kurier onkologii - Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii


kurier onkologii - Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii
Nr 5 (42) paŸdziernik 2008
wielkopolskie centrum onkologii
Dwumiesiêcznik Informacyjny Wielkopolskiego Centrum Onkologii, ul. Garbary 15, 61-866 Poznañ
Polska Grupa Badañ Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi
Professor Forastiere is the leader of the Head and Neck Oncology Clinical Research
Program at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins.
She is Professor, Department of Oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine and holds appointments as Professor in the Departments of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, and Radiation Oncology and Molecular Sciences.
Professor Forastiere is an internationally recognized expert in head and neck
oncology. She has made major contributions to the development of combined
modality therapy and establishing standards of care for the management of
advanced head and neck cancer. These include the integration of platinum based
chemotherapy and radiotherapy for organ preservation, post-operative management of high-risk head and neck cancer, the development of taxanes in head and
neck cancer, and investigating agents that target the epidermal growth factor
receptor signaling pathway. She served as the Chair of the Head and Neck Committee for the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group from 1993-2006 and is a past coChair of the Head and Neck Committee of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.
She currently serves as the medical oncology co-Chair of the National Cancer
Institute Steering Committee for head and neck cancer clinical and translational
research. Prof. Forastiere is Chairperson of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Head and Neck Cancer Guidelines Panel. She is a former member
of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. She has been
an associate editor for the Journal of Clinical Oncology since 2000 in addition
to serving on numerous other editorial and advisory boards. Dr. Forastiere has
authored over 200 peer-reviewed publications and over 50 book sections.
Ma³gorzata Twardochleb
Sekretariat Dyrekcji, pok. 337
Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii
ul. Garbary 15, 61-866 Poznañ
tel. 061 885 07 00
Galeria Promocyjna CEBART szoo
tel. 061 862 01 21
Polska Grupa Badañ Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi zosta³a powo³ana do ¿ycia
decyzj¹ Komitetu Za³o¿ycielskiego na wiosnê 2003 r.
Od kilku lat odczuwa³o siê w Polsce brak interdyscyplinarnego towarzystwa
naukowego, które stanowi³oby wspóln¹ platformê wymiany myœli naukowej,
w³asnych doœwiadczeñ dotycz¹cych etiopatogenezy, diagnostyki i leczenia oraz
tworzenia nowych programów naukowo-badawczych w zakresie nowotworów
g³owy i szyi.
W zebraniu za³o¿ycielskim wziêli udzia³ specjaliœci z ró¿nych dziedzin medycyny,
przede wszystkim: laryngolodzy, chirurdzy szczêkowo-twarzowi, neurochirurdzy,
radiolodzy, okuliœci, patolodzy, radioterapeuci, onkolodzy kliniczni. Innymi s³owy
wszyscy, którzy bior¹ udzia³ w interdyscyplinarnym leczeniu chorych z nowotworami g³owy i szyi.
Nowotwory g³owy i szyi zaliczane s¹ do grupy nowotworów, których leczenie
jest bardzo trudne. Jest to zwi¹zane przede wszystkim z lokalizacj¹ anatomiczn¹
oraz biologi¹ guza. Ka¿de leczenie, a zw³aszcza leczenie chirurgiczne tej okolicy
anatomicznej wi¹¿e siê z zagro¿eniem dysfunkcj¹ wa¿nych dla ¿ycia organów oraz
dramatycznym obni¿eniem jakoœci ¿ycia. Dlatego wspó³dzia³anie w ustalaniu
programu leczenia musi byæ zawsze indywidualizowane i zespo³owe.
W Polsce rocznie notuje siê ok. 8 000 nowych zachorowañ na nowotwory g³owy
i szyi.
Liczba ta co roku zwiêksza siê o kilkadziesi¹t nowych zachorowañ. Pomimo rozwoju wszystkich dziedzin medycyny wyniki leczenia w tej grupy nowotworów s¹
daleko niezadowalaj¹ce i wynosz¹ ok. 50% 5-letnich prze¿yæ. Dopiero w ostatnim
okresie obserwuje siê nieznaczn¹ poprawê.
