Dr. Piotr Panek - Instytut Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej PAN


Dr. Piotr Panek - Instytut Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej PAN
Dr. Piotr Panek
a. Correspondence address: Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Polish
Academy of Sciences, Photovoltaic Labortory, 43-340 Kozy, Krakowska St. 22
b. Phone.: (033) 8174249
Fax: (033) 4867180
c. e-mail: [email protected]
Employment and positions
1984 Institute of Non-ferrous Metals in Gliwice – technician, 1989 Institute of Solid State
Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze – assistant, 1992 Mineral and Energy Economy
Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow – assistant professor, 1997 Institute
of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow – assistent
Scientific Carrier
M.Sc.: Silesian University in Katowice, Department of Physics, 1982
Ph.D.: Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2006
Scientific achievements
Dr. Piotr Panek
70 papers, among them: 21 papers in refereed journals and periodicals, 20 of them citetd by the
Institute for Scientific Information in Philadephia, 48 presentations during conferences, 1
chapter in book.
The most relevant publications during last 5 years
P. Panek, K. Drabczyk, A. Focsa, A. Slaoui, „A comparative study of SiO2 deposited by
PECVD and thermal method as passivation for multicrystalline silicon solar cells", Materials
Science and Engineering B, 165, (2009), p. 64-66.
P. Panek, K. Drabczyk, P. Zięba, „Crystalline silicon solar cells with high resistivity emitter",
Opto-Electronics Review, 17, (2009), p. 161-165.
P. Panek, K. Drabczyk, P. Zięba, R. P. Socha, B. Rajchel, „The Laser-fired Back Contacts for
Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells", Proc. of the 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 21-25 September 2009, p. 1930-1933.
L. A. Dobrzański, A. Drygała, P. Panek, M. Lipiński, P. Zięba, „Development of the Laser
Method of Multicrystalline Silicon Surface Texturization", Archives of Materials Science and
Engineering, 38, (2009), p. 5-11.
Dr. Piotr Panek
E. Klugmann-Radziemska, P. Ostrowski, K. Drabczyk, P. Panek, M. Szkodo, ,,Experimental
validation of crystalline silicon solar cells recycling by thermal and chemical methods", Solar
Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 94, (2010), p. 2275-2282.
P. Panek, K. Drabczyk, G. Kulesza, P. Zięba, "The Silicon Solar Cells with Laser Fired Back
Contacts Obtained by Use of Nd:YAG and Ytterbium Fiber Lasers", ", Proc. of the 26th
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 5-9 September 2011, p.
P. Panek, „Fotowoltaika Polska 2011", Publikatech, Warszawa 2011, ISSN 0033-2089.
K. Drabczyk, P. Panek, „Silicon-based solar cells: characteristics and production processes",
Kraków 2012, ISBN 978-83-62098-08-8.
K. Drabczyk, P. Panek, „A comparative study of EVA with and without thermal history for
different lamination process parameters", Materials Science and Engineering B, 177, (2012), p.
T. Stapiński, K. Marszałek, M. Lipiński, P. Panek, W. Szczepanik, „Investigation of solar panels
with anhanced transmission glass", Microelectronic Materials and Technologies, vol. 1, (2012),
p. 285-296, Koszalin 2012, ISSN 0239-7129.
K. Drabczyk, R. Socha, P. Panek, ,,Electrodeposition of thin metallic layer for solar cell
electrodes", Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, vol. 26, issue 1, (2014), p. 18-21.
Dr. Piotr Panek
K. Drabczyk, P. Panek, „ Influence of screen printing parameters on the front metallic
electrodes geometry of solar cells", Circuit World, vol. 40, issue 1, (2014), p. 23-26.
T. Stapiński, M. Godlewski, M. Jakubowska, K. Marszałek, R. Pietruszka, P. Panek, B.
Soliński, I. Soliński, K. Turoń, G. Wróblewski, ,,Materiały i metody optymalizacji budowy ogniw i
paneli fotowoltaicznych'', AR TOP, Kraków, 2014, ISBN 978-83-63179-17-5.
Research Projects
Projects from Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Development Project No. NR10-0020-10/2011 (2011-01-03 - 2013-12-31)- Development
and testing charging station based on solar cells for electric vehicles.
Common research within the scientific network
EKOENERGIA- New ecological and save technologies in energy production and conversion,
IMP PAS, contractor, 2006-2007
Dr. Piotr Panek
PV-TECH- Development of new technologies and research techniques for silicon solar cells,
IMMS PAS, contractor, 2008
International exchange programmes
Application of macroporous silicon to silicon solar cells, Laboratoire de Chimie Metallurgique
des Terres Rares, CNRS,
Francja, 2003-2005.
In-line processing of n+/p and p/p+ junction systems for cheap photovoltaic module production,
Projekt konsorcjum Instytutu Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej PAN, Instytutu Katalizy i
Fizykochemii Powierzchni PAN w Krakowie, SINTEF - Norwegia. 2014-2016, projekt
finansowany przez NCBiR w ramach norweskiego mechanizmu finansowania.
task manager for Work Package 1
-,,Front and back doping of Si wafers by low cost method".
Experience gained abroad:
Dr. Piotr Panek
PHASE - CNRS, Strasburg, France, September 1992 - research collaboration
NATO - Advanced Study Institute - Photovoltaic and Photoactive Materials, Sozopol, Bulgaria,
2001 (14 days) - training
Laboratoire de Chimie Metallurgique des Terres Rares – CNRS, Thiais, France, 2002, 2003
(two weeks each) - research collaboration Institut d’Electronique du Solide et des Systèmes ,
CNRS – Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, 2007 (two months) – research contractIn
stitut d’Electronique du Solide et des Systèmes ,
CNRS – Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, 2008 (two months)– research contract
Stiftelsen SINTEF, Institute Material and Chemistry, Strindveinen 4, 7465 Trondheim, Norway,
21 - 28.10.2014.
Education of scientific staff
Superviser of 4 M.Sc. thesis: Grzegorz Holtzer (2006), Anna Byrska (2008), Paweł Kędzior
(2010), Bernadeta Klimek (2013)
Dr. Piotr Panek
Organisation of conferences and scientific events
Member of organization committee:
PV-TECH Development of new technologies and research techniques for silicon solar cells,
reporting meeting, Kozy, 2008
I Photovoltaic Polish Country Conference, 8 - 11 October 2009, Krynica-Zdrój
II Photovoltaic Polish Country Conference, 12 - 15 May 2011, Krynica-Zdrój
European Photovoltaics Summer School, 4 - 7 July 2012, Krakow, Poland
Membership in professional societies
Member of Scientific Board of IMMS PAS Cracow 2007 – 2010
Bronze Cross of Merit, President of Poland, Krakow 2012
Main scientific interest
Mono- and multicrystalline silicon thick films solar cells technology. Chemical etching,
texturization and cleaning for Si wafers, diffusion of phosphorous and boron dopants deposited
from gaseous and liquid phases and surface passivation by thermal oxide processes. Laser
fired point contacts. Porous silicon. Encapsulation processes of PV modules.
Dr. Piotr Panek