List of Publications – Michał Choraś 2013 2012


List of Publications – Michał Choraś 2013 2012
List of Publications – Michał Choraś
Choraś Michał, Comprehensive Approach to Information Sharing for Increased Network
Security and Survivability, Cybernetics and Systems, vol. 44, issue 6-7, 550-568, 2013.
D’Antonio S., Coppolino L., Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Distributed Framework for
Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures , In: Flammini F. et al. (Eds.): Effective
Surveillance for Homeland Security: Balancing Technology and Social Issues, CRC PRess,
2013. (
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Real-Time Analysis of Non-stationary and Complex Network
Related Data for Injection Attempts Detection , In: Snasel V. et al. (Eds.): Soft Computing in
Industrial Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 223, Springer,
Kozik R., Choraś Michał, Current Cyber Security Threats and Challenges in Critical
Infrastructures Protection, In: The Second International Conference on Informatics and
Applications (ICIA2013), 23-25.09.2013, Lodz, Poland, pp 93-97, IEEE, 2013.
Choraś Michał, A Short Overview of Feature Extractors for Knuckle Biometrics , In:
Burduk R. et al. (Eds.): Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Computer Recognition
systems (CORES 2013), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 226, 519-526,
Springer, 2013.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Evaluation of Various Techniques for SQL Injection Attack
Detection , In: Burduk R. et al. (Eds.): Proc. of the 8th International Conference on
Computer Recognition systems (CORES 2013), Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing, 226, 753-762, Springer, 2013.
Renk R., Choraś Michał, Gierszal H., Hołubowicz W., Ewaluacja Parametrów Ruchu
Sieciowego pod Kątem Przydatności do Wykrywania Anomalii, w: Kosinski J. (ed.)
Przestępczość Teleinformatyczna, 37-52, Wyższa Szkoła Policji, Szczytno, 2013.
Kozik R., Choraś Michał, Machine Learning Techniques for Cyber Attacks Detection, In:
Image Processing and Communication Challenges 5, Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing, 233, 391-397, Springer, 2013.
Choraś Michał, Saganowski Ł., Renk R., Hołubowicz W., Statistical and signal-based
network traffic recognition for anomaly detection, Expert Systems, vol. 29, issue 3, 232-245,
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Contactless palmprint and knuckle biometrics for mobile devices,
Pattern Analysis and Applications, vol. 15, no. 1, 73-85, Springer, 2012.
Amantini A., Choraś Michał, D’Antonio S., Egozcue E., Germanus D., Hutter R., The
human role in tools for improving robustness and resilience of critical infrastructures,
Cognition, Technology & Work, Volume 14, Number 2 (2012), 143-155, 2012.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., The Preliminary Results of the Intelligent Computer Vision
System to Support Blind People , Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies, vol. 21,
19-26, 2012.
Kozik R., Choraś Michał, Koncepcja wymiany informacji w systemie ochrony sieci
federacyjnych, Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, vol. 2/2012, 184-188, 2012.
Choraś Michał,, Kozik R., Puchalski D., Holubowicz W., Correlation Approach for SQL
Injection Attacks Detection, In: Herrero A. et al (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent and Systems
and Computing, 189, 177-186, Springer, 2012.
Andrysiak T., Saganowski L, Choraś Michał,, Greedy Algorithms for Network Anomaly
Detection, In: Herrero A. et al (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent and Systems and Computing,
189, 235-244, Springer, 2012.
Choraś Michał,, Kozik R., Renk. R, Holubowicz W., Information Exchange Mechanism
between Federated Domains: P2P Approach , In: Herrero A. et al (Eds.), Advances in
Intelligent and Systems and Computing, 189, 187-196, Springer, 2012.
Jasiul B., Piotrowski R., Berezinski P., Choraś Michał,, Kozik R., Brzostek J., Federated
Cyber Defence System - Applied Methods and Techniques , In: Amanowicz M. (Ed.),
Military Communications and Information Technology: A Trusted Cooperation Enabler,
347-357, MUT Press, 2012.
