Saturday 14th September 2013 EXPO Center XXI, Warsaw, Hall 1


Saturday 14th September 2013 EXPO Center XXI, Warsaw, Hall 1
Awards 2016
Niniejszym wyrażamy chęć uczestnictwa w nadchodzącej edycji Międzynarodowego Konkursu Win
Nazwa firmy*:
Osoba do kontaktu:
*Ta sama nazwa (Fimry lub Producenta) musi widnieć na etykiecie zgłaszanego wina
VAT(tylko dla firm zarejestrowanych w UE):
Kod pocztowy:
Strona www:
Kraj pochodzenia:
Kraj uprawy:
Rok produkcji:
Zawartość alkoholu:
Zawartość cukru (gr/l):
Liczba dostępnych butelek (aktualny stan):
Sugerowana cena detaliczna: €
Kategoria wina (proszę zaznaczyć  tylko jedną kategorię na każdy formularz):
w temp. 20° C
< 0,5
0,5 / 2,5
cukier < 4 gr/L
cukier < 4 gr/L
cukier < 4 gr/L
cukier > 45 gr/L
cukier < 30 gr/L
cukier < 30 gr/L
cukier > 30 gr/L
> 2,5
cukier < 15 gr/L
cukier > 15 gr/L
Formularz zgłoszeniowy należy dostarczyć nie później niż…………………....21 września 2016
Fakturę pro-forma należy dostarczyć nie później niż …………………………..21 września 2016
Opłatę za zgłoszenie (50 euro netto) należy przelać nie później niż…......…...21 września 2016
4 butelki muszą zostać dostarczone nie później niż…….....................…..10 października 2016
Akceptacja Ogólnych Warunków Handlowych, a także zgoda na przetwarzanie danych osobowych. .
 Poprzez zgłoszenie do konkursu Wine Expo Poland Awards, oświadczamy, że zapoznaliśmy się z Ogólnymi Warunkami Uczestnictwa i w pełni je akceptujemy.
 Wyrażamy zgodę na przechowywanie i przetwarzanie naszych danych osobowych dla potrzeb działalności prowadzonej przez Polskie Biuro Numizmatyczne Sp. z o.o.
(zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.) i wyrażamy zgodę na otrzymywanie
materiałów reklamowych I informacji promocyjnych drogą elektroniczną (zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 18.07.2002 Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 144, poz. 1204 ze zm. o świadczeniu usług
drogą elektroniczną).
Data _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _
Podpis _______________________________
Wypełnij każdą część formularza i odeślij na adres: [email protected] Fax: +48 22 66 88 66 9
Wypełnia organizator – proszę nie uzupełniać poniższych pól .
Application received:
Payment received:
Bottles received:
Points obtained:
Winning info sent:
Prize picked/sent:
Awards 2016
1. General provisions
1.1. The content of this Terms and Conditions shall apply
to all participants to the competition.
2. Definitions
2.1. Within the frame of the international fair Wine Expo
Poland, Polskie Biuro Numizmatyczne Sp. z o.o.
(hereafter referred to as “Organizer”) announce an event
in form of an international competition with the aim to
recognize and prize quality wines available on the Polish
market and those whose producers are interested to
introduce in the Polish market.
2.2. The name of the competition is “Wine Expo Poland
Awards” (hereafter referred to as “Competition”).
2.3. The competition is held in Warsaw in the month of
October and takes place in the premises published by
the Organizer in the official website of the fair (hereafter referred to as
2.4. The “Participant” can be each legal person, who has
applied by means of an application form to take part in
the Competition and is accepted by the Organizer.
2.5. The “Registration form” is the official form provided
by the Organizer to permit the Participant to register and
take part in the competition. The Registration form is
published in the official website of the fair.
3. Organizer committee
3.1. The Organizer committee is composed by: a
President of the Competition (President), a Supervisor, a
Technical coordinator and an Estates Recruitment
Coordinator. The Organizer committee has the task to
designate the members of the Jury and grant the correct
realization of the competition. Decisions of the Organizer
committee are final.
