
Zakład Socjologii Życia Codziennego IFSiD ZAPRASZA
1 czerwca
na Dzień Dziecka dla dorosłych pod hasłem:
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1.VI godz. 16-19 sala S315 WNS UG
Dwa wykłady i dyskusja w języku angielskim
Badania ponad 200 biografii nastoletnich rodziców w USA i w Polsce
Porównanie sytuacji i ujęć
Mary Erdmans Case Western Reserve University
Blaming, Shaming, and Explaining Early Childbirth
in the U.S.: On Becoming a Teen Mom
Paulina Bunio-Mroczek Uniwersytet Łódzki
Calamity or opportunity? Motherhood of Low
Socioeconomic Status Teenagers in Poland
Mary Erdmans
On Becoming a Teen Mom: Life Before Pregnancy, 2015 (w/ Tim Black)
Understanding teen births within a biography adds compexity to statistical
snapshots – especially the ‘color’ snapshots – that often demonize teen
mothers. (…) Ironically, and sadly, when teen mothers are defined ‘as a
problem, rather than a people with problems’, policies tend to focus on
changing behaviors rather than addressing needs. (…) This focus on teen
mothers as a problem distracts us from the larger social problems that wreak
havoc in the lives of these young women. It is not enough, however, to expose
the problems that precede their pregnancies. (…) we intend to show that their
problems are embedded in larger social forces, and that their struggles are
related to their social locations. In this regard, we adopt a critical framework
that attempts to explain their early births by analyzing how power and
domination are structured through hierarchies of race, class, and gender.
Paulina Bunio-Mroczek
Teenage parenthood in social sciences is often referred to in the context of
poverty and social exclusion. Also, social policy responses to teen pregnancy are
usually based on the assumption that early childbearing is at the same time
caused by and resulted with material deprivation and limited participation,
especially in education and labor market. Is teen motherhood really a calamity,
as it is often expected to be, or more of an opportunity for a change?
The presentation is based on results of empirical qualitative study of early
parenthood in poverty pockets in Lodz, Poland, with participation of young
adults who became parents as teenagers and social services workers
representing institutions and organizations meant to support individuals and
families in difficult situations.

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