Saint Margaret Mary PariSh


Saint Margaret Mary PariSh
Saint Margaret Mary Parish
111 South Hubbard Street
Algonquin, Illinois 60102
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Algonquin, IL 60102
Permit No. 18
Saint Margaret Mary PariSh
Feasibility Study - Your Feedback is Needed!
A Message from Father Peter to all Parishioners of Saint Margaret Mary Parish
Dear Friends,
Our parish was founded in July of 1915. In October of 2014, we will open our centennial year on the feast of Saint Margaret Mary,
the patron of our parish. It will be a special opportunity to thank God for the many graces and blessings he has bestowed on our
faith community here at Saint Margaret Mary. The jubilee year has always been special for the people of God. It is a time when
God looks upon his people with great mercy and kindness. It is why we should use this time for our salvation and the benefit of our
parish community.
During the yearlong celebration, we will have the time to pray together and thank God for blessing us so abundantly. Along with the
chance to mark this unique milestone, we should also spend time planning for the next 100 years. To that end I have called together
a planning group to set a course of action to move us forward.
Information Meetings
Wednesday, October 30 – 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm
(Education Center Gym)
Tuesday, November 5 – 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
(McDonnell Hall in the Ministry Center)
Thursday, November 14 – 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
(McDonnell Hall in the Ministry Center)
Saturday, November 16
following the 4:30 pm Mass
(to be announced)
Sunday, November 17
following the 7, 9 and 11 am Masses
(McDonnell Hall in the Ministry Center)
Come to
Ask Questions
Come to
Share Ideas,
and Suggestions
Please bring
this Brochure and
Survey Form
with you
In this brochure you will find a description of the proposed plan. The plan while not yet final, is ambitious and I would expect no less
from our Parish. You’ll find within this plan proposals to reduce our debt, while addressing pressing needs throughout our physical
plant. These projects, I believe, will improve the quality of our worship experience while at the same time make an investment in
our staff and volunteers. It will improve the comfort and usability of the spaces they occupy while delivering on our mission and
ministry. In the end, these projects will help us be better stewards of all with which we have been blessed.
I write to ask you for three things at this time. First, pray for the work of this planning committee as they continue to gather
feedback and refine the plan. Second, plan to attend one of the many informational gatherings to learn more about the plan and
engage in a dialogue about our future. Members of the planning group will be there to walk us through the plan and answer your
questions to the best of their abilities. Your input will help to shape the future direction of our parish. Thirdly, take the time to fill
out the enclosed survey or fill it out online and tell us what you think. Your input is a critical component of our planning process and
your opinions are valued.
This is an exciting time for our parish, and as I referenced earlier we have so much for which to be grateful. I look forward to seeing
you at one of the planning meetings and to reading your thoughts. Thank you for all you do in God’s name for Saint Margaret Mary
Parish and our entire community.
Peace and Goodness,
Fr. Peter Sarnicki, OFM Conv.
Saint Margaret Mary Parish • 111 South Hubbard Street • Algonquin, Illinois 60102 • 847-658-7625 •
We, the loving and praying community of Saint Margaret Mary Parish,
believe the Church is a family of Christian people.
Our Mission is to proclaim the Word of God, Worship the Lord together, and respond to all human needs.
Drodzy Przyjaciele!
Nasza parafia została założona w lipcu 1915 roku. Dlatego w październiku 2014 roku , w święto Św. Małgorzaty Marii, patronki
parafii, odbędzie się uroczystość otwarcia Roku Jubileuszowego związanego ze 100 - leciem parafii. Będzie to wyjątkowa okazja,
aby podziękować Bogu za wiele łask i obfite błogosławieństwo, jakimi obdarza naszą parafię. Rok Jubileuszowy jest zawsze
wyjątkowy dla Bożego ludu. Jest to czas, w którym Bóg spogląda na swoich wiernych z wielkim miłosierdziem i dobrocią. Właśnie
dlatego powinniśmy wykorzystać ten czas dla naszego zbawienia i dla dobra naszej Wspólnoty Parafialnej.
W czasie Roku Jubileuszowego, będziemy mieć wiele okazji, aby indywidualnie i wspólnie modlić się i dziękować Bogu za otrzymane
łaski. Równolegle z duchowym wymiarem naszych uroczystości i dziękczynienia dobremu Bogu, powinniśmy również spojrzeć w
przyszłość i podjąć odważne plany oraz działania, aby wejść w nowe 100-lecie życia parafii z perspektywą jej rozwoju i wzrostu.
Właśnie w tym celu powołałem grupę planująca, która pomoże nam wszystkim zrealizować to zadanie.
W niniejszej broszurze znajdziecie opis proponowanych przedśięwzięć. Plany tu umieszczone nie są jeszcze ostateczne, ale myślę,
że są ambitne i potrzebne. Uważam, że są to projekty na miarę naszej parafii. Między nimi znajduje się propozycja spłacenia
długu parafii, abyśmy mieli możliwość inwestowania w nowe rzeczy. Planowane jest upiększenie prezbiterium kościoła i wiele
innych rzeczy na terenie parafii, które są wymienione w broszurze. Wierzę, że wspólna praca nad realizacją tych projektów
zbliży nas do siebie i jeszcze bardziej zaangażuje w życie parafii. Realizacja naszych planów pomoże nam być również lepszymi
gospodarzami tego, co psiadamy jako wspólnota i indywidualnie.
