of (II,MN)VI quantum well structures on ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As and MnAs films:
topographical, magnetic and optical studies", Thin Solid Films, vol. 467 (1-2), 313-318, (2004).
Byszewski M., Plantier D., Sadowski M.L., Potemski M., Sachrajda A., Wilamowski Z., Karczewski G.,
"Optical studies of Mn2+ spin resonance in (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells", Physica E, vol. 22 (1-3), 652-655,
Chakarvorty R., Yee K., Liu X., Redliński P., Ge Z., Shen S., Kutrowski M., Titova L.V., Wojtowicz T.,
Furdyna J.K., Janko B., Dobrowolska M., "Magnetic circular dichroism in GaMnAs/ZnSe hybrid structures
with be co-doping", KONF, , 66, (2004).
Cieplak M.Z., Adamus Z., Konczykowski M., Chen X., Byczuk A. ( Seweryn), Abal'oshev O., Sang H.,
Chien C.L., "Superconducting Pinning by Magnetic Domains in a Ferromagnet-Superconductor Bilayer.",
Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 106 (5), 693-698, (2004).
Cieplak M.Z., Adamus Z., Konczykowski M., Chen X.M., Byczuk A. ( Seweryn), Abal'oshev O., Sang H.,
Chien C.L., "The Nature of Flux Pinning in a Ferromagnet-Superconductor Bilayer.", KONF, (2004).
Cieplak M.Z., Adamus Z., Konczykowski M., Chen X.M., Byczuk A. ( Seweryn), Abal'oshev O., Sang H.,
Chien C.L., "The Nature of Flux Pinning in a Ferromagnet-Superconductor Bilayer.", KONF, (2004).
Cieplak M.Z., Adamus Z., Konczykowski M., Chen X.M., Byczuk A. ( Seweryn), Abal'oshev O., Sang H.,
Chien C.L., "The Nature of Flux Pinning in a Ferromagnet-Superconductor Bilayer.", KONF, (2004).
Cieplak M.Z., Byczuk A. ( Seweryn), Abal'oshev O., Cheng X., Chien C.L., Konczykowski M., Sang H.,
"Enhancement of flux pinning in a ferromagnet-superconductor bilayer", KONF, (2004).
Cieplak M.Z., Cheng X., Byczuk A. ( Seweryn), Sang H., Wiśniewski A., Konczykowski M., Chien C.L.,
"Asymmetric vortex pinning in a ferromagnet-superconductor bilayer.", KONF, (2004).
Csontos M., Mihaly G., Janko B., Wojtowicz T., Lim W.L., Liu X., Furdyna J.K., "Effect of hydrostatic
pressure on the transport properties in magnetic semiconductors", Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 1, 3571-3574,
24. Djemia P., Roussigne Y., Stashkevich W.., Szuszkiewicz W., Gonzalez Szwacki N., Dynowska E., Janik E.,
Kowalski B., Karczewski G., Bogusławski P., Jouanne M., Morhange J.F., "Elastic properties of zinc blende
MnTe", Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 106, 239-247, (2004).
25. Dynowska E., Przeździecka E., Gonzalez Szwacki N., Paszkowicz W., Minikayev R., Bogusławski P.,
Kossut J., "The crystallographic structure of Zn(1-x)Mn(x)Te layers obtained by non-rquilibrium growth
techniques", KONF, (2004).
26. Edmonds K., Bogusławski P., Wang K.Y., Campion R., Novikov S.N., Farley N., Gallagher B., Foxon C.,
Sawicki M., Dietl T., Buongiorno Nardelli M., Bernholc J., "Mn interstitial diffusion in (Ga,Mn)As", Phys.
Rev. Lett., vol. 92 (3), 037201(1-4), (2004).
27. Edmonds K., Wang K.Y., Bernholc J., Bogusławski P., Farley N., Campion R., Sawicki M., Dietl T.,
Gallagher B., Foxon C., "Diffusion of interstitial Mn in (GaMn)As: theory and experiment", KONF,
28. Fronc K., Minikayev R., Paszkowicz W., Pełka J., Szuszkiewicz W., Dynowska E., Seeck O., Hennion B.,
Ott F., "Structural properties of Fe/FeN multilayers", Synchrotron Radiation Natural Sci., vol. 3, 92-93,
29. Fronc K., Szuszkiewicz W., Ott F., Hennion B., Aleszkiewicz M., Chernyshova M., Kowalczyk L.,
Minikayev R., Paszkowicz W., "Influence of hydrogen on magnetic properties of Fe films and multilayers",
RAMS, vol. 8 (1), 92-96, (2004).