Choraś Michał, Manso M., Puchalski D., Kozik R., Samp K., Online Social Networks:
Emerging Security and Safety Applications , In: Image Processing and Communication
Challenges 4, Advances in Intelligent and Systems and Computing, AISC 184, 291-302,
Springer, 2012.
Andrysiak T., Saganowski L., Choraś Michał,, DDoS Attacks Detection by Means of
Greedy Algorithms, In: Image Processing and Communication Challenges 4, Advances in
Intelligent and Systems and Computing, AISC 184, 303-310, Springer, 2012.
Flizikowski A., Majewski M., Puchalski D., Hassnaa M., Choraś Michał,, A Concept of
Unobtrusive Method for Complementary Emotive User Profiling and Personalization for
IPTV Platforms, , In: Image Processing and Communication Challenges 4, Advances in
Intelligent and Systems and Computing, AISC 184, 269-282, Springer, 2012.
Choraś Michał , Kozik R., Flizikowski A. INSPIRE Decision Aid Tool: narzędzie
wspierające analizę zagrożeń I ochronę cybernetyczną krytycznych sieci
teleinformatycznych, Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, vol. 8-9, p. 1215-1221, 2012.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R, Real-Time Analysis of Non-stationary and Complex Network
Related Data for Injection Attempts Detection , In. Proc. of WSC17 Online Conference on
Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, 2012.
Jasiul B., Piotrowski R., Berezinski P., Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Brzostek J., Federated
Cyber Defence System - Applied Methods and Techniques , In Proc. of MCC12 Military
Communications and Information Systems Conference, Gdansk, Poland, IEEE Explore
Choraś Michał,, Kozik R., Fast Feature Extractors for Palmprint Biometrics , In Chaki N. et
al. (Eds.): Computer Information Systems – Analysis and Technologies, Communications in
Computer and Information Science CCIS, 121-127, Springer, 2011.
Choraś Michał,, Kozik R., Network Event Correlation and Semantic Reasoning for
Federated Networks Protection System , In Chaki N. et al. (Eds.): Computer Information
Systems – Analysis and Technologies, Communications in Computer and Information
Science CCIS, 48-54, Springer, 2011.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Piotrowski R., Brzostek J., Holubowicz W., Network Events
Correlation for Federated Networks Protection System , In: Abramowicz W. et al. (Eds.):
Towards a Service-Based Internet, LNCS 6994, pp. 100–111, Springer 2011.
Piotrowski R., Jasiul B., Sliwka M., Kantyka G., Podlasek T., Dalecki T., Choraś Michał,
Kozik R., Brzostek J., The Response to Cyber Threats in Federation of Systems
Environment, In: Amanowicz M. (Ed.): Military Communications and Information
Technology: A Comprehensive Approach Enabler, pp. 325-335, WAT Press 2011.
Choraś Michał, D'Antonio S., Iannello G., Jedlitschka A., Kozik R., Miesenberger K.,
Wołoszczuk A., Innovative man machine interfaces and solutions to support totally blind
people , In: Image Processing and Communication Challenges 3, Advances in Soft
Computing, AISC 102, Springer, 2011.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Knuckle Recognition for Human Identification , In: Burduk R. et
al. (Eds.): Computer Recognition Systems 4, AISC 95, 61-70, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
Saganowski Ł., Andrysiak T., Choraś Michał, Renk R., Expansion of Matching Pursuit
Methodology for Anomaly Detection in Computer Networks , In: Burduk R. et al. (Eds.):
Computer Recognition Systems 4, AISC 95, 727-736, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Saganowski L., Renk R., Aspekty wykorzystania synchrofazorów
w sieciach energetycznych, Rynek Energii, vol. 2(93)/2011, 2011.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Nowakowski W., Rozpoznawania osób na podstawie kostek
dłoni, Elektronika, vol. 4, 92-95, 2011.
Renk R., Choraś Michał, Saganowski Ł., Holubowicz W., Signal Processing Methodology
for Network Anomaly Detection, in: Intrusion Detection Systems, Pawel Skrobanek (Ed.),
ISBN: 978-953-307-167-1, InTech, 2011.
Renk R., Saganowski Ł., Choraś Michał, Hołubowicz W., Comprehensive Approach to
Anomaly Detection System Evaluation, Image Processing & Communications, vol. 15, no. 1,
69-78, 2010.