G³ówne cele towarzystwa to: promowanie interdyscyplinarnych zespo³ów leczenia, poprawa jakoœci leczenia, edukacja podyplomowa, utworzenie nadspecjalizacji w zakresie leczenia nowotworów g³owy i szyi oraz prowadzenie w³asnych
i wspólnych, wielooœrodkowych badañ naukowych krajowych i europejskich.
W chwili obecnej towarzystwo liczy 250 cz³onków reprezentuj¹cych ró¿ne
dziedziny medycyny i stale siê powiêksza.
Po raz pierwszy od wielu lat polskie towarzystwo naukowe (Polska Grupa Badañ
Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi) zosta³o cz³onkiem International Federation of Head and
Neck Oncological Societes (IFHNOS) z siedzib¹ w Nowym Jorku.
Staramy siê uczestniczyæ we wszystkich kursach i konferencjach odbywaj¹cych siê pod auspicjami tej organizacji. Dla najbardziej aktywnych cz³onków oraz
m³odych lekarzy towarzystwo przyznaje stypendia naukowe.
W³¹czyliœmy siê czynnie w tworzenie Europejskiego Towarzystwa G³owy i Szyi
(EHNS), które zosta³o zarejestrowane decyzj¹ Komisji Europejskiej w Brukseli jesieni¹
Podczas ostatnich 4 lat zorganizowaliœmy 5 krajowych spotkañ, w których
uczestniczyli wybitni specjaliœci zajmuj¹cy siê leczeniem nowotworów g³owy i szyi.
Szczególnie nale¿a³oby podkreœliæ obecnoœæ Prezydenta European Head and Neck
Society prof. Jean Louis Lefebvre'a, Prezydenta European Federation of Otolaryngological Societes prof. Jan Olofsson'a, Prof. Reidar Grenman'a, który odpowiada
w ramach Europejskiego Towarzystwa Laryngologicznego za nowy zunifikowany
program specjalizacji w zakresie otolaryngologii chirurgii g³owy i szyi, prof. Jochen’a
Werner'a jednego z czo³owych chirurgów g³owy i szyi Europy oraz prof. Rene Leemans'a kierownika Katedry Otolaryngologii UV University Medical Center w Amsterdamie pioniera chirurgii rekonstrukcyjnej nowotworów g³owy i szyi w Europie.
Spotkania organizowane by³y w du¿ych miastach na terenie ca³ego kraju,
co umo¿liwi³o udzia³ m³odych lekarzy specjalizuj¹cych siê w leczeniu nowotworów
g³owy i szyi z ró¿nych dziedzin medycyny do zapoznania siê z aktualnymi trendami
w diagnostyce i leczeniu nowotworów g³owy i szyi. Pe³ne sale wyk³adowe, gor¹ce
dyskusje, doskona³e przygotowanie merytoryczne wyk³adowców przyczyni³y siê do pe³nego sukcesu tych spotkañ.
W 2006 r. Polska Grupa Badañ Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi zorganizowa³a w Poznaniu
5th European Workshop on Basic Biology of Head & Neck Cancer. W trakcie dwudniowej konferencji
wziê³o udzia³ ponad 150 osób z ca³ego œwiata. Najlepsze laboratoria zajmuj¹ce siê biologi¹
molekularn¹ prezentowa³y najwa¿niejsze osi¹gniêcia i oczekiwania w zakresie biologii nowotworów g³owy i szyi. Znacz¹cy postêp w naukach podstawowych jest zwi¹zany z wymiernymi efektami
Jako Towarzystwo wykazaliœmy bardzo du¿e zainteresowanie w organizowanym przez prof.
Jatina Shah'a Œwiatowym Programem Edukacyjnym Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi. Intencj¹ tego
Programu jest nie tylko poznanie najnowoczeœniejszych osi¹gniêæ medycyny w tej dziedzinie,
ale równie¿ wdra¿anie standardów. Ze wzglêdu na rosn¹ce koszty podró¿owania i pobytu lekarzy
na topowych konferencjach, prof. Shah postanowi³ zorganizowaæ objazd edukacyjny po œwiecie.