30. Furdyna J.K., Liu X., Wojtowicz T., Lim W.L., Welp U., Vlasko-Vlasov V., "Magnetic anisotropy in
ferromagnetic III-Mn-V semiconductors:issues and observations", vol. 44, 515-530, (2004).
31. Furdyna J.K., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Yu K.M., Walukiewicz W., Vurgaftman I., Meyer J.R., "Fermi level
effects on Mn incorporation in modulation - doped ferromagnetic III(1-x)Mn(x)V heterostructures", J.
Phys., Condens. Matter., vol. 16 (48), 5499-5508, (2004).
32. Gaj J.A., Golnik A., Kossacki P., Kowalik K., Maślana W., Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T., "Localization of
neutral and charged excitons in (Cd,Mn) quantum well: a microphotoluminescence study", Phys. Status
Solidi C, vol. 1 (4), 831-834, (2004).
33. Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., "Injection of optically generated spins through magnetic/nonmagnetic
heterointerface: Ruling out possible detection artifacts", Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 106 (2), 207-214, (2004).
34. Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., "Spin precession in a model structure for spintronics", KONF, (2004).
35. Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., Heiss W., "Negatively charged excitons as an optical probe of spin injection
from Cd0.73Mg0.24Mn0.03Te spin aligner into a graded bandgap Cd1-xMgxTe/CdTe quantum well
structure", Semicond. Sci. Technol., vol. 19, 359-365, (2004).
36. Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., Teppe F., Scalbert D., "Magnetic field switching of spin injection and spin
coherence in hybrid magnetic quantum structures", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 241 (3), 688-691, (2004).
37. Godlewski M., Wojtowicz T., Goldys E.M., Phillips M.R., Czernecki R., Prystawko P., Leszczynski M.,
Perlin P., Grzegory I., Porowski S., Bottcher T., Figge S., Hommel D., "In-depth and in-plane profiling of
light emission properties from semiconductor-based heterostructures", Opto-Electron. Rev., vol. 12 (4),
353-359, (2004).
38. Godlewski M., Yatsunenko S., Khachapuridze A., Ivanov V.Y., Gołacki Z., Karczewski G., Bergman J.P.,
Klar P.J., Heimbrodt W., Phillips M.R., "Mechanism of intra-shell recombination of transition metal and
rare earth ions in nanostructures of II-VI compounds", J. Alloys Comp., vol. 380 (1-2), 45-49, (2004).
39. Golnik A., Kossacki P., Kowalik K., Maślana W., Gaj J.A., Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T.,
"Microphotoluminescence study of local temperature fluctuations in n-type (Cd,Mn)Te quantum well",
Solid State Commun., vol. 131, 283-288, (2004).
40. Gonzalez Szwacki N., Przeździecka E., Dynowska E., Bogusławski P., "Elastic properties and structural
stability of MnTe, ZnTe and ZnO", KONF, (2004).
41. Gonzalez Szwacki N., Przeździecka E., Dynowska E., Bogusławski P., Kossut J., "Structural properties of
MnTe, ZnTe and ZnMnTe", Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 106, 233-238, (2004).
42. Grabecki G., Wróbel J., Bastjan M., Michaluk E., Fronc K., Aleszkiewicz M., Papis E., Kamińska A.,
Piotrowska A., Springholz G., Bauer G., Dietl T., "Andreev reflection by In/PbTe interface", KONF,
43. Grabecki G., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Aleszkiewicz M., Guziewicz M., Papis E., Kamińska E., Piotrowska A.,
Shtrikman H., Dietl T., "Unidirectional transmission of electrons in a magnetic field gradient", Physica E,
vol. 21 (2-4), 451-455, (2004).
44. Gurung T., Maćkowski S., Jackson H.E., Smith B.G., Heiss W., Kossut J., Karczewski G., "Tuning the
optical and magnetic properties of II-VI quantum dots by post-growth rapid thermal annealing", Phys.
Status Solidi B, vol. 241 (3), 652-655, (2004).
Gurung T., Maćkowski S., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Heiss W., Kossut J., Karczewski G., "Optical studies
of zero-field magnetization of CdMnTe quantum dots: influence of average size and composition of
quantum dots", J. Appl. Phys., vol. 96, 7407-7413, (2004).
Gurung T., Nguyen T.A., Wilson A.J., Haque F.H., Maćkowski S., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Kossut J.,
Karczewski G., "Photoluminescence mapping of single magnetic quantum dots using a solid immersion
lens", KONF, (2004).
