Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish);
9:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector:.............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor.... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary.........................Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist:..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
Phone: 508-943-0378
[email protected]
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ............Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ............Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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September 16, 2012 - 16 wrzesnia 2012r.
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. John Fusco - int. wife and family
Sunday - September 16
7:00 s.p. Bernadeta Palica - int. Monsignor A. Czarnecki
8:15 For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Edward Dowgiewicz - int. Doris Czernicki
Family Mass
11:00 s.p. Franciszek Turowski - int. zony
Monday - September 17
6:30 r.s. John J., Stasia & John A. Kitka (annivs.)
- int. family
2:15pm Lanessa Nursing Home
Tuesday - September 18
6:30 r.s. Stasia Murzycki - int. Rose Rekowski & family
7:00 r.s. Doris Skowron - int. Holy Rosary Sodality
Wednesday - September 19
6:30 r.s. Helen Baron - int. Anna, Marie & Regina Sielawa
7:00 Za przyczyną Sw. Jozefa opiekuna Sw. rodziny,
prosząc o wytrwalosć, o swiatlo Ducha sw. ,
Boganowi i jego calej rodzinie aby Duch Sw. oswiecał
ich swoim swiatlem - int. Kuchinska rodzina
Thursday - September 20
6:30 r.s. Theresa J. Miller - int. Edward Sitkowski, Roland
Malboeuf & John Hickey
Friday - September 21
6:30 r.s. Alice Richard (7th anniv.) - int. husband & family
7:00 s.p. Alexander i Wojciech Paholczyk
- int. Boleslaw Jankowski z rodzina
Saturday—September 22
7:00 r.s. Walter Maly - int. Stanislawa McKay & Son
9:00 s.p. Anna Wardega - int. Polska Szkola
Sunday Vigil
r.s. Jerome Groh (1st anniv.)
- daughters, Alicea & Ariel
Sunday - September 23
7:00 s.p. Stanislaw Miskowicz - int. rodzina
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. George, Nancy & Paul Zecco
- int. Nancie Zecco & Mark Dowgiewicz & families
11:00 s.p. Regina i Franciszek Majczak - int. rodzina
Weekly $5054 (including $324 in loose money)
Diocesan Obligations $206; Fuel $1597.31 (including $80.31 in
loose money); 125th Jubilee Celebration $905
Weekly Budget $7500
Stewardship Note: In the second reading today, St. James has
harsh words for those who do not put their faith into action.
May we be such good stewards of God’s gifts to us that we can
never be accused of having “faith that does nothing in practice.
September 16, 2012
The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced.
—Isaiah 50:7
From toddlerhood to old age, we grow in
mastery of our own lives, our bodies, and our
destiny. This mastery is hard won, and we
don’t let go of autonomy easily. Much of this
self-mastery involves the avoidance of pain or
discomfort, so when we hear things like “take
up your cross” and “lose your life,” we tend to resist the message.
James says that faith without works is dead. Ouch! That is
really a direct message! One way to look at this, as well as the
part about losing our life to find it, is that faith is a process of
more and more openness to God’s direction of our lives. It is
very hard for us to give up control, but perhaps what we are
being asked to do is not to become passive and babyish, but to
allow God to direct where our self-mastery will lead and what
it will accomplish. We are asked to relinquish the need to control the results of our efforts; to risk, as Jesus did, the loss of
everything we are working to achieve. We are asked to let God
take the lead and to control the results, even though we may
never see those results.
The second collection this week is
for the Religious Education Program.
The September 23 & 30 second collections are designated f
or the Fall Appeal for Catholic Schools
Please join us for our Family Mass on Sun., Sept. 16 at
9:30am at our Basilica. We will introduce our faculty and
they will take the oath of fidelity to catholic teaching. According to our tradition we will also introduce the Advisory School
Board and The Home School Assoc.
