Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences would not be


Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences would not be
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences would not be able to provide valuable
peer-reviewed articles without the diligent efforts of our volunteers. They not only help
identify the best of our submissions, but also provide detailed reviews aiding the authors
to improve their manuscripts. Peer review is a demanding process so we would like
to publicly express our gratitude to our reviewers for their efforts throughout 2013.
Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz Polish Academy of Sciences
Nino Antulov-Fantulin Ruđer Bošković Institute
Amel Attour Universty of Lorraine
Costin Bădică University of Craiova
Mirosław Bereziński Polish Academy of Sciences
Krisztián Buza Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Trevor Cohen University of Texas Health Science Center
Dario Del Moro University of Rome Tor Vergata
Sebastiano Alessio Delre Bocconi University
Nikitas Dimopoulos University of Victoria
Nima Dokoohaki Royal Institute of Technology
Maciej Drozdowski Poznań University of Technology
Dariusz Dwornikowski Poznań University of Technology
Jerzy Grzymala-Busse University of Kansas
Joanna Horabik Polish Academy of Sciences
Tomáš Horváth University in Košice
Olivier Hueber University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Krzysztof Juszczyszyn Wroclaw University of Technology
Ioannis Karydis Ionian University
Grzegorz Kołaczek Wrocław University of Technology
Lech Kruś Polish Academy of Sciences
Pawan Lingras Saint Mary's University in Halifax
Yannis Marinakis Technical University of Crete
Marek Mika Poznań University of Technology
Mikołaj Morzy Poznań University of Technology
Alexandros Nanopoulos University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Maciej Nowak University of Economics in Katowice
Jan Owiński Polish Academy of Sciences
Marcin Paprzycki Polish Academy of Sciences
Grzegorz Pawlak Poznań University of Technology
Anna Philippou University of Cyprus
Łukasz Piątkowski Poznań University of Technology
Dmitry Podkopaev University of Jyväskylä
Andrzej Polański Silesian University of Technology
Achim Rettinger Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Rajarshi Roy Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Rafał Różycki Poznań University of Technology
Wojciech Rząsa University of Rzeszów
Piotr Sawicki Poznań University of Technology
Tomislav Šmuc Ruđer Bošković Institute
Francis Sourd SNCF Innovation and Research
Marco Stangalini INAF Astronomical Observatory of Rome
Jarosław Stańczak Polish Academy of Sciences
Marek Zaremba University of Québec in Outaouais
Piotr Zgliczyński Jagiellonian University
Eugeniusz Zieniuk University of Białystok
Martin Znidarsic Jožef Stefan Institute
Roberto Zoboli Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan