The global dimension of social leader based on the example of


The global dimension of social leader based on the example of
Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik*
University of Gdańsk
Anna Lusińska
University of Gdańsk
The global dimension of social leader based
on the example of Polish Humanitarian
Action activities – practical contexts
In the 21st century, the age of global crisis and financial instability, non-governmental
organizations become social leaders. Such organization is not only the helping volunteer
but by its strategy and mission, it diagnoses social problems and reduce them. Therefore,
for the worldwide social interest, social leader of 21st century should be global to meet
the challenges of the global world.
The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze practical aspects of the activity of
a global social leader on the example of Polish Humanitarian Action.
21st century can be described as dynamic, with great development potential but also as a very complicated period of world’s crisis and financial
predicament. It’s the time where the role of a social leader is often taken
by non-governmental organizations, because of the government’s ineffectual management and lack of money. Those non-governmental organizations
not only take the role of a volunteer, but what is more, by the strategy which
implies mission and vision, they diagnose social problems and make a great
impact on reduction of those problems.
Hence, for the global benefit of society, the range of 21st century leader
should have a global dimension, which means overcoming the challenges not
Correspondence address: Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, University of Gdańsk, ul. Bażyń­
skiego 4, 80-952 Gdańsk, e-mail: [email protected]
Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Anna Lusińska
only given by one’s own region or country, but in fact, the whole world. A perfect example of such organization is Polish Humanitarian Action, because it
fulfills community goals of modern world societies.
The goal of this article is to identify and analyze practical aspects of being
a social leader, on the study of endeavors of Polish Humanitarian Action.
In this article, the authors will make an attempt to prove that an organization can become a social, global leader thanks to its communicative and
management skills, and what is more, thanks to socially aware professionals
who create it.
Organization as a social leader
According to terminology, leader stands for authority and describes
a person or organization which is on the forefront of a given group. Leader
gives directions to individuals or other organizations, who follow the given
instructions with demur. The definition also states that the leader cannot
name himself a headman, but he can only become one when his followers, for
instance, the community (Brémond, Couet, Davie, 2007, 216)1 will decide to
assign him to this role. The concept of leadership engages not only foreseeing
the actions of his followers, but also influencing them by words and actions.
The concept of leadership is associated with prestige and the ability to
successfully communicate with people. A leader is generally considered to
be influential, which allows him to have a significant function in the society
(often, they occupy prominent posts in major, private or public organizations
which function in certain society). However, they don’t always have to be
a part of the highest rank of the organization. Nevertheless, when the leader
decides to have such post, he becomes institutional (official) authority and
gains respect.
Nevertheless, being a leader does not last forever. Robert King Merton,
describing peculiar cycle of his life came up with the distinction of leaders.
He divided them into those who have contemporary impact (people who
have an established position in society), those whose influences are declining (people, whose position is slowly getting weaker, after it had reached its
peek), and finally, those whose influence is “hidden” (those individuals have
Society is an assembly of people, who live in an organized group. It is typical that it has institutions, system of values, organization of political, economic and social life., transl. of an
The global dimension of social leader based on the example…
characteristics of a leader, but they choose not to use it). (Merton, 2002, 669).
Moreover, the leader has to reinforce people. If the leader wants people
to follow him, he has to enchance their energy and belief in success, but at
the same time he has to remember that his role is strongly linked with how he
is perceived by people. Hence, he should be reliable, because he can fulfill his
role only when people will give him their total confidence, which is important
for two major reasons. Firstly, leader shows people his vision, encouraging
them to fulfill it. Their willingness will be related to their trust in their leader.
Secondly, the leader generally faces many significant and difficult challenges,
which makes him come to some difficult decisions. Even though, he has great
responsibility, he has to be an example of optimism and enthusiasm. But still,
with help from an organized environment and with a distant but ambitious
goal, he manages to fulfill what he is expected, still being in peace with oneself and the priorities one believes in. It is important for leaders to analyze
the outcome of their actions and draw conclusions afterwards.