4. Wines admitted and Participant requirements
4.1. Wines submitted to take part in the competition
shall meet all Polish and EU-legal requirements. Wines
supplied shall comply with the definition of wines of the
international O.I.V. code.
4.2. Wines can be submitted by Participants from all
4.3. The Participant shall be the producer or the
distributor of the wine which is registered for the
competition and the denomination of the Participant
shall appear in the labeling of the wine.
4.4. In case the Participant is a legal person other than
the producer, is understood that the producer has been
informed and his approval has been given.
4.5. Wines obtained by grapes or must whose Country of
origin is other than the Country where the producer has
its production site are not allowed to the Contest, so as
aromatized wines, cocktails and other beverages winebased.
4.6. Wines processed by producers who have been
sentenced of fraud, adulteration, falsification are
excluded by the competition.
4.7. The Participant may submit a wine in more than one
4.8. Wines which are not admitted do not entitle the
Participant to receive the samples back, and the
participation fee cannot be claimed back.
5. Categories of wines
5.1. Wine categories are listed in the Registration form
which is published in the official Website. Participation
of wines which are not ascribable to categories listed in
the registration form is excluded.
6. Registration process and wine deliveries
6.1. For each wine registered to the competition, the
Participant shall complete in every part the Registration
form published on the Website of the Organizer and
send it duly stamped and signed to the Organizer: by
Post or courier to the address “Wine Expo Poland
Awards – c/o Polskie Biuro Num. Sp. z.o.o. - ul. Grójecka
22/24/22 – 02-301 Warsaw – POLAND or by e-mail to the
address [email protected] or by fax to the
number +48 22 66 88 66 9.
6.2. The application form shall be delivered to the
Organizer within and not later than the delivery term
indicated in the registration form.
6.3. A pro-forma invoice shall be delivered to the
Organizer within and not later than the delivery term
indicated in the registration form. Pro-forma invoice
shall indicate the products as free samples without
commercial value.
6.4. For each wine registered to the competition, the
Participant shall pay a registration fee in the amount of
Euro 50 net.
6.5. The payment for the wine registered to the
competition shall contain no fees for the recipient
account (net to the beneficiary).
6.6. The payment shall be made within and not later
than the date indicated in the application form.
6.7. After the application deadline the Participant shall
send the samples for the competition taking in attention
that the delivery shall be within and not later than the
date set by the Organizer and indicated in the
registration form.
6.8. For each wine registered for the competition, the
Participant shall send 4 (four) bottles with capacity 0,750
liters or, in case of naturally sweet wines and fortified
wines, 8 (eight) bottles with capacity 0,500 or 0,375
liters. Address of the delivery shall be: “Wine Expo
Poland Awards – c/o Polskie Biuro Num. Sp. z o.o. - ul.
Grójecka 22/24/22 – 02-301 Warsaw – POLAND. The
delivery shall be marked as “Sample without commercial
value – For competition purposes only”
6.9. All expenses related to the delivery of the sample to
the Organizer are on the side of the Participant.
6.10. In case that: the Registration form is not completed
in full or delivered after the closing date, the payment is
not set within the date or contains expenses charged to
the Organizer’s account, the wines are not delivered
within the term set by the Organizer, wines are excluded
from the competition; Wines or fees will not be sent
back and cannot be claimed back by the Participant.
6.11. For Participants other than Polish, the invoice will
be issued without application of the VAT when the
European VAT number of the Participant is indicated in
the registration form.
6.12. Prices indicated in the registration form are net to
applicable VAT at the moment of the registration.
7. The Jury, evaluation criteria, prize assignment
7.1. There are two distinct Juries to judge the wines
registered for the Competition: one Jury of
“Professionals” and one Jury of “Consumers”, each of
them assigning one distinct prize.
7.2. The Professional Jury consists of 7 persons and
includes wine experts, professionals whose activity is
connected with the wine business and Organizer’s
representatives. Members of the jury are not connected
with the producer and importers whose wines are
registered to the competition.