Our annual gathering of students, faculty, parents, grandparents and parishioners will be held from 12noon until
3:00pm at Webster Fish & Game, Route 16, Webster. This
event is sponsored by the HSA and Parish Council.
On behalf of our parishioner and school administration, I wish
the faculty, staff and students a blessed and successful new academic year.
The Annual Catholic Schools Appeal is scheduled for the
weekends of Sept. 22/23 and 29/30. The collection this year
will be designated for new computers for teachers. They require the most efficient computers to drive the Promethean
Boards. Unfortunately, the life span of computers is short and
they tend to fail and to repair them is costly and frustrating.
Parishes that operate schools retain the collection for their
own use. Your September budget packet includes a special
envelope for this collection. I deeply appreciate your support,
your prayers and your good word for Catholic Education.
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If you have not as yet returned your parish census form,
please do so as soon as possible. If your family’s status has not
changed, please note on form and return to the rectory.
If you are planning on purchasing the Lottery Raffle Ticket
($10 each) sent to you with the census form, we would appreciate your completed ticket stub or if you do not want to support
this effort, please return your blank ticket to the rectory so someone who is interested could make use of it. The drawing will be
held on Sunday, Sept. 23 after the Memorial Organ Concert
in the school cafeteria.
125th Jubilee Mass and Banquet Invitations have been
mailed. If you are planning to attend the banquet on Saturday,
October 6th at the Elks Club, Auburn, MA following the 3:45
Mass at our Basilica, please return your response card as soon as
possible so that we may plan our seating arrangements.
Jubilee Celebration Collection-I would like to thank several
individuals who this week fulfilled their $1000 pledge. My
gratitude goes those who have already completed their goal some
time ago, but in the spirit of supporting this celebration still continue to contribute. This collection was established a year ago
and the September packet contains the last envelope for this
At this time we want to determine if we can afford a new
sound system and replace one section of the failing heating system. If you would like to support this project, please make a
pledge so that we can plan accordingly. The heating system is
extremely important for the upcoming cold weather of New England and a new unit would be a necessary and useful component
for our Jubilee Year.
Reflecting on the history of St. Joseph Basilica, we must acknowledge and gratefully recognize the contributions of various
parish organizations in the life of our community. The majority
of our organizations have been in existence for more than 100
years. The oldest is the Holy Rosary Sodality which will celebrate their 125th Anniversary next year— Sacred Heart Society
was established in 1895—St. Anne Sodality began in 1926—St.
Joseph Polish Women’s Club will celebrate their 60th anniversary in 2013. There are several organizations who played an
important role in the life of the parish who made significant contributions who no longer exist such as, Society of St. Joseph,
Society of King Jan Sobieski and Towarzystwo Kanonierow.
Their names are permanently etched on the stained glass windows of our Basilica. Each of these organizations through its
charismatic leaders motivated many individuals to sacrifice time,
talent and treasure for the good of the Church. Many people
deepened their spiritual and cultural life through a variety of
catholic services and programs they sponsored. It appears that
Polish-Americans have a tendency to congregate for a common
purpose. In fact, in Chicago in the 1930’s, the Polish people
helped to organize a union of workers and for the first time established a Ladies Auxiliary. Obviously they voted to make
donations to the Felician Sisters and helped build a church or
school in a particular area. That spirit of solidarity in a common
goal attributed to the great success of Polish-Americans despite
their financial shortcomings. They were able to build the most
beautiful churches throughout our land. I want to thank all our
parish organizations for playing an important role in the spiritual, social and cultural landscape of our parish.
The expenses for the renovation of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Chapel are not funded by the 125 Jubilee Collection. It appears
that our parishioners have a great sensitivity and devotion to
our Blessed Mother and support this special Chapel. We are
grateful for a $500 anonymous donation from a parishioner.
This renovation will enhance the Icon of Our Lady of
Czestochowa. Frames, new lighting and a chandelier have been
ordered and will arrive within a couple of weeks. I appreciate
your patience and concern.