Hewaparakrama K.P., Maćkowski S., Haque F.H., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna
J.K., Karczewski G., "Magneto-photoluminescence imaging of CdSe/ZnSe and CdTe/ZnTe self-assembled
quantum dots", KONF, (2004).
Hewaparakrama K.P., Maćkowski S., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K.,
Karczewski G., Kossut J., "Photoluminescence imaging of CdSe/ZnSe and CdTe/ZnTe self-assembled
quantum dots", KONF, (2004).
Hewaparakrama K.P., Wilson A.J., Maćkowski S., Jackson H.E., Smith B.G., Karczewski G., Kossut J.,
"Subwavelength multichannel imaging using a solid immersion lens: spetroscopy of excitons in single
quantum dots", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 85, 5463-5465, (2004).
Hirayama Y., Mino H., Uchida K., Takeyama S., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Magnetophotoluminescence study at a fractional quantum hall regime of charged excitons in a dilute magnetic
semiconductor.", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, vol. 18 (27-29), 3821-3824, (2004).
Hirayama Y., Yamamoto H., Mino H., Takeyama S., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Spin
sensitive dynamics of a charged exciton in magnetic fields", Physica E, vol. 22, 620-623, (2004).
Ihn Y.S., Kim T.J., Ghong T.H., Kim Y.D., Aspnes D.E., Kossut J., "Parametric modeling of the dielectric
functions of Cd(1-x)Mg(x)Te alloy films", Thin Solid Films, vol. 455-456, 222-227, (2004).
Ihn Y.S., Kim T.J., Kim Y., Aspnes D.E., Kossut J., "Optical properties of Cd1-xMgxTe (x = 0.00, 023,
0.31, and 0.43) alloy films", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 84, 693-695, (2004).
Imanaka Y., Takamasu T., Kido G., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Magnetic field dependence
of singlet and triplet charged excitons in CdTe/CdMgTe single quantum well", KONF, (2004).
Imanaka Y., Takamasu T., Kido G., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Stability of singlet and triplet
charged excitons in CdTe/CdMgTe 2 dimensional electron systems around /nu=1", KONF, (2004).
Ivanov V.Y., Karczewski G., Sawicki M., Godlewski M., Omelchuk A., Zhavoronkov N., Davydov A.A.,
"Spin dependent and nonliear effects in ZnCrSe and ZnCrTe", Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 1 (4), 961-964,
Iwanowski R., Heinonen M.H., Janik E., "X-ray photoelectron spectra of zinc-blende MnTe", Chem. Phys.
Lett., vol. 387, 110-115, (2004).
Iwanowski R., Heinonen M.H., Janik E., "Characterization of Mn-Te bond in zinc-blende MnTe by x-ray
spectroscopy", KONF, (2004).
Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Popović D., Dietl T., "Quantum Hall ferromagnetism in II-VI based alloys", Phys. Status
Solidi B, vol. 241 no.3, 712-717, (2004).
Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Stringer E.A., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Wróbel J., Popović D., Dietl
T., "Quantum Hall ferromagnetism in magnetic heterostructures and wires", KONF, (2004).
Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Stringer E.A., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Popović D., Dietl
T., "Quantum Hall Effect in II-VI Diluted Magnetic Heterostructures and Wires", KONF, (2004).
Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Wróbel J., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Popović D., Dietl T., "Quantum Hall ferromagnet in magnetically-doped quantum wells",
Physica E, vol. 22, 76-81, (2004).
Jouanne M., Morhange J.F., Dynowska E., Łusakowska E., Szuszkiewicz W., Molenkamp L.W.,
Karczewski G., "Structure characterization of MBE-grown (Zn,Cr)Se layers", J. Alloys Comp., vol. 382,
92-99, (2004).
Kamińska E., Kossut J., Piotrowska A., Przeździecka E., Dobrowolski W., Dynowska E., Butkute R., Janik
E., Barcz A., Gołaszewska K., Wawer D., "Transparent p-type ZnO by oxidation of Zn-based compounds",
KONF, (2004).
Kamińska E., Piotrowska A., Kossut J., Butkute R., Dobrowolski W., Gołaszewska K., Barcz A., Jakieła R.,
Dynowska E., Przeździecka E., Wawer D., "Formation process and properties of p-type ZnO thin films",
KONF, (2004).