Polska Grupa Badañ Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi zosta³a koordynatorem Regionu 5, w którego
zasiêg wesz³y nastêpuj¹ce kraje: Wêgry, Chorwacja, Czechy, S³owacja, S³owenia, Serbia, Rumunia
i Polska. W Europie konferencja bêdzie odbywaæ siê równie¿ w Londynie, Barcelonie, Rzymie
i Atenach. Pozosta³e kraje na mapie Œwiatowego Programu Edukacyjnego to: Moskwa, Mumbai,
Bangkok, Pekin, Buenos Aires i Bogota.
Wybitni eksperci: prof. Jatin Shah, prof. William Wei, prof. Jean-Louis Lefebvre, prof. Kie-Kian
Ang, prof. Patrick Gullane, prof. Christopher O'Brien, prof. Jochen Werner, prof. Arlene Forastiere,
prof. Randal Weber bêd¹ przedstawiali wyk³ad wprowadzaj¹cy na dany temat, a lekarze z poszczególnych krajów bêd¹ prezentowaæ przypadki, które zostan¹ przedyskutowane z ekspertami oraz
uczestnikami konferencji. Wydaje siê, ¿e logistycznie przedsiêwziêcie jest przygotowane perfekcyjnie.
Nasza aktywnoœæ zosta³a doceniona przez redaktora naczelnego czasopisma “Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy”. Dostaliœmy zaproszenie do wspó³redagowania tego dynamicznie rozwijaj¹cego siê czasopisma, które z pewnoœci¹ ma szanse staæ siê znacz¹c¹ pozycj¹
wydawnicz¹ z zakresu onkologii w Europie (blue journal).
Decyzj¹ Europejskiego Towarzystwa G³owy i Szyi zostaliœmy wybrani na g³ównego organizatora
Kongresu Europejskiego w 2012 r.
Myœlê, ¿e stanowi to dowód zaufania dla naszej pracy i zachêca do dalszego dzia³ania.
prof dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Golusiñski
Prezes Polskiej Grupy Badañ Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi
Professor Patrick Gullane is Otolaryngologist-in-Chief and Wharton Chair in Head and Neck Surgery
at Princess Margaret Hospital, and Professor and Chair, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and
Neck Surgery, University of Toronto. He has received numerous honours and awards during his
career, including the Harris P. Mosher Award from the Triological Society, the Commemorative
Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation, and The Millennium Society Award
from the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. He served as President of
the American Head and Neck Society and The North American Skull Base Society. Prof. Gullane has
been invited as a Visiting Professor to more than 42 countries, lecturing on all aspects of head and
including the Sir William Wilde Lecture (2001) and The Eugene N. Myers International Lecture
(2006). He has delivered 500 presentations nationally and internationally, and serves on the
editorial board of 10 journals. He has published 210 peerreviewed journals, 56 chapters in
textbooks and 8 books on various aspects of head and neck surgery. He received the Howells
Memorial Prize in Otolaryngology - University of London for the best publsihed book in otolaryngology head surgery in the preceding five years for co-authoring the textbook, Principles and
Practice of Head and Neck Oncology. Professor was the recipient of an Honorary Fellowship from
the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. The Princess Margaret recognized Professor Gullane
with a Tribute Event and Gala Evening for his contributions and leadership in head and neck
In recognition of this evening and his contributions, an endowed Fellowship Chair will be established. Professor Gullane as recipient of Galway University's prestigious Alumni Award - the Medtronic Award for Health Care and Medical Science, acknowledginghis contributions to the development of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Research, Ireland (2007).
Polska Grupa Badañ Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi powsta³a w roku 2003 jako interdyscyplinarna instytucja,
skupiaj¹ca specjalistów z zakresu otolaryngologii, chirurgii szczêkowo-twarzowej, neurochirurgii, radiologii, patomorfologii, biologii molekularnej, chemioterapii, onkologii klinicznej, czyli wszystkich specjalistów prowadz¹cych opiekê nad chorym z nowotworem g³owy i szyi.
Nadrzêdnym celem naszego towarzystwa naukowego jest promowanie leczenia interdyscyplinarnego.
Polska Grupa Badañ Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi jest cz³onkiem International Federation of Head & Neck
Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS).