The headman also has to inspire others. As a leader, one knows that people have much greater potential, than the one which they use or they are aware
of. His role is to make people believe in their potential, by awakening people’s
strength. At the same time, his role is connected with not giving ready answers or solutions, but instead, he has to motivate the community for finding
solutions independently.
What is more, the leader has to be a good listener, which means that
he does not always have to concentrate on hearing, but on actual listening.
Thanks to this skill one can know what is influencing peoples’ motivation,
what is important, what is even more significant and what is just an idea, and
what is more, one can know human barriers. Possessing such knowledge, one
can relate to peoples’ strengths, their dreams and abilities. Good listener, using his knowledge, can help others overcome obstacles.
Another characteristic of a leader is their innovativeness. They show
a tendency to change customs and typical ways of life. It is achieved by the ability to construct reliable partner relations, which stimulate initiatives and
What is important, one cannot learn to be a leader (either by erecting
or suppressing one’s improper behavior), even though certain qualifications
would be indispensable. Who can be a leader than? Anyone who is intelligent,
initiative, matured, popular, honest, self-confident, tolerant and has bright
mind, strong character and thirst for success.
In the system of liberal democracy of civil society the notion of social
leader has emerged. It’s someone who works for common good and benefit.
Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Anna Lusińska
It’s a person who is persistent and consistent but at the same time it’s an assertive person. Those characteristics set up grounds for communication with
outer environment and one’s partners (who, for instance, stopped realizing
the primarily settled plan). (Otręba-Szklarczyk, Szklarczyk, 2011, 62–63).
The frankness allows the leader to detect initiatives and needs of people who
the leader is in charge of. Moreover, the headman can set common goals and
organize peoples’ effort in such a way that the goal is eventually fulfilled. In
fact, it has to be a person who can serve people and see potential chances in
every change.
A successful leader is not only a capable chief or administrator who can
be described by all those characteristics. Nowadays, when the social leadership is in crisis, an election of successful leader could enhance the structure of
civil society. It could, but in fact, it doesn’t. Maybe, it’s connected with the fact
that, people who are nowadays positioned as leaders, are incapable of overcoming obstacles, which modern society faces those days. It’s the reason why
more and more often, organizations turn away from power. It’s only task is to
free the energy and potential of people, which is set into right direction, on
actions which are previously verified.
The term organization stands for: a group with an indentifiliable membership that engages in collective actions to achieve a common purpose. (Giddens,
2007, 367). Max Weber claimed that organizations not only help to coordinate people’s actions, but also help to make the process of production stable
in the dimension of time and space (Giddens, 2007, 367). They also provide
more aspects of social identity of individuals, and show who certain person
really is. Furthermore, it creates identity on social level, creating unities which
are a kind of actors in the society. Those collective beings help to fulfill one’s
goals, but they also have their requirements and have their price (literally and
figuratively) (Babbie, 2007, 66).
To function efficiently, an organization needs good management and
strong leadership. Thanks to efficient guidance, it is easy to make necessary
changes, while good management is necessary to secure the final outcome.
Management together with strong leadership may result in regular
changes, and leadership connected with efficient management helps to keep
the level of agreement between an organization and environment in balance.
Nowadays, the role of social organizations is more significant than ever,
especially in life of individuals. Colloquially speaking, organization is a group
of volunteers, whose members have to and want to fulfill certain goals. It is
also more and more frequently playing a role of a social leader. Fulfilling goals
The global dimension of social leader based on the example…
is important for them, due to personal reasons and for common good (Socilogy. Difinitive Guide, 2008, 140).
Correspondingly, other crucial elements of social organization is the social function of an individual, which one has in the environment, but a social
function is also significant. According to Talcott Parsons, social function is related to social units as a whole. This relation depicts that there is relatively
balanced pattern of functions between individuals and groups in every society. Moreover, these bounds make the unit a whole and makes the process of its
development more consistent (Socilogy. Difinitive Guide, 2008, 141).
What is more, an organization which functions for common good often
turns out to be a true professional in fulfilling given tasks. It has an image of
a so-called hero, because it engages integrated communities into action. An
organization can also work not only on local or country’s area, but as the undermentioned example depicts, an organization can work on the global extent.
