Publications in 2003 1. Aleszkiewicz M., Butkute R., Janik E


Publications in 2003 1. Aleszkiewicz M., Butkute R., Janik E
Publications in 2003
Aleszkiewicz M., Butkute R., Janik E., Aleszkiewicz P., Daweritz L., Kossut J., "Growth and magnetic
properties of CdMnTe QW structures on (Ga,Mn)As studied by ex-siyu AFM/MFM", KONF, (2003).
Andrearczyk T., Jaroszyński J., Wróbel J., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Popović D., Dietl T., "Quantum Hall Ferromagnet in Magnetically-Doped quantum Wells",
Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 104 (2), 93-102, (2003).
Bader A.S., Faschinger W., Schumacher C., Geurts J., Molenkamp L.W., Neder R., Karczewski G., "Realtime in situ x-ray diffraction as method to control epitaxial growth", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 82, 4684-4686,
Bader A.S., Schumacher C., Faschinger W., Neder R., Karczewski G., Geurts J., Brunner K., Molenkamp
L.W., "Temperature influence on strain measured with real-time in situ x-ray diffraction", KONF, (2003).
Blinowski J., Kacman P., Yu K.M., Walukiewicz W., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Furdyna J.K., "Effect of
Interstitial Mn on the Magnetic Properties of GaMnAs", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, C11(1-8), (2003).
Bogusławski P., Buongiorno Nardelli M., Bernholc J., "Theory of magnetic properties of substitutional and
interstitial Mn ions in GaMnAs", KONF, (2003).
Butkute R., Aleszkiewicz M., Janik E., Cywiński G., Daweritz L., Primus J.L., Boeck J., Kossut J.,
"Topographical, magnetic and optical studies of (II,Mn) VI quantum structures grown on (Ga,Mn)As", Acta
Phys. Pol. A, vol. 103 (6), 649-657, (2003).
Byszewski M., Plantier D., Sadowski J., Potemski M., Sachrajda A., Wilamowski Z., Karczewski G.,
"Optical Studies of Mn2+ Spin Resonance in CdMnTe quantum Wells", KONF, (2003).
Byszewski M., Plantier D., Sadowski M.L., Potemski M., Sachrajda A., Wilamowski Z., Karczewski G.,
"Optical studies of Mn2+ spin resonance in (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells", Physica E, vol. 22 (1-3), 652-655,
Christensen N.E., Gorczyca I., Svane A., Gonzalez Szwacki N., Bogusławski P., "Theoretical studies of
semiconductors, with and without defects, under pressure.", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 235 (2), 374-383,
Cywiński G., "Lokalne naprężenia w nanostrukturach kwazi-jednowymiarowych otrzymanych metodą
wzrostu na przełomie wielostudni", KONF, (2003).
Dobrowolski W., Kossut J., Story T., "II-VI and IV-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors new bulk materials
and low dimensional structures", MONOGRAFIA, vol. 15, 289-378, (2003).
Dynowska E., Szuszkiewicz W., Łusakowska E., Janik E., Ortner K., Becker C.R., "Wpływ podłoża na
morfologię powierzchni oraz strukturę defektową cienkich warstw MnTe otrzymywanych metodą MBE",
KONF, (2003).
Edmonds K., Bogusławski P., Wang K.Y., Campion R., Novikov S.N., Farley N., Gallagher B., Foxon C.,
Sawicki M., Dietl T., Buongiorno Nardelli M., Bernholc J., "Mn interstitial diffusion in (Ga,Mn)As", Phys.
Rev. Lett., vol. 92 (3), 037201(1-4), (2004).
Furdyna J.K., Liu X., Lim W.L., Sasaki Y., Wojtowicz T., Kuryliszyn I., Lee S., Yu K.M., Walukiewicz
W., "Ferromagnetic III-Mn-V Semiconductors: Manipulation of Magnetic Properties by Annealing,
Extrinsic Doping, and Multilayer Design", J. Korean Phys. Soc., vol. 42, S579-S590, (2003).
Gaj J.A., Golnik A., Kossacki P., Kowalik K., Maślana W., Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T., "Localization of
neutral and charged excitons in (Cd,Mn) quantum well: a microphotoluminescence study", Phys. Status
Solidi C, vol. 1 (4), 831-834, (2004).
