Zaporoszenie dr. Bromberek 05.05.2011


Zaporoszenie dr. Bromberek 05.05.2011
na wykład
Dr. inż. arch. Zbigniewa BROMBERKA
School of Architecture & Design
University of Tasmania (Australia)
Building: what, how and why of energy saving
and sustainability
Termin: 05.05.2011,
(czwartek), godz. 945- sala 122 BL
Wykład będzie wygłoszony w j. angielskim
Lecture in brief
The lecture will be an introduction to the “energy saving in building” topic. The starting point will be the purpose of
building activity and its historical development. Next, the basic definitions of building types, looking at them from the
required energy input viewpoint (‘sustainable’, ‘bioclimatic’, ‘energy-saving’, ‘passive’ and ‘zero-energy’), will be
presented and the variety of impacts, which buildings and building activity make on the environment, briefly discussed.
Energy saving measures as well as energy sources will be assessed in relation to their environmental impacts and
availability. In a conclusion, a design method that incorporates the considerations discussed earlier will be recommended.
About the Lecturer
The presenter, Dr Zbigniew Bromberek, native of Poznań, graduated from Poznań University of Technology and until
recently was a lecturer in building science and technology at the University of Queensland and University of Tasmania in
Australia. During his career, Dr Bromberek worked with leading architectural firms in Germany and Australia, he was
also President of the Australia and New Zealand Architectural Science Association. His book, Eco-resorts: planning and
design for the tropics, was published by Architectural Press in 2009.
Wykład adresowany jest do pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych i studentów zainteresowanych
budownictwem energooszczednym i przyjaznym dla środowiska.
Dziekan Wydziału Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska Politechniki Poznańskiej
Prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Wojtkowiak

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