Barbasiewicz O., Occupation Policy of the United States towwrds


Barbasiewicz O., Occupation Policy of the United States towwrds
Nazwa Wydziału
Nazwa jednostki prowadzącej
Nazwa modułu kształcenia
Faculty of International and Political Studies
Institute of Middle and Far East Studies
Język kształcenia
Cele kształcenia
The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the
period of the American occupation of Japan, as well as
to familiarize students with the way and circumstances
of generating various documents prepared in
cooperation with the authorities of Japan's occupation
forces. The aim is also to develop skills of
interpretation of documents in the context of the
political situation.
Efekty kształcenia dla modułu
EK1: Students have a basic knowledge about the
American occupation of Japan. [K_W01+]
Occupation Policy of the United States towards Japan
EK2: They have the ability to recognize and use the
theoretical knowledge for critical analysis of reality in
the context of the impact of the US occupation of Japan
onto the contemporary geopolitical situation in the
region. [K_U03+++]
EK3: They understand and are able to analyze the
processes of democratization, demilitarization and
decentralization of Japan. [K_W09+++] [K_U07+++]
EK4: They gain relevant knowledge and expertise on
the impact of US policy onto the contemporary
political situation in Japan . [K_W11+++]
Metody sprawdzania i kryteria
oceny efektów kształcenia
uzyskanych przez studentów
EK1-EK4 – Successive preparation of proposed topics
and discussion during the classes. Assessment of
students oral answers. Tests of knowledge regarding
issues presented during classes. Presentation
(multimedia), written course work.
Typ modułu kształcenia
Rok studiów
Summer semester
Forma studiów
Full time
Imię nazwisko osoby/ osób
prowadzących moduł
Imię i nazwisko osoby
egzaminującej bądź udzielającej
zaliczenia, w przypadku gdy nie
jest to osoba prowadząca dany
Olga Barbasiewicz Ph.D.
Sposób realizacji
Discussion class
Wymagania wstępne i dodatkowe none
Rodzaj i liczba godzin zajęć
dydaktycznych wymagających
bezpośredniego udziału
nauczyciela akademickiego i
studentów, gdy w module
przewidziane są takie zajęcia
Liczba punktów ECTS
przypisana modułowi
Bilans punktów ECTS
30 hours
Participation: 30 hours
Preparation for classes: 50 hours
Written : 50 hours
Total: ( ECTS) 130 (5)
Stosowane metody dydaktyczne
Description, multimedia presentation, informative
lecture, anecdote, discussion, analysis of existing
sources (documents).
Forma i warunki zaliczenia
modułu, w tym zasady
dopuszczenia do egzaminu,
zaliczenia, a także forma i
warunki zaliczenia
poszczególnych zajęć
wchodzących w zakres danego
Attendance at the discussion class is mandatory. At the
end of the term, students will submit a paper on one of
the themes proposed by a teacher, of up to 4,000
words. The paper is due no later than May 31.
Treści modułu kształcenia
1. The history of Japanese-American relations from
the Tokugawa period (from 1852) until the end of the
Pacific War (1945).
Participation, presentation and written course work will
all count towards the final grade.
Assessment will be weighted as follows: participation
and preparation (30%); presentation (30%); written
work (40%).
2. Remembering the A-bomb.
3. Gen. D. MacArthur as the Supreme Commander of
the Allied Powers – SCAP
3. Post war constitution of Japan as a form of
democratization and demilitarization.
4. Tokyo Tribunal
5. Recommendations with Respect to U. S. Policy
toward Japan as a turning point in American policy
towards Japan.
6. The Yoshida Doctrine as a pillar of Japanese foreign
7. The Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security
between the United States and Japan (Nipponkoku to
Amerika gasshūkoku to no aida no Anzen Hoshō
Jōyaku) and the Peace Treaty with Japan (Nihon-koku
tono Heiwa Jōyaku),
Wykaz literatury podstawowej i
uzupełniającej, obowiązującej do
zaliczenia danego modułu
Walter LaFeber, The Clash: U.S.-Japanese
Relations throughout History, W. W. Norton &
Company, Inc., London, New York 1999.
Roger Buckley, The United States in the AsiaPacific since 1945, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, New York 2002
International Relations Theory and the AsiaPacific, red. C. John Ikenberry and Michael
Mastanduno, Columbia University Press, New
York 2003
John W. Dower, Ways of Forgetting, Ways of
Remembering. Japan in the Modern World, The
New Press, New York 2012
James E. Auer, Article Nine of Japan’s
Constitution: from Renunciation of Armed
Force ‘Forever’ to the Third Largest Defence
Budget in the World, „Law and Contemporary
Problems”, spring 1990, pp. 171-187.
Maria Hsia Chang, Robert P. Barker, Victor’s
Justice and Japan’s Amnesia: The Tokyo War
Crimes Trial Reconsidered, „East Asia”, nr. 19,
ed. 4, Springer Netherlands, 1.12.2012, pp. 5584
Eiji Takemae, Allied Occupation of Japan, The
Continuum International Publishing Group,
London 2002.
Shigeko N. Fukai, Building the War Economy
and Rebuilding Postwar Japan: A Profile of
Pragmatic Nationalist Nobusuke Kishi, [w:]
Profiling Political Leaders: Cross-cultural
Studies of Personality and Behavior, ed. Ofer
Feldman, Linda O. Valenty, Praeger Publishers,
Westport 2001, pp. 167-184.
Ienaga Saburō, The Pacific War: 1931-1945,
Random House Inc., Toronto 1978.
The Foreign Policy of Modern Japan, red.
Robert A. Scalapino, University of California
Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1977
Perilous Memories, The Asia-Pacific War(s),
ed. Takashi Fujitani, Goeffrey M. White, Lisa
Yoneyama, Duke University Press, Durham and
London 2001, pp. 155-180.
Living with a Bomb. American and Japanese
Cultural Conflict in the Nuclear Age, ed. Laura
Hein, Mark Selden, M. E. Sharpe, New York
Peter J. Herzog, Japan's Pseudo-Democracy,
Routledge, New York 2013.
Van John Sant, Peter Mauch, Yoneyuki Sugita,
The A to Z of United States-Japan Relations,
Scarecrow Press, Plymouth 2007.
Jitsuo Tsuchiyama, War Renunciation, Article
9, and Security Policy, [in:] Japan in
International Politics. The Foreign Policies of
an Adaptive State, red. Thomas U. Berger,
Mike M. Mochizuki, Jitsuo Tsuchiyama, Lynne
Rienner Publishers, Boulder, London 2007, pp.

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