Ghali M., Kossut J., Heiss W., "Spin injection through different g-factor heterointerfacces using negative
trions for spin detection", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 82, 541-543, (2003).
Ghali M., Kossut J., Heiss W., Potemski M., "Spin injection through magnetic/nonmagnetic heterointerfaces
using trions for spin detection", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P297(1-8), (2003).
Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., "Spin dynamics in II-VI magnetic/non-magnetic hybrid structure", KONF,
Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., Guziewicz E., Wróbel J., Kamińska E., "CdTe and CdMnTe quantum wellbased photodiodes grown on GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy", KONF, (2003).
Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., Teppe F., Scalbert D., "Spin injection switching and spin coherence in hybrid
magnetic quantum structures", KONF, (2003).
Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., Teppe F., Scalbert D., "Ultrafast spin dynamics in magnetic/non-magnetic
heterostructure containing low excess of electrons", KONF, (2003).
23. Ghali M., Kossut J., Janik E., Teppe F., Scalbert D., "Magnetic field switching of spin injection and spin
coherence in hybrid magnetic quantum structures", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 241 (3), 688-691, (2004).
24. Gonzalez Szwacki N., Bogusławski P., "Segregation of dopants and defects in AlAs/GaAs
heterostructures", KONF, (2003).
25. Gonzalez Szwacki N., Bogusławski P., Gorczyca I., Christensen N.E., Svane A., "Electronic structure and
optical properties of GaAs(1-x)N(x) and Ga(1-x)B(x)As alloys.", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, G1.3 (18), (2003).
26. Gosk J., Zajac M., Palczewska M., Kamińska M., Twardowski A., Drygaś M., Janik E., Paine R.T.,
"Magnetic and optical properties of GaMnN nanocrystals obtained by vapor-assisted aerosol synthesis",
KONF, (2003).
27. Gourdon C., Jeudy V., Ivchenko E.L., Karczewski G., "Diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum bragg
structures for faraday microscopy of superconductors", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P267 (1-8), (2003).
28. Gourdon C., Jeudy V., Menant M., Roditchev D., Tu Le A., Ivchenko E.L., Karczewski G., "Magnetooptical imaging with diluted semiconductor quantum wells.", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 82 (2), 230-232,
29. Grabecki G., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Aleszkiewicz M., Guziewicz E., Papis E., Kamińska E., Piotrowska A.,
Shtrikman H., Dietl T., Dietl T., "Unusual transport properties of a 2D electron gas in a magnetic field
gradient", KONF, (2003).
30. Grabecki G., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Aleszkiewicz M., Guziewicz M., Papis E., Kamińska E., Piotrowska A.,
Shtrikman H., Dietl T., "Unidirectional transmission of electrons in a magnetic field gradient", Physica E,
vol. 21 (2-4), 451-455, (2004).
31. Gurung T., Maćkowski S., Jackson H.E., Smith B.G., Heiss W., Kossut J., Karczewski G., "Tuning the
optical and magnetic properties of II-VI quantum dots by post-growth rapid thermal annealing", Phys.
Status Solidi B, vol. 241 (3), 652-655, (2004).
32. Hennion B., Szuszkiewicz W., Dynowska E., Janik E., Wojtowicz T., "Magnetic characteristics of zincblende MnTe: results of a spin-waves analysis", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (1), 151-154, (2003).
33. Idziaszek A., Sawicki A., Matsukura F., Dietl T., Karczewski G., Schott G., Ruester C., Gould C.,
Schmerber G., Molenkamp L.W., "Temperature and Hole Concentration dependence of In-plain Magnetic
Anisotropy in (Ga, Mn) As", KONF, (2003).
34. Ihn Y.S., Kim T.J., Kim Y., Aspnes D.E., Kossut J., "Optical properties of Cd1-xMgxTe (x = 0.00, 023,
0.31, and 0.43) alloy films", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 84, 693-695, (2004).
35. Ihn Y.S., Kim T.J., Kim Y.D., Aspnes D.E., Kossut J., "Dielectric functions of Cd1-xMgxTe alloy films by
using spectroscopic ellipsometry", J. Korean Phys. Soc., vol. 43, 634-637, (2003).
