Tomasz Karski Grzegorz Kandzierski Jacek Karski Jaroslaw


Tomasz Karski Grzegorz Kandzierski Jacek Karski Jaroslaw
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w Lublinie
20-816 Lublin, ul. Choiny 2, tel./fax 081 740 72 40, e-mail: [email protected]
Tomasz Karski1, Grzegorz Kandzierski2, Jacek Karski2, Jarosław Kałakucki2
Wydział Fizjoterapii, Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Przyrodnicza im. W. Pola w Lublinie
Katedra Ortopedii i Rehabilitacji Dziecięcej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie.
Geothermal waters – an important factor for the rehabilitation treatment of motor
system dysfunction in children, youth and adults
Water accompanies people through all the life and humans have contact with water since birth. It
is the environment of the amniotic fluid that human embryo and fetus develop in. It is constantly
present in human tissues, and later water takes the healing form of geothermal waters and
constitutes a major factor in the rehabilitation treatment. The beneficial effects of baths in
geothermal waters were known already in the ancient times but in the middle ages they were
withheld. The increased interest in hydrotherapy and balneotherapy took place in the mid 19th
century and still continues. The “hot water’ environment relieves the pain, facilitates exercises,
activates circulation and stimulates both metabolism and the immune
system. Geothermal waters prove valuable in the treatment of such dysfunctions of the motor
system as CP, Perthes disease, slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), the so-called idiopaethic
scolioses, posture dysfunctions, pre-arthrosis and athrosis stages of the joints, particularly hip
joints, knee arthrosis, patellofemoral arthrosis, shoulder contracture, “adhesive capsulitis” of the
so-called “frozen shulder”, spondyloarthosis and other. That is why thermal waters are selected
for treatment in many diseases of the motor system. Kinesiotherapy in geothermal waters
improves human physical effectiveness as well as daily life efficiency influencing motor system,
mental condition and general well-being.