Dr. Wojciech Zakulski


Dr. Wojciech Zakulski
Dr. Wojciech Zakulski
Tel.: +48 (012) 295-2808, fax: +48 (012) 6372192
e-mail: [email protected]
Employment and positions
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences: research assistant
(1971-1986), assistant professor (1986-2007), specialist (2007)
Scientific Career
M.Sc.: AGH – University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, 1971
Ph.D.: Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1986
Scientific achievements
80 papers, among them: 37 papers in refereed journals and periodicals (28 of them citetd by the
Institute for Scientific Information in Philadephia), 32 papers in conference materials, 2 –
co-author in book chapters,
1 – expertise, 1 – editor of conference proceedings
Dr. Wojciech Zakulski
The most relevant publications during last 5 years
W. Zakulski, B. Onderka, „Równowagi fazowe w trójskładnikowych stopach Al-Mg-Sr", XIV
Konferencja Sprawozdawcza „METALURGIA 2006", Krynica, 11-14 października 2006 ,
Materiały Konf. str.39-43
W.Zakulski, „Eliminacja ołowiu ze stopów lutowniczych - działania w ramach europejskiego
projektu "ELFNET", XIV Konferencja Sprawozdawcza „METALURGIA 2006", Krynica, 11-14
października 2006 , Materiały Konf. str. 75-80
W.Zakulski, „Osiągnięcia w realizacji w Polsce europejskiego projektu ELFNET", V Krajowa
Konferencja Elektroniki, Darłówek, 12-14 czerwca 2006, Materiały Konf. Str. 1-6
W.Zakulski, „ELFNET - Europejska współpraca przy wprowadzaniu lutów bezołowiowych",
Prace Komisji Nauk technicznych PAU, Tom II, 2007, str. 95 - 111
W.Zakulski, Z.Moser, „From the theoretical ideas of Aleksander Krukowski to the
achievements of Polish metallurgical researches and the European integration", The Polish
Institute of Arts and Sciences in Canada, Bulletin, vol. XXIV-XXV, 2007-2008, p. 40-45
W.Zakulski, A.Dębski, W.Gąsior, „Thermodynamic Properties of the Ca-Li System - Heat of
Formation of the CaLi2 Solid Phase", CALPHAD XXXVIII, Prague, Czech Republic, May
17-22, 2009, Book of Abstracts, p. 152
W.Zakulski, A.Dębski, W.Gąsior, „ New thermodynamic data for the Ca-Li alloys", XI
Dr. Wojciech Zakulski
Workshop of the Associated Phase Diagram and Thermodynamics Committee, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 18-20 September 2009, Book of Abstracts, p. 8
W.Zakulski, A.Dębski, W.Gąsior, „ Heats of Mixing of Liquid Ca-Li Solutions", TOFA 2010
(Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of Alloys), 12-17 September 2010, Porto (Portugal),
Book of Abstracts, p. 117
W.Zakulski, A.Dębski, W.Gąsior, „Właściwości termodynamiczne stopów Ca-Li - ciepło
tworzenia fazy stałej CaLi2", „METALURGIA - 2010, Krynica, 20-23 września 2010, Materiały
konf. str.186 - 192
W.Zakulski, A.Dębski, W.Gąsior, "Phase Relations in the Ca-Li System", Calphad XL, 22 - 27
May, 2011, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), Book of Abstracts, p. 207
Research Projects
Projects from Ministry of Science and High Education
Thermodynamic properties of solid alloys and intermetalic phases in the Al-Mg system (Project
No 7 T08B 018 13): IMIM PAS, supervisor, 1997-1999
Dr. Wojciech Zakulski
Thermodynamics of ternary Al-Mg-Sr alloys, (Project No 3 T08B 001 27):IMIM PAS, supervisor,
Thermodynamic properties of the Ca-Li alloys as candidates for the safe hydrogen storage,
(Project No N N508 379235): IMIM PAS, supervisor, 2008-2011
European Union Projects
ELFNET: European lead-free soldering network, 6 Frame Programme EU, Contract
UENMP2-CT-2003-505504, secretary on network in Poland, 2004-2007
COST, Action 535 - Thermodynamic properties of aluminides, (No. 62/E-2004-2007), task
member, 2007
Experience gained abroad
DAAD Fellowship, Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, 1990/91 (3 months)
Dr. Wojciech Zakulski
NATO project, Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, 1994 (2 weeks)
Training, Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany, 1993 (2 tweeks), 1995 (2 weeks)
Prizes and awards
1976 Award of the Secretary of PAS, Warszawa
1980 Award of the Secretary of PAS, Warszawa
1985 Award of the Secretary of PAS, Warszawa
1990 DAAD Fellowship, Germany
2004 Golden Cross of Merit for the overall scientific activity, Warszawa
Organization of conferences and scientific events
Dr. Wojciech Zakulski
Member of Organizational Committee: XII-Conference “METALURGIA 1998”, Krynica, (1998),
XIII-Conference “METALURGIA 2002”, Krynica, (2002), Secretary of Organizational Committee:
Workshop „Meeting in Krakow”, Krakow, (1999), Discussion Meeting on Thermodynamics of
Krakow, (2000),
, Krakow,
(2004), Workshop „ELFNET - Poland – European Lead-Free Soldering Network”,
(6-FP), Krakow, (2005), Workshop „VII International Workshop of Associated Phase Diagram
and Thermodynamics Committee”, Krakow, (2005
TOFA-2008, Kraków, (2008 ), Member of Scientific Committee: Electric and electronic industry
– a status after the implementation of RoHS Directive, (6-FP), Jachranka, (2006)
Editor: “Proceedings of VIII International Workshop of Associated Phase Diagram and
Thermodynamics Committee (APDTC)”, Kosice, Slovakia, (2005), ISBN 83-921845-5-6
Membership in professional societies
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, (member of the Board of Review), Polish Phase
Diagram Committee (Chairman), Associated Phase Diagram and Thermodynamics
Committee (Chairman)
, National Committee for the co-operation with APDIC (Secretary), Committee of Metallurgy
PAS, section of the Theory of Metallurgical Processes (Member), Archives of Metallurgy and
Materials (Member Board of Review) Main scientific interest
Dr. Wojciech Zakulski
Thermodynamic properties of binary and multicomponent alloys, Calculation of phase diagram
of metallic alloys, Implementation of lead-free solders, Studies of materials being the candidates
for chemical storage of hydrogen