ISSUE 1/2015


ISSUE 1/2015
Public Health Forum
Public Health Forum is the official journal of the
Polish Society of Public Health. The editor-in-chief
is Prof. Andrzej M. Fal. The quarterly publishes research papers, review papers, case studies, reports
and interviews as well as polemical texts and papers
concerning both social and health issues, original
papers, review papers, analyses and quantitative
(descriptive) studies. The papers are published in
English, Polish and Russian, covering topics such as
health care management and organization, diseases
of civilization, epidemiology, health care quality
and safety, health promotion and prevention as well
as allergology (the journal is the continuation of the
Alergologia Info quarterly).
The international scientific board, foreign authors
and reviewers as well as the publication of papers in
conference languages all contribute to the integration of health care and health promotion community
and reflect the international character of the journal.
Issue 1/2015
table of contents
1. Polish Ways of Market Public Health Insurance on the 18-th Anniversary of
Introduction of the Act on Universal Health Insurance (PUZ) 1997-2015
Mariusz Tarhoni, Rafał Malujda, Krzysztof Kuszewski
The eighteenth anniversary of passing the Act on Universal Health Insurance, which with small changes entered into force on 1st January 1999
comes in 2015. The Authors of this material decided to present detailed evolution and changes of payments system in Poland during the last eighteen years. In 2017 we are going to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of coming into being of new financing system of health insurance in Poland.
Today this system has achieved adult age – this article describes the most important legislative events and turns which it was subject to. Information
contained in this publication also regard political conditions having influence on payment system in Poland, that is why comments having more
journalistic character can be found here.
However, otherwise it would be impossible to justify or to describe reasons for some or other important decisions for the system.
Katarzyna Kwiatkowska
The approach to primary health care, a place in the system, a funding mechanism is different in many countries. This study focuses on the presentation of PHC system in the European Union countries. The article discusses the PHC systems in 10 EU countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Croatia, Greece, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary). In these countries (the great majority), many similarities in PHC
organizations can be observed, such as the presence of Gate-keeper, the financing on the basis of capitation, obligation of registration with a GP.
However, there were also some differences for example regarding the number of patients under the care of one GP, the possibility of changing GP
or the share of private sector in the systems of analyzed countries.
I. V. Belikova
Socio-economic and political changes that are taking place in Ukraine, led to the need for significant changes in information relations in society.
The information component of public health needs to be changed. Without this action it is impossible to implement the task of providing the
population with timely qualified medical assistance. Health systems of different European countries have the same main objectives: ensuring
effectiveness of health care, rational use of resources, improving the quality of and sensitivity to the wishes of patients. At the present time there
are accumulated a variety of data about the patients, but they are not used in full.
The aim of research is to analyze the information and analytical component of the health system of Ukraine, to identify gaps and possible ways
of development.
The medical statistics is monitoring the activities of healthcare facilities to provide reliable information. Health management information system
in Ukraine is characterized by the pronounced tendency to improvement of material and technical basis. There are many software products that
are used in the hospitals. There are problems with frames for Medical Statistics. However, modern technology alone can not provide adequate
health care system information. Only information technology with analytical component are the basis for making management decisions.
N. A. Liakhovа., I. A. Golovanovа
Dental health of children is one of the direct indicators of health, an integral indicator of the health of the nation, its strengthening and preservation
of an important medical and social problem. Examine the condition of the provision of orthodontic care for children’s population, problems of its
organization in modern conditions.
Materials and methods: - analysis of scientific literature; Content analysis - the study of the legal framework; Epidemiology - the study of dental
child morbidity. the prevalence of orthodontic pathology in children; - System Analysis - Analysis of the existing system of orthodontic care for
In Ukraine there are no real acting territorial programs of state guarantees provision of children in schools and preschools dental assistance and
preventive measures are not clearly defined place orthodontist in the program of prevention of dental diseases, which would be carried out jointly
and agreed by paediatricians in different age periods of a child’s life.
Monika Wójta-Kempa
In European societies, the authority of medicine and confidence in the competence of doctors are currently declining. Solutions provided by
medicine are not always socially accepted. These ‘socially sensitive’ topics are covered by the media which discuss not only the important health
information, but also the violations of the rules of social life. Publicizing the cases of irregularities in medicine, unethical behaviour or medical
malpractice may cause a crisis threatening the health security of the population. The media play a role both in the creation of crisis situations and
in diminishing their effects, hushing them up or changing their context.