St. Stanislaw Kostka was born in 1550. As a young man he was
known for his amiability and cheerfulness of expression, but also for
his growing religious fervour and piety and devotion to the Jesuit Fathers at Vienna. Stanislaw ‘s piety infuriated his brother Paul and he
suffered Paul’s unjust treatment with remarkable stoicism and patience. He threatened to go away and to never return. Stanislaw
joined the Society of Jesus. During his short stay with the Society, he
fell ill with a burning fever. It is said that he foretold his death a few
days before it occurred in 1568.
He is a popular saint of Poland and many religious institutions have
chosen him as the protector of their novitiates. St. Stanislaw Kostka
was beatified in 1605 and canonized in 1726.
We welcome Heather Faron as our Pre-K 5-day aide and also
Kathy Sirard who has volunteered to assist in our Library on
Mondays. If you have any spare time and would like to assist
our students, please call the school.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR- join us on Sat., Sept, 29 for
our 13th Annual Golf Tournament at the Dudley Hill Golf
Club with a shot gun start at 1:00pm. The cost for golf, cart,
player gift and dinner at 6:30pm at PAV is $100. You may also
join us only for dinner at $15.
If you would like to be a sponsor, make a donation for the
raffle items or register to play, please call Craig Holmberg at
(508)331-6915, [email protected] or school website.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Sept. 29th for another fun day!
The grand prize winners at the 1-25 Banquet held on Sept. 8
were: 1st prize– $500, Dianne Wasielewski; 2nd prize-$200,
Kathy Czechowski; 3rd prize-$100, Betty Sabaj; 4th prize-$50,
Sheri Bergeron; 5th prize-$50, Vickie Czechowski; 6th prize$50, Christine Dudek; 7th prize-$50, Ed Babula; plus five $25
prizes. Congratulations to all!
In appreciation– A very special Thank You to Jim and
Felicia, Dick and Rudy and to all of their helpers who gave
their time and effort to make the 1-25 Banquet a huge success.
Also, we appreciate the Boy Scouts and their leaders for a job
well done. The roast beef dinner was delicious and enjoyed by
all who attended.
Your support of our school through purchases via is appreciated. Please contact them through our website at From Jan. thru June, SJS
earned $745.80. Please continue to shop on Amazon.Com
through our school’s website.
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Sept. 9-$100, Shirley Piechota, Webster; Sept. 10-$50, Sr.
Jean Marie Akalski, Webster; Sept. 11-$75, Pat Parslow,
Webster; Sept. 12-$50, Theresa Antos, Dudley; Sept. 13-$50,
Adelard Lariviere, Webster; Sept. 14-$50, Jean Kondek,
Dudley; Sept. 15-$50, Frances Sroczenski, Webster.
50/50 Raffle: The Knight’s of Columbus, St. Joseph
Basilica Council #12980, are holding their 50/50 Raffle during
the month of September. The tickets are (1) for $5 or (3) for
$10 and may be purchased at all entrances of the Basilica. The
average payout for past raffles has been over $1,000. As of last
week $770 has been collected. Thank you to all who have
supported the Knight’s.
Religious Education Classes will be held on Monday, Sept.
17 at 5:30-6:30pm in the school.
If your son or daughter has not as yet registered, please do so
as soon as possible. Fee is $30 which includes a handbook.
Registration forms are available at the entrances to the Basilica
or at the rectory.
We need volunteers to promote a successful program. If you
are interested in joining our team, please contact the rectory.
Training will be provided.
Catechetical Sunday– will be celebrated next Sun., Sept.
23at 9:30am Mass. We ask all our students, parents and
teachers of our religious education classes to join us at this
Liturgy. Let us pray that the Catechetical Year will strengthen
our faith in Jesus Christ and inspire us to better serve God and
each other.
The first meeting for all Altar Servers and candidates
will be held after 9:30am Mass on Sun., Sept. 16.
