Speaker/Presenter Profiles (p7-11) - APMG


Speaker/Presenter Profiles (p7-11) - APMG
Keynote Presentations (p2-3)
Roundtable Discussions (p4-6)
Speaker/Presenter Profiles (p7-12)
Od zwinnego zarządzania projektem do zwinnego zarządzania produktem (PL)
09:30 – 10:15
Mirosław Dąbrowski, Chief Operating Officer at ENP
Agile Transformation Coach & Agile Business Consortium International Ambassador
Od zwinnego zarządzania projektem do zwinnego zarządzania produktem
W pierwszej części prelekcji zostanie zaprezentowana skala oraz rozmach dostępnych metodyk i
frameworków ze świata Agile.
W drugiej części zostaną przedstawione przykłady wdrożeń oraz dostosowań metodyki DSDM które
zastosowałem podczas ostatnich transformacji. Przypadku obejmują zarówno dostosowania modelu
procesowego jak również ról i odpowiedzialności. W szczególnym przypadku interesującą
transformacją jest przejście z pracy nad projektami do pracy nad produktem. Dodatkowo zostaną
przedstawione elementy które wymagają szczególnej uwagi podczas zwinnych transformacji oraz
najczęstsze błędy.
Business Agility – The E.ON Experience (EN)
10:15 – 11:00
Dave White and Meggie Revesjö, E.ON
E.ON is one of the major public utility companies in Europe and the world’s largest investor-owned
energy service provider. Operating in over 30 countries and serving more than 33 million customers
they began a transformation towards agility several years ago.
Two pioneers facilitating this journey are Dave White and Meggie Revesjö who, in their illuminating
keynote, will talk about the corporate blockers to agility and how they are tackling these. They will
introduce their approach to scaling Agile, the lessons learned along the way and what they plan to
experiment with next in this multinational utility company. The emphasis throughout will be on
business agility.
Agile Projects and Programmes (EN)
12:20 – 13:05
Vic Page, Agile Business Consortium
The challenge today is how to take well-established Agile concepts and use them for projects or
programmes, where the focus is more significantly on transformational organisational change, and
where the horizon may be quite some time in the future. Agile Project Management meets this
challenge and takes many of the principles inherent in Agile Business Consortium’s Agile Project
Framework, which encompasses multiple teams, and incorporates the governance required for larger
This presentation initially explores, at a high level of abstraction, the Agile Business consortiums Agile
Project Framework – since this is the framework that forms the stepping-stone to the Agile
Programme Management framework created by the Agile Business Consortium.
The presentation then goes on to explore the Agile Programme Management framework that
incorporates iterative and incremental delivery of benefits, just-in-time planning and frequent review.
In addition, its governance model ensures the programme will capture its vision, whilst empowering
teams to work without undue interference. Finally the presentation explores the characteristics of an
Agile PMO.
Agile approach for EPL system implementation in Office of Electronic
Communications (EN)
15:05 – 15:50
Marcin Cichy, Prezydent, Urzędu Komunikacji Elektronicznej
Rafał Gęślicki, Executive Partner, PositivePro Ltd
The President of Office of Electronic Communications (UKE - https://en.uke.gov.pl/) is the national
regulatory authority for the market of telecommunications and postal services. The President of the
UKE is also the specialized authority in the area of equipment conformity assessment, including
telecommunications terminal equipment and radio equipment.
EPL is the main information system of UKE and consists of several modules. The first attempt for EPL
implementation took place between 2014 and 2015 and was unsuccessful. The next attempt was
organized based on an Agile approach deriving from DSDM techniques. Ideas came from “The
challenges of scaling agile” speech delivered by Chris Battersby (Audit Principal, The National Audit
Office) at the Agile Techniques Conference in London in February 2016 (APMG and DSDM
Consortium were partners of this event). PositivePro, as UKE advisor and agile consultant, prepared
an Agile environment and supported UKE with the project management lifecycle. The EPL system
was finally implemented in UKE in December 2016 and the Agile approach adopted was one of most
important success factors.
The majority of roundtable discussions will be held during three separate sessions at
11:30, 14:15 and 16:10 (roundtable discussion duration: 45 minutes).
Agile Business Analysis (AgileBA) Guidance, Training and Certification (EN)
Dot Tudor, TCC Ltd and Winner of UK Agile Awards
The Agile Business Analysis (AgileBA) Handbook – published by the Agile Business Consortium –
offers useful, practical and comprehensive guidance on the role of the business analyst working in an
Agile way. It also aims to give context to the business analyst role beyond the individual project, in
relation to organizational mission and strategy, and to give additional depth and guidance for the
business analyst role.