Choraś Michał, Renk R., Kozik R., Hołubowicz W., Inteligentne sieci energetyczne:
aktualny stan i trendy rozwojowe, Proc. of Intelligent Systems in Energy, SIWE'10, Wisła,
Poland, November 2010.
Choraś Michał, Hołubowicz W., Renk R, Samp K., Ontology of Network Threats and
Vulnerabilities in the context of NATO Network Enabled Capabilities (NNEC), In: Concept
and Implementations for Innovative Military Communications and Information
Technologies, 267-276, 2010.
Renk R., Saganowski Ł., Choraś Michał, Hołubowicz W., Performance Evaluation of ADS
System Based on Redundant Dictionary, In: Choras (Ed.): Image Processing and
Communication Challenges 2, Advances in Soft Computing, 468-476, Springer, 2010.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R, Knuckle Biometrics for Human Identification, In: Choras (Ed.):
Image Processing and Communication Challenges 2, Advances in Soft Computing, 95-102,
Springer, 2010.
Choraś Michał, The lip as a biometric, Pattern Analysis and Applications, vol. 13, no. 1,
105-112, Springer, 2010.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Flizikowski A., Hołubowicz W., Image Recognition Techniques
Applied to Automated and Objective QoE Assessment of Mobile WWW Services, In L. Bolc
et al. (Eds.): Computer Vision and Graphics, Part I, LNCS 6374, pp. 275–282, 2010.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R, Knuckle Biometrics Based on Texture Features, In. Proc. of
International Workshop on Emerging Techniques and Challenges for Hand-based Biometrics
(ETCHB2010), Stambul, IEEE, August 2010.
Kozik R. Choraś Michał, Hołubowicz W., Fusion of Bayesian and Ontology Approach
Applied to Decision Support System for Critical Infrastructures Protection, In J. Alonso-
Zarate and O. Hoffmann (Eds.): Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems, LNICST 45, pp.
451–463, 2010.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Feature Extraction Method for Contactless Palmprint Biometrics,
In D.-S. Huang et al. (Eds.): Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications,
ICIC 2010, Communications in Computer and Information Science 93, pp. 435–442,
Springer, 2010.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Flizikowski A., Hołubowicz W., Ontology Applied in Decision
Support System for Critical Infrastructures Protection, In N. Garcia-Pedrajas et al. (Eds.):
Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2010, Part I, LNAI 6096, pp. 671-680,
Choraś Michał, Flizikowski A., Kozik R., Hołubowicz W., Decision Aid Tool and
Ontology-Based Reasoning for Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities and Threats Analysis,
E. Rome and R. Bloomfield (Eds.): Critical Information Infrastructures Security, CRITIS
2009, LNCS 6027, pp. 98–110, 2010.
Kozik R. Choraś Michał, Hołubowicz W., Fusion of Bayesian and Ontology Approach
Applied to Decision Support System for Critical Infrastructures Protection, In Proc. of
MOBILIGHT (Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems), Barcelona, May, 2010 (on CD).
Choraś Michał, Stachowicz A., Kozik R., Semantic Description of Cyber Threats , In Proc.
of Multimedia Communication, Services and Security, MCSS 2010, 20-24, Cracow, May,
Choraś Michał, D'Antonio Salvatore, Kozik R., Holubowicz W., INTERSECTION
Approach to Vulnerability Handling , In Proc. of 6th International Conference on Web
Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2010, vol. 1, 171-174, INSTICC Press,
Valencia, Spain, April 2010.
Choraś Michał, Renk R., Ochrona sieci energetycznych poprzez zwiększenie
bezpieczenstwa cybernetycznego na styku sieci teleinformatycznych I systemów SCADA,
Rynek Energii, vol. 2/2010, 35-39, 2010.
Kozik R., Choraś Michał, Combined Shape and Texture Information for Palmprint
Biometrics, Journal of Information Assurance and Security, vol. 5, issue 1, 58-63, 2010.
Choraś Michał, Stachowicz A., Kozik R., Flizikowski A., Renk R., Ontology-based
approach to SCADA systems vulnerabilities representation for CIP, Electronics, vol.
