Witold Daniel Dobrowolski Biographical sketch SURNAME


Witold Daniel Dobrowolski Biographical sketch SURNAME
Witold Daniel Dobrowolski
Biographical sketch
SURNAME: Dobrowolski
FIRST NAMES: Witold Daniel
Affiliation and official address: Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science,
Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland
email: [email protected]
Home address :
Brazylijska 11A/20
03-946 Warszawa , Poland
Date and place of birth: November 11, 1944, Kraków
Nationality: Polish
M.Sc. in Physics 1969, University of Warsaw
Ph.D. in Physics 1976, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. Habilit. 1997, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Professor – 2007 President of Poland
employed in the Semiconductor Factory "TEWA"
Warsaw University, postgraduate student, Faculty of Physics
employed in the Warsaw University, Faculty of Pedagogy
since 1977 Head of Laboratory
1985 - present employed in Institute of Physics PAS
Since 1991 Head of Laboratory
2006 - present Editor-in-chief of Acta Physica Polonica A
Special Appointment:
Visiting Scientist at Max Planck Institute, Hohfeld Magnetolabor,
(i)main field:
Semimagnetic semiconductors - electronic and magnetic properties
(ii)other fields: Electronic transport phenomena, magneto and quantum transport
Narrow-gap semiconductors - band structure, impurity levels, transport
phenomena in semiconductors.
Current research interest magnetic interactions in III-V, II-VI and IV-VI
compounds (bulks, thin films and nanoparticles), mutual interactions between
magnetic ions and free carriers
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
Three scientific awards granted by Polish Academy of Sciences
Member of Polish Physical Society (1999-2000 Treasurer)
Collaborations with Outside Institutions
Center for Solid State Physics & New Materials, Institute of Physics, Belgrade
Chernovtsy Department of the Institute of Problems of Materials Science,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Department of Physics, University of Maryland
Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Pulses Toulouse, France
Physics Department - College of Science - University of Notre Dame
Physics Faculty, Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity Department, Moscow State
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii
pr. 31, Moscow, 119991 Russia
Department of Applied Physics, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O. Box 1100, 02015 TKK,
Espoo, Finland
About 180 journal publications
Chapters in six books
Recent scientific publications ( 2008-2001) :
Landolt-Bornstein Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology-New
Series,Editor-in-chief: W. Martienssen Group 3, Condensed Matter, Volume 44. Semiconductors
Supplementto III/17, III/22 and III/41, U. Rossler, Subvolume A. New Data and Updates for I-VII,
III-V, III-VIand IV-VI Compounds, Springer 2008., T. Dietl, W. Dobrowolski, E. Fernandes da
Silva, B. HonerlageB. K. Meyer, U. Rossler, T. Story
Landolt-Bornstein Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology-New
Series,Editor-in-chief: W. Martienssen, Group 3 Condensed Matter Volume 44 Semiconductors
Supplement to III/17, III/22 and III/41, U. Rossler, Subvolume B, New Data and Updates for II-VI
Compounds, Springer 2008.Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam, 2008, J. Chu, T. Dietl, J.
Gutowski, B. K. Meyer, W. Dobrowolski, T. Story, K. Sebald, T. Voss
New Data and Updates for I-VII, III-V and II-VI Compounds, Volume 44, Subvolume D, Series:
Landolt-Börnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New
Series, Vol. 44D, Subseries: Condensed Matter, Set: Landolt-Börnstein Set 2011 , Silva, E.d., Dietl,
W. Dobrowolski, T., Gutowski, J., Hönerlage, B., Matsukura, F., Meyer, B.K., Strauch, D.T. Story,
Rössler, Ulrich (Ed.), 1st Edition., 2011
Chosen journal publications:
Kilanski, L., Fedorchenko, I. V., Gorska, M., Dynowska, E., Wojcik, M., Kowalski, B. J.,
Anderson, J. R., Rotundu, C. R., Varnavskiy, S. A., Dobrowolski, W., and Marenkin, S. F.
Kilanski, L., Dobrowolski, W., Dynowska, E., Wojcik, M., Kowalski, B. J., Nedelko, N.,
Slawska-Waniewska, A., Maude, D. K., Varnavskiy, S. A., Fedorchenko, I. V., and
Marenkin, S. F. SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 151(12), 870–873 JUN (2011).