Practical skills of leader organization in a context
of social marketing devices
Social leader is crucial to imply social, economical and political changes,
but realization of challenges and fulfilling goals is strictly connected with certain skills. Having such skills is a guarantee of successful fulfillment of given
Practical aspects of being a leader comprehend knowledge and necessary
qualifications in the area of: law, social politics, management, marketing or
logistics. Leader organization, which works on an area will broaden the field
of necessary qualifications to: international and across-cultural communication, international law etc.
A large number of non-governmental organizations and a variety of their
actions enables a construction of a complete and detailed list of all practical
skills, that a social leader should possess. However, for the purpose of this
article, the authors identify and present certain skills, which are connected
with social marketing.
Following the thought of Philip Kotler and Gerald Zattman, the task of an
organization is to specify needs, expectations and target interests and providing the most satisfactory feeling of contempt, which has to be more effective
than the one provided by rivals of the organization. At the same time, wealth
of an individual consumer and the wealth of the society has to be preserved or
even grow (Kotler, Zaltman, 1971, 3–12).
Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Anna Lusińska
Social marketing may be one of ways to eradicate problems like car accidents, famine or drug abuse. Its devices not only provide education in the field
of a given problem, but also encourage the recipients of the message to change
their attitude and behavior.
It should also be noted that public communication evolved from simple,
one stream message to more complicated forms. Contemporary professional
communicators base the form and the content of the message on the analysis of information acquired from final receiver. One of the basic forms used
in public communication is the communicative campaign. Its goal is to cause
a specific and desired outcome in a certain period of time, and as a consequence of complex, organized communicative actions (Dobek-Ostrowska,
Wiszniowski, 2002, 74).
The process of social campaign is prepared according to mix marketing,
which relates to decisions about the product, price, distribution and advertising. The specificity of the mentioned social problem, the mix marketing was
completed with additional elements like partnership, publicity and the political factor (Kline Weinreich, 1999, 49).
In commercial marketing, a product is described as a material and bodily good. However, in social marketing, it may have different meanings. It can
be material (for instance digging a well), it can relate to services (preventive
vaccinations), change of behavior (waste segregation or an idea (women
equality). Taking into consideration how the product varies in social marketing, the leader organization has to use its skills to define it properly.
The prize in social marketing may relate to financial costs (e.g. fund-raiser), behavioral cost that is the energy used to implement actions promoted
by the campaign (e.g. the effort made to sort waste), and psychological costs
(the feeling of discomfort caused by change in attitude or behavior, for example the nicotine thirst while quitting smoking).
It should be underlined, that the higher the costs comparing to expected
outcome, the more probable the rejection of suggested change. Setting a price,
which will be accepted by the receivers is equally important to the balance
between their perception of costs and benefits. To achieve that stability one
can use tools such as product positioning or other experimental methods.
The knowledge about various methods of action is also one of the factors creating a leader organization.
The term distribution in commercial marketing is a system of delivering
the product to target markets. The system consists of separate elements like
warehouses, trucks or chains of shops. It is a different case in social marketing, because the term stands for availability of means, which help the receiver
The global dimension of social leader based on the example…
fulfill the promoted goal. Hence, it is crucial to find effective channels of communication, whereas identifying those channels is another skill which leader
organization should acquire.
Promotion is best known element of the mix marketing commonly mistaken for the only available marketing device. In fact, it is only one of many
mix marketing components. Promotion engages:
QQ advertisement (Maison, Maliszewski, 2002, 9) ,
QQ direct selling,
QQ sales promotion,
QQ public relations.
All the elements above are often defined as promotion mix. Proper choice
and use of those elements is another skill of a successful social leader organization. Moreover, commonly used advertising aside one may also harness
media events or various mass gatherings (Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Sidorkiewicz, 2010, 9–20)3 (such as conferences, workshops, concerts). Moreover,
those meetings should be organized according to rules of meeting planning
(Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Sidorkiewicz, 2010, 9–20)4, with which every leader
organization should be acquainted. Also, the importance of mass gatherings
should be emphasized since they help to break through the cross-cultural
barrier, which is an additional merit of working internationally (Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Lusińska, 2011, 139–150).
Furthermore, one can state that mass gatherings are one of the most often
used Public Relations instruments. Those gatherings attract public attention,
because they have a great impact on the receiver, and what is more, allow
personal contact. In the past the opinions were different, for example, during
the interwar period the main concept of many analysts postulated that every
persuasion process transmitted by mass media, will have satisfying effect. They
claimed that this process highlighted the meaning of interpersonal relations
among receivers, which went together with every mass media campaign. Later
it turned out that only complementary communication, held simultaneously
on two levels would strengthen the informative and persuasive processes,
strongly influencing the process in the long term (Dobek-Ostrowska, Wiszniowski, 2002, 96). Public Relations manager is responsible for coordination of
public work in a company (Blythe, 2002, 139):
In social marketing we speak about social advertisement, which is a process of persuasive
communication. It aims at enhancing desired social attitude and behavior. Tansl.
Mass gathering is a planned and organized meeting of two or more people, who have aim at
fulfilling a common goal.
Meeting planning (eng.)- organizing meetings collective.
Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Anna Lusińska
organizing press conferences,
organizing workshops for employees,
QQ planning and organizing events.
Another factor which is a key to success is addressing the message of social campaign to many different audiences. The audience consists of all groups
of receivers, and the ability to choose it correctly is another skill of social leader organization.
Partnership plays a crucial role in social marketing, because accomplishing more complicated goals is possible only with help of more than just one
organization. Hence, practical communication skills are of great importance
when it comes to work of a social leader organization.
The program of social campaign can successfully motivate an individual to
change attitude or behavior and to make those changes permanent, the support of external environment such as government and media is necessary.
Very often there is a need to change law regulations or media stand points,
which will later on be political elements complementing the program of social
campaign. Moreover, to be a good social leader and a successful organization
it is necessary to endear oneself to media and lobby if favor of certain legislative changes.
Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) is a non-governmental organization,
which from 2004 is also a Public Benefit organization. It began its mission of
changing the world for better in 1992 as a Polish branch of EquiLibre foundation thanks to Janina Ochojska. In 1994 the organization was named PAH.
At first, it sent convoys transporting goods to citizens of… Sarajevo. It was
the first initiative helping those suffering because of war being so close.6
However, the world has changed since then, and so did Poland and Poles,
who are willing to help those in need all around the world. The feeling of responsibility for the creation of this world and willingness to participate in
bringing help finally emerged. The change of people’s awareness was a trigger
for certain actions, and Polish solidarity broadened its area.
Moreover, the organization transformed to fulfill its tasks more successfully. Its strength was built on solid grounds of volunteer help. What is more,
All information [in:] Strategia działania PAH 2010–2014, Polska Akcja Humanitarna, Warszawa 2010, pp. 2–5.
History [on:] (dostęp: 27.01.2012 r.).
The global dimension of social leader based on the example…
with regard to the methods of giving help a statute has been recently published. It states that: PAH participates actively in the development of the third
sector toward its integration, professionalization and implementation of advocacy activities in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.7
Hence, making the world better, weakening the sense of suffering and
giving humanitarian values became the main mission of the organization.
Its realization is based on multidimensional help given to people in crisis.
The goal of those help is aimed on allowing people to gain independence and
what is more, is also giving them a chance to be responsible for their own
future. The mission, with accordance to the rule of effective work and respect
for human rights, is aimed on creation of humanitarian attitude and creation
of modern support culture,
The main goal of help given by the organization is stimulating its beneficiaries8 to gain independency. What is more, the whole process is taking place
with cooperation between the beneficiaries and the organization, which helps
to define the area of support and its methods. It also allows the receiver to
control the outcome of the support independently.
The social education provided be the organization is aimed on building
the sense of responsibility for the whole world, mainly by changing the perspective of polish society (for example, by arranging support actions and
popularizing the knowledge). It is provided to point out issues of humanitarian disasters, situation in the poorest countries of global south, the actions of
rich countries which try to increase poverty and the differences in allowance
to basic human rights.