36. Imanaka Y., Takamasu T., Kido G., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Anomalous magneto
luminescence for CdMnTe/CdMgTe quantum wells under small Zeeman splitting around v=1", Inst. Phys.
Conf. Ser., vol. 171, H74 (1-7), (2003).
37. Ivanov V.Y., Godlewski M., Khachapuridze A., Yatsunenko S., Wojtowicz T., Karczewski G., Bergman
J.P., Monemar B., Shamirzaev T., Zhuravlev K., Leonardi K., Hommel D., "Microwave-Induced
Delocalization of Excitons in Ternary Compounds of II-VI and III-V Semiconductors", Acta Phys. Pol. A,
vol. 103 (6), 559-566, (2003).
38. Ivanov V.Y., Godlewski M., Omelchuk A., Khachapuridze A., Klik M., Gregorkiewicz T., Molenkamp
L.W., Karczewski G., "Excitation mechanism of near infra red emission in ZnSe:Cr", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser.,
vol. 171, H23 (1-8), (2003).
39. Ivanov V.Y., Karczewski G., Godlewski M., Omelchuk A., Belyaev A.E., Zhavoronkov N., "Role of
Auger-Type Energy Transfer Processes in Quenching of Anti-Stokes Emission in Chromium and Iron
Doped ZnSe: ODMR, Optical and Time-Resolved Study", Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 103 (6), 695-701, (2003).
40. Ivanov V.Y., Karczewski G., Godlewski M., Omelchuk A., Semenov Y.G., Zhavoronkov N., "Role of
Auger-type energy transfer processes in quenching of anti-Stokes emission in chromium and iron doped
wide band gap II-VI compounds: ODMR, optical and time-resolved study", KONF, (2003).
41. Ivanov V.Y., Karczewski G., Sawicki M., Godlewski M., Omelchuk A., Zhavoronkov N., Davydov A.A.,
"Spin dependent and nonliear effects in ZnCrSe and ZnCrTe", Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 1 (4), 961-964,
42. Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Dietl T., "Uporządkowanie
ferromagnetyczne w obszarze kwantowego zjawiska Halla w półprzewodnikach półmagnetycznych.",
Działalność Naukowa PAN, vol. 15, 81-82, (2003).
43. Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Popović D., Dietl T., "Quantum Hall ferromagnet in magnetically-doped quantum wells",
Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, E2.4 (1-8), (2003).
44. Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Karczewski G., Wróbel J., Wojtowicz T., Papis E., Kamińska E.,
Piotrowska A., Popović D., Dietl T., "Quantum Hall ferromagnetism in II-VI based alloys", Phys. Status
Solidi B, vol. 241 no.3, 712-717, (2004).
45. Jaroszyński J., Andrearczyk T., Wróbel J., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Popović D., Dietl T., "Resistance
noice study in a dirty quantum hall ferromagnet", Proc. SPIE, vol. 5112, 165-173, (2003).
46. Jeudy V., Gourdon C., Karczewski G., Tu Le A., "Transformation from flux tube to Labyrinthine stripe
pattern in the intermediate state of superconducting Indium", Physica C, vol. 388, 775-776, (2003).
47. Jouanne M., Morhange J.F., Dynowska E., Łusakowska E., Szuszkiewicz W., Molenkamp L.W.,
Karczewski G., "Structure characterization of MBE-grown ZnSe:Cr layers", KONF, (2003).
48. Jusserand B., Perez F., Richards D.R., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Testelin C., Wolverson D., Davies
J.J., "Spin Excitations of the Spin-Polarized Electron Gas in Semimagnetic Quantum Wells", Phys. Rev.
Lett., vol. 91, 086802-4, (2003).
49. Kamińska E., Piotrowska A., Piwoński T., Kossut J., Przeździecka E., Janik E., Butkute R., Dobrowolski
W., Jakieła R., Barcz A., Dynowska E., Dietl T., "Towards p-type ZnO", KONF, (2003).
50. Karczewski G., "II-VI DMS with Cr", KONF, (2003).
51. Karczewski G., Sawicki M., Ivanov M.I., Ruester C., Grabecki G., Matsukura F., Molenkamp L.W., Dietl
T., "Ferromagnetism in (Zn,Cr)Se layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (1), 5558, (2003).