Kuryliszyn-Kudelska, I., Hadzic, B., Sibera, D., Romcevic, M., Romcevic, N., Narkiewicz,
U., and Dobrowolski,W. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 509(9), 3756–3759
MAR 3 (2011).
Romcevic, N., Kostic, R., Hazic, B., Romcevic, M., Kuryliszyn-Kudelska, I., Dobrowolski,
W. D., Narkiewicz, U., and Sibera, D. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 507(2),
386–390 OCT 8 (2010).
Kilanski, L., Gorska, M., Dobrowolski, W., Dynowska, E., Wojcik, M., Kowalski, B. J.,
Anderson, J. R., Rotundu, C. R., Maude, D. K., Varnavskiy, S. A., Fedorchenko, I. V., and
Marenkin, S. F. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 108(7) OCT 1 (2010).
Kilanski, L., Szymczak, R., Dobrowolski, W., Szalowski, K., Slynko, V. E., and Slynko, E.
I. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82(9) SEP 15 (2010).
Saddeek, Y. B., Yahia, I. S., Aly, K. A., and Dobrowolski, W. SOLID STATE SCIENCES
12(8), 1426–1434 AUG (2010).
Romcevic, M., Romcevic, N., Kostic, R., Klopotowski, L., Dobrowolski, W. D., Kossut, J.,
and Comor, M. I. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 497(1-2), 46–51 MAY 14
Kuryliszyn-Kudelska, I., Dobrowolski, W. D., Kilanski, L., Hadzic, B., Romcevic, N.,
Sibera, D., Narkiewicz, U., and Dziawa, P. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
MAGNETISM (ICM 2009), Goll, G and Lohneysen, HV and Loidl, A and Pruschke, T and
Richter, M and Schultz, L and Surgers, C and Wosnitza, J, editor, volume 200 of Journal of
Physics Conference Series, (2010). International Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2009),
Karlsruhe, GERMANY, JUL 26-31, 2009.
10. Yahia, I. S., Saddeek, Y. B., Sakr, G. B., Knoff, W., Story, T., Romcevic, N., and
4039–4044 DEC (2009).
11. Kilanski, L., Zubiaga, A., Tuomisto, F., Dobrowolski, W., Domukhovski, V., Varnavskiy, S.
A., and Marenkin, S. F. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 106(1) JUL 1 (2009).
12. Lashkarev, G. V., Sichkovskyi, V. I., Radchenko, M. V., Slynko, V. E., Slynko, E. I., Story,
T., Dobrowolski,W., Knoff, W., and Osmanov, T. S. JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND
MAGNETIC MATERIALS 321(11), 1782–1784 JUN (2009). Symposium on Multiferroics
and Magnetoelectrics Materials held at the 2008 EMRS Spring Conference, Strasbourg,
FRANCE, MAY 26-30, 2008.
13. Kilanski, L., Arciszewska, M., Dobrowolski, W., Domukhovski, V., Slynko, V. E., and
Slynko, E. I. JOUR-NAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 105(10) MAY 15 (2009).
14. Brodowska, B., Kuryliszyn-Kudelska, I., Wojtowicz, T., Arciszewska, M., Dobrowolski,
W., Slynko, E. I., Slynko, V. E., Liu, X., and Furdyna, J. K. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
93(4) JUL 28 (2008).
15. Przezdziecka, E., Dynowska, E., Paszkowicz, W., Dobrowolski, W., Kepa, H., Majkrzak,
C. F., Giebultowicz T. M., Janik, E., and Kossut, J. THIN SOLID FILMS 516(15), 4813–
4818 JUN 2 (2008).
16. Dyakonov, V., Bukhanko, F. N., Kamenev, V. I., Zubov, E. E., Arciszewska, M.,
Dobrowolski, W., Mikhaylov, V., Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A., Piotrowski, K., Varyukhin,
V., Szymczak, H., Szytula, A., Duraj, R., Stuesser, N., Arulraj, A., Baran, S., Penc, B., and
Jaworska-Golab, T. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 77(21) JUN (2008).