66. Kamińska E., Piotrowska A., Kossut J., Butkute R., Dobrowolski W., Gołaszewska K., Barcz A., Jakieła R.,
Dynowska E., Przeździecka E., Wawer D., "P-type conductind ZnO: fabrication and characterisation",
KONF, (2004).
67. Kamińska E., Piotrowska A., Kossut J., Butkute R., Dobrowolski W., Gołaszewska K., Barcz A., Jakieła R.,
Dynowska E., Przeździecka E., Wawer D., "P-type in ZnO:N by codoping with Cr", Mat.. Res. Soc. Symp.
Proc. Series, vol. 786, E6.1.1-1.6, (2004).
68. Kamińska E., Piotrowska A., Kossut J., Butkute R., Dobrowolski W., Łukasiewicz R., Barcz A., Jakieła R.,
Dynowska E., Przeździecka E., Aleszkiewicz M., Wojnar P., Kowalczyk E., "P-type conducting ZnO:
fabrication and characterisation", Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 2 (3), 1119-1124, (2005).
69. Kim B., Cheon M., Wang S., Luo H., McCombe B.D., Liu X., Sasaki Y., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna J.K.,
"Electric-field control of ferromagnetism in GaSb/Mn digital alloys", Physica E, vol. 20, 355-359, (2004).
70. Kimel A.V., Astakhov G.V., Schott G., Kirilyuk V., Kirilyuk A., Yakovlev D.R., Karczewski G., Ossau W.,
Schmidt G., Molenkamp L.W., Rasing T., "Picosecond dynamics of the photoinducted spin polarization in
epitaxial (Ga,Mn)As films", Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 92, 237203, (2004).
71. Kirby B.J., Borchers J.A., Rhyne J.J., Velthuis S., Hoffmann A., O'Donovan K.V., Wojtowicz T., Liu X.,
Lim W.L., Furdyna J.K., "Annealing-dependent magnetic depth profile in Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As", Phys. Rev. B,
vol. 69, 081307, (2004).
72. Kirby B.J., Borchers J.A., Rhyne J.J., Velthuis S., O'Donovan K.V., Hoffmann A., Wojtowicz T., Liu X.,
Lim W.L., Furdyna J.K., "Annealing thickness and x dependences of the Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As depth profile",
KONF, (2004).
73. Kłopotowski Ł., Nawrocki M., Ganiere J.D., Deveaud B., Janik E., "Tunnelling of spin-polarized holes in
asymmetric double quantum well structures", Semicond. Sci. Technol., vol. 19, S380-S382, (2004).
74. Knap W., Falko V.I., Frayssinet E., Lorenzini P..., Grandjean N., Maude D.K., Karczewski G., Brandt B.,
Łusakowski J., Grzegory I., Leszczynski M., Prystawko P., Skierbiszewski C., Porowski S., Hu X., Simin
G., Asif Khan M., Shur M.S., "Spin and interaction effects in Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations and the
quantum Hall effect in GaN/AlGaN heterostructures", J. Phys., Condens. Matter., vol. 16, 3421-3432,
75. Kochereshko V., Andronikov D.A., Karczewski G., Crooker S.A., "Excitons and trions in heavily doped
QW structures at high magnetic fields", KONF, (2004).
76. Kochereshko V., Andronikov D.A., Platonov A., Crooker S.A., Barrick T., Karczewski G., Tronc P.,
"Excitons and trions in modulation doped structures in high magnetic fields", Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 106,
319-328, (2004).
77. Kolkovski V., Butkute R., Janik E., Karczewski G., "Fabrication and characterization of II-VI diluted
magnetic p-n junctions", KONF, (2004).
78. Kolkovsky V., Butkute R., Janik E., Fronc K., Karczewski G., "Fabrication and characteri8zation of II-VI
diluted magnetic p-n junctions", KONF, (2004).
79. Korona K., Wojnar P., Gaj J.A., Karczewski G., Kossut J., Kuhl J., "Influence of quantum dot density on
excitonic transport and recombination in CdTe/ZnTe QD structures", KONF, (2004).
80. Kossut J., "Optical properties of quantum structures of Ii-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors", KONF,
81. Kowalik K., Krebs O., Kudelski A., Golnik A., Lemaitre A., Senellart P., Karczewski G., Kossut J., Gaj
J.A., Voisin P., "Influence of an electric field on fine properties of III-V and II-VI quantum dots systems",
Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 106 (2), 177-184, (2004).