PAH’s actions motivated people, who belong to different social environments, and who sympathize and want to help those in need all around
the globe. While working on conflict or post conflict zones or terrains which
were affected by natural disasters, the organization always encouraged local communities to take part in the whole process. Participation meant that
they wouldn’t have to relay on help of others in the future. The main goal was
instant help, for instance, sending convoys with the most necessary goods,
All information, [in:] Strategia działania PAH 2010–2014, [The strategy of PAH 2010–2014],
op. cit., p. 3.
The help receivers are all those, who lost their personal independency due to military reasons, natural disasters, or their lost their independency because of poverty. PAH helps those
in need, especially women, children, disabled, refugees and people who were resettled in
their own county and returnees. Those groups are not only the most aggrieved, but they
are also defenseless to mentioned military conflicts, catastrophes and poverty. Transl., [in:]
ibidem, pp. 4–5.
Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Anna Lusińska
for example, food, medicine, assistive devices and other goods necessary for
Nevertheless, overcoming the problem of poverty became the most
important strategic goal of the organization. Solving the problem may be,
according to the politics of the organization, achieved by allowing people to
enjoy indefeasible human rights, like: access to drinking water, good sanitary
conditions, education, food, good conditions of living, the security of life and
health during natural disasters and military conflicts.
Another Polish Humanitarian Action goal is engaging the whole society
into help. Hence, the organization may be supported with voluntary work and
endowment. Thanks to those actions the sense of solidarity grows, because
despite differences in financial and social status in the society, everyone can
help others. This help creates culture of tolerance and global responsibility.
Unfortunately, the inequality cannot disappear without global change of
foreign policy, which is not aimed on helping less developed countries and
lacks the sense of equal responsibility. It also does not create people’s understanding of how fortunate are people who have free access to drinking water,
food and decent accommodation. For them, those are common goods and poverty begins when there is no money left for shopping and services.
The identification of practical aspects of being a social leader in
the work of Polish Humanitarian Action
As it was mentioned before, main points of Polish Humanitarian Action
statute is providing solution to the problem of social exclusion and organizing
help which is: humanitarian, developmental, beneficial, socially useful and educational.10 The undermentioned actions engage practical skills from the field
of social marketing which are also important in the role of leader organization. The elements of mix marketing, which certain actions may involve, are
mentioned in brackets. Those actions are11:
QQ research and gathering information about the necessity of help
QQ settling long and short term help missions (product, distribution,
QQ extracting, carrying and distribution of means of help (distribution,
Działania PAH [Action PAH] [on:] (dostęp: 27.01.2012 r.).
All information [in:] Polska Akcja Humanitarna, Roczne sprawozdanie merytoryczne z działalności organizacji pożytku publicznego za rok 2011, [Annual technical report on the activities
of public benefit for the year 2011], p. 2.
The global dimension of social leader based on the example…
QQ establishing temporary and permanent aid measures (product, distribution, partnership);
QQ leading the publishing and training activities (distribution, publicity);
QQ organization of cultural and educational events as well as informative
campaigns (distribution, marketing, publicity);
QQ organization of public fundraisings (price, publicity);
QQ organization of conferences and seminars (marketing);
QQ leading humanitarian and developmental education (distribution, partnership, publicity);
QQ organizing leisure time for children and youth (partnership, publicity).
The above mentioned actions are transferred into specific PAH’s projects.
For the purpose of this article, only some from a gamut of PAH’s actions12 will
be briefly presented.
One of the most prominent projects of Polish Humanitarian Action is Pajacyk (wooden puppet), which deals with the problem of undernourishment of
polish children. This program helps every person under the age of 18, who because of their difficult financial situation and lack of help from social services
receive free meals at school or at the clubroom. Moreover, Polish Humanitarian Action still works on developing the whole system of providing free meals.