Polska Grupa Badañ Nowotworów G³owy i Szyi
ul. Garbary 15
61-866 Poznañ
Tel. 061 885 09 13
NIP: 778-142-23-13
prof. dr hab. med. Wojciech Golusiñski
[email protected]
V-ce Prezesi:
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szyfter
prof. dr hab. med. Krzysztof Sk³adowski
dr n. med. Piotr Tomczak
Professor Chris O'Brien is Director of the Sydney Cancer Centre based at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
and the University of Sydney. He is Professor of Surgery at the University of Sydney, Director of the
Sydney Head and Neck Cancer Institute, and Director of Cancer Services for the Sydney South West
Area Health Service. Professor O'Brien has established an internationally recognised fellowship
program and a basic research program in collaboration with the University of Sydney looking
particularly at the role of HPV in head and neck cancers and the molecular genetics of salivary gland
tumours. Professor O'Brien has published 16 book chapters, over 100 peer reviewed scientific
papers and produced numerous teaching videotapes. He founded the Australian and New Zealand
Head and Neck Society in 1998 and was President of that Society in 2004. He has visited many
countries as an invited lecturer and has given numerous named lectures including the Hayes Martin
Lecture (2004), the Eugene Myers International Lecture (2005) and the Jatin Shah Lecture (2006).
In 2007 he will deliver the Semon Lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine, London. On Australia
Day 2005, Professor O'Brien was honoured as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for "services
to medicine, particularly in the field of head and neck oncology as a clinical researcher and teacher".
dr n. med. Piotr Milecki
dr n. med. Piotr D¹browski
Daily schedule
13 October 2008
07.30 - 08.00 hrs
08.00 - 09.30 hrs
Since 1998, Jochen A. Werner works as professor and chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, of the Philipps University of Marburg, Germany. His clinical activity
focuses oncology, and here especially on organ-pre serving laser surgery of carcinomas of the upper
aerodigestive tract and on neck diseases. Furthr his work focuses on the treatment of extended
hemangiomas and vascular malformations of the head and neck and on surgery of the anterior
skull base and paranasal sinuses. His scientific activity focuses on the process of lymphogenic
metastatic spread of head and neck cancers as well as translymphatic chemothera py, new laser
applications, and the classification of hemangiomas and vascular malformations of the head and
neck. His professional life is characterised by memberships in several national and international
organisations, including honorary memberships of the Egyptian Society of Ear, Nose, Throat
& Allied Sciences, the Hungarian Otolaryngological Society, and the Overseas Scientific Committee,
Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China. In addition to that he holds several functions
in journal and organisations such as the managing editorship of the “European Archives of OtoRhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck”. He is member of numerous national and international head
and neck societies. From 2004 to 2006 he was Dean of Medical Education of the Philipps University
of Marburg, Germany. He organised more than 45 courses and conferences and published more
than 275 peer-reviewed papers. Further he is the author of more than 200 papers and book
chapters as well as of several monographies.
09.30 - 11.00 hrs
Patrick Gullane
Jatin Shah
Panelists: William Wei, Kie-Kian Ang
T2N1M0 carcinoma of the base of the tongue
Carcinoma of the floor of the mouth
Cancer in the anterior floor of the mouth: marginal vs. segmental
T2N0M0 oral tongue carcinoma
Carcinoma of base of tongue
Early carcinoma of the tongue
Salivary Tumors
Jochen Werner
Panelists: Jatin Shah, Kie-Kian Ang
William Wei
Adenoma pleomorphe glandulae submandibularis
Tumor in a deep lobe of the Parotid Gland
Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland with invasion of the facial nerve and intact
facial nerve function
11.00 - 11.30 hrs
Coffee break
11.30 - 13.00 hrs
Thyroid & Parathyroid
William Wei
Jatin Shah
Panelists: Patrick Gullane, Jean-Louis Lefebvre
Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland in a young patient
Papillary thyroid cancer with extra-thyroid spread to the strap muscle
A 1 cm papillary carcinoma in the left lobe
13.00 - 14.00 hrs
Neck Metastases
Patrick Gullane
Jatin Shah
Panelists: Jean-Louis Lefebvre, Kie-Kian Ang, Arlene Forastiere
Tumor involved oral tongue and oropharynx, metastasis confined to level II
A 57-year-old man with with a supraglottic carcinoma with nodal metastases at level II
Patient with a supraglottic carcinoma with nodal metastases at level II
Metastatic carcinoma at the neck from an unknown primary
Cancer of the oral tongue pT3 pN2 CM0
T1 N0 carcinoma of the tongue
Preoperative US for staging of the neck
15.30 - 16.00 hrs
Coffee break
16.00 - 17.30 hrs
Current Role of Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy
in Head & Neck Tumors
14.00 - 15.30 hrs
Prof. Kian Ang began his career in the field of radiation oncology at the University Hospital in Leuven
in 1980. In 1984, he was recruited to the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center where
he progressed to the rank of Professor and Deputy Chairman of Radiation Oncology in 1990 and
was awarded the Robert R. Herring Professorship in Clinical Research in 1992 and the Gilbert H.
