eTwinning - Italy


eTwinning - Italy
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3
eTwinning - Italy
Autor: Oliwia Osadnik
Zmieniony 05.09.2013.
"Italy meets Poland"
Registered 10.02.2007 - Closed 17.05.2007
Scuola media Giosue Carducci in L'Aquila, Italy "Spotkania polsko - włoskie" The aim of this project was
allowing the students to meet new friends and to go over the national borders, studying the different
cultures, but also the similarities of the two countries, members of the European Community in which we
Subjects: Cross Curricular, Geography, History, History of Culture
Languages: English
Pupil's age: 12 - 13
Tools to be used: e-mail, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings)
Aims: The project had two main aims: first to improve the language skill of the pupils; secondly to
enlarge their knowledge of habits, culture, history and so on of Italy and Poland, not only studying over
the books, but also trough the direct words of the foreign friends
Work process:
Expected results: e-mails and photos; PowerPoint presentation, Word presentation, MP3 Wspólnie z
włoskimi kolegami i koleżankami opracowaliśmy różne tematy w ramach projektu:- moje hobby
- nasza szkoła
- nasze miasto
- przyroda naszego regionuWymienialiśmy się listami (przy pomocy poczty elektronicznej), życzeniami
świątecznymi, zdjęciami cyfrowymi, prezentacjami multimedialnymi. .
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Utworzono 3 March, 2017, 13:02

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