52. Khachapuridze A., Ivanov V.Y., Yatsunenko S., Godlewski M., Karczewski G., "Spin-dependent processes
in CdMnTe-based quantum well structures: effects of hot carriers on light emission processes", KONF,
53. Kim B., Cheon M., Wang S., Luo H., McCombe B.D., Liu X., Sasaki Y., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna J.K.,
"Electric-field control of ferromagnetism in GaSb/Mn digital alloys", Physica E, vol. 20, 355-359, (2004).
54. Kinukawa T., Abc K., Mino H., Takeyama S., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J., "Spin transfer
mechanism on formation of excitons and biexcitons in (Cd,Mg)Te/CdTe/(Cd,Mn)Te asymmetric quantum
wells", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P290(1-6), (2003).
55. Kłopotowski Ł., Nawrocki M., Suffczyński J.., Janik E., "Exciton spin manipulation in asymmetric double
quantum well structures", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P93 (1-7), (2003).
56. Kłopotowski Ł., Suffczyński J.., Nawrocki M., Janik E., "Hanle Effect of Charged and neutral Excitons in
Quantum Wells", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (2), 435-437, (2003).
57. Knap W., Falko V.I., Frayssinet E., Lorenzini P..., Grandjean N., Maude D.K., Karczewski G., Brandt B.,
Łusakowski J., Grzegory I., Leszczynski M., Prystawko P., Skierbiszewski C., Porowski S., Hu X., Simin
G., Khan P., Asif Khan M., Shur M.S., "Spin and interaction effects in Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations and
quantum Hall effect in GaN/AlGaN heterostructures", Phys. Rev. B, (rok=?).
58. Kochereshko V., Andronikov D.A., Karczewski G., Negre N., Crooker S.A., "Excitons and trions in heavily
doped QW structures at high magnetic fields", KONF, (2003).
59. Kochereshko V., Astakhov G.V., Yakovlev D.R., Nurnberger J., Faschinger W., Ossau W., Landwehr G.,
Wojtowicz T., Karczewski G., Kossut J., "Combined exciton-electron optical processes in modulated doped
QWs", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, E1.6(1-8), (2003).
60. Kochereshko V., Astakhov G.V., Yakovlev D.R., Ossau W., Landwehr G., Faschinger W., Wojtowicz T.,
Karczewski G., Kossut J., "Combined exciton-electron optical processes in optical spectra of modulation
doped QWs", Physica E, vol. 17 (1-4), 197-200, (2003).
61. Kossacki P., Ciulin V., Cibert J., Kutrowski M., Maślana W., Ferrand D., Tatarenko S., Wojtowicz T.,
Deveaud B., Gaj J.A., "Optical studies of charged excitons in II-VI semiconductor quantum wells", Inst.
Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, R4.5 (133-143), (2003).
62. Koudinov A.V., Kusrayev Y.G., Zakharchenya B.P., Wolverson D., Davies J.J., Wojtowicz T., Karczewski
G., Kossut J., "Spin-flip raman scattering in semi-magnetic quantum wells with in-plane anisotropy:
Analysis of the intermediate states", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 67, 115304-1-12, (2003).
63. Kowalik K., Kudelski A., Gaj J.A., Wojtowicz T., Krebs O., Voisin P., "In-plane optical anisotropy of
parabolic and half-parabolic Cd1-xMnxTe quantum wells", Solid State Commun., vol. 126, 467-471,
64. Kowalik K., Kudelski A., Golnik A., Gaj J.A., Karczewski G., Kossut J., "Characterization of SelfAssembled CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots", Acta Phys. Pol. A, vol. 103, 539-544, (2003).
65. Kowalik K., Kudelski A., Golnik A., Gaj J.A., Karczewski G., Kossut J., "IN-PLANE ANISOTROPY OF
66. Kret S., Dłużewski P., Maciejewski G., Jurczak G., Ruterana P., Chen J., Dłużewski P., Janik E.,
"Quantitative transmission electron microscopy investigation of localised stress in heterostructures", KONF,
67. Kudelski A., Bindley U., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolska M., Wojtowicz T., "Excitonic lumunescence from
nonsymmetric heterovalent AlAs/GaAs/ZnSe quantum wells", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 82, 1854-1856,
68. Kudelski A., Kowalik K., Kasprzak J., Gaj J.A., Golnik A., Wojtowicz T., Cywiński G., "Magnetic field
controlled in-plane optical anisotropy in parabolic (Cd,Mn,Mg)Te quantum wells", Phys. Status Solidi C,
vol. 1 (4), 965-968, (2004).
