List of publications


List of publications
prof. nzw. dr hab. Andrzej Wawro
Institute of Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
1. Tunneling studies of compositionally modulated Fe/Pb films
A.Wawro, A.Witek, J.Nowak, J.Majewski and J.Raułuszkiewicz
Mod. Phys. Lett. B1 (1988) 419.
2. Magnetoelastic properties of Ni/Pb modulated thin films
R.Żuberek, H.Szymczak and A.Wawro
Mat. Sci. Forum 62-64 (1990) 633.
3. Magnetic properties of Ni/Pb multilayer films
R.Żuberek, A.Wawro, H.Szymczak and M.Baran
Proc. 5th International Conference on Physics of Magnetic Materials, Mądralin, Poland, 9 - 12 Oct. 1990 (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1990) pp. 425 - 431.
4. Resistivity and electron mean free path of Ni/Pb modulated films
A.Wawro, W.Maj and J. Majewski
Superlattices and Microstructures 10 (1991) 385.
5. The Hall effect in Ni/Pb modulated films
A.Wawro and W.Maj
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 109 (1992) 13.
6. d-electron conduction in amorphous Gd-Co alloys
W.Maj, J.Raułuszkiewicz and A.Wawro
Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity, vol. 32, (World Scientific, Singapore 1992) pp. 114 - 120.
7. The electron mean free path and superconductivity in Cu/Pb modulated films
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 5 (1993) 8391.
8. Magnetic hysteresis in Ni/Pb multilayers
J.Nowak, A.Wawro and M.Baran
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 130 (1994) 182.
9. Superconductivity in Ni/Pb modulated films
J. Low. Temp. Phys. 94 (1994) 351.
10. Vibrational modes of C60 fullerenes adsorbed on Si(100)2x1 surface studied by high resolution electron loss
S.Suto, A.Kasuya, O.Ikeno, N.Horiguchi, A.Wawro, T.Goto and Y.Nishina
Sci. Rep. RITU A39 (1993) 47.
11. STM studies of carbon clusters on HOPG obtained by laser ablation of thin C60 film
A.Kasuya, R.Czajka, N.Horiguchi, A Wawro and Y.Nishina
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanometrology, Scanning Probe Microscopy and Related
Techniques, Aug. 29 - 31, 1994, Brno, Czech Republic, eds. P.Tomanek and M.Spajer, p. 16.
12. Vibrational modes of C60 fullerene on Si(111)7x7 surface: estimation of charge transfer from silicon dangling
bonds to C60 molecules
S.Suto, A.Kasuya, O.Ikeno, C-W.Hu, A.Wawro, R.Nishitani, T.Goto and Y.Nishina
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33 (1994) L1489.
13. Au clusters deposited on Si (111) and graphite surfaces
A.Wawro, A.Kasuya, R.Czajka, N.Horiguchi and Y.Nishina
Surface Coatings and Technology 67 (1994) 173.
14. Scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies of GaAs doped with Si
K.Karpierz, M.Suezawa, A.Wawro, A.Kasuya and Y.Nishina
Mat. Sci. Forum 196-201 (1995) 1425.
15. Vibrational properties and structure of C60 thin films on Si(111)7x7 and graphite surfaces
S.Suto, A.Kasuya, C-W.Hu, A.Wawro, T.Goto and Y.Nishina
Surface Review and Letters 3 (1996) 927.
16. Adsorption and reaction of C60 on Si(111) surface: a combined study by HREELS and STM
C-W.Hu, A.Kasuya, S.Suto, A.Wawro and Y.Nishina
Surface Review and Letters 3 (1996) 933.
17. Formation and modification of mesoscopic structures on graphite (HOPG) and silicon surfaces by STM
R.Czajka, A.Kasuya, A.Wawro, N.Horiguchi and Y.Nishina
Surface Review and Letters 3 (1996) 961.
18. Tunneling spectroscopy of nanometer-size clusters deposited on graphite
A.Wawro, A.Kasuya, R.Czajka and Y.Nishina
Surface Review and Letters 3 (1996) 979.
19. Deposited microclusters and their interaction with substrate
A.Wawro, R.Czajka, A.Kasuya and Y.Nishina
Surface Science 365 (1996) 503.
20. Surface structure of 3C-SiC(111) grown on Si(111) surface by C60 precursor
C-W.Hu, A.Kasuya, S.Suto, A.Wawro and Y.Nishina
Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 (1996) 1253.
21. Surface structure of 3C-SiC(111) fabricated by C60 precursor: a scanning tunneling microscopy and highresolution electron energy loss spectroscopy study
C-W.Hu, A.Kasuya, S.Suto, A.Wawro and Y.Nishina
J. Vac. Sci. Techn. B14 (1996) 938.
22. Initial stage of C60 film growth and reaction on Si(111)7x7 and graphite surfaces studied by HREELS-STM
S.Suto, A.Kasuya, C.W.Hu, A.Wawro, K.Sakamoto, T.Goto and Y.Nishina
Thin Solid Films 282 (1996) 602.
