english high flier 2007


english high flier 2007
Łowcy Talentów – JERSZ
ul. Białowieska 50/26, 54-235 Wrocław
tel./fax (071) 310 48 17
tel.kom. 0-505-138-588; 0-501-101-866
e-mail:[email protected]
21 listopada 2007
JASKÓŁKA - klas VI szkoły podstawowej
Czas trwania konkursu: 45 min.
Do każdego pytania jest dokładnie jedna poprawna odpowiedź. Za brak odpowiedzi dostajesz 0 punktów.
Za odpowiedź błędną otrzymujesz punkty ujemne równe ¼ liczby punktów przewidzianych dla danego
zadania. Życzymy przyjemnej pracy. Zapraszamy do konkursów ENGLISH ACE 2008. Informacje na
naszej stronie www.mat.edu.pl
Pytania za 3 punkty
1. Julia lives ... 18 Watermelon Street, Dublin.
A) at
B) on
C) in
D) by
E) 2. Here is your coffee, sir. Do you want ... else?
A) somewhere
B) anywhere
C) anyway
D) anything
E) somebody
3. Sue: Hello. Can I speak to Harry?
Harry's mum: I'm sorry, he's not here. Do you want to leave a ... ?
A) note
B) message
C) sign
D) letter
E) news
4. Jill: I'm bored.
Dad: ... you play with your sister?
A) Let's
B) Go
E) Let
C) Why don't
D) Why not
5. Shop assistant: ...
Kimberley: Yes, I would like to buy an evening dress.
A) Are you needing something?
B) What do you want to buy?
D) Would I help you?
E) Can I help you?
C) What do you need?
6. My mother told me to be home ... . We are having a family supper.
A) after
B) before
C) the fastest
D) late
E) early
7. Don't eat ... ! They're Sally's sandwiches.
A) those
B) this
C) that
D) thems
E) they
8. You can take a train on a ... Station.
A) Road
B) Bus
C) Travel
D) Train
E) Railway
9. Roland's shop is ... in town.
A) cheap
B) cheaper
C) cheaper than
D) cheapest
E) the cheapest
10. This jacket is mine! It has my ... it .
A) surname in
B) surname with
C) name on
D) name in
E) name with
Pytania za 4 punkty
11. Carla: Hello. My name's Carla.
James: I'm James. ... to meet you.
A) Good
B) Great
C) Nice
D) Fine
E) A and B are correct
12. The famous twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen look ... .
A) like
B) alike
C) same
D) like other
E) like each
13. ... can be called water sport/s.
A) Canoeing
B) Diveing
C) Sailing
D) A and C are correct
E) A and B are correct
14. We don't have ... flour left.
A) any
B) any little
C) much
D) A and B are correct
E) A and C are correct
15. Your cat is thirsty. Please, ... her some milk.
A) pour
B) peel
C) slice
16. Thomas, do you ... your younger sister?
A) protect
B) take care of
C) care for
17. Which word rhymes with “fog”?
A) go
B) dog
D) check
D) play with
C) come
E) all answers are correct
D) don't
18. When you go abroad you must ... .
A) collect your mail
B) throw away your ticket
D) answer a guidebook
E) explore your passport
C) have
D) read
20. Are you ... to live in France?
A) planing
B) going
C) wanting
D) liking
Pytania za 5 punktów
21. Is your passport ... ?
A) correct
B) timely
C) valid
D) revolt
B) won't travel to Egypt
E) A and B are correct
23. Let's ... the castle before lunch.
A) sew
B) chop
C) challenge
E) work
C) change some money
19. Which of these verbs is regular?
A) look
B) buy
22. In the future I ... .
A) will marry
D) could swim well
E) gave
E) write
E) A and B are correct
E) accurate
C) wouldn't pass my exam
D) explore
E) comment
24. A long animal with many legs, which develops into a butterfly is called a/an... .
A) worm
B) baby-butterfly
C) caterpillar
D) bug
E) ant
25. Which of these have spikes?
A) snail
B) cactus
C) crab
26. Turnip is a/an ... .
A) vegetable
B) animal
C) fruit
D) country
E) mushroom
27. Which of these is not meat?
A) lamb
B) beef
C) chicken
D) sheep
E) turkey
28. To make and eat a Yorkshire Pudding you don't need ... .
A) milk
B) eggs
C) flour
D) beef
E) chocolate
29. Lemonade is made with water, sugar and ... juice.
A) orange
B) lemon
C) grapefruit
D) apple
30. American flag is called ... .
A) Tribe's Flag
B) White House Flag
D) Union Jack
E) United States' Flag
D) hedgehog
E) B and D are correct
E) A, B and C are correct
C) Stars and Stripes
© Copyright by ŁOWCY TALENTÓW – JERSZ, Wrocław 2007

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