W moim słowie do Was skierowanym, chciałem Was poprosić o trzy rzeczy. Po pierwsze proszę Was o modlitwę w intencji komitetu
planującego, który pracuje nad zebraniem waszej opinii na ten temat, w celu udoskonalenia planów. Po drugie spróbujcie wziąć
udział w jednym ze spotkań informacyjnych, aby więcej dowiedzieć się o projektach i włączyć się w dialog o naszej przyszłości.
Członkowie komitetu planującego będą na spotkaniach, aby odpowiedzieć na wasze pytania i wątpliwości. Wasza opinia będzie
dla nas bardzo ważna i pomoże nam planować naszą przyszłość. Po trzecie znajdźcie czas, aby wypełnić ankietę, która znajduje
się w broszurze, można ją również wypełnć drogą internetową. Wasz wkład jest bardzo ważny i jest nieodzownym elementem w
procesie planowania.
Jeszcze raz pragnę podkreślić, że jest to ważny i podniosły moment w życiu naszej parafii, bo tak jak powiedziałem wcześniej,
mamy za co Bogu dziękować. Liczę na wasze zaangażowanie, pomoc i otwartość. Bóg zapłać za wszelkie dobro, któro czynicie
dla miłości Boga i bliźniego w naszej Parafii Świętej Małgorzaty Marii.
Pokój i Dobro
Your Opinions Are Welcome
Your feedback is important as we strive to develop plans that represent the wishes of the entire parish.
You may wish to fill out this survey online by going to
1. List the things you like best about Our Centennial Mission:
2. Make any comments you have regarding the proposed projects and goals presented in this brochure:
3. I/We will support Our Centennial Mission:
___ Yes ___ No ____ Uncertain
4. I/We would be willing to help with the volunteer leadership of Our Centennial Mission:
___ Yes ___ No ____ Uncertain
Print your name(s): ____________________________________________________
Print your E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________
O. Piotr Sarnicki, OFM Conv.
Please tear off and deposit your written response in the box as you leave the information meeting, leave it
in the designated box in the church entrance, or return it to the church office by Tuesday, November 19.
You can also e-mail it to or you may choose to fill out the survey online at:
Let us work for the good of all,
and especially for those of the family of faith.
Galatians 6:10
Our Opportunity, Legacy, and Plans
How You Can Participate
Celebrating 100 years
Study these materials, attend one of the information gatherings, provide feedback at the meetings, and return a
completed survey. Once you have done those things, we hope you will be part of a parish-wide consensus here at
Saint Margaret Mary that prayerfully and boldly helps us move forward into our second century as we consider our
centennial mission.
In the fall of 2014 we will be entering into a celebration of the 100th anniversary of Saint Margaret Mary Parish. There
is so much to be grateful for as we honor the past, while at the same time desiring to chart a future course of action
that sees us growing in faith while strengthening our outreach, education programs and financial condition. On the
following pages you will find details of a plan that we feel can address these desires as we honor our past and plan for
our future.
Information meetings will be held on Wednesday, October 30; Tuesday, November 5; Thursday, November 14;
Saturday, November 16; and Sunday, November 17 to assist in answering questions and forging a consensus for
moving forward. We encourage all parishioners and members of the school community to:
Where Do We Start?
Attend one of these important gatherings
Listen actively to the plans as presented
Ask questions
Provide your feedback and help shape the final list of projects
We thank you in advance for both your interest and ongoing support for the good works taking place here at Saint
Margaret Mary Parish and School.
The Outcome
What Do We Hope to Accomplish?
As Christians Stewards we:
Upon completion of this proposed set of projects, the impact on parish life will be visible and significant.
Enhancements to our physical spaces will improve the quality of our worship, the safety of our parishioners and
visitors, and the functionality of space for our many ministries. The energy savings from the various projects should
reduce our operating expenses. Eliminating our long term debt will provide us the financial flexibility to engage in
some long range planning from a position of financial strength. It can be hard to predict the future, but 60 year old
boilers and 35 year old air conditioning systems are examples of items that need to be planned for.
We encourage you to attend one of the information meetings and to return the enclosed survey form. If you would
like to speak with someone personally, please contact one of the following volunteers who serves on the Feasibility
Task Group:
Matthew Denman
Grzegorz (Greg )Dobek
Randy Pedretti
A group of dedicated parishioners, staff, and parents has been formed to set a course of action. That group has come
up with a plan and it’s time to gather feedback. In the weeks ahead several information gatherings will take place. The
purpose of the meetings is to share the plan in detail and give you the chance to ask questions and provide feedback.
This brochure contains a survey and we ask you to fill out either in hard copy or electronically. (The survey form in this
booklet has information on the electronic option.) Please take the time to attend one of these valuable information
gatherings and then fill out the survey.
Fr. Peter Sarnicki, OFM Conv.
Clare Titus
Denny Wiener
seek to take care of all that we have been given. In this way we honor the hard work, foresight, and dedication of
those who came before us, while striving to bring forth the Kingdom of God.
strengthen, grow and build upon the approximately 200 ministries in our parish.
operate free from debt in the very near future.
maintain an annual operating budget that both operates in the black and allows the possibility of planning for
future needs. Financial flexibility is the plan.
create a sense of welcome and fellowship by maintaining the safety and security of our buildings and parking
areas, enhancing the comfort and beauty of our worship space, while providing solid educational opportunities
for our youth as well as adults.
We have been in communication with the Diocese and they have expressed support for our efforts. In working
through the proposed plan with the Diocese, they have strongly encouraged us to work towards eliminating our debt,
while at the same time addressing important current opportunities. Should a decision be made to move forward,
we will allocate 80% of all funds raised to debt reduction. This will leave 20% available to spend on a range of long
needed projects. We are excited about the possibilities that lay ahead.
Our Centennial Mission
We have provided more detail below on the specifics of the plan for your consideration. This plan, which has not been finalized, represents the best thinking of the planning group. It will require the consensus
of the entire parish, and the generous support of all. While plotting a course for the next century, the plan has the added benefit of improving the experience for all parishioners today! We are called to be
good Stewards. Stewardship has many facets, including taking the best care of what we have been given, increasing the sense of welcome for all who visit, investing in people, and enhancing the quality of our
worship experience. The list that follows attempts to do this.
Long Overdue Repair and Remodeling Projects (totaling approximately $440,000)
Refurbishing Our Worship Space ($150,000)
Building on recent enhancements to our worship space, we wish to continue this process. Enhancing the visual beauty
of the Altar space and Sanctuary will improve the quality of the worship experience for all who call Saint Margaret
Mary Parish their home. These improvements will also send a powerful message of welcome to those who might
consider becoming parishioners in the future. Among the improvements being considered are:
There are a number of areas throughout our buildings in need of significant updating. Some of these will save us
money on utilities, others make investments in the spaces used by our staff and volunteers, while others send an
important message of welcome. The list below represents a preliminary set of proposed projects but could change
based on input from the parish community.
Replace Windows in the Ministry Center ($90,000)
Keeping in mind the concept of good stewardship, new windows in the Ministry Center will help us save money on
our monthly utility bills, while increasing the comfort of all who use this space, and improve the usefulness.
Gymnasium Enhancements ($100,000)
The gymnasium is the center of activity for our school whether it be all-school assemblies or parent gatherings.
Refinishing the floor, updating the stage area, and providing a fresh coat of paint will transform this critical space
into a shining jewel for all to use and enjoy. Necessary safety enhancements will be made as well.
Bathroom Remodeling in the Ministry Center ($50,000)
These bathrooms are in need of important upgrades which would leave us with clean, modern facilities that are
more accessible to all. Modern equipment will also be more efficient and save us money.
Upgrade Flooring in the Ministry Center ($150,000)
Old and outdated flooring reduces the functionality and comfort of our current ministry facility. New flooring,
and proper disposal of old flooring materials, will provide an improved experience for the literally hundreds of
volunteers and staff who use this space every day as they conduct important work in keeping with the mission of
our parish.
Parking Lot Repairs ($50,000)
First impressions are so very important, and a well maintained parking area helps improve safety and sends a
positive message. These much needed repairs (fixing potholes, restriping) will improve the appearance of our
facility, and help to ensure safe passage for the thousands of parishioners and guests who pass through our doors
each week.
Upgraded Lighting
New flooring around the Altar
Relocation of the Tabernacle
New Liturgical furniture
Debt Reduction ($1.9 million)
Our current parish debt is approximately $1.9 million. We would like to retire this debt as quickly as possible. This
would free up approximately $200,000 annually which currently goes toward debt service, enabling us to strengthen
our ministries, while addressing some immediate facility improvements. The impact of being debt free is something
we can all relate to.
By 2001 we had 2,800 members using a facility designed for 1,000 members. When the opportunity to purchase
the neighboring public school was proposed, ninety-nine (99%) percent of the parishioners surveyed supported the
purchase, and the debt we would incur to purchase the building and land. It allowed us to expand our ministries and
provide family friendly and flexible Religious Education Programs. It gave us additional staff offices and space for social
events. Eventually we had land to build the McGivney Building for storage and maintenance space, and last but not
least, allowed us to establish a state accredited Polish School. Now we need to put this debt to rest as we move into
our second century.
Diocesan Stewardship Appeal 2014 ($140,000)
Should we move forward with a campaign to address these important projects, it would likely occur in the Winter and
Spring of 2014. Rather than engage in the Diocesan Stewardship Appeal (DSA) separately, we would fold the 2014 DSA
into a campaign, which we believe, would be simpler and more convenient for all parishioners.

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