If any boy or girl who have received the sacrament of Holy
Eucharist and possesses certain qualities of character, selfdiscipline, sense of duty and commitment are interested in serving, registration forms are available at St. Joseph School or you
may contact Fr. Gregory at (508)943-0467 ext. 115.
If a family member or friend is confined at home, a nursing
home or hospital, please inform the rectory so that Monsignor
Czarnecki or Father Gregory may visit them and fulfill their
spiritual needs.
St. Anne Sodality - meeting on Mon. Sept. 17 in the School
Conference Room at 6:45pm.
A complimentary Memorial Organ Concert sponsored by
the Holy Rosary Society will be held on Sunday, Sept. 23 at
3:00pm in our Basilica as part of our 125th Jubilee Celebration.
Following the concert a light supper buffet will be served in the
school cafeteria. All are welcome.
If you would like to remember a loved one in the booklet as a
memorial or be a sponsor, contact Roland Malboeuf, 36 Hillside Ave., Webster.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish of Webster will present a program of showing a movie about a different “Saint”
every month. The first feature “Saint” for September will be
Blessed Mother Teresa, whose feast day is in September. The
movie will be shown on Friday, September 21 at 7:00pm in the
Guadalupe Chapel .
Sacred Heart Society-invites you to support their Annual
“Bakeless Sale” and Raffle after all Sunday Masses on September 30 in the School Hall. Paczki and coffee will be served.
Raffle donation is $2 per ticket or a book of (3) for $5.00
“Reflections on the Letters of Paul”-is designed for adult
discussion of this portion of Holy Scripture. Sessions will be
held at St. Louis Church Hall, Webster @ 6:30pm Thurs., Sept.
20th and continuing every two weeks. There is no fee. Please
bring a bible and a friend. Light refreshments will be available.
St. Louis Fall Festival-will be held on Sat., Sept. 22 from
11:00am-7:00pm at The 200 Sportsmen Club, Sutton Rd., Webster. Great raffle prizes: Kindle Fire, Super Cash Raffle, Cape
Cod Bayside Resort Raffle and more. BBQ chicken dinner at
$10 per person served 1:00-6:00pm. Contact St. Louis Rectory
for more information (508)943-0240.
Adult Recreational Volleyball at Remillard Gymnasium,
Day St., on Thursday nights at 8:00pm. Cost is $5.00 per night.
Call Jeanne Guerin if you have any questions.
St. Joseph Church, Charlton, MA-invites you to join them
to witness Illuminate first hand. An illuminate evening includes energetic praise and worship music, testimony from renowned speakers, Eucharistic adoration and the celebration of
the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a way that resonates with
the younger generation of believers. The kick off season begins
on Sun., Sept. 30 at 6:30pm.
St. Joseph Immediate Need Fund-In memory of Lottie Zisk
given by Mitchell Cichon.
16 sierpnia 2012
"Pan Bóg Mnie wspomaga, i wiem, że wstydu nie doznam." (Iz 50, 7)
Druga kolekta dzisiejszej niedzieli jest przeznaczona na
Program Katechetyczny w naszej parafii.
Druga kolekta 23 i 30 września będzie przeznaczona na
Fall Appeal for Catholic School.
Jakże trudno jest przyjąć Chrystusowe
wezwanie do codziennego niesienia krzyża.
Boimy się, że to ponad nasze siły, nie
potrafimy zaufać i uwierzyć, że Pan nie
pozostawia nas samym sobie. A przecież On
nigdy nie prosi nas o coś, czego nie jesteśmy w
stanie zrobić. Zaufajmy Bogu, naszemu Stwórcy, który
naprawdę pragnie naszego dobra i szczęścia. On zna nas
najlepiej i wie, do czego jesteśmy zdolni. Nigdy nie zostawia
nas samych, lecz przez krzyż prowadzi nas do pełni życia.