23. Local structure and chemical reaction of C60 films on Si(111)7x7 studied by
S.Suto, A.Kasuya, C.W.Hu, A.Wawro, K.Sakamoto, T.Wakita, T.Goto and Y.Nishina
Mat. Sci. Eng. A217/218 (1996) 34.
24. Gold clusters deposited on highly oriented pyrolythic graphite by pulse laser ablation and liquid metal ion
C.W.Hu, A.Kasuya, A.Wawro, N.Horiguchi, R.Czajka, Y.Nishina, Y.Saito, and H.Fujita
Mat. Sci. Eng. A217/218 (1996) 103.
25. Grazing incidence X ray reflectivity study of MBE-grown Co/Cu multilayers
J.B.Pełka, L.T.Baczewski, J.Domagała, A.Wawro
Acta Phys. Pol. A91 (1997) 859.
26. STM/AFM observations of Co/Cu magnetic multilayers
M.Aleszkiewicz, R.Kalinowski, R.Czajka, W.Polewska, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, J.Raułuszkiewicz
Acta Phys. Pol. A91 (1997) 311.
27. Structure and magnetism of MBE-grown Co/Cu multilayers
L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, J.Pełka, J.Domagała, A.Nabiałek, A.Szewczyk
Acta Phys. Pol. A91 (1997) 315.
28. Magnetoresistance of MBE-grown Co/Cu multilayers
L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, R.Kalinowski
in: “Magnetic Hysteresis in Novel Magnetic Materials”, NATO ASI Series, vol. 338, ed. G.C. Hadjipanayis, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1997, p.555.
29. Interfacial roughness and magnetoresistance in Co/Cu multilayers
A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, R. Kalinowski, M.Aleszkiewicz and J.Raułuszkiewicz
Thin Solid Films 306 (1997) 326.
30. Chemical reactions and electronic functions of carbon cluster arrays studied by STM and HREELS
A.Kasuya, C.W.Hu, S.Suto, K.Tohji, H.Takahashi, R.Czajka, A.Wawro and Y.Nishina
Acta Phys. Pol. A93 (1998) 317.
31. STM observed surface structures and magnetic properties of MBE metallic thin films
R.Kalinowski, L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, C.Meyer and J.Raułuszkiewicz
Acta Phys. Pol. A93 (1998) 409.
32. STM observations of ferromagnetic clusters
A.Wawro and A.Kasuya
Acta Phys. Pol. A93 (1998) 443.
33. Magnetization and anisotropy in Fe/Gd multilayers
L.T.Baczewski, R.Kalinowski, A.Wawro
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 177-181 (1998) 1305.
34. Relation of coercivity to the net magnetization in ferrimagnetically ordered Co/Gd multilayers
A.B.Chizhik, S.L.Gnatchenko, D.N.Merenkov, L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, H.Szymczak, H.Gamari-Seale
J. Appl. Phys. 84 (1998) 5105.
35. The picosecond ultrasonic waves in Cu-Co multilayers
M.Aleksiejuk, P.Kielczyński, B.Bonello, T.Baczewski, A.Wawro
Proceedings of the Tenth International School on Condensed Matter „Physics Thin Film Materials and DevicesDevelopments in Science and Technology”, 1-4 September 1998, Varna, Bulgaria, eds. J.M.Marshall, N.Kirov,
A.Vavrek, J.M.Maud, (World Scientific, Singapore 1999) pp.453-456.
36. Observation of C60 film formation on a highly oriented pyrolitic graphite substrate via scanning tunnelling
S.Szuba, R.Czajka, A.Kasuya, A.Wawro, H.Rafii-Tabar
Appl. Surf. Sci. 144-145 (1999) 648.
37. X-ray and magnetic study of epitaxial W/Gd/W and W/Tb/W thin films
R.Kalinowski, L.T.Baczewski, J.Domagała, E.Dynowska, J.B.Pełka, A.Wawro and A.Szewczyk
J. Alloy Compd. 286 (1999) 333.
38. Magnetic and magnetotransport properties of epitaxial MBE-grown Co/Cu multilayers
L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, R.Kalinowski, M.Gutowska, K.Piotrowski and A.Szweczyk
SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 3725 (1999) 144.
39. Preisach maps of multilayered Co/Cu structures
M.Gutowski, M.U.Gutowska, K.Piotrowski, L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro
Acta Phys. Polon., A97 No3 (2000) 467.
40. STM imaging of magnetic dots with ferromagnetic tip
A.Wawro, A.Kasuya
Acta Phys. Polon., A97 No3 (2000) 547.
41. Magnetostriction and magnetic anisotropy of FeCo/Au multilayers
R.Żuberek, A.Wawro, H.Szymczak, A.Wiśniewski, W.Paszkowicz
J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 214 (2000) 155.