In this session, Dot (the Handbook’s lead author) will provide a detailed overview of the guidance and
the supporting training and certification programme.
Agile Project Management (AgilePM) Guidance, Training and Certification (EN)
Vic Page, Training and Accreditation Director, Agile Business Consortium
AgilePM guidance offers a practical and repeatable methodology that achieves an ideal balance
between the standards, rigour and visibility required for good project management, and the fast-pace,
change and empowerment provided by agile. The focus is on developing solutions incrementally,
enabling teams to react effectively to changing requirements, whilst empowering project personnel
and encouraging increased collaboration and ownership.
In this session, Vic will provide a detailed overview of the guidance and the supporting training and
certification programme.
Agile Retrospectives - using feedback to drive strategic changes for teams and
organisations (EN)
Myriam Hamed Torres, Thomson Reuters
Agile retrospectives are an excellent exercise to continuously improve the way that people and teams
operate. This practice is widely implemented in most organisations however quite often dealing with
some feedback can be overwhelming; managers and team leads can struggle to prioritise the right
changes. Is the feedback and associated actions aligned with the strategies set by the organisation?
This session will cover: A range of tools and exercises to collate feedback from teams
 Techniques to align feedback to organisational values and strategic objectives
 Examples of mechanisms to quantify and report on improvements
Participants are more than welcome to share experiences and contribute with examples.
Agile w zarządzaniu zmianą organizacyjną o zasięgu globalnym (PL)
Anna Erdmańska, PMQ
Uczestnicy sesji poznają przykład dużej zmiany organizacyjnej przeprowadzonej w globalnym banku
zatrudniającym 230 tys. pracowników na całym świecie. Transformacja została przeprowadzona w
modelu hybrydowym zarządzania projektami (kaskada z elementami agile) i z powodzeniem mogła
zostać przeprowadzona przy zastosowaniu AgilePM. Podczas prezentacji będziemy rozważać
następujące zagadnienia: Które elementy podejścia zwinnego zostały zastosowane intuicyjnie? Które
elementy nie zadziałały i dlaczego? Co jeszcze można było usprawnić? Wreszcie: kiedy zespół
projektowy jest gotowy do świadomego zastosowania AgilePM?
W drugiej części spotkania zaprezentowane zostaną role i obowiązki przewidziane w modelu zespołu
DSDM. W trakcie warsztatu uczestnicy wypracują model zespołu dla przedstawianego studium
Citta Ideale – Business simulation of project management in agile environment
Robert Maślanek
Business simulation "Citta Ideale" is a training workshop based on agile methods: Scrum & AgilePM
where the participants practice the skills needed to manage a large project using agile approach. The
simulation carries participants back to the 16th century - the golden age of Polish Renaissance. The
purpose of the project is to build an “ideal city” in the form specified by Leonardo DaVinci's “Citta
Ideale”, which is the ancestral headquarters of the Chancellor Jan Zamoyski.
DevOps - przepis na Agile na przykładzie The Phoenix Project? (PL)
Aleksander Solecki, RETHINK Digital Business Design
Czy podejście DevOps urzeczywistnia pomysł na zwinną formę? Lista trudności jest długa,
począwszy od kultury, przez narzędzia i proces, na strukturach skończywszy. O tym właśnie
porozmawiamy! 45 minut to mało, dlatego skorzystamy z ram, które oferuje nam gra The Phoenix
Project: kto jest interesariuszem, jakie elementy systemu nas blokują, jak wytyczać drogę zmian? Nie
zdążymy zagrać, ale porozmawiamy o kluczowych elementach usprawnień w kierunku DevOps, by
tak jak przypadku Projektu Feniks jednak się udało:
Doświadczenia z transformacji agile w Raiffeisen Polbank S.A. (PL)
Aleksander Solecki, RETHINK Digital Business Design
transformacji agile w Raiffeisen Polbank S.A., obejmującej szkolenia i coaching zespołów, a także
zmiany w procesach zarzadzania i strukturze, mające na celu ich dostosowanie do metod zwinnych.
Omawiane doświadczenia dotyczą między innymi obszarów zarządzanie projektami i portfelem
projektów, w których istotną rolę odegrało zastosowanie metodyki DSDM (Agile PM).
Podczas sesji podzielimy się wynikającymi z naszych doświadczeń kluczowymi wnioskami o
czynnikach sukcesu transformacji zwinnej, a także o technikach jej prowadzenia.
