Łukasz Paweł Kilański Date and place of birth: September 2, 1982


Łukasz Paweł Kilański Date and place of birth: September 2, 1982
Personal information:
Date and place of birth:
Marital status:
Contact address:
Łukasz Paweł Kilański
September 2, 1982; Łódź, Poland
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
al. Lotnikow 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 843 66 01 ext. 2633; +48 605 535 247
e-mail: [email protected]
Highest degree:
Doctor of Physics, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Department of Semiconductor Physics, 17.06.2010.
Thesis: Magnetism of CuFeS2 and NaCl structure
semiconductors of examples of (Cd,Zn)MnGeAs2 and
Current position:
Research Associate, Laboratory of Semimagnetic
Semiconductors, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of
Research interests:
Spintronics, diluted magnetic semiconductors, disordered and
nanocomposite systems, magnetism and magnetotransport
studies, defects in semiconductors.
Polish (native), English (fluent), German (basic), and
Russian (basic).
Ph.D. in Physics – 17.06.2010. Institute of Physics, Polish
Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland). Thesis: “Magnetism of
CuFes2 and NaCl structure diluted magnetic semiconductors on
examples of (Cd,Zn)MnGeAs2 and GeSnMnEuTe”.
Supervisor: Prof. dr. hab. W. Dobrowolski
MSc. in Technical Physics – 30.06.2006. Technical University
of Łódź (Poland). Thesis: “Determination of quadratic electrooptic coefficient |g2211-g1111| in RDP crystal at room
temperature”. Supervisor: Prof. dr. hab. P. Górski.
Technician in Economy – 28.06.2001. Economic Secondary
School in Łódź (Poland). Specialty: finance and accountancy.
Since 25.08.2011: Research Associate in Department of
Semiconductor Physics, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of
Science, Warsaw, Poland.
Ł. Kilański. Curriculum vitae
25.08.2010 – 24.08.2011: Post-doctoral Marie Curie Fellow,
Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University and School of
Science and Technology, Espoo, Finland.
01.07.2010 – 24.08.2010: Research Associate in Department of
Semiconductor Physics, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of
Science, Warsaw, Poland.
01.08.2007 – 31.10.2007: Visiting Scientist in Department of
Applied Physics, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.
Positron annihilation spectroscopy in semiconductors (with Dr
F. Tuomisto, Positron group).
01.10.2006 – 17.06.2010: Ph.D. Student in Department of
Semiconductor Physics, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of
Science, Warsaw, Poland. Supervisor: Prof. W. Dobrowolski.
01.07.2005 – 31.07.2005: Assistant in Department of
Semiconductor Physics, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of
Science, Warsaw, Poland. Supervisor: Prof. W. Dobrowolski.
01.05.2000 – 30.06.2000: Department manager, Tax
Execution Department, 2nd Tax Office in Łódź, Poland.
Special appointments:
23.11.2009 – 27.11.2009: Visiting scientist, Laboratoire
National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, CNRS, 38042,
Grenoble, France, Project: “High field magnetotransport in
ferromagnetic semiconductor Cd1-xMnxGeAs2”.
Advisor: dr. D. K. Maude.
20.04.2009 – 24.04.2009: Visiting scientist, Laboratoire
National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, CNRS, 38042,
Grenoble, France, Project: “High field carrier transport studies
in Mn doped II-IV-V2 semiconductors”.
Advisor: dr. D. K. Maude.
List of major publications in refereed journals (Appl. Phys. Lett.
Phys. Rev. B, J. Appl. Phys. et al.) includes total of 29 refereed
scientific articles: 25 published and 4 submitted.
9 contributed talks (1 invited) and 14 poster presentations in
international scientific conferences and workshops. 9 seminar
talks at several different domestic and foreign physical
01.10.2008 – 30.06.2009: 3500 €, "Mazovia Ph.D.
Scholarship", award by the Mazovia Marshal for the best Ph.D.
students for scientific equipment.
Funding and grants:
05.05.2011r. – 04.05.2014 r.: 300 000 PLN, grant of Polish
Ministry of Science and Higher Education (main contributor)
titled: “Nanocomposite materials based on II-IV-V2
Ł. Kilański. Curriculum vitae
ferromagnetic semiconductors: magnetic, optical and electrical
23.12.2010 r. – 31.12.2011 r.: 120 000 PLN, grant of Polish
Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project coordinator)
titled: “Nanocomposite ferromagnetic semiconductors based on
II-IV-V2 group compounds: magnetic, electrical and optical
25.08.2009 – 17.06.2010: 7000 €, Ph. D. grant of Polish
Ministry of Science and Higher Education titled: “New
materials for spintronics – transition metal doped II-IV-V2 and
IV-VI semiconductors”.
23.11.2009 – 27.11.2009: 5000 €, transnational access grant for
high magnetic field facility user.
20.04.2009 – 24.04.2009: 5000 €, transnational access grant for
high magnetic field facility user.
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian
Academy of Sciences, (Group of Prof. S. F. Marenkin).