69. Kudelski A., Krebs O., Kasprzak J., Golnik A., Cywiński G., Voisin P., Gaj J.A., "Giant in-plane optical
anisotropy induced by longitudinal magnetic field in semimagnetic Cd1-xMnxTe quantum wells", Inst.
Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, E1.2 (1-8), (2003).
70. Kuryliszyn I., Goiran M., Furdyna J.K., Liu X., Wojtowicz T., Baran M., Dobrowolski W., Domagała J.Z.,
Łusakowska E., Szymczak R., Broto J.M., Rakoto H., Raquet H., "Magnetic studies of Ga1-xMnxAs
epilayers", KONF, (2003).
71. Kuryliszyn I., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolski W., Broto J.M., Portugall O., Rakoto H.,
Raquet H., "Low temperature annealing studies of Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (1), 63-66,
72. Le Van K., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Auger quenching of Mn2+ luminescence in phosphorus doped Zn1xMnxTecrystals for the application to red-green avalanche light emitting devices", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser.,
vol. 171, P57(1-6), (2003).
73. Le Van K., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Carrier-Concentration and Magnetic-Field Effect on Mn2+
luminescence in Bulk Zn1-xMnxTe Crystals", J. Supercond., vol. 16 (2), 427-429, (2003).
74. Le Van K., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Optical determination of phosphorus acceptor binding energy in widegap II-VI bulk seimagnetic semiconductors", KONF, (2003).
75. Le Van K., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Optical determination of phosphorus acceptor binding energy in widegap II-VI bulk semimagnetic semiconductors", KONF, (2003).
76. Le Van K., Kossut J., Gałązka R.R., "Optical identification of impurity levels in strongly phosphorus-doped
wide-gap II-VI bulk semimagnetic semiconductors", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 235 (1), 44-47, (2003).
77. Lee S., Chung S.J., Choi I.S., Yuldeshev S.U., Hyunsik I., Kang T.W., Lim W.L., Sasaki Y., Liu M.T.,
Wojtowicz T., Furdyna J.K., "Effect of Be doping on the properties of GaMnAs ferromagnetic
semiconductors", J. Appl. Phys., vol. 93, 8307-8309, (2003).
78. Lee S., Shin D.Y., Titova L.V., Kutrowski M., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., "Magnetophotoluminescence study on magnetic/non-magnetic semiconductor coupled quantum dots", Phys. Status
Solidi B, vol. 241 (3), 722-726, (2004).
79. Lee S., Shin D.Y., Titova L.V., Kutrowski M., Furdyna J.K., Dobrowolska M., "Magneto-optical study of
multiple layers of self-assembled quantum dots involving diluted magnetic semiconductors.", J. Supercond.,
vol. 16 (2), 453-456, (2003).
80. Ławniczak-Jabłońska K., Szuszkiewicz W., Demchenko I., Piskorska E., Janik E., Traverse A., "Anisotropy
of bonds at antiferromagnetic transition in MnTe-based low-dimensional structures", KONF, (2003).
81. Łusakowski J., Cywiński G., Korona K., Knap W., Kossut J., "Mixing of impurity levels by a built-in
electric field in CdMgTe/CdZnTe heterostructures", Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 0 (2), 605-608, (2003).
82. Maćkowski S., Gurung T., Nguyen T.A., Hewaparakrama K.P., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Wróbel J., Fronc
K., Kossut J., Karczewski G., "Optical studies of spin relaxation in CdTe self-assembled quantum dots",
Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 1 (4), 937-940, (2004).
83. Maćkowski S., Gurung T., Nguyen T.A., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Kossut J., Karczewski G., "Optically
controlled magnetization of zero-dimensional magnetic polarons in CdMnTe self-assembled quantum dots",
Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 241 (3), 656-659, (2004).
84. Maćkowski S., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Kossut J., Karczewski G., Heiss W., "Tuning the properties of
magnetic CdMnTe quantum dots", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 83, 3575-3577, (2003).