82. Kret S., Traczykowski P., Dłużewski P., Dłużewski P., Ruterana P., Żak M., Szczepańska A., Maćkowski
S., Karczewski G., "HRTM investigation and numerical modeling of cadmium distribution in ZnTe/CdTe
QDs superlattice", KONF, (2004).
83. Kret S., Traczykowski P., Dłużewski P., Ruterana P., Dłużewski P., Żak M., Szczepańska A., Maćkowski
S., Karczewski G., "Quantitative study of Cd atoms distribution in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots superlattice by
HRTEM", KONF, (2004).
84. Kudelski A., Kowalik K., Kasprzak J., Gaj J.A., Golnik A., Wojtowicz T., Cywiński G., "Magnetic field
controlled in-plane optical anisotropy in parabolic (Cd,Mn,Mg)Te quantum wells", Phys. Status Solidi C,
vol. 1 (4), 965-968, (2004).
85. Kuryliszyn I., Domagała J.Z., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Łusakowska E., Dobrowolski W., Furdyna J.K.,
"Effect of Mn interstitials on the lattice parametr of Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As", J. Appl. Phys., vol. 95, 603-608,
86. Kuryliszyn-Kudelska I., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolski W., Domagała J.Z., Łusakowska
E., Goiran M., Haanappel E., Portugall O., "Effect of annealing on magnetic and magnetotransport
properties of Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As epilayers", J. Magn. Magn. Mat., vol. 272-276, e1575-e1577, (2004).
87. Kutrowski M., Titova L.V., Cywiński G., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolska M., "Microphotoluminescence from (110) ZnSe epilayers grown on in-situ-cleaved GaAs", KONF, (2004).
88. Kutrowski M., Titova L.V., Yee K., Lim W.L., Liu X., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolska M.,
"Magneto-optical studies of the magnetic aniosotropy in III-Mn-As ferromagnetic semiconductors", KONF,
, 66, (2004).
89. Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T., Titova L.V., Yee K., Liu X., Lim W.L., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolska M.,
"Optical investigation of temperature-inducted changes in magnetic anisotropy in III-Mn_As ferromagnetic
semiconductors", KONF, (2004).
90. Kyrychenko F., Kossut J., "Diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots: An extreme sensitivity of the
hole Zeeman splitting on the aspect ratio of the confining potential", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 70, 205317-1-6,
91. Le Van K., Kossut J., Kępa H., Giebultowicz T.M., Gałązka R.R., "Optical determination of phosphorus
acceptor binding energy in bulk wide-gap II-VI semimagnetic semiconductors", Phys. Status Solidi C, vol.
1 (4), 973, (2004).
92. Lebecki K.M., Aleszkiewicz M., Kossut J., "Properties of heterostructures: ferromagnetic islands placed
over DMS quantum wells", KONF, (2004).
93. Lee S., Shin D.Y., Titova L.V., Kutrowski M., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., "Magnetophotoluminescence study on magnetic/non-magnetic semiconductor coupled quantum dots", Phys. Status
Solidi B, vol. 241 (3), 722-726, (2004).
94. Lim W.L., Liu X., Ge Z., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., Wojtowicz T., "Planar Hall effect in III-Mn-V
ferromagnetic semiconductor alloys", KONF, (2004).
95. Lim W.L., Liu X., Ge Z., Shen S., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolska M., "Magnetotransport
studies of magnetic anisotropy in strain-engineered InMnAs ferromagnetic layers", KONF, , 65, (2004).
96. Lim W.L., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., "MBE growth and magnetotransport
studies of ferromagnetic Ga(1-x)Mn(x)Sb semiconductor layers on hybrid ZnTe/GaAs substrates", Physica
E, vol. 20, 346-349, (2004).
97. Liu X., Lim W.L., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., Wojtowicz T., "Ferromagnetic resonance in modulationdoped GaMnAs/GaAlAs: Be heterostructures", KONF, (2004).
98. Liu X., Lim W.L., Ge Z., Shen S., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., Wojtowicz T., "Magnetic anisotropy of
strain-engineered InMnAs ferromagnetic films with easy-axis manipulation from out-of-plane to in-plane
orientations", KONF, (2004).
99. Liu X., Lim W.L., Titova L.V., Wojtowicz T., Kutrowski M., Yee K., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K.,
Potashnik S.J., Stone M.B., Schiffer P., Vurgaftman I., Meyer J.R., "External control of the direction of
magnetization in ferromagnetic InMnAs/GaSb heterostructures", Physica E, vol. 20, 370-373, (2004).
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