Fletcher Distinguished Chair in 1996. Prof. Ang's clinical research emphasis focuses on refinement
of therapy for head and neck cancer patients through development of biologically sound therapy
regimens to be tested in multi-institutional randomized trials. He has chaired the Head and Neck
Cancer Committee of the RTOG since 1999. This committee has completed four major randomized
trials during the last six years that have contributed to changing the standard-of-care for head and
neck carcinomas. He has been the Principal Investigator of a Program Project entitled "Modulation
and Prediction of Radiation Response", which fosters interactions between laboratory and clinical
scientists in developing novel therapy strategies. The combination of radiotherapy with cetuximab
was recently established as an approved therapy for a frontline treatment of patients with locally
advanced head and neck carcinoma. Prof. Ang has served as the President of the American Society
of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) and is a Trustee of the American Board of Radiology. He has received many awards and has given keynote lectures, such as the Clinical Research
Award of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (1984), the Verstandig
Award of the University of Tennessee (1994), the Emmanuel van der Schueren Lecture of Belgian
Society of Radiation Oncology (2000), the Dallas Fort Worth Living Legend Faculty Achievement
Award in Clinical Research (2000), and the Wharton Lecturer of the University of Toronto (2005).
He has contributed over 250 peer-reviewed journal papers, more than 50 chapters, and has edited
six textbooks.
Oral Cancer
Jochen Werner
Kie-Kian Ang
& Arlene Forastiere
Panelists: William Wei, Patrick Gullane
Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CTRT) in locally advanced squamous cell
head and neck cancer (SCHNC)
Current lole of chemotherapy & radiotherapy in head and neck tumors
17.30 - 19.00 hrs
Operative Techniques in Head and Neck Surgery I
The use of prefabricated radial forearm free flap with biodegradive materials
in human tracheal reconstruction
Deep Lobe Parotid
Parotidectomy with Facial Nerve Reconstruction
Marginal Mandibulectomy
Cricotracheal Resection for Thyroid Cancer
Radical Neck dissection
Level IV Selective Neck Dissection
14th October 2008
Jatin Shah
Patrick Gullane
08.00 - 09.30 hrs
Sinuses & Skull Base
Papillary adenocarcinoma of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity
Esthesioneuroblastoma with cribriform plate destruction
Squamous cell carcinoma of the maxilla
Schwannoma of the third division of the trigeminal nerve presenting
in infra temporal fossa
Carcinoma of the maxilla with invasion of the orbital floor
09.30 - 11.00 hrs
Panelists: William Wei, Kie-Kian Ang
Larynx & Pharnyx
William Wei
Panelists: Kie-Kian Ang, Arlene Forastiere
Jochen Wermer
TN 10 Squamous cell carcinoma of the true vocal cord
T2 N0 Carcinoma of the supraglottic larynx
T4 N1 Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx with thyroid cartilage invasion
Radiation failure squamous carcinoma of the glottic larynx confined
to the vocal cord
Post cricoid carcinoma of the hypopharynx with cricoid cartilage invasion
11.00 - 11.30 hrs
Coffee break
11.30 - 13.00 hrs
Molecular Therapeutics
with Radiation
and Chemotherapy
Patrick Gullane
Arlene Forastiere
Panelists: William Wei, J.L. Lefebvre
13.00 - 14.00 hrs
14.00 - 15.30 hrs
Soft Tissue & Parapharyngeal Space Tumors
Jatin Shah
William Wei
Panelists: Patrick Gullane, J.L. Lefebvre
Asymptomatic patient with a carotid body tumor
A large high paraganglioma of the vagus nerve in a 65 year old male
Soft tissue sarcoma of the lateral neck
A patient with osteosarcoma of the mandible
A patient with dermatofibrosarcoma of the scalp
15.30 - 16.00 hrs
Coffee break
16.00 - 19.00 hrs
Professor Jatin P. Shah is Leader of the Head and Neck Program, and holds The Elliott W. Strong
Chair in Head and Neck Oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.
