Conference Agenda - the role of universities in promotion of cities


Conference Agenda - the role of universities in promotion of cities
Department of International Marketing and Retailing
Conference schedule „The role of universities in promotion of cities and regions”
Lodz, 30th – 31st of May 2014
Friday, 30th of May
Opening ceremony and inauguration of the conference:
Professor Antoni Różalski — Vice-Rector for science University of Lodz
Professor Tomasz Domański — Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies
University of Lodz
Session 1. Universities in the process of stimulating the development of cities and regions
Plenary Speeches 9.30–11.00
1. Professor Gilles Guyot — Rector of the University Lyon 3; Director of the IAE Lyon, France
“University, region and city of Lyon: Building and implementing a joint international strategy”
2. Professor Eddy Souffrant — University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
“An Ethical and Political argument for the preservation of our contemporary Universities”
3. Professor Tomasz Domański — Dean of of the Faculty
“New partnership between Universities, cities and regions — main research axes and
strategic challenges”
Coffee break 11.00–11.30
Discussion panel: 11.30–12.30
Panel chairman: to be confirmed.
Panel participants: Professor Antoni Różalski — Vice-rector for science University of Lodz
Professor Teodoro Luque-Martínez — University of Granada, Spain
Tomasz Jakubiec — Manager of the Office of Strategy, Lodz City Hall
Dariusz Koperczak — Manager of the Centre of Carriers and Cooperation with
Employers UL
Lunch break 12.30–14.00
All proceedings will be conducted in English, without the aid of interpreters.
Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
Składowa Street 43, 90–127 Lodz, Poland; tel. (48 42) 635 42 65, fax (48 42) 66 55 687, e-mail: [email protected]
Session 2. The role of universities in promotion of cities and regions
Plenary Speeches 14.00–15.30
1. Xosé A. Neira Cruz, PhD. — Campus Culturae Project Coordinator, University of Santiago
de Compostela, Spain
“The communication as a key in the promotion of cities and regions from universities:
the case of Santiago de Compostela“
2. Professor Antonella Zucchella, Elisa Conz — University of Pavia, Italy
“University-territory interaction models: beyond the triple helix”
3. Justyna Anders, PhD., Marta Hereźniak, PhD. — Chair of International Marketing and
Retailing, Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland
“Academic Potential of the City as a Component of City Brand Equity”
Coffee break 15.30–16.00
Discussion panel: 17.00–18.00
Panel chairman: to be confirmed.
Panel participants: Monika Głowacka — Film Commission, Lodz City Hall
Bartosz Poniatowski — Office of the City Architect, Lodz City Hall
Dominika Ostrowska-Augustyniak — Office of Promotion, Tourism and
International Cooperation, Lodz City Hall
Saturday, 31st of May 2014
Session 3. The role of universities in stimulating research and relations with business in
the city and region
Plenary Speeches 9.30–11.00
1. Professor Teodoro Luque-Martinez — University of Granada, Spain
“University segmentation by research activity: the case of Spanish Universities”
2. Justyna Anders, PhD. — Chair of International Marketing and Retailing, Faculty of
International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland
“Interorganizational Cooperation between University and Business: Practices, Prospects
and Questionmarks”
3. Professor Natalia Chukhray — Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
“Conditions for the functioning of small and medium enterprises in Ukraine”
Coffee break: 11.00–11.30
All proceedings will be conducted in English, without the aid of interpreters.
Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
Składowa Street 43, 90–127 Lodz, Poland; tel. (48 42) 635 42 65, fax (48 42) 66 55 687, e-mail: [email protected]
Discussion panel: 11.30–12.30
Panel chairman: Professor Tomasz Domański — Dean of WSMiP UL
Panel participants: Michał Bielawski — Financial manager, financial Controller Europe,
Infosys BPO
Ewa Sadowska-Kowalska, PhD. — Chairman of the Board, Foundation
for Promotion of Entrepreneurship
Karol Żakowski, PhD. — Department of East Asia, Faculty of International
and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland
Tomasz Kamiński PhD. — Department of East Asia, Faculty of
International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland
Lunch break: 12.30–14.00
Session 4. Universities and cities towards challenges of the future/ partnership strategies
Plenary Speeches 14.00–15.00
1. Frank (Yung-hsiang) Ying, PhD. — National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
“The sustained growth of cities — the roles of universities in new era”
2. Natalia Chiryaeva — North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk, Russia
“Role of federal universities in the development of Russia’s regions”
Discussion panel: 15.00–16.00
Panel chairman: Professor Antonella Zucchella — University of Pavia, Italy
Panel participants: Professor Zofia Wysokińska — Vice-Rector for International Cooperation,
University of Lodz
Professor Eddy Souffrant — University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Charlotte, USA
Radosław Rybkowski PhD. — Faculty of International and Political
Relations, Jagiellonian University
Professor Jan Jeżak — Foundation for Promotion of Entrepreneurship
Closing ceremony of the conference:
Professor Zofia Wysokińska — Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, University of Lodz
Professor Tomasz Domański — Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Political
Studies, University of Lodz
All proceedings will be conducted in English, without the aid of interpreters.
Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
Składowa Street 43, 90–127 Lodz, Poland; tel. (48 42) 635 42 65, fax (48 42) 66 55 687, e-mail: [email protected]