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Zapraszamy na Mszę Rodzinną dzisiejszej niedzieli na godz. 9:30,
w czasie której zostania przedstawieni wszyscy nauczyciele naszej
szkoły i złożą przyrzeczenie wierności nauczaniu Kościoła
Katolickiego. Tradycyjnie zostanie również przedstawiony Advisory
School Board oraz The Home School Association.
Po Mszy odbędzie się coroczny piknik dla uczniów, nauczycieli,
rodziców, dziadków oraz parafian. Zapraszamy od godz. 12:00 do
godz. 13:00 do Webster Fish & Game, Route 16, Webster. Piknik jest
organizowany przez SHA oraz Rade Parafialną.
W imieniu wszystkich parafian i administracji szkoły życzymy
wszystkim pracownikom i uczniom naszej szkoły wielu sukcesów w
nowym roku szkolnym.
The Annual Catholic Schools Appeal jest zaplanowany na dwa
ostatnie weekendy września. Zabrane środki będą przeznaczone na
nowe komputery dla nauczycieli naszej szkoły, co pozwoli ułatwić i
usprawnić ich pracę a także lepiej wykorzystać tablice interaktywne.
Obecne komputery są już stare i coraz częściej się psują, a ich
utrzymanie w sprawności staje się coraz bardziej kosztowne.
Parafie, w których funkcjonują szkoły katolickie, środki zebrane w
czasie wrześniowej zbiórki mogą wykorzystać dla swoich szkół.
Pośród kopert na miesiąc wrzesień znajduje się specjalna koperta
przeznaczona na te zbiórkę. Dziękujemy za Wasze wparcie,
modlitwę w intencji Edukacji Katolickiej.
Jeśli jeszcze nie zwróciliście wypełnionych Formularzy Spisowych,
prosimy zróbcie to w tym tygodniu.
Jeśli jesteście zainteresowani udziałem w loterii ($10 za kupon kupony były przesłane razem z Formularzami Spisowymi) bardzo
prosimy o dostarczenie wypełnionego odcinak kuponu do parafii.
Jeśli zaś nie jesteście zainteresowani udziałem w loterii bardzo
prosimy o zwrot całego, nie wypełnionego kuponu na plebanię, tak
by mógł z niego skorzystać ktoś inny.
Zostały wysłane zaproszenia na Mszę Jubileuszową i połączony z
nią bankiet. Tych którzy planują wziąć udział w bankiecie w sobotę 6
października w Elks Club w Auburn prosimy o potwierdzenie swojej
obecności jak najszybciej, co pozwoli nam na zaplanowanie
przyjęcia. Przypominamy też, że bankiet będzie połączony z zabawa
Zbiórka Jubileuszowa - Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy w tym
tygodniu dopełnili zobowiązania wpłaty $1000 dolarów na Fundusz
Jubileuszowy. Jednocześnie wyrażamy głęboką wdzięczność tym,
którzy już jakiś czas temu wpłacili $1000 i nadal wspierają dzieła
Trwa wrześniowa edycja loterii 50/50 organizowanej przez
Rycerzy Kolumba. Bilety w cenach $5 za 1 kupon lub $10 za 3
kupony są dostępne przy wejściach do kościoła. Średnia wygrana w
poprzednich edycjach tej loterii wynosiła ponad $1000. W ostatnim
tygodniu Rycerze zebrali &770. Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy
wsparli Rycerzy Kolumba.
Renowacja Kaplicy Matki Bożej dobiega końca. Do ukończenia
prac pozostało jeszcze tylko zamontowanie nowych ram do obrazu i
podłączenie nowego oświetlenia. Ramy są już zamówione i
otrzymamy je w przeciągu dwóch tygodni.
