
ALPS 2015
1st Workshop on Application of Laser Plasma Sources of X-rays
and Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) in Technology and Science – ALPS 2015
6 - 9 July 2015, Warsaw, Poland
The ALPS 2015 Workshop is organized as a joint initiative under the
LASERLAB-EUROPE project and the EXTATIC programme.
Invited Lecturers:
Andrzej BARTNIK (Warsaw, Poland)
Silvia CIPICCIA (Glasgow, UK)
Marta FAJARDO (Lisbon, Portugal)
Eckhart FOERSTER (Jena, Germany)
Christoph HEYL (Lund, Sweden)
Krystyna JABŁOŃSKA (Warsaw, Poland)
Małgorzata LEKKA (Cracow, Poland)
Janusz LEKKI (Cracow, Poland)
Hans HERTZ (Stockholm, Sweden)
Karol JANULEWICZ (Gwangju, Korea)
Masataka KADO (Kyoto, Japan)
Tetsuya MAKIMURA (Tsukuba, Japan)
Klaus MANN (Goettingen, Germany)
Marta MARSZAŁEK (Cracow, Poland)
Piergiorgio NICOLOSI (Padova, Italy)
Holger STIEL (Berlin, Germany)
Josif SVEKLO (Białystok, Poland)
Przemysław WACHULAK (Warsaw, Poland)
The workshop is organized by the Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of
Technology and will take place in the MUT Library.
Workshop organizers:
Henryk FIEDOROWICZ, Karolina PŁATEK, Przemysław WACHULAK