„Role of Cultural Institutions and Events in Marketing of Cities and


„Role of Cultural Institutions and Events in Marketing of Cities and
Department of International Marketing and Retailing
Co-financed by the EU under
Culture Programme
International Conference
„Role of Cultural Institutions and Events in Marketing of Cities and Regions”
Lodz, 29th–30th of May 2015
Friday, 29th of May 2015
Inauguration of the conference and opening address:
Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Domański — Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies,
University of Lodz, Poland
Strategic challenges for managers of cultural institutions — cultural institutions
and events as attractions in cities and regions
09.45–10.45 Plenary speech
1. Michael Duscher — MuseumsQuartier, Wien, Austria
„Marketing communication strategies in international cultural institutions
— the case of MuseumsQuartier in Vienna”
10.45–11.15 Discussion
11.15–12.10 Plenary speeches
1. Prof. Beatriz Plaza — University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain
“Cultural brands as economic engines: A network approach”
2. Agata Grenda — Director, Marshal Office of Wielkopolska Region in Poznan, Poland
„Strategy of building cultural brand for Wielkopolska Region using EU funds”
12.10–12.30 Coffee break
All presentations, sessions and discussions will be held in English, no interpretation is provided.
Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
43 Składowa Str., 90–127 Łódź, Poland; tel. (48 42) 635 42 65, fax (48 42) 66 55 687
www.wsmip.uni.lodz.pl, e-mail: [email protected]
Role of cultural events and festivals in building brands of cities and regions
12.30–13.30 Plenary speeches
1. Koen Van Rompaey — European Association of Comic Books Festival, Brussels, Belgium
“Geography in 5-D., A new type of cultural geography in a globalized world”
2. Dr Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska — Wismar University, Germany
“Night in the big city. Artificial lighting as a creative medium used at night and its impact
on the authority, significance and prestige of towns and cities throughout history”
13.30–14.30 Lunch
15.15–17.15 PLENARY SESSION with panel discussion at EC1 (former power plant)
Role of new generation cultural institutions and creative industries in building
the brand of the city of Lodz
Plenary speeches
1. Dr Monika Tomczyk — Director of Szczecin Culture Incubator, Szczecin, Poland
„Business model of culture and creative industries incubator in the creation of social
2. Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Domański — Department of International Marketing and Retailing,
Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland
„New generation Culture and Science Centres — challenges and strategic dilemmas”
Discussion. Moderator — Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Domański
Błażej Moder — Director of EC1-The City of Culture, Lodz, Poland
Dr Monika Tomczyk — Szczecin Culture Incubator, Szczecin, Poland
17.30 –18.30 Visit to the Art Factory — Photo Festival
20.00–22.30 Gala dinner and concert in Biedermann Palace
All presentations, sessions and discussions will be held in English, no interpretation is provided.
Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
43 Składowa Str., 90–127 Łódź, Poland; tel. (48 42) 635 42 65, fax (48 42) 66 55 687
www.wsmip.uni.lodz.pl, e-mail: [email protected]
Saturday, 30th May 2015
Conference sessions — cntd
Role of the European City of Culture project in city marketing
— benefits for cities and regions
Plenary speeches
1. Marcin Jasiński — Director of Marketing Department in Impart 2016 Festival Office,
institution responsible for the preparation and implementation of the programme of
European Capital of Culture 2016 in Wroclaw, Wrocław, Poland
„Large-scale cultural event in city marketing, examples of selected European Capitals of
2. Prof. Wolfgang Schuster — Former Mayor of Stuttgart, Germany
„Cultural activities and events as medium for branding in the global competition of cities
3. Prof. Teodoro Luque Martinez — University of Granada, Spain
“Influence of the initiative New7wonders on image and intention to visit the city”
11:45–12.15 Coffee break
Role of cultural institutions in building the brand of a city and region
Plenary speeches
1. Prof. Ala Al-Hamarneh — University of Mainz, Germany
“Events and destination branding process — Rethinking the global and the intraregional
events in Dubai and Sharjah”
2. Dr Basagaitz Guereno-Omil — University Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
„Cultural tourism in Bilbao and its surroundings”
3. Wojciech Kłosowski — Director, Mazovian Cultural Institute, Warsaw, Poland
“Mazovian Cultural Institute — the role in building a regional brand”
14.00–15.00 Lunch
All presentations, sessions and discussions will be held in English, no interpretation is provided.
Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
43 Składowa Str., 90–127 Łódź, Poland; tel. (48 42) 635 42 65, fax (48 42) 66 55 687
www.wsmip.uni.lodz.pl, e-mail: [email protected]
15.30–17.30 PLENARY SESSION with panel discussion at the Marek Edelman Dialogue
Center in Lodz
Role of cultural institutions in preserving the history of the place and its multicultural
identity. Educational function of culture and building relationships with the environment.
Role of social media in maintaining the dialogue with the community.
Plenary speeches
1. Prof. Patrick Leech — University of Bologna, Italy
"The ATRIUM cultural route and local development through culture"
2. Dr Nina Mihaljinac — University of the Arts in Belgrade, Serbia
“From city identity to city branding: artistic initiatives or top-down urban regeneration?”
3. Natalia Żurowska — The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Lodz, Poland
“Social media in building a relationship with the audience. Case study: the Marek Edelman
Dialogue Center”
Discussion. Moderator — Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Domański
Joanna Podolska-Płocka (Director), Natalia Żurowska — The Marek Edelman Dialogue
Center in Lodz, Poland
Jarosław Suchan — Director, Muzeum Sztuki (Museum of Modern Art/MS2) in Lodz, Poland
Prof. Patrick Leech — University of Bologna, Italy
Dr Nina Mihaljinac — University of the Arts in Belgrade, Serbia
17.30 Conference closing speech
Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Domański — Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and
Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland
18:00–19.00 Visit to the Museum of Modern Art/MS2
20.00–23:00 Gala dinner (Polska Restaurant, ul. Piotrkowska)
All presentations, sessions and discussions will be held in English, no interpretation is provided.
Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
43 Składowa Str., 90–127 Łódź, Poland; tel. (48 42) 635 42 65, fax (48 42) 66 55 687
www.wsmip.uni.lodz.pl, e-mail: [email protected]