Z wdzięcznością pragniemy zauważyć, że wydatki przy renowacji
kaplicy zostały pokryte z ofiar wiernych, którzy mają szczególną
cześć dla Matki Bożej, co oznacza, że pośród nas jest wielu ludzi,
których sercu Matka Boża jest bardzo bliska. W tym tygodniu
szczególnie dziękujemy anonimowemu ofiarodawcy, który złożył na
ten cel $500.
Jeśli ktoś z członków Twoje rodziny lub przyjaciel z powodu
choroby lub wieku znajduje się w domu, szpitalu lub w domu opieki,
prosimy o kontakt z parafią byśmy mogli służyć im sakramentami i
posługą duchową.
Lekcje religii będą się odbywały w każdy poniedziałek w godz. od
17:30 do 18:30 w szkole. Jeśli wasze dziecko nie jest jeszcze
zapisana na zajęcia, prosimy o uczynienie tego tak szybko jak to jest
możliwe. Opłata wynosi $30 (w tym podręcznik). Formularze
zapisowe są dostępne przy wejściach do kościoła i na plebanii.
Potrzebujemy wolontariuszy do pomocy przy nauczaniu religii.
Wszystkich zainteresowanych przyłączeniem do grona katechetów
prosimy o kontakt z kancelarią parafialną. Zapewniamy odpowiednie
Rozpoczął się rok szkolny a zatem przypominamy możliwość
wsparcia naszej szkoły poprzez dokonywanie zakupów w sklepie
internetowym Amazon za pośrednictwem specjalnego linku
umieszczonego na stronie Szkoły św. Jozefa. Od stycznia do tej pory
konto szkoły zostało zasilone kwotą $745,80. Wszystkim
dobroczyńcom w imieniu uczniów i nauczyciele serdecznie
Wszystkich, którzy pragną zostać ministrantem i służyć Jezusowi
przy Jego ołtarzu prosimy o kontakt z kancelarią parafialną lub z ks.
Grzegorzem 508 943 0467 ext. 115. Formularze zapisowe znajdują
się również w kancelarii parafialnej i w sekretariacie szkolnym.
Pierwsze spotkanie dla kandydatów do Liturgicznej Służby Ołtarza
odbędzie się dzisiejszej niedzieli o godz. 10:30. Bardzo proszę o
punktualne przybycie.
21 września 2012, godzina 19:30, w Klubie PNI w Worcester
odbędzie się występ JANA PIETRZAKA pt.: "Potęga humoru". Cena
biletów $27 w przedsprzedaży, przy wejściu $30. Bilety do nabycia
we wszystkich sklepach polskich w Webster, w Worcester i w
Dudley. Rezerwacja pod nr: 508-344-3270 Serdecznie zapraszamy!!!
Spoglądając na historię naszej parafii nie sposób nie zauważyć wkładu różnorodnych organizacji parafialnych w życie całej wspólnoty.
Większość organizacji i grup parafialnych istnie od ponad stu lat. Najstarszą pośród nich jest Holy Rosary Sodality - 124 lat isnienia. Kilka
organizacji już niestety nie istnie m. in.: Society of St. Joseph, Society of King Jan Sobieski czy Towarzystwo Kanonierów. Członkowie
wszystkich tych organizacji poswięcali czas, talenty i srodki dla dobra Kościoła. Wielu ludzi zawdzięcza pogłebienie swojej duchowosci
własnie zaangażowaniu tych organizacji. Wyninika z tego, że Amerykanie polskiego pochodzenia potrafia zrzeszć się dla osiagnięcia dobrego
celu. Ten duch solidarności w dążeniu do upatrzonego celu w dużej mierze przyczynił się do odoszonych przez naszych rodaków sukcesów,
pomimo skromnych srodków finansowych. Dzięki wytrwałosci byli w stanie forsować różnorodne projekty np.: budowę wspaniałych swiatyń.
Pragniemy serdecznie podziękować wszystkim organizacjom w naszej parafii za ich bezcenny wkład w kształtowanie duchowosci, kultury i
swiadomych postaw społecznych w naszej parafii.

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