History of art and culture – XIX th and XX th century Department of


History of art and culture – XIX th and XX th century Department of
History of art and culture – XIX th and XX th century
Basic training
Department of Humanities
Interfaculty Institute of Art Science
Department of Humanities
Type of the course: lecture
Status of classes: obligatory
Evaluation method: exam
Terms of admission: completion of the previous semester
The aim of the lecture is to present general selected problems of history of contemporary
art (first half of the 20th century in particular), with strong emphasis on cultural
transmission. Intentional effect of training is gaining the minimum knowledge (because of
the time limit) on 20th century art history, and acquiring the ability of „reading” the
cultural layer.
Teaching methods, form of classes
Lecture illustrated with slides.
Evaluation method
The set of slides prepared for the colloquium (written exam), prepared to check both
general factual knowledge of the student and the ability of independent thinking.
Answering correctly to all the tasks, student is able to get 30 points (factual part – 20,
descriptive part – 10), to get a positive mark, student should get at least 16 points.
Bibliography Grabska E., Morawska H. (oprac.), Artyści o sztuce; Od van Gogha do
Picassa, W-wa 1969;
Turowski A. (oprac.), Między sztuką a komuną; Teksty awangardy rosyjskiej 1910-1930,
Kraków 1998;
David Hockney by David Hockney, Nikos Stangos (ed.), intr. by Henry Geldzahler, Harry
N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York;
Felix Z., Schwander M., (ed.), Cindy Sherman, New York 1995;
Gryglewicz T., Szczerski A., Sztuka w okresie PRL-u; Metody i przedmiot badań, Kraków
Hobby R., Andres Serrano, Malmö 1996;
Hussakowska-Szyszko M., Spadkobiercy Duchampa? Negacja sztuki w amerykańskim
środowisku artystycznym, Kraków 1984;
Jeff Koons, Retrospective, San Francisco museum of Modern Art, San Francisco 1992;
Jenny Holzer, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, N.Y. 1990;
Kowalczyk I., Ciało i władza; Polska sztuka krytyczna lat 90, Warszawa 2002;
Love for Sale. The Words and Pictures of Barbara Kruger, N.Y. 1990;
Piotrowski P., Dekada. O syndromie lat siedemdziesiątych, kulturze artystycznej, krytyce,
sztuce – wybiórczo i subiektywnie, Poznań 1991;
Piotrowski P., W cieniu Duchampa, Poznań 1996; Znaczenia modernizmu. W stronę
historii sztuki polskiej po 1945 roku, Poznań 1999;
Rose B., Malarstwo amerykańskie XX wieku, tł. H. Andrzejewska, Warszawa 1991.
Rosenthal M., Anselm Kiefer, (Katalog wystawy) Chicago and Philadelphia 1987.

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