85. Maćkowski S., Nguyen T.A., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Kossut J., Karczewski G., "Exciton spin relaxation
time in quantum dots measured by continous-wave photoluminescence spectroskopy", Appl. Phys. Lett.,
vol. 83, 5524-5526, (2003).
86. Maćkowski S., Nguyen T.A., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Kossut J., Karczewski G., Heiss W., "Optical
properties of semimagnetic quantum dots", Mat.. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Series, vol. 737, E9.1.1, (2003).
87. Maćkowski S., Smith L.M., Jackson H.E., Heiss W., Kossut J., Karczewski G., "Optical properties of
annealed CdTe self-assembled quantum dots.", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 83 (2), 254-256, (2003).
88. McCombe B.D., Na M., Chen X., Cheon M., Wang S., Luo H., Liu X., Sasaki F., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna
J.K., Potashnik S.J., Schiffer P., "Novel ferromagnetism in digital GaAs/Mn and GaSb/Mn alloys", Physica
E, vol. 16 (1), 90-98, (2003).
89. Mino H., Kobayashi N., Shi J.M., Takeyama S., Adachi S., Karczewski G., Wojtowicz T., Kossut J.,
"Biexciton formation at high magnetic field in (Cd,Mn)Te/CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te asymmetric quantum wells",
Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, C19 (1-7), (2003).
90. Nadgorny B., Panguluru R., Wojtowicz T., Liu X., Furdyna J.K., Chung S.J., Samarth N., "Andreev
Reflection Spin Spectroscopy in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors", KONF, (2003).
91. Nguyen T.A., Maćkowski S., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Karczewski G., Kossut J., Dobrowolska M.,
Furdyna J.K., Heiss W., "Exciton-LO-phonon interaction in II-VI self-assembled quqntum dots", Phys.
Status Solidi C, vol. 1 (4), 767-770, (2004).
92. Nguyen T.A., Maćkowski S., Rho H., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Kossut J.,
Karczewski G., Dobrowolska M., Furdyna J.K., "Resonant photoluminescence and excitation spectroscopy
of CdSe/ZnSe and CdTe/ZnTe self-assembled quantum dots", Mat.. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Series, vol. 737,
E9.2.1, (2003).
93. Nguyen T.A., Maćkowski S., Robinson L.M., Rho H., Jackson H.E., Smith L.M., Dobrowolska M.,
Furdyna J.K., Karczewski G., "Resonant and non-resonant PL and PLE spectra of CdSe/ZnSe and
CdTe/ZnTe self-assembled quantum dots", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, H157 (1-4), (2003).
94. Orłowski B., Kowalski B., Fronc K., Żuberek R., Mickevicius S., Mirabella F., Ghijsen J., "Study of Fe/Si
multilayers by photoemission spectroscopy", J. Alloys Comp., vol. 362, 202-205, (2004).
95. Portella-Oberli M.T., Ciulin V., Ganiere J.D., Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T., Deveaud B., "Transport and
coherence properties of trions and excitons in CdTe quantum wells", Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 171, P90
(1-8), (2003).
96. Portella-Oberli M.T., Ciulin V., Kutrowski M., Wojtowicz T., Deveaud B., "Nonlinear optical dynamics of
excitons and trions", Phys. Status Solidi B, vol. 238 (3), 513-516, (2003).
97. Prechtl G., Heiss W., Bonanni A., Jantsch W., Maćkowski S., Janik E., "Magnetization and spin distribution
of single sub-monolayers of MnTe in semiconductor quantum wels", Phys. Rev. B, vol. 68, 165313-1-8,
98. Przeździecka E., Janik E., Kamińska E., Dynowska E., Paszkowicz W., Kossut J., "Hexagonal MnTe and
ZnTe grown on sapphire by MBE", KONF, (2003).
99. Przeździecka E., Janik E., Kamińska E., Dynowska E., Paszkowicz W., Kossut J., "Otrzymywanie
epitaksjalnych materiałów II-VI w wymuszonej fazie heksagonalnej", KONF, (2003).
100. Ruster C., Borzenko T., Gould C., Schmidt G., Molenkamp L.W., Liu X., Wojtowicz T., Furdyna J.K., Yu
Z.G., Flatte M.E., "Very large magnetoresistance in lateral ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As wires with
nanoconstrictions", Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 91, 216602-1-4, (2003).
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