
Z powodu tego problemu wielu maturzystów unika wypracowań np. typu opowiadanie,
całkiem niepotrzebnie.
Możemy zdecydować się na Passive Voice, co daje nam lepszą spójność tekstu ( w
porównaniu z drugą metodą opisana poniżej). Oczywiście trzeba znać wszystkie kruczki
mowy zależnej: zmiana czasów, zaimków i okoliczników czasu. Zobaczcie jak to robi
Frederick Forsyth w „Dniu Szakala”:
….Then the Minister STARTED TO SPEAK. It was neither a consultation nor a request. It
was a directive followed by a copious briefing. He WOULD set up his own office: he
WOULD have unlimited access to all necessary information: the entire resources of the
organizations headed by the men seated round the table WOULD be at his disposal. There
WERE to be no limits to the costs… Several times the need for absolute secrecy……. HAD
BEEN impressed on him. While he listened his heart sank. They were asking – no, demanding
– the impossible. He HAD nothing to go on. There WAS no crime – yet. There WERE no
clues. There WERE no witnesses, except three whom he COULD not talk to……
Druga metoda jest “bezpieczniejsza”, wymaga jedynie przyjęcia określonej konwencji
graficznej. Możemy nią udramatyzować swoje opowiadanie. Tutaj przytaczamy wypowiedzi
w oryginale, w angielskim cudzysłowiu (no właśnie - ‘…….’), pamiętając o akapitach.
Jeszcze raz „Dzień Szakala”:
‘Use your organization to rob a few banks, ‘ SUGGESTED
the Englishman lightly.
‘ In any case, that is our problem,’ SAID Rodin. ‘Before
our visitor returns to London, are there any further points?’
‘What is to prevent you from taking the first quarter of
of a million and disappearing?’ ASKED Casson.
‘I told you, messieurs, I wanted to retire. I do not wish
to have half an army of ex-paras gunning for me. I would
have to spend more protecting myself than the money I had
made. It would soon be gone.’
‘ And what,’ PERSISTED Casson, ‘is to prevent us waiting
until the job is done and then refusing to pay you the balance
of the half-million?’
‘The same reason,’ REPLIED the Englishman smoothly.
Rodin NODDED. ‘ Yes, that will do fine. In fact I think
I like it.’
He escorted the Englishman to the door and opened it. …
Wykorzystując, którąś z powyższych metod (najlepiej obie) proszę napisać 10-cio zdaniowy
dialog: oto sytuacja; siedmioletni chłopiec otwiera drzwi mieszkania nieznajomemu. Oto
‘Where is your mother?’ asked the man.
His voice was aggressive.
The child shook his head. ‘Gone to work’

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