11/2009, 35-38, November 2009.
Saganowski Ł., Choraś Michał, Renk R., Hołubowicz W., On Tuning Redundant
Dictionary Parameters in Signal-based Anomaly Detection System, Image Processing &
Communications, vol. 14, no. 4, 29-34, 2009.
Flizikowski A., Choraś Michał, Wachowiak M., Holubowicz W., A Method for Semiautomated Assessment of User Satisfaction When Using WWW Services with Mobile
Terminals, Image Processing & Communications, vol. 14, no. 2-3, 69-80, 2009.
Choraś Michał, Ear Biometrics, in: Li S. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Biometrics, 233-240,
Springer, 2009.
Choraś Michał, Ear Biometrics based on Geometrical Feature Extraction, In: Bunke H. et
al. (Eds.) Progress in Computer Vision and Image Analysis , 321-338, World Scientific,
Saganowski Ł., Choraś Michał, Renk R., Hołubowicz W., A Novel Signal-Based Approach
to Anomaly Detection in IDS Systems , M. Kolehmainen et al. (Eds.): Adaptive and Natural
Computing Algorithms, ICANNGA 2009, LNCS 5495, pp. 527–536, Springer 2009.
Choraś Michał, Flizikowski A., Kozik R., Renk R., Holubowicz W., Ontology-Based
Reasoning Combined with Inference Engine for SCADA-ICT Interdependencies,
Vulnerabilities and Threats Analysis , In Pre-Proc of 4th International Workshop on Critical
Information Infrastructures Security, CRITIS'09, Bonn, Germany, 213-214, Fraunhofer
IAIS, 2009.
Choraś Michał, Kozik R., Flizikowski A., Renk R., Hołubowicz W., Ontology-based
Decision Support for Security Management in Heterogeneous Networks, In: Huang, D.-S. et
al. (Eds.): Emerging Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications. With Aspects of
Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 5755, Springer 2009.
Kozik R., Choraś Michał, Palmprint Biometrics for Human Identification, In: Image
Processing & Communications Challenges, 271-277, EXIT, 2009.
Saganowski Ł., Choraś Michał, Renk R., Hołubowicz W., Anomaly Detection System
based on Redundant Dictionary of Base Functions, In: Image Processing & Communications
Challenges, 443-449, EXIT, 2009.
Flizikowski A., Choraś Michał, Wachowiak M., Holubowicz W., Video Profiling for
Automated Assessment of QoS/QoE in Mobile WWW Services, In: Image Processing &
Communications Challenges, 450-457, EXIT, 2009.
Choraś Michał, Stachowicz Anna, Flizikowski Adam, Renk Rafal, Hołubowicz Witold,
Mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa na styku sieci teleinformatycznych i systemów SCADA w celu
ochrony infrastruktur, Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, vol. 8-9, 1408-1416, 2009.
Choraś Michał, Flizikowski A., Ochrona sektora energetycznego – wzmocnienie
bezpieczenstwa na styku systemów SCADA z sieciami teleinformatycznymi, Nowa Energia,
vol. 3/2009, 82-85, 2009.
Choraś Michał, Lips Recognition for Biometrics, In: Massimo Tistarelli, Mark S. Nixon
(Eds.): Advances in Biometrics. LNCS 5558, 1260-1269, Springer 2009.
Choraś Michał, Saganowski L., Renk R., Kozik R., Holubowicz W., Recognizing
Anomalies/Intrusions in Heterogeneous Networks , in M. Kurzynski and M. Wozniak (Eds.):
Computer Recognition Sys. 3, AISC 57, pp. 619-627, Springer-Verlag, 2009
Tarłowski R., Choraś Michał, Digital Analysis of 2D Code Images Based on Radon
Transform, Digital Analysis of 2D Code Images Based on Radon Transform , in M.
Kurzynski and M. Wozniak (Eds.): Computer Recognition Sys. 3, AISC 57, pp. 155–162,
Springer-Verlag, 2009.
Choraś Michał, Novel techniques applied to biometric human identification, Electronics,
vol. 3/2009, 54-57, March 2009.
Flizikowski A., Choraś Michał, Infrastruktury krytyczne – aspekty bezpieczeństwa, Boston
IT Security Review, vol. 2/2009, 35-39, 2009.
