Information for authors - Linguistica Copernicana


Information for authors - Linguistica Copernicana
Information for authors
1) Linguistica Copernicana is an annual journal, printed at the Faculty of Languages at
the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, which publishes papers on natural language,
encompassing all branches of linguistics: general and specific, synchronic and historical.
The articles are accepted in Polish and other Slavic languages, as well as in English,
German and French.
Linguistica Copernicana is open to all linguists, regardless of nationality, affiliation, age,
or stage of academic career. The decisive criterion for paper acceptance is their content
quality. The submissions undergo blind reviews by academics who remain outside of any
employment relations. Also, the reviewers do not know the identity of authors they review.
For detailed information on rules of review visit the journal’s website:
2) We kindly request the authors to send submissions only in digital format, i.e. two files:
one *.doc and one *.pdf file. Authors who use special fonts in texts are asked to attach
them to the submitted papers. The articles are to be send as email attachments to
[email protected].
3) The length of the submitted papers should not exceed 14 pages (including the
summary, footnotes and references) of A4 format (circa 25 000 characters including
spaces, according to regular MS Word statistics).
The length of the review should not exceed 7 pages of A4 format (circa 12 000 characters
including spaces).
4) Name and surname of the author
The name and last name of the author, the email address and affiliation should be included
in the upper-left corner of the text (formatting: Times New Roman 12p.).
5) Title of the paper: centered, bold, font size 12p.
6) Keywords provided in the language of the paper as well as in English: 4-6, placed
under the title of the article, separated with semicolons, justified.
7) Text
Font: Times New Roman 12 points.
Line spacing: 1.5 lines.
Margins: left margin 3 cm, the remaining margins 2.5 cm.
Tab: 1.0 cm.
Unified document with continuous page numbering (pagination).
Saved as *.pdf and *.doc files (Word 95 or higher + special fonts include by the author).
All words, phrases and sentences discussed in the paper, as well as all utterances in foreign
languages need to be given in italics.
Lexical sense explications are to be given in apostrophes.
Quotations need to be given in quotation marks.
In-text emphasis is to be given with extended letter-spacing.
We kindly request authors not to use spaces to align text, not to leave empty lines, not to
hyphenate text, and not to use any kind of special formatting.
8) Summaries
We kindly request the authors to supplement each paper with a title in English and a
summary in English, as well as in the language of the article (up to 900 characters; about
half a page). The summary should be placed after the references. Reviews do not require a
9) Charts, tables, etc. should be attached as separate files. Their appropriate location is to
be clearly indicated in the text.
Within a text, continuous numbering applies to charts, tables, etc.
Descriptions of charts, tables, etc. should take the following form:
Table 1. Semantic features of resultative constructions (placed under the table)
Source: author’s original design (placed under the table)
10) Notes (formatting: Times New Roman 10 points, line spacing 1.5, indication in
superscript) are to be provided as footnotes, not endnotes. Footnotes should follow
continuous numbering within the entire text. We kindly ask authors to limit footnotes in
favor of in-text quotations, following the convention proposed by R. Laskowski (1998:
11) References
Authors’ names are to be provided in small capitals. Names of authors, as well as titles of
books and papers in Slavic languages that use Cyrilic script, should be given in their
original written form. If a given publication has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it should
be provided at the end of an entry (whether a given publication has a DOI can be
established at
Exemplary reference entries:
a) Monographs
BUTTLER D., 2001, Polski dowcip językowy, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
BOGUSŁAWSKI A, 2004, Aspekt i negacja, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Takt.
b) Papers in non-periodical volumes
JADACKA H., 2003, Zagadnienie motywacji słowotwórczej w opisie gniazdowym, w: M.
Skarżyński (red.), Słowotwórstwo gniazdowe. Historia. Metoda. Zastosowania, Kraków:
Księgarnia Akademicka, s. 29-40.
c) Papers in periodical volumes
WIERZBICKA A., 1966, Czy istnieją zdania bezpodmiotowe, Język Polski XLVI, s. 177-196.
d) Publications having a DOI
MAŃCZAK W., 2012, Wymowa tutej, dzisiej, Linguistica Copernicana 2(8), s. 87-90,
e) Entries for digital documents should include information on the medium type (provided
in square brackets), for instance, [CD-Rom], [on-line]. The reference entry for on-line
documents should contain the web address, as well as the date of access in square brackets.
If a reference is a website, please provide the exact address and the date of access.
KOPALIŃSKI W., 1998, Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych [CD-ROM],
PRO-media CD, Łódź.
WIDAWSKI M., 1998, Słownik polskiego slangu, [online:],
[18.10.2006]., [20.01.2006].
12) If a paper was written in collaboration, the publisher should be informed about the
contribution of the individual authors to the creation of the paper (please provide the coauthors’ affiliations, indicate the originator of the idea, assumptions and methods used in
preparing the publication). If the paper was financed by a third party, it should be also
Instances of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” will be documented and disclosed by
the publisher; also relevant authorities shall be informed about the malpractice (authors’
home institution, academic associations, other academic editors, etc.).