Biographical note Rayan Bagchi is professor in the Department of


Biographical note Rayan Bagchi is professor in the Department of
Biographical note
Rayan Bagchi is professor in the Department of Information, Risk,
& Operations Management in the McCombs School of Business, The
University of Texas at Austin, where he has been on the faculty
since 1982.
Professor Bagchi teaches courses in operations
management and quality management in the MBA and
undergraduate programs and courses in risk analysis in the MSTC
(Master of Science in Technology Commercialization) and EEM
(Executive Engineering Management) programs. He has published
extensively on topics in inventory management, sequencing and
scheduling, and queuing systems.
Professor Bagchi has received notable teaching awards including the
Outstanding Core and Elective Professor Awards and the Joe D.
Beasley Award for teaching excellence in the McCombs School, the
Outstanding Professor Award in the MSTC program and the
Outstanding Faculty award in the EEM program.
Prof. Bagchi received his B.S. and M.S. in chemistry from Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and Ph.D. in business
administration from Pennsylvania State University.
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