Professor Shah has served as President of The New York Cancer Society, The New York Head and
Neck Society, The Society of Head and Neck Surgeons and The North American Skull Base Society.
He is Founder of The Inter-national Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies and President
of The In-ternational Academy of Oral Oncology. Professor Shah has been the recipient of numerous awards and is an honorary member of several head and neck societies in Europe, Asia,
Australia and South America. He serves on the Editorial and Review Boards of 18 scientific journals
and has more than 300 peerreviewed publications, 55 book chapters and 8 books. His textbook of
Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology won First Prize from The British Medical Association and The
Royal Society of Medicine, and was awarded the George Davey Howells Prize from the University
of London for the best published book in otolaryngology in the preceding five years. He is a much
sought after speaker who has delivered over 50 named lectures and keynote addresses and 800
scientific presentations in 49 countries. In recognition of his outstanding contributions and world
leadership in head and neck surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has established
an endowed Chair in his name and the American Head and Neck Society has named an annual
symposium in his honor.
Operative Techniques in Head and Neck Surgery II
Partial Laryngectiomies
Marginal Mandibulectomy
Neck Dissections
Jejuni Free Flap
Regional leaders in the specialty will join the faculty for each scientific session to permit intellectual
exchange and a balanced view with regional variances in current practices of head and neck
surgical oncology. Each topic will include several vital and provocative issues for discussion. Multdisciplinary involvement will be emphasized, including the importance and outcomes of therapy.
We hope to generate healthy discussion and debate between touring and regional faculty who
present the various issues and problems encountered in day-to-day clinical practice. Participation
in the interactive sessions by host faculty and the attendees will be strongly encouraged. Issues
pertaining to diagnostic work-up, imaging, the value of PET scanning, biomarkers, and the role
of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and rehabilitation, etc. will be covered where appropriate
within the context of the selected topics. This program has been constructed to cover major topics
in head and neck, including oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, salivary glands, thyroid, paranasal sinuses
and skull base, metastatic cancer in the neck, head and neck reconstruction, cutaneous malignancies of the head and neck, and parapharyngeal space and soft tissue tumors. While the emphasis of the entire course will be on cancer, issues related to benign tumors and diseases in the
head and neck (including tumors of the salivary glands, thyroid, parapharyngeal space tumors and
other related topics) will be prudently addressed.
Professor William Ignace Wei is Professor at the Department of Surgery, University of Hong Kong
Medical Centre, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, and he holds the William Mong Chair in Otorhinolaryngology. He is also Chief of Service, Department of ENT, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong,
China. His main clinical interests are in head and neck surgery especially in nasopharyngeal,
laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer, and microvascular reconstruction after ablative surgery. He is
active in his clinical research pursuits, and holds membership of 19 academic societies as well
as serves on the editorial board of 16 academic journals. He was the founding and Immediate past
president of the Hong Kong College of Oto-rhinolaryngologists. He currently serves as the Secretary
General of the IFHNOS. To date, Professor Wei has authored more than 25 book chapters and over
240 publications including 218 in peer-reviewed journals, covering a wide range of Head Neck
Surgery topics. He has also given more than 240 invited lectures in different countries, including
the prestigious Eugene Myers International Lecture (1994) and the Hayes Martin Lecture (2001).

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