Chernovtsy Department of the Institute of Problems of Materials
Science, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Group of
Prof. I. E. Slynko).
Center for Solid State Physics & New Materials, Institute of
Physics, Belgrade (Group of Dr. N. Romcevic).
Department of Physics, University of Maryland (Group of Prof.
J. R. Anderson).
Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, CNRS,
Grenoble, France (Group of Dr D. K. Maude).
Ł. Kilański. Curriculum vitae
List of publications:
I. Articles in international refereed JCR-listed scientific journals:
1. H. Nykänen, S. Suihkonen, Ł. Kilański, M. Sopanen, and F. Tuomisto, “Low energy
electron beam induced vacancy activation in GaN”, Appl. Phys. Lett., in press (2012).
2. I. V. Fedorchenko, A. V. Kochura, S. F. Marenkin, A. N. Aronov, L. I. Koroleva,
Ł. Kilański, R. Szymczak, W. Dobrowolski, S. Ivanenko, and E. Lahderanta,
”Advanced Materials for Spintronic Based on Zn(Si,Ge)As2 Chalcopyrites”, IEEE
Trans. Magn. 48(4), in press (2012).
3. Ł. Kilański, I. V. Fedorchenko, M. Górska, E. Dynowska, M. Wójcik, B. J. Kowalski,
J. R. Anderson, C. R. Rotundu, S. A. Varnavskiy, W. Dobrowolski, and S. F. Marenkin,
“Paramagnetic regime in Zn1-xMnxGeAs2 diluted magnetic semiconductor”,
Phys. Stat. Sol. B 248, 1601 (2011).
4. Ł. Kilański, W. Dobrowolski, E. Dynowska, M. Wójcik, B. J. Kowalski, N. Nedelko,
A. Ślawska-Waniewska, D. K. Maude, S. A. Varnavskiy, I. V. Fedorchenko, and
S. F. Marenkin, ”Colossal linear magnetoresistance in CdGeAs2:MnAs microcomposite ferromagnet”, Solid State Comm. 151, 870 (2011).
5. Ł. Kilański, M. Górska, W. Dobrowolski, M. Arciszewska, V. Domukhovski,
J. R. Anderson, N. P. Butch, A. Podgórni, V. E. Slynko, and E. I. Slynko, ”The Role of
Frustration in Magnetism of Ge1-xCrxTe Semimagnetic Semiconductor Acta
Physica Polonica A 119, 654 (2011), ERRATUM”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 119, 904 (2011).
6. Ł. Kilański, M. Górska, W. Dobrowolski, M. Arciszewska, V. Domukhovski,
J. R. Anderson, N. P. Butch, A. Podgórni, V. E. Slynko, and E. I. Slynko, ”The Role of
Frustration in Magnetism of Ge1-xCrxTe Semimagnetic Semiconductor”, Acta Phys.
Pol. A 119, 654 (2011).
7. I. Kuryliszyn-Kudelska, B. Hadžić, D. Sibera, Ł. Kilański, N. Romčević, M. Romčević,
U. Narkiewicz, and W. Dobrowolski, ”Nanocrystalline ZnO Doped with Fe2O3 –
Magnetic and Structural Properties”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 119, 689 (2011).
8. I. V. Fedorchenko, A. Rumiantsev, T. Kuprijanova, Ł. Kilanski, R. Szymczak,
W. Dobrowolski, and L. I. Koroleva, “Making ferromagnetic heterostructures
Si/Zn1-xMnxSiAs2 and Ge/Zn1-xMnxGeAs2”, Solid State Phenom. 168, 313 (2011).
9. Ł. Kilański, M. Górska, W. Dobrowolski, E. Dynowska, M. Wójcik, B. J. Kowalski,
J. R. Anderson, C. R. Rotundu, D. K. Maude, S. A. Varnavskiy, I. V. Fedorchenko, and
S. F. Marenkin, ”Magnetism and magnetotransport of strongly disordered
Zn1-xMnxGeAs2 semiconductor: The role of nanoscale magnetic clusters”, J. Appl.
Phys. 108, 073925 (2010).
10. Ł. Kilański, R. Szymczak, W. Dobrowolski, K. Szałowski, V. E. Slynko, and
E. I. Slynko, ”Magnetic interactions in spin-glasslike Ge1-x-ySnxMnyTe dilute
magnetic semiconductors”, Phys. Rev. B 82, 094427 (2010).
Ł. Kilański. Curriculum vitae
11. Ł. Kilański, A. Zubiaga, F. Tuomisto, W. Dobrowolski, V. Domukhovski,
S. A. Varnavskiy, and S. F. Marenkin, ”Native vacancy defects in Zn1x(Mn,Co)xGeAs2 studied with positron annihilation spectroscopy”, J. Appl. Phys.
106, 013524-1–6 (2009).
12. Ł. Kilański, M. Arciszewska, W. Dobrowolski, V. Domukhovski, V. E. Slynko, and
E. I. Slynko, ”Spin-glasslike behavior in rhombohedral (Ge,Mn)Te − (Sn,Mn)Te
mixed crystal”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 103901-1–8 (2009).