42. Magnetic anisotropy in MBE-grown epitaxial gadolinium ultra-thin films
R.Kalinowski, C.Meyer, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
Thin Solid Films 367 (2000) 189.
43. Structural and magnetic study of Co/Gd multilayers deposited on Si and Si-N substrates
J.B.Pełka, W.Paszkowicz, P.Dłużewski, E.Dynowska, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, M.Kozłowski, A.Wiśniewski,
O.Seeck, S.Messoloras, H.Gamari-Seale.
J. Phys. D - Appl. Phys., 34 (2001) A208.
44. Structural study of Co/Gd multilayers by X-ray diffraction and GIXR
J.B.Pełka, W.Paszkowicz, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, O.Seeck
J. Alloy Comp., 328 (2001) 253.
45. Chemical processing of GaSb related to surface preparation and pattrerning
E.Papis, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, M.Guziewicz, T.T.Piotrowski, A.Kudła, A.Wawro
Proc. SPIE, 4413 (2001) 82.
46. Design and fabrication of GaSb/InGaAsSb/AlGaAsSb mid-IR photodetectors
T.T.Piotrowski, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, M.Piskorski, E.Papis, K.Gołaszewska, J.Kątcki, J.Ratajczak,
J.Adamczewska, A.Wawro, J.Piotrowski, Z.Orman, J.Pawluczyk and Z.Nowak
Opto-Electron. Rev., 9 (2001) 188.
47. Design and Fabrication of GaSb/InGaAsSb/AlGaAsSb mid-infrared photodetectors
T.T.Piotrowski, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, M.Piskorski, E.Papis, K.Gołaszewska, J.Kątcki, J.Ratajczak,
J.Adamczewska, A.Wawro, J.Piotrowski, Z.Orman, J.Pawluczyk, Z.Nowak,
Proc. SPIE, 4413, (2001) 339.
48. X-ray reflectivity study of Co/Gd multilayers
J.B.Pełka, W.Paszkowicz, A.Wawro and O.Seeck
Hasylab Report' 2000, ed. W. Dix, T. Kracht, U.Krell, G. Materlik, J.R. Schneider, Hamburg 2001, pp. 431-432.
49. Magnetic domains and anisotropy in ultrathin Au/Co/Au wedges deposited on sapphire substrates
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, A.Stupakiewicz, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro and L.T.Baczewski
J. Magn. Magn. Mat., 242-245 (2002) 1081.
50. The growth modes of epitaxial Au/Co/Au sandwiches
A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, P.Pankowski, M.Kisielewski, I.Sveklo and A.Maziewski
Thin Solid Films, 412 (2002) 34.
51. Transparent ZnO-based ohmic contact to p-GaN
Kaminska E, Piotrowska A, Golaszewska K, Guziewicz M, Kruszka R, Kudla A, Ochalski T, Barcz A, Dietl T,
Matsukura F, Sawicki M, Wawro A, Zielinski M, Jasinski J, Liliental-Weber Z.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 693 (2002) 831.
52. New possibilities for tuning ultrathin cobalt film magnetic properties by a noble metals overlayer
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
Phys. Rev. Lett., 89 (2002) 087203.
53. Structural characterization of magnetic thin film sandwiches by grazing-incidence X-ray reflectometry
A.Wawro, J.B.Pełka, P.Pankowski, W.Paszkowicz, L.T.Baczewski, O.Seeck
Hasylab Report 2001, ed. W. Dix, T. Kracht, U.Krell, G. Materlik, J.R. Schneider, Hamburg 2002, pp. 403-404.
54.On the scattering of light on spin waves in the Co/Cu superlattices
Tomasz Błachowicz and Andrzej Wawro
Molecular and Quantum Acoustic, 23 (2002) 43.
55. Zinc oxide as a contact material for p-GaN
E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, A. Barcz, K. Golaszewska, A. Kuchuk, J. Szade, A. Winiarski, A. Wawro, J. Jasiński,
Z. Liliental-Weber
Proceedings of the Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices; 11-13 Dec. 2002;
Sydney, Australia; pp. 41- 44.
56. Magnetooptical micromagnetometry of ultrathin Co wedges
M.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, M.Tekielak, W.Dobrogowski, A.Maziewski, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 196 (2003) 129.
57. Thermal reaction of iron with a Si(111) vicinal surface: surface ordering and growth of CsCl-type iron
A.Wawro, S.Suto, R.Czajka and A.Kasuya
Phys. Rev. B, 67 (2003) 195401.
58. Drastic changes of the domain size in an ultrathin magnetic film
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, V.Zablotskii, T.Polyakova, J.M.Garcia, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
J. Appl. Phys., 93 (2003) 6966.
59. Magnetic ordering in ultrathin cobalt film covered by a noble metals overlayer
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, Z.Kurant, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
J. Appl. Phys., 93 (2003) 7628.