Choraś Michał, Flizikowski A., Stachowicz A., Redo M., Renk R., Hołubowicz W.,
Ontology Notation and Description of Vulnerabilities in Heterogeneous Networks and
Critical Infrastructures , Methods of Applied Informatics of Polish Academy of Sciences,
vol. 4, 35-44, 2008.
Choraś Michał, Renk R., Flizikowski A., Hołubowicz W., Ontology-based description of
networks vulnerabilities, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 17, no. 4C, 354-359,
Saganowski Ł., Choraś Michał, Renk R, Hołubowicz W., Signal-based Approach to
Anomaly Detection in IDS Systems, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and
Systems, vol. 1 (4), 18-24, 2008.
Choraś Michał, Rafał Kozik, Aleksandra Żelek, A Novel Shape-Texture Approach to
Palmprint Detection and Identification, in Proc. Intelligent Systems Design and Applications,
ISDA '08, 638-643, IEEE CS Press, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2008.
Renk R., Saganowski Ł.; Hołubowicz W.; Choraś Michał, Intrusion Detection System
Based on Matching Pursuit, in Proc. Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems, ICINIS
'08, 213-216, IEEE CS Press, Wuhan, China, 2008.
Choraś Michał, Perspective Methods of Biometric Human Identification, In Proc of
NTAV/SPA (New Trends in Audio and Video/ Signal Processing), 195-200, Poznań,
September 2008.
Choraś Michał, Saganowski Ł., Renk R, Hołubowicz W., Signal Processing Methods
Applied to Innovative Intrusion Detection Systems, in Adam Grzech et al. (Eds.):
Information Systems Architecture and Technology - Information Systems and Computer
Communications Network, 139-150, 2008.
Flizikowski A., Choraś Michał, Renk R., Hołubowicz W., On Applying Ontologies to
Security and QoS Management in Heterogeneous Networks in Adam Grzech et al. (Eds.):
Information Systems Architecture and Technology - Information Systems and Computer
Communications Network, 189-200, 2008.
Tarłowski Rafal, Choraś Michał, Analiza dwuwymiarowych obrazów kodowych oparta o
transformate Radona, Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, vol.8-9, 1014-1021, 2008.
Dąbrowski R., Renk R., Choraś Michał, Hołubowicz W., Architektura podsystemu
bezpieczeństwa dla sieci heterogenicznych, Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, vol.8-9, 13391346, 2008.
Choraś Michał, Human Lips as Emerging Biometrics Modality, in A. Campilho and M.
Kamel (Eds.): Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2008, LNCS 5112, 994-1003,
Springer-Verlag, 2008.
Rafał Kozik, Aleksandra Żelek, Choraś Michał, Palmprint Segmentation and Feature
Extraction Methods, in L. Rutkowski et al. (Eds.): Computational Intelligence: Methods and
Applications, 377-388, Academic Publishing House EXIT, 2008.
Rafał Kozik, Aleksandra Żelek, Choraś Michał, Palmprint Recognition Enhanced by the
Shape Features, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and
Industrial Management Applications (CISIM'08), IEEE CS Press, 214-215, Ostrava, June
Choraś Michał, Perspective methods of human identification: Ear biometrics, OptoElectronics Review, vol. 16, no.1, 85-96, 2008.
Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Algorithms for Stereovision Disparity Calculation in
the Moments Space, Machine Graphics & Vision MGV, vol. 15, no. 3/4, 255-264, 2006.
(printed in 2007).
Choraś Michał, Image Pre-classification for Biometrics Identification Systems , in J. Pejas
and K. Saeed (Eds): Advances in Information Processing and Protection, 361-370, Springer
NY, 2007.
Choraś Michał, Human Lips Recognition , in M. Kurzyński et al. (Eds): Computer
Recognition Systems 2, Advances in Soft Computing, 838-843, Springer, 2007.
Choraś S. Ryszard, Andrysiak Tomasz , Choraś Michał, Integrated Color, Texture and
Shape Information for Content-Based Image Retrieval, Pattern Analysis and Applications
(PAA), vol. 10, no. 4, 333-343, 2007.