It is important to underline that in a school year 2010/2011 Polish Humanitarian Action provided food in 153 establishments, which also included
11 places which were affected by flood. Hence, PAH allocated 1,483,598 PLN
to feed 4000 students, who were included in the program. To celebrate organization’s 20th anniversary, PAH organized international conference in Palace of
Culture and Science in Warsaw, and it took place from 7th to 8th of December,
2012. The conference was devoted to discussion about humanitarian help cooperation for purposes of development. The participation in the conference
was free and about 300 people registered their willingness to take part in
the event. During two days of the conference, 7 thematic sessions took place
and many authorities, not only from Polish but also authorities form EU and
global south gave their speeches. Moreover, part of the conference was opened
for a wide audience in Locally Global Festival. It became an area for different educational actions connected with global problems. It should also be highlighted
that during the process of realization of this project, Polish Humanitarian Action received help from EU and Civic Initiatives Fund of Ministry of Labor and
Social Policy. The co-organizer of the event was the Council of Capital City of
Warsaw, while the media patronage of the conference was lead by
All examples were based on materials available at (dostęp: 28.01.2012).
Anna Kalinowska-Żeleźnik, Anna Lusińska
Another event co-organized by Polish Humanitarian Action took place in
Torun, in club “Od Nowa”. From 25th to 26th of January the club hosted another
edition of Afryka Regge Festiwal. The income the festival was donated to build
a well in South Sudan. It should also be noted that thanks to the income from
previous edition of the festival, one well was already build in Bor, South Sudan.
PAH works also to motivate local communities. One of such projects is Get
Involved! which is aimed on local leaders from Poland. The project selected 19
activists from places like: Reda, Ruda Śląska, Gliwice, Nowe Miasto Lubawskie, Bytom, Bełchatów, Otwock, Bielsk Poldlaski, Bolesławiec, Wasilków, Mińsk
Mazowiecki and Bierutów. The participants took part in series of training sessions that were dedicated to the relations between local and global actions and
motivating local communities. Every participant was also obliged to organize
events promoting global issues in one’s own hometown. Thanks to events like
that many people had a chance to get to know what are the global interdependencies and how one’s everyday activities impact people in different parts
of the world (explore it by films projections, exhibitions, discussions about
books, workshops for youth). The main point of the program was organizing
Locally Global Festival, in 2012. This touring event took place in every hometown of participating organizations.
The main goal of “Water Campaign” which started in 2004 was the problem of insufficient amount of drinking water. What is more, the campaign aims
at engaging Poles into helping those who suffered due to a war, natural disaster,
poverty and globalization of the economy and all those who because of overconsumption of water in highly developed countries don’t have the privilege to
have free access to safe water sources. PAH decided to create as many places
with access to drinking water as possible such as, wells, water containers, water sources, water purification stations, washing facilities and sanitary sewers.
In order to make this program run smoothly, many methods of financial
support were introduced, for instance, online donation, online shopping at
PAH’s web site, buying water from limited edition, buying EuroCard < 26 PAH,
buying Electrolux’s fittings marked with a dot, or buying faucet aerator from
PGE company. Moreover, another element of this campaign was added later
on. It is an internet action which allows internet users to build a virtual well.
The action turned out to be very popular among internet users. Even today
the site is available in two ways: internet user can publish the internet address on Facebook page or one can make a donation to PAH’s bank account.
Both of those ways support the action. The first one builds the awareness
among internet users and the second one has a real impact on building wells
in the countries where Polish Humanitarian Action works.
The global dimension of social leader based on the example…
In the age of constant instability, crisis of countries and law, the age of
growing problems of globalizing world, very often the role of a social leader is played by non-governmental organizations. They are a volunteer who
helps the weaker, and at the same time they can diagnose and reduce social
The role of a leader organization shouldn’t only be limited to actions taken on local level or on the level of local self-government. It should be aimed
on to facing problems which occur not only in home region or county, but it
should be able to face the globalizing world.
The PAH’s projects depicted in the article are excellent examples of total quality social marketing. They depict many practical mix marketing skills
that PAH had to use. Possessing such skills became a guarantee of success of
the organization.
It should also be highlighted that such actions bring PAH’s international activity and its global goals and challenges together, both on local and regional level.
Hence, a special attention should be given to partners engaged in the process, for example MEN, that allows PAH to get the information through to
children and youth, because they will be future of PAH’s human resource, and
they will decide about future years of the organization.
The leader of 21st century has to open for problems of contemporary
world and leadership should have a global dimension. PAH is a perfect example, because it fulfills global goals which are set by modern societies.
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