Fabryka Innowacji - kreatywność jako kompetencja biznesowa organizacji (PL)
Aleksander Solecki, RETHINK Digital Business Design
Wspólną cechą liderów cyfrowego rynku jest to, że potrafią systematycznie wprowadzać innowacyjne
usługi i produkty. Podstawą kreatywnej organizacji są trzy dyscypliny tworzące jej “warsztat
Design Thinking - systematyczne dostarczanie nowych pomysłów na innowacje biznesowe o
wysokiej wartości.
Agile Management: skuteczna realizacja pomysłów biznesowych za pomocą rozwiązań
Lean Startup: zapewnienie szybkiej weryfikacji j rynkowej wartości pomysłów.
W trakcie sesji przedstawimy nasze doświadczenia z łączenia tych trzech dyscyplin w Fabrykę
Innowacji – organizację, która potrafi realizować proces innowacji produktowej szybciej niż reszta
"Kinshasa Agile African Adventure" – planowanie z użyciem MoSCoW (PL)
Jolanta Łabędzka-Benisz, OMEC
W projekcie Agile, w którym czas jest sztywno ustalony, kluczowe jest zrozumienie względnej
ważności prac do wykonania. Metodyka AgilePM proponuje użycie w tym celu praktyki MoSCoW.
Jednakże wykorzystanie priorytetyzacji MoSCoW wymaga innego sposobu myślenia i działania w
porównaniu do tradycyjnego planowania. Umiejętności tej można się nauczyć podczas planowania
projektów – niekoniecznie tych rzeczywistych.
Podczas naszej sesji uczestnicy będą mieli możliwość wzięcia udziału we fragmencie warsztatu
planowania „Kinshasa Agile African Adventure” i zaplanowania fragmentu projektu.
Ottoman Wedding Agile - A Business Simulation (PL)
Michal Lesniak, Altkom Akademia
Management and employees within an organization planning to implement the AgilePM® method or
already using this method for current projects; members of project teams, managers and team
leaders who want to analyze and improve their team working sills, and everyone willing to gain a
practical training in the AgilePM® environment.
Priorytetyzacja MoSCoW – "Warsztat Facylitowany" (PL)
Jolanta Łabędzka-Benisz, OMEC
Warsztat Facylitowany jest jedną z praktyk oferowanych przez AgilePM, ułatwiającą uczestnikom
warsztatu wspólną pracę dla osiągnięcia uzgodnionego celu. Celem może być rozwiązanie problemu,
wygenerowanie pomysłów czy podjęcie decyzji.
W projekcie Agile nadawanie priorytetów zadaniom jest nieodłącznym elementem procesu
planowania zarówno na poziomie całego projektu, na poziomie pojedynczego Timeboxa, jak i
pojedynczej iteracji. Nie jest to zadanie łatwe, gdy mamy grupę interesariuszy o rozbieżnych celach.
Tu z pomocą przychodzi Warsztat Facylitowany.
Podczas naszej sesji przeprowadzimy z uczestnikami Warsztat Facylitowany poświęcony
Transformacja Zespołu Modelowania Produktów w PZU do pracy z Kanban (PL)
Andrzej Jurkiewicz, RETHINK Digital Business Design
W trakcie sesji przedstawię doświadczenia z wdrożenia Kanban w Zespole Modelowania Produktów
w PZU SA. Omawiana transformacja odbywała się w zespole rozproszonym.
Opowiem o tym jak zmieniły się nasze procesy i jak Kanban wpłynął na zespół oraz otoczenie. Jak
zmniejszaliśmy opór przed zmianą. Wreszcie jak mierzyliśmy nasze postępy i jak udało się połączyć
wartości Kanban z MBO. Przedstawię również filozofię, która wspiera wdrożenie Kanban i pozwala
zespołowi czerpać pełnię korzyści z tej metody.
What type of culture would you like to help design? (EN)
Leanne Page, MSLGROUP
As we move into the digital age, the realisation of change is paramount across businesses and many
are transitioning from waterfall to agile not only for its day to day methods but also for its principles changing the way we interact with each other.
In an effort for all people to feel invested in this shift, we need to ask ourselves, adopting agile, how
can we create the environment we would like to work in?
Aleksander Solecki
Partner, RETHINK Digital Business Design
Doświadczony coach agile, od 16 lat wspiera polskie firmy w
transformacjach zwinnych.