Choraś Michał, Emerging Methods of Biometrics Human Identification, Proc. of 2nd
International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC'07),
IEEE CS Press, Kumamoto, Japan, September 2007.
Choraś Michał, Intelligent Computing for Automated Biometrics, Criminal and Forensic
Applications, in D.-S. Huang et al. (Eds.): Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and
Applications. With Aspects of Theoretical and Methodological Issues, LNCS 4681, 11701181, Springer Berlin, 2007.
Choraś Michał, Image Feature Extraction Methods for Ear Biometrics - A Survey, Proc. of
6th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management
Applications (CISIM'07), 261-265, IEEE CS Press, Ełk, June 2007.
Choraś Michał, Mroczkowski Piotr, Recognizing Individual Typing Patterns, in Marti J. et
al. (Eds.): Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA – Part II, 323-330, LNCS 4478,
Springer Berlin, 2007.
Choraś Michał, Mroczkowski Piotr, Keystroke Dynamics for Biometrics Identification, in
B. Beliczynski et al. (Eds.): Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms - ICANNGA (part
II), 424-431, LNCS 4432, Springer Berlin, 2007.
Choraś S. Ryszard, Choraś Michał, Multimodal Hand-Palm Biometrics, in B. Beliczynski et
al. (Eds.): Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms - ICANNGA (part II), 407-414,
LNCS 4432, Springer Berlin, 2007.
Choraś Michał, Mroczkowski Piotr, Web Security Enhancement Based on Keystroke
Dynamics, Proc. of Web Information systems and Technologies (WEBIST), INSTICC Press,
337-340, Barcelona, March 2007.
Choraś Michał, Biometria ucha: metody wydzielania cech bazujące na parametrach
geometrycznych, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, nr 12/2006, 5-10, 2006.
Choraś Michał, Perspektywiczne metody identyfikacji osób z wykorzystaniem informacji
obrazowej, Techniki Przetwarzania Obrazów TPO - Serock, Oficyna Wydawnicza
Politechniki Warszawskiej, 412-422, 2006.
Choraś Michał, Andrysiak Tomasz, Automatyczna metoda lokalizacji punktów
szczegółowych w obrazach twarzy, Techniki Przetwarzania Obrazów TPO - Serock, Oficyna
Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 321-327, 2006.
Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Image Filtration and Feature Extraction for Face
Recognition, in K. Saeed et al. (Eds): Biometrics, Computer Security Systems and Artificial
Intelligence Applications, chapter 1, 3-12, Springer NY, 2006.
Choraś Michał, Biometric Images Pre-classification: Original Solution for Ear Biometrics,
Proc. of Advanced Computer Systems (ACS), vol. II, 139-146, Międzyzdroje, Poland,
October 2006.
Mroczkowski Piotr, Choraś Michał, Keystroke Dynamics in Biometrics Client-Server
Password Hardening System, Proc. of Advanced Computer Systems (ACS), vol. II, 75-82,
Międzyzdroje, Poland, October 2006.
100. Choraś S. Ryszard, Choraś Michał, Hand Shape Geometry and Palmprint Features for the
Personal Identification, Proc. of ISDA (Intelligent Systems Design and Applications), vol. II,
1085-1090, IEEE CS Press, Jinan, China, October 2006.
101. Choraś Michał, Choraś S. Ryszard, Geometrical Algorithms of Ear Contour Shape
Representation and Feature Extraction, Proc. of ISDA (Intelligent Systems Design and
Applications), vol. II, 451-456, IEEE CS Press, Jinan, China, October 2006.
102. Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Stereo Disparity Estimation Using Orthogonal Discrete
Moments, Proc. of ICINCO 2006 Conference, 504-507, INSTICC Press, Setubal, Portugal,
103. Choraś Michał, Further Developments in Geometrical Algorithms for Ear Biometrics, in F.J
Perales and B. Fisher (Eds.): Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects AMDO 2006, 5867, LNCS 4069, Springer-Verlag 2006.
104. Choraś Michał, Andrysiak Tomasz, Symmetry-based Salient Points Detection in Face
Images, in L. Rutkowski et al. (Eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC
2006, LNCS 4029, 688-693, Springer-Verlag 2006.