7.3. The Jury of Consumers consists of 12 persons and
includes people whose activity is not connected with, or
is not primarily based to the wine business.
7.4. The Organizer committee appoints the members of
the Jury and the President of the Jury.
7.5. In case of absence or hindrance of one or more of
the members of the Jury, the Organizer committee has
the right to appoint a substitute.
7.6. The members of the Jury express their evaluation
freely and independently using dedicated forms
provided by the Organizer. Results are expressed with
centesimal system. The highest and the lowest score
received by each wine will not be considered in the
calculation of the final score.
7.7. Decisions of the Jury are final.
7.8. Before being served for the degustation by the Jury,
bottles are bereaved of their brands so as of their
distinctive signs and a generic code is attributed. The
wines are served to the members of the Jury randomly.
7.9. Within each category, the wines rated by the jury of
Professionals will be awarded accordingly the following
scores: 85-100=Gold Award; 82-84=Silver Award; 8081=Bronze Award.
7.10. Within each category, the wines rated by the jury
of Consumers receiving the first three highest average
scores are eligible to receive the prize.
7.11. Prizes assigned by the Professional Jury are named,
from the highest to the lowest, “Gold Award Wine Expo
Poland”, “Silver Award Wine Expo Poland”, “Bronze
Award Wine Expo Poland”.
7.12. Prizes assigned by the Jury of Consumers are
named, from the highest to the lowest, “Consumer’s
Gold Award Wine Expo Poland”, “Consumer’s Silver
Award Wine Expo Poland”, “Consumer’s Bronze Award
Wine Expo Poland”.
7.13. In case that a wine is being awarded from both the
Jury of Professionals and from the Jury of Consumers,
whatever the kind of award is from each Jury assigned, it
is eligible to receive an additional prize named “Trophy
Wine Expo Poland”
7.14. In case of ex aequo, more prizes are assigned.
8. Winner proclamation and prize delivery
8.1. The winner proclamation is published before the
start of the fair, while the delivery of prizes is held during
a special event created and announced by the Organizer
on the Website and to the winners.
8.2. The list of prized wines will be published on the
Website in a dedicated page, and press releases will be
diffused to the national and international press.
8.3. With the aim to avoid wrong impact for the wines of
participants who did not win any prize in the
Competition, only the list of wines who receive the prize
is published. Participants who would like to access the
scores of their own wines registered to the Competition
may ask to receive the documentation within the end of
the solar year.
8.4. Wines receiving prize will be presented within other
events and degustation organized by the Organizer
through the following year. For this purpose, it is
decision of the Participant whose wine received a prize
to deliver to the Organizer an adequate quantity of
8.5. Prizes which are not collected during the official
event are sent to the Participant at expenses of the
Organizer. The Organizer decline all responsibilities in
case of loss or damage caused by the carrier or by third
parties or external events. The Organizer does not cover
eventual costs related to custom operations or taxes due
in the Country of destination of the Prize, which are fully
on the side of the Participant.
9. Marketing material, logo and distinctive signs
9.1. Logo, graphics, distinctive signs of the international
fair Wine Expo Poland and of the Competition are
property of the Organizer. They can be used by winners
by promoting their own product, only when the
promotion is associated directly to the wine receiving
the prize. Any change of the graphics is strictly
9.2. The Organizer reserves to supply stickers for bottles
and other promotional material which can be used by
the winner to promote the wine.
10. Final provisions
10.1. The Organizer reserves the right to change this
regulations so as the content of the Registration form in
any moment without prior notice.
10.2. Possible disputes which might arise and which are
not resolved friendly shall be settled by a law court with
material and local jurisdiction of the Organizer.
10.3. By signing the Registration form, the Participant
accepts in full these regulations.
10.4. These regulations are written in several languages.
In case of discrepancies, the English version shall prevail.
10.5. These regulations shall enter into force from 1st
June 2016.