Stosuje podejście zwinne w praktyce od 2001 roku. Szkoli menedżerów
projektów oraz kadrę zarządzającą. Jest certyfikowanym trenerem Agile
Jako menedżer i inwestor działa na rynku doradztwa oraz gier.
W RETHINK rozwija kompetencje Cyfrowej Transformacji w obszarach
agile & innovation.
Andrzej Jurkiewicz
Expert Agile & Lean / Agile Coach, RETHINK Digital Business Design
Doświadczony menedżer oraz trener Lean i Agile.
Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie jako menedżer w branży
Pracował jako kierownik projektu w programie Everest, który był jednym
z największych przedsięwzięć agile w Polsce. Wdrażał TQM i Kanban w
Był trenerem Agile w projektach z branży telekomunikacyjnej, bankowej i
cyfrowych mediów.
W RETHINK rozwija kompetencje w obszarze Lean, Kanban oraz Agile.
Anna Erdmańska
Programme, Project and Business Transformation Manager, PMQ
Project management expert in PMQ. Certified programme, project and
business transformation manager with 10 years’ experience. Anna has
led projects in capital markets, finance, accounting, investment funds, IT,
marketing, internal outsourcing, HR as well as managed strategic
changes in a global environment. Anna is an experienced project
management trainer, consultant and speaker. In her free time, she runs
project management blog: zarzadzam-projektami.pl.
Dave White
Agile Coach, E.ON IS GmbH
Dave is an ex-developer and a recovering Project Manager. He has
worked for both start-ups and large corporations in an IT career
spanning 30 years and several continents.
He worked with RAD in the 1990s and has been involved with Agile
since the early 2000s, working as a Scrum Master, Coach and Change
Dot Tudor
Director, TCC Ltd and AgileBA Chief Examiner
Winner of UK Agile Awards
Dot is a founder and Technical Director of TCC Limited, a company
which specialises in Agile and business analysis and in improving the
way organisations manage projects and achieve successful business
change. Dot is a Certified Scrum Trainer, winner of 'Best Agile Coach /
Mentor' at the UK Agile Awards, a finalist in the 'Most Valuable Agile
Player UK' five years running and winner of the Award for Outstanding
Contribution to a DSDM Team.
Dot is a recognised conference speaker nationally and internationally
and a published Author. She is a Fellow of the British Computer Society
and a Certified IT Professional and has been involved with business
change projects for over thirty years.
Jolanta Łabędzka-Benisz
Trener, konsultant, OMEC
Ekspert w dziedzinie zarządzania projektami w firmie OMEC. Trener
zarządzania projektami i kierownik projektów. W swoim portfolio ma
projekty edukacyjne i biznesowe realizowane w działach IT i Call Center
firm telekomunikacyjnych. Management of Risk Practitioner,
certyfikowany Project i Programme Manager. Akredytowany przy OMEC
trener metodyki zarządzania projektami (PRINCE2®, Agile Project
Management) oraz zarządzania ryzykiem (M_o_R®). Specjalista w
zakresie gier symulacyjnych dotyczących zarządzania projektami
Leanne Page
Project Director, MSLGROUP UK and Lecturer at Kings College London
Leanne has over 9 years of project management experience in
commercial, government and international projects. Her expertise
centers on agile project management, continuous improvement,
planning and financing. She brings operational expertise that spans a
broad range of functional and technology areas in such verticals as
digital, energy, finance, events and communication.
Her role as a lecturer in Project Management for Kings College and The
University of London expands her skill for coaching and mastery. Now,
working with leaders and teams to embed programmes that bring about
change, focusing on; people, process and technology.
Marcin Cichy
President, Office of Electronic Communications (UKE)
<Bio to follow>
Mateusz Czarnecki
Accredited Trainer, Conlea
Accredited trainer for PRINCE2. Experienced Sales Support Manager in
financial services.
For over fifteen years in the financial services gained practical
experience as a specialist and manager. Graduated from International
Relations at the University of Warsaw and Executive MBA Program at
Cracow University of Technology and Central Connecticut State
University. Currently expanding his Project Managment knowledge on
the Postgraduate Program at the Warsaw School of Information
Technology (under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences).
Meggie Revesjö
Process & Efficiency Manager, E.ON Business Services Sverige AB
Meggie has a background as a Project Manager, Change Manager and
Team Manager, starting to discover the IT world mid-1990s. Pure
desperation through here into the Agile world in 2003. Since then, she’s
working as a Scrum Master, Coach and Agile Revolutionary.