The aim of this article is to describe the development of the crisis in Polish transplant medicine which started in 2007 and the attempts to limit
its consequences. The case of Doctor G., the cardiovascular surgeon who took bribes from patients waiting for organ transplantation, was widely
known and discussed in the media; consequently, the social trust in transplant medicine decreased, as did the number of transplant procedures. Over
several months, we observed communications (social marketing) which raised the level of transplant surgeries. We would like to report on the kind
of ‘crisis communication’ (or communication in a crisis situation) which changed the image of Polish transplant medicine.
6. Manner of searching the health information by Generation Y in terms of possible usage
of social media marketing to promote health services
Magdalena Syrkiewicz-Świtała, Rafał Świtała
Medical brands seek contemporary forms of promotion among the digital communication tools. To explore ways and sources of seeking the health
information by representatives of Generation Y from the province of Silesia ( Poland ) for any possible and potential use of social media marketing in promotion of health services. 350 people from Generation Y from the province of Silesia (Poland) have been investigated. The survey was
conducted in the electronic way. Descriptive and statistical analysis. Generation Y is looking for health information using the Internet including
social networking sites. It is possible to skillfully use social media marketing in health entities to communicate effectively with the Generation Y.
7. The program of the early detection of asthma and allergies among children from
primary schools in Wroclaw
Dorota Kiedik, Agnieszka Muszyńska, Iwona Pirogowicz, Andrzej M. Fal
Astma należy do najczęstszych chorób przewlekłych układu oddechowego wieku dziecięcego. Jej objawy, przebieg, zasady rozpoznawania i leczenia u dzieci są odmienne niż u pacjentów dorosłych, a poziom wiedzy na temat choroby, jej czynników ryzyka i objawów jest niewystarczający.
Wczesne rozpoznanie i prawidłowo prowadzona terapia pozwala uniknąć wielu negatywnych konsekwencji zdrowotnych, społecznych i ekonomicznych. Wyniki, prowadzonego w roku 2007, ogólnopolskiego epidemiologicznego badania częstości występowania chorób alergicznych w
Polsce (ECAP - Epidemiologia Chorób Alergicznych w Polsce) pokazują, że niedodiagnozowanie w zakresie astmy sięga nawet do 70% [1] . Z
tego powodu prowadzenie populacyjnych programów edukacyjnych oraz wczesnej prewencji i diagnozy jest istotnym zadaniem wchodzącym w
zakres zdrowia publicznego. Główne cele programu profilaktyki astmy i alergii wśród dzieci wrocławskich szkół podstawowych to poszerzanie
wiedzy na temat alergii i astmy oskrzelowej wśród dzieci i ich rodziców/opiekunów, a także nauczycieli i pielęgniarek środowiska wychowania
i nauczania oraz wczesne wyłonienie dzieci alergicznych i chorujących na astmę (lub o wysokim prawdopodobieństwie jej rozwoju). Program
przeprowadzony był we wszystkich klasach trzecich wrocławskich szkół podstawowych w latach szkolnych 2012/2013 i 2013/2014. W programie
zebrano 3238 kwestionariuszy badania przesiewowego. Po analizie u 945 (29,3%) dzieci stwierdzono cechy pozwalające na podejrzenie astmy i/
lub innej choroby alergicznej. 116 z nich (3,6% całości badanej populacji) wg deklaracji rodziców była już pod opieką alergologa. Pozostałe (829
osób) skierowano do diagnostyki u lekarza specjalisty. Do gabinetów lekarskich zgłosiło się jedynie 131 dzieci. U ponad 80% z nich potwierdzono
astmę i/lub inną chorobę alergiczną.
Przeprowadzony program wczesnego wykrywania astmy i alergii wśród dzieci i stosowana w nim metodyka jest tanim i prostym narzędziem do
wstępnego rozpoznawania astmy i/lub alergii u dzieci w wieku szkolnym we wczesnym jej stadium. Świadomość znaczenia prewencji i wczesnej
diagnostyki wśród rodziców/opiekunów pomimo jednorazowego szkolenia w ramach niniejszego programu była niska, o czym świadczy mała
zgłaszalność dzieci z dodatnimi wynikami kwestionariuszy do lekarza.
8. Ocena zdrowia i systemu opieki zdrowotnej - 88 wskaźników zdrowotnych ECHI
Topór-Mądry R, Wojtyniak B, Kozierkiewicz A, Jakóbik K, Kocot E, Nocoń K, Kiedik D, Fal A, Zdrojewski
zapraszamy na już wkrótce!
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