Nazwa Wydziału Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych


Nazwa Wydziału Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych
Nazwa Wydziału
Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych
Nazwa jednostki
prowadzącej moduł
Instytut Bliskiego i Dalekiego Wschodu
Nazwa modułu
Business Korean Language (II)
Kod modułu
Język kształcenia
Efekty kształcenia dla
modułu kształcenia
Typ modułu
Rok studiów
Imię nazwisko osoby/
osób prowadzących
Byoung-Se Cho
Imię i nazwisko
osoby egzaminującej
bądź udzielającej
zaliczenia, w
przypadku gdy nie
jest to osoba
prowadząca dany
Sposób realizacji
Wymagania wstępne i
There are no prerequisites or additional enrollment for the course. Lectures will provide a general
narrative serve and videos for student-instructor interaction.
Rodzaj i liczba godzin
zajęć dydaktycznych
udziału nauczyciela
akademickiego i
studentów, gdy w
module przewidziane
są takie zajęcia
30 hours
Liczba punktów
ECTS przypisana
Bilans punktów ECTS
Class Participation:
1. 30 hours: lecture
2. 120 hours
(1) Mid-exam paper: 40 hours
(2) Final-exam paper: 60 hours
(3) 2 Assignments: 20 hours
3. Total 150 hours
Stosowane metody
This course will be lectured by common-based lecture. It aims to familiarize the Polish students
with Business Korean Language and to enhance understanding of Korean business environment
(Chaebol, SME, private company). This course also gives an overview of the history of Korean
Metody sprawdzania i
kryteria oceny
efektów kształcenia
uzyskanych przez
Forma i warunki
zaliczenia modułu, w
tym zasady
dopuszczenia do
egzaminu, zaliczenia,
a także forma i
warunki zaliczenia
poszczególnych zajęć
wchodzących w
zakres danego modułu
<Exams & Grading>
There will be several components to each of the student’s grade. You will be required to write a
paper at the mid-term exam and to take a final exam.
First, there will be a midterm exam scheduled for the eighth week. This exam will be worth 30%
of the total grade.
Second, the final exam, scheduled for the fifteenth week, will be 40% of the total grade.
Third, students’ attendance and participation will be worth 10% of the total grade. If you miss 6
more classes you’re going to fail this course.
Finally assignments will be worth 20% of the total grade. All students will be given 1% demerit
mark per absence except the first absence.
A. Exams: You will be required to have a Mid Exam-report and a Final Exam.
B. Assignment: 2 times during the semester
C. Attendance: Give 1% demerit mark per absence (Except the first absence)
D. Grade: Mid Exam (report) 30%, Final Exam 40%, Assignment 20%,
Attendance 10%, Total 100%
<Two Assignments>: Reports (With the Korean characters, A4, 2 pages)
(1) Week 4: 왜 한국회사에 대해 관심이 있나요?
(Why are you interested in the Korean companies?)
(2) Week 11: 한국기업과 폴란드기업의 차이
(Differences between Korean company and Polish company)
Treści modułu
<Course Description>
This course, <Business Korean Language (II)>, aims to enhance understanding of Business
Korean Language for the Korean companies in Korea as well as foreign countries including
In addition, this course aims to familiarize with the Korean companies (Chaebols, SMEs,
Private companies) and industries for the Polish students. This course also gives an overview of
the history and also current situation of Korean Chaebols.
<Week Topics>
Week 1: (1) Orientation: Video, PPT
(2) History of Korean Studies in Poland
Week 2: Overview of Korean Language (
● 한국어 글자와 발음 (Korean Alphabet and Pronunciation)
Week 3: 광고회사에서 일해 봤습니까?
(Have you ever been working for an advertising agency?)
<Assignment I, Korean, A4, 2 pages>: 왜 한국회사에 대해 관심이 있나요?
(Why are you interested in the Korean companies?)
Week 4: 통장을 만들고 싶은데 어떻게 해야 해요?
(I would like to open a personal account, how to open it?)
Week 5: 사원을 모집하기로 했어요. (Our company will recruit employees.)
Week 6: 행사장이 멋있네요. (The event hall looks great.)
Week 7: 복사기가 고장이 난 것 같아요.
(This copy machine seems to be broken.)
Week 8: Mid Exam (Report, Korean, A4, 2 pages)
당신이 관심을 갖고 있는 한국회사나 직업에 대해 설명해 보세요.
(Please, explain about the Korean companies or jobs what you are interested in.)
Week 9: 다음 주에 연차를 낼까 하는데요.
(Next week, I would like to take an annual vacation.)
Week 10: 파워포인트(PPT)를 만들 줄 몰라요.
(I don’t know how to make a PPT.)
Week 11~12: 한국의 기업문화 (The enterprise culture in Korea)
<Assignment II, Korean, A4, 2 pages>: 한국기업과 폴란드기업의 차이
(Differences between Korean company and Polish company)
Week 13~14: 사원교육. (Employee education)
Week 15: 회사생활 (Office life as an employee)
Week 16: Final Exam: < Korean, A4, 2 pages>:
한국의 기업문화 (The enterprise culture in Korea)
Wykaz literatury
podstawowej i
obowiązującej do
zaliczenia danego
김선정, PRO 비즈니스 한국어 1, 시사북스 Hangeul Park, 2014
김선정, PRO 비즈니스 한국어 2, 시사북스 Hangeul Park, 2014
김선정, PRO 비즈니스 한국어 3, 시사북스 Hangeul Park, 2014
김선정, PRO 비즈니스 한국어 4, 시사북스 Hangeul Park, 2014
1. 사례연구법을 적용한 비즈니스한국어 수업모형 개발
최혜령 (Huiling Cui), 국제한국어교육학회, <한국어교육> 26권 3호. 2015 pp.267-285
2. 논문: 국어학; 비즈니스 한국어교육 연구의 현황과 과제 -주제별 연구사를 중심으로,
김수미 (Su Mi Kim), 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소, <한국어와 문화> 13권 0호. 2013
3. 논문: 직업을 위한 한국어교육 연구 -교육 현황 및 “비즈니스한국어" 개발 검토-이미혜
(Mi Hye Lee ), 국제한국어교육학회, <한국어교육> 14권 2호. 2003 pp.227-253
4. 연구논문: 비즈니스한국어 교육을 위한 프리젠테이션 담화 분석
박지원 (Ji Won Park), 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당, <외국어로서의
한국어교육> 32권. 2007 pp.105-140
5. 매체를 활용한 한국어문화수업에 대한 선호도 및 요구 분석연구 – 비즈니스한국어
수업을 중심으로-방혜숙 (Hei Sook Bang), 고려대학교 민족문화연구원, <민족문화연구>
67권. 2015 pp.127-165
6. Gieysztor, Alexander, Historical Similarities of Korea and Poland, Korea Observer 25:3
(Autumn 1994): 421-428.
7. The Bank of Korea: A History of Fifty Years. Seoul: The Bank of Korea, 2000.
8. Kim-Renaud, Young-Key, ed. King Sejong the Great: The Light of 15th Century Korea.
Washington, D.C.: International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 1992.
<Related Websites and Papers>
Government Agencies:
• MOE (Ministry of Education)
• MOCTS (Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports)
• KOIS (Korean Overseas Information Service)
• MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
 Research Institutes:
• NIIED (National Institute for International Education)
• KSIF (King Sejong Institute Foundation)
• AKS (Academy of Korean Studies)
• KF (Korea Foundation)
• KISS (Koreanstudies Information Service System)
Wymiar, zasady i
forma odbywania
praktyk, w przypadku
gdy program
przewiduje praktyki

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