Zadanie 1


Zadanie 1
Zadanie 1
An Australian Adventurer
Australia is a very big country. It is about 4,000 kilometres wide from east to west. But, in the early
20th century, one man decided to travel across the country by bicycle! The man’s name was Francis
Birtles. When he was young, he bought a bicycle and started cycling. Between 1907 and 1912 he
rode around Australia twice and became the first person to ride a bike across the country from west
to east.
Francis became very popular and a lot of newspapers wrote stories about him. As a result, in 1926, a
car manufacturing company gave him a car and asked him to drive it across Australia. He completed
this amazing journey in eight days and 13 hours, and the car company sold a lot of cars because of
the publicity it received!
Later in his life, Francis continued to have adventures. He explored the north of Australia and
discovered gold and made two films about his adventures. When he died in 1941, Francis Birtles was
a very rich man.
Read the text and circle (T) true or (F) false. Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz Prawda/ Fałsz (5 points)
1. Francis Birtles drove a car across Australia between 1907 and 1912.
2. Birtles bought a bicycle when he was young.
3. Francis Birtles was very popular in Australia.
4. A company sold him a car in 1926.
5. Birtles died a poor man.

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