

9:30 am
To u r
1:30 pm
Józef Sare
High Synagogue ⋅ ul. Józefa 38
In the Footsteps of One of the
Architects of the Great Krakow
Michał Wiśniewski, PhD (PL)
The Institute of Architecture
Number of participants is limited: 30 people
High Synagogue ⋅ ul. Józefa 38
Anna Kiesell (PL)
Starting point:
To u r
Starting point:
30 pln
30 pln
For details see page 29
Number of participants is limited: 30 people
For details see page 29
10:00 am
1:00 pm
Br unch
Shabbat @ Cheder
2:00 pm
Food: Sabina Francuz
(głodne kawałki) & Cheder Crew,
music: David Pearl (IL)
Wo r ks h o p
Corners, or Who
Lives Where
breakfast set 20 pln
Art Workshop for
Children Aged 7—10
Michalina Rolnik (PL)
Two Sisters Publishing House Details: Shabbat, page 4
ul. Paulińska 28, 1st floor
Cheder ⋅ ul. Józefa 36
Spółdzielnia Ogniwo
with tea/coffee 25 pln
free admission
Free tickets available
at the Festival ticket office
For details see page 19
11:00 am
Wo r ks h o p
Corners, or Who
Lives Where
Art Workshop for
Children Aged 3—7
Michalina Rolnik (PL)
Two Sisters Publishing House
3:00 pm
M e e ti n g
Karawany śmierci
Spółdzielnia Ogniwo
Meeting Devoted to the
Armenians and the Armenian
Diaspora in the World
Małgorzata Nocuń (PL)
Andrzej Brzeziecki (PL)
free admission
free admission
Galicia Jewish Museum ⋅ ul. Dajwór 18
ul. Paulińska 28 ⋅ 1st floor
Organized by Galicia Jewish Museum
Free tickets available
at the Festival ticket office
For details see page 19
1:00 pm
L ec t u r e
of Polish Jews
Old Prints from the
Collection of the Jewish
Historical Institute in Warsaw
Magdalena Bendowska (PL)
Galicia Jewish Museum ⋅ ul. Dajwór 18
free admission
Organized by Galicia Jewish Museum
6:00 pm
M e e tin g
Why Sunday Isn’t Shabbat and
Why Shabbat Isn’t Sunday
JCC Krakow’s Jewish
Student Club GIMEL
JCC WEST ⋅ ul. Izaaka 5
free admission
Organized by JCC Krakow
7:00 pm
F ilm
sc r eenings
The Space of an Image
A Series of Films on Jewish
Themes — Demon, Central Park
10:00 pm
Dj Pa r t y
Galicia Jewish Museum ⋅ ul. Dajwór 18
After Shabbat Party
Khen Elmaleh (IL)
David Pearl (IL)
Forum Przestrzenie ⋅ ul. Marii Konopnickiej 28
free admission
free admission
For details see page 13
Organized by Galicia Jewish Museum
8:00 pm
E x h ibiti o n
o pe n i n g
I Remember The Burning
Sand — The Journey
of Abraham Neuman
to Palestine
Piotr Kaniecki (PL)
10:00 pm
Proj ec ti o n
Proj ec t
o pe n i n g
JCC ⋅ ul. Miodowa 24 ⋅ free admission
Touch Points
Presentation of
Artistic Interventions
Projection by Piotr Filipiuk (PL)
Pedagogical University of Krakow
ul. Podbrzezie 3
free admission
Organized by JCC Krakow
For details see page 27
9:00 pm
Pe r fo r ma n c e
P L , E N , HE
An Evening with the
Jewish Theatre in Krakow
Galicia Jewish Museum ⋅ ul. Dajwór 18
50 pln / r 40 pln
Reservation required:
[email protected]
10:30 pm
C e r em o n y
Melaveh Malkah
A Ceremony of Farewell to the
Shabbat with Participation of
Cantors and Festival Guests
Tempel Synagogue ⋅ ul. Miodowa 24
free admission
Organized by Beit Kraków