Egzamin gimnazjalny z języka angielskiego – cz. II Część podstawowa


Egzamin gimnazjalny z języka angielskiego – cz. II Część podstawowa
Egzamin gimnazjalny z języka angielskiego – cz. II
Część podstawowa
1. Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie nagrania, umieszczonego na stronie Na
podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, odpowiedz na pytania 1.1-1.5, w każdym
z nich zakreślając literę A, B albo C.
1.1. Where will Alan and Alice meet?
A) at the bus station
B) in the shopping centre
C) at the cinema
1.2. What did the man order?
A) coffee
B) coffee and eggs
C) coffee and some cake
1.3. Why did Alice call Tim?
A) to invite him to the party,
B) to ask about the details of the party,
C) to ask if he's going to the party.
1.4. What is the woman talking about?
A) media,
B) culture,
C) shopping.
1.5. Where does Tom want to go to with Jane?
A) to a concert,
B) to the movies,
C) to an art gallery.
2. Przeczytaj informacje na temat trzech różnych miejsc zamieszkania (A–C), a następnie
odpowiedz na pytania 1-4, do każdego z nich przyporządkowując odpowiedni
fragment tekstu. Rozwiązania wpisz do tabeli.
A. Marley
Me and my family live in the countryside. We have a beautiful, big house with a huge
garden. The area is very peaceful because there aren't many people living here. There is only
one shop, so when it's closed, we have to go to the city. I love living in the countryside!
B. Esther
I live in a block of flats and there are only other blocks around. Living here is very boring
and people are sometimes loud when they throw parties at night. There are too many people
here and I hope we'll move out some day.
C. Christine
Me and my family live in a detached house. We meet our neighbours very often for a cup of
tea or coffee and whenever we have problems, we help each other. I wouldn't like to live
anywhere else.
2.1. Which person loves the place where they live?
2.2. Which person helps their neighbours when they have problems?
2.3. Which person doesn't like the place they live in?
2.4. Which person wouldn't want to live somewhere else?
Część rozszerzona
1. Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie dwa nagrania, zamieszczone na stronie Na
podstawie informacji zawartych w tych nagraniach, odpowiedz na pytania 1.1-1.6,
zakreślając literę A, B lub C. Pytania 1.1-1.3. odnoszą się do pierwszego tekstu, a
pytania 1.4.-1.6. do drugiego.
1.1. John is:
A) Black American,
B) Black African,
C) White American.
1.2. He plays:
A) volleyball,
B) basketball,
C) baseball.
1.3. John's height is:
A) 1.85 m,
B) 1.92 m,
C) 1.95 m.
1.4. Jayne's best friend is:
A) Mary,
B) Lisa,
C) Debby.
1.5. Her best friend is:
A) older,
B) younger,
C) the same age.
1.6. Her best friend's hobby is:
A) collecting stamps,
B) swimming,
C) reading books.
2. Przeczytaj informacje o czterech rodzajach środowisk naturalnych (2.1-2.4) oraz pięć
opisów zwierząt. Do każdego rodzaju środowiska dopasuj jedno zwierzę przystosowane do
życia w nim. Jedno zwierzę zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego z opisanych
Life is very hard for animals that live in the
tundra. It is very cold there and there is little
food, so they have to look for it. Fortunately,
some animals are able to live there, but they
need to have thick fur and a lot of body fat to
keep them warm during their long walks in
search of something to eat.
Lizards can live in various conditions. Heat and
sun are not a problem for them. Some of them
are even able to use camouflage and take the
color of a stone to avoid danger.
The taiga is not the best place to live, as well.
Animals find it hard to live there, and only the
fittest can survive there. Birds find it quite easy
to live there, because they are always able to
find something to eat, and if not, they simply fly
away to some warmer place.
The golden eagle is a bird of prey that likes to
live in sparsely populated areas. Since it has
very strong talons, it can hunt animals even
bigger than itself! Cold weather isn't a problem,
as eagles can fly long distances and move to
other places if necessary.
Deserts are inhabited mainly by small reptiles.
Because it is very hot there, not many animals
like such environments, and those that do are
usually difficult to observe. They tend to hide in
the sand or under cacti, which provide a cover
from the sun.
The lion can live in various places, but it prefers
the warmer ones (not the very hot ones, though).
In places like these, it can control the local
environment, hunt other animals, and relax in
the shadow of the trees or in the grass.
The African savannah is a place where it's
always hot, or at least very warm. The heat isn't
too oppressive for the animals, though, because
there are some trees that produce shadow.
Hunting food and finding water is also easy
there, so the savanna is inhabited by many
The arctic fox lives mainly in Arctic regions. It
has deep and thick fur and a lot of body fat. Its
paws are adapted to extreme weather conditions
and allow the fox to walk even on ice.
Monkeys are intelligent animals, usually with
long tails and smiling faces. They live in various
environments and represent various species.
Some people believe that we, the humans, are
related to monkeys.

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