105. Choraś Michał, Ear Biometrics in Passive Human Identification Systems, Proc. of ICEISPRIS (Pattern Recognition in Information Society), INSTICC Press, 169-174, Paphos,
Cyprus, 2006.
106. Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Multiresolution Matching and Disparity Calculation of
Stereo Images in Frequency Domain, Information Extraction and Processing, no. 23 (99),
106-111, 2005.
107. Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Image Retrieval Based on Hierarchical Gabor Filters,
International Journal Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS), vol. 15, no. 4,
471-480, 2005.
108. Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Stereo Matching for Robotics Vision, Proc. of
International Conference PELINCEC 2005 (10 pages).
PhD Thesis with distinction: Human Identification based on Ear Biometrics –
109. Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, LPT and DST for Face Feature Extraction and
Representation, 148-151, Proc. of IAPR Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image
Processing - PRIP, Minsk 2005.
110. Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Face Feature Extraction and Representation, Proc. of
ACS-CISIM, vol. 1: Image Analysis, Computer Graphics, Security Systems and Artificial
Intelligence Applications, 297-306, University of Finance and Management in Bialystok,
111. Choraś Michał, Image Processing Methods in Person Identification Applications – Ear
Biometrics, Electrotechnical Review (Przegląd Elektrotechniczny) no. 4/81, 38-41, 2005.
112. Choraś Ryszard, Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Content Based Image Retrieval
Technique, in M. Kurzyński et al. (Eds): Computer Recognition Systems, Advanced Soft
Computing Series Book, 371-379, Springer, 2005.
113. Choraś Michał, Ear Biometrics Based on Geometrical Feature Extraction, Electronic Letters
on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (Journal ELCVIA), vol. 5, no. 3, 85-95, 2005.
114. Choraś Michał, Human Ear Identification Based on Image Anlysis, in L. Rutkowski et al.
(Eds): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2004, LNAI 3070, 688-693,
Springer-Verlag 2004.
115. Choraś Michał, Ear Biometrics Based on Geometrical Method of Feature Extraction, in F.J
Perales and B.A. Draper (Eds.): Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, LNCS 3179,
51-61, Springer-Verlag 2004.
116. Choraś Michał, Biometryczne metody identyfikacji osób bazujące na obrazach ucha,
Biuletyn Informacyjny Techniki Komputerowe nr 1/2004, ISSN 0239-8044, 59-69, 2004.
117. Choraś Michał, Feature Extraction Based on Contour Processing in Ear Biometrics, IEEE
Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Services, MCS’04, 15-19, Cracow.
118. Choraś Michał, Human Identification Based on Image Analysis – New Trends, IEEE
Workshop on Signal Processing , 111-116, Poznan, 2003.
119. Andrysiak Tomasz, Choraś Michał, Hierarchical Object Recognition Using Gabor
Wavelets, Komputerowe Systemy Rozpoznawania KOSYR’2003, 271-278, Miłków.
120. Choraś S. Ryszard, Choraś Michał, Automatyczne wykrywanie i lokalizacja twarzy w 2D
obrazach., Techniki Przetwarzania Obrazów TPO 2002, 262-267, Serock.
121. Choraś Michał, Zastosowanie transformacji zespolonych do rozpoznawania odcisków
palców., Techniki Przetwarzania Obrazów TPO 2002, 274-279, Serock.
122. Choraś S. Ryszard, Choraś Michał, Computer Visual System Analyzing the Influence of
Stimulants on Human Motion., in F.J Perales and E.R. Hancock (Eds.): Articulated Motion
and Deformable Objects, Springer-Verlag LNCS 2492, 241-250, 2002.
123. Choraś S. Ryszard, Choraś Michał, Feature Extraction Methods in Fingerprint Recognition,
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing ’02, 21-26, Poznań.
124. Choraś Michał, Identyfikacja osób z wykorzystaniem analizy obrazów, Sztuczna
Inteligencja ’02, 223-231, Siedlce.
125. Choraś Michał, Wykorzystanie transformacji MHT i HAARCOS do kodowania obrazów
wideotelefonicznych, KST ’02, tom B, 68-74, Bydgoszcz.