University of Wrocław Faculty of Letters DEPARTMENT OF


University of Wrocław Faculty of Letters DEPARTMENT OF
University of Wrocław
Department of English Studies
Section of Translation Studies
ul. Kuźnicza 22
50-138 Wrocław, PL
University of Wrocław
Faculty of Letters
Section of Translation Studies
cordially invites linguists and translation/interpreting scholars to contribute to the
monograph volume titled:
On the Verge between Language and Translation
The monograph volume will initiate editorial and publishing activity of the Section
of Translation Studies, established in October 2012 in the organisational structure
of the Department of English Studies.
We seek papers discussing the results of scholarly projects, analysing different
language- and translation-related phenomena, presenting methodological issues,
developing a theory, showing the application(s) of theoretical issues etc. All papers
should centre around language and its various dimensions manifesting themselves
in translation and interpreting. Themes falling within translation and interpreting
studies are given priority although we accept topics in theoretical and applied
linguistics, too.
All interested authors are hereby asked to send their paper proposal by June 30,
2014 to: [email protected]. The deadline for submitting complete
papers is September 30, 2014. The papers should be sent to the above-indicated
email address.
All papers submitted to the volume will undergo the reviewing process (blind
review). After the reviews, the papers will be returned to contributors with
reviewers’ remarks and a request to improve them or reply to the review.
The contribution should adhere to the style sheet guidelines, attached hereto.
Editorial team:
dr Piotr Czajka
dr Michał Szawerna
dr Marcin Walczyński
Section of Translation Studies
prof. zw. dr hab. Roman Lewicki
Members: prof. zw. dr hab. Leszek Berezowski, prof. zw. dr hab. Roman Lewicki, dr hab. Marek Kuźniak, prof. UWr, dr hab.
Michał Garcarz, dr Piotr Czajka, dr Michał Szawerna, dr Marcin Walczyński, dr Jaek Woźny
On the Verge between Language and Translation
Style sheet guidelines
1. Number of pages: approximately 12-14 pages (including references)
2. Margins: left – 2 cm, right – 2 cm, top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm
3. Tabulation/indentation: 1.25 cm (the first paragraph of each new section should be left
unindented). All block quotations should be entirely indented by 1.25 cm.
4. Line spacing: 1.0
5. Font: Garamond 12 for the main text, Garamond 10 for block quotations; the text should be
6. Section formats: use the following format for section division: 1., 1.1., 1.1.1, 2. etc.
Introduction, conclusion and references should not be given the section numbers.
7. Use of quotation marks: only for non-block quotations and words treated as terms
8. Use of italics: all non-English terms (e.g., i.e.) should be italicised
9. Title: Garamond 14, bold, capital letters, centred
10. Name and surname: Garamond 12, bold, right upper corner
11. Affiliation: Garamond 12, italics, right upper corner, below name and surname
12. In-text references: as in the example (surname(s) year: [if direct quotation, page
number(s).]): (Smith 2001: 143)
13. References as in the examples:
Book: Surname(s), name(s) initial (year) Book title. Place: Publishing Office.:
Smith J. A. (2001) Language and Mind. London: FCR Publishing.
Edited volume: Surname(s), name(s) initial (year) (ed./eds.*) (*when more than one editor)
(year) Volume title. Place: Publishing Office.:
Smith J. A. (ed.) (2001) Language and Mind. London: FCR Publishing.
Paper/chapter in a journal/volume: Surname(s), name(s) initial (year) “Paper/chapter
title”. [In:] Surname(s), name(s) initial (year) (ed./eds) (for chapters in volumes)
Volume/Journal title (volume/journal issue number), page numbers. Place: Publishing Office.:
Smith J. A. (2001) “Language and Brain”. [In:] Jackes T. P., Marieke T. K. (eds.)
Language and Mind. London: FCR Publishing; 145-165.
14. Footnotes: footnotes should include only additional, explanatory information.
 Please, do not use additional spaces in order to align the text or move single characters to the
next line.
 Please, provide a short biographical note on the author, stating the author’s degrees, scholarly
interests and affiliations.
In case of any doubts, please contact us: [email protected]
Section of Translation Studies
prof. zw. dr hab. Roman Lewicki
Members: prof. zw. dr hab. Leszek Berezowski, prof. zw. dr hab. Roman Lewicki, dr hab. Marek Kuźniak, prof. UWr, dr hab.
Michał Garcarz, dr Piotr Czajka, dr Michał Szawerna, dr Marcin Walczyński, dr Jaek Woźny