Michal Lesniak
Instructor, Altkom Akademia
<Bio to follow>
Mirosław Dąbrowski (HOST)
Chief Operating Officer at ENP, Agile Transformation Coach & Agile
Business Consortium International Ambassador
Chief Operating Officer (COO) at ENP, responsible for fluid operation,
development and maintenance of ecommerce platforms with cash-flow of
10 bln PLN annually. Parallel working as an independent Agile
Transformational Coach, he is helping organization to overcome barrier
during Agile transformations.
During his 13 years career in IT, Mirek helped for dozens companies in
becoming more agile where worth to mention are: Asseco, ABC Data, BZ
WBK, Macoscope, RTV Euro AGD, Media-Saturn, SESCOM, Unity. He is
one of the most experienced Agile Coaches in Poland with proven track
record of 5000 people trained and coached. Currently Mirek is the only
person in Poland who holds Agile Coach level certifications from agile
methods such as DSDM and DAD. He is also one of few who have
practical experience of implementing Agile in enterprises. As a
practitioner and leader in Agile world, he authored the tool for assessing
DSDM/AgilePM projects maturity.
He has very vast and deep IT experience spanning across many
disciplines. He worked for Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Symantec He
started his career in IT from support/help desk, through development
ending on IT Director and COO positions. This allows him to look on
processes from different perspectives and point of views.
Additionally, Mirosław serves as Vice-President and Board Member at
PMI Poland Chapter.
Myriam Hamed Torres
Software Development Manager, Thomson Reuters
Myriam is currently Software Development Manager at Thomson
Reuters and has a wealth of experience as Agile Project Manager in
various industries. She is extremely passionate about delivering
successful results as well as coaching teams to help improve the way
they work.
Myriam is a DSDM Advanced Practitioner and Certified ScrumMaster
supporting many Agile communities.
Radoslaw Lont
Change Practitioner & Scrum Master, AgileRebels.org
Went along the way of experience from a software developer, through a
team leader to a Scrum Master role. The latter played for development
teams, as a change agent inside own organizations or as a consultant
advising others. Knowledge and experience gained first in huge
telecommunications projects (mainly for Ericsson), enhanced next in
Seamless - changing the world of payments with SEQR startup.
Passionate about lean approach in IT, experienced in Kanban and
DevOps improvements bringing Business, Development and Operations
together. Founder of Zwinna Lodz (Agile Lodz) - local community
expanding agile/lean outside the IT, introducing discoveries of sociology
into IT and working with students. Speaker at IT and Agile/Lean
Robert Maślanek
Accredited Trainer, Asseco Data Systems
<Bio to follow>
Rafał Gęślicki
Executive Partner, PositivePro Ltd
Rafal M. Geslicki is an expert on project management experienced in
ICT projects. He has participated (team member, team leader, project
manager and program director) in over 50 projects on both client and
contractor sides. He has vast experience in software development,
software implementation and integration projects, especially in workflow
and e-services solutions. He has managed software development and
implementation, business development, consulting and integration
His experiences was built in global companies as Siemens and IBM
where he spent over 10 years and in consulting area as a free-lancer,
consultant, partner and executive partner. He has been the Executive
Partner at PositivePro since September 2009.
He has published 3 books (one as an author and two as a co-author)
and over 100 articles and papers, connected with ICT issues. Apart from
his main occupation, he is a lecturer of financial management at the
State School of Public Administration.
Tomasz Szymborski
Agile Project Management Practitioner and Trainer, Conlea
PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), experienced in doing
coaching and training in Scrum.
Tomasz has worked 15 years with Software Development, starting as an
HP Service Portfolio Solutions Consultant and for more than 7 years in
project management positions. As Senior IT PM, he has been
introducing Scrum and Agile, acquainting the way of work and
organization with an agile mindset. Tomasz used Scrum to build
productive distributed teams involving specialists from Finland, Estonia
and Poland.
Vic Page
Training & Accreditation Director, Agile Business Consortium
Vic is an independent consultant with a wide experience of delivering
Information Systems projects within traditional and Agile development
environments. He also has considerable experience in the development,
implementation, assessment and validation of foundation, undergraduate
and postgraduate programmes in the Computer Science and Software
Engineering disciplines.
In his early years, Vic worked for BT as a Project Manager and
Programme Manager for both traditional and Agile projects based in the
UK, USA and Europe. Vic is the Training and Accreditation Director at
the Agile Business Consortium and the Chief Examiner for Agile Project
Management at APMG.

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