13. V. M. Novotortsev, S. F. Marenkin, L. I. Koroleva, T. A. Kupriyanova,
I. V. Fedorchenko, R. Szymczak, Ł. Kilański, V. Domuchovski, and A. V. Kochura,
”Magnetic and Electric Properties of Manganese-Doped ZnSiAs2”, Russian Journal
of Inorganic Chemistry (Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii+) 54, 1420–1424 (2009).
14. Y. B. Saddeek, I. S. Yahia, W. Dobrowolski, Ł. Kilański, N. Romcević, and
M. Arciszewska, ”Infrared, Raman spectroscopy and ac magnetic susceptibility of
Gd2O3-TeO2-V2O5 glasses”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid
Communications 3, 559–564 (2009).
15. L. I. Koroleva, D. M. Zashchirinski, T. M. Khapaeva, S. F. Marenkin,
I. V. Fedorchenko, R. Szymczak, B. Krzymanska, W. Dobrowolski, and Ł. Kilański,
”Manganese-Doped ZnSiAs2 Chalcopyrite: A New Advanced Material for
Spintronics”, Physics of the Solid State (Fiz. Tverd. Tela+) 51, 286–291 (2009).
16. Ł. Kilański, M. Gorska, V. Domukhovski, W. Dobrowolski, J. R. Anderson,
C. R. Rotundu, S. A. Varniavskii, and S. F. Marenkin, ”Zn1-x(Mn,Co)xGeAs2
Ferromagnetic Semiconductor: Magnetic and Transport Properties”, Acta Phys.
Pol. A 114, 1151–1157 (2008).
17. U. Narkiewicz, D. Sibera, I. Kuryliszyn-Kudelska, Ł. Kilański, W. Dobrowolski and
N. Romcević, ”Synthesis by Wet Chemical Method and Characterization of
Nanocrystalline ZnO Doped with Fe2O3”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 113, 1695–1700 (2008).
18. Ł. Kilański, M. Arciszewska, V. Domukhovski, W. Dobrowolski, V. E. Slynko, and
I. E. Slynko, ”AC Magnetic Susceptibility Studies of Ge1-x-ySnxMnyTe Mixed
Crystals”, Acta Phys. Pol. A 114, 1145–1150 (2008).
19. V. M. Novotortsev, S. F. Marenkin, S. A. Varnavskii, L. I. Koroleva, T. A. Kupriyanova,
R. Szymczak, Ł. Kilański, and B. Krzymanska, ”Ferromagnetic semiconductor
ZnGeAs2(Mn) with a Curie point of 367 K”, Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
(Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii+) 53, 28–35 (2008).
20. L. I. Korolewa, B. J. Pawlow, D. M. Zaszirinskij, S. F. Marenkin, S. A. Warniavskij, R.
Szymczak, W. Dobrowolski, and Ł. Kilański, ”Magnetic and electrical properties of
ZnGeAs2:Mn chalcopyrite”, Physics of the Solid State (Fiz. Twerd. Tela+) 49,
2122–2125 (2007).
Ł. Kilański. Curriculum vitae
II. Articles in international refereed non-JCR journals:
1. I. Kuryliszyn-Kudelska, W. D. Dobrowolski, Ł. Kilański, B. Hadžić, N. Romčević,
D. Sibera, U. Narkiewicz, and P.Dziawa, “Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline
ZnO doped with MnO and CoO”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 200, 072058-1–5 (2010).
2. S. F. Marenkin, V. M. Novotortsev, I. V. Fedorchenko, S. A. Warniavskij,
L. I. Koroleva, D. M. Zashchirinski, T. M. Khapaeva, R. Szymczak, B. Krzymańska,
W. Dobrowolski, and Ł. Kilański, ”Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Novel
Mn doped ZnSiAs2 Chalcopyrite”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 153, 012058-1–4 (2009).
3. Ł. Kilański, R. Szymczak, W. Dobrowolski, V. E. Slynko, and E. I. Slynko
”Magnetotransport studies of spin-glass (Ge,Mn)Te-(Sn, Mn)Te mixed crystals”,
Acta Phys. Superf. 9, 88–89 (2009).
4. S. F. Marenkin, V. M. Novotortsev, I. V. Fedorchenko, S. A. Warniavskij,
L. I. Koroleva, D. M. Zashchirinski, T. M. Khapaeva, R. Szymczak, B. Krzymańska,
W. Dobrowolski, and Ł. Kilański, ”Novel Ferromagnetic Mn-doped ZnSiAs2
Chalcopyrite With Curie Point Exceeded Room Temperature”, Solid State
Phenomena 152-153, 311–314 (2009).
5. P. Gorski, Ł. Kilański, R. Ledzion, and W. Kucharczyk, ”What is the true order of
magnitude of the quadratic electrooptic coefficient |g1111-g1122| in RDP crystal”,
Scientific Bulletin of the Technical University of Łodź 1010, 5–8 (2007).