Język angielski


Język angielski
Test kontrolny dla technik administracja- semestr II – j. angielski.
I Zadanie - Translate into English. Przetłumacz na j. angielski.
2. Pracownik
3. Podatek
4. Przedsiębiorca
5. Podaż
6. Popyt
7. prowadzić księgowość
8. Prowadzić działalność gospodarczą
9. Podatnik
10. Działalność handlowa
II Zadanie - Uzupełnić poniższe zdania wyrazami z ramki.
Perks, sick leave, overheads, to outsource, shareholder, appoint.
1. Our ………………………………are considering an acquisition of HSB Holding, but they need to raise
more cash.
2. A note from the doctor is required when talking ………………………….
3. One of the ………………….is a company car.
4. Administration and other ………………………eat up too much cash, so we need…….. ……………..
some non-core activities.
5. Next week we’re going to promote Mrs Arokis and ……………………her a production director and
board member.
III Zadanie - Dopasuj materiały biurowe do opisu czynności.
Correction fluid
Bulldog clip
Hole punch
Staple remover
1. It joins pieces of paper with a metal staple.
2. It punches two holes in paper.
3. A tool for cutting paper.
4. It stamps documents.
5. It removes a metal staple which joins documents.
6. It is used for keeping documents organized in different categories.
7. It sticks pieces of paper together.
8. It removes mistakes on documents.
9. It is used for keeping papers together.
10. It highlights the most important information.