Attestation du responsable du rapport financier semestriel


Attestation du responsable du rapport financier semestriel
Addendum to the AMAFI liquidity contract signed on 18 December 2013 between
Rothschild & Cie Banque and Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits:
In keeping with article 12 of the contract, Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits has decided to
proceed to a withdrawal of €1,000,000 from the resources allocated to the contract, on 14
December 2016.
The rest of the contract remains unchanged.
Signed in Paris on 14 December 2016
MARIE BRIZARD WINE & SPIRITS – 19 Boulevard Paul Vaillant Couturier – 94200 IVRY SUR SEINE - FRANCE
Tél. +33 (0)1 46 82 05 05 - Fax +33 (0)1 46 82 96 18 –
SA au capital de 56 636 364 € - RCS CRETEIL 380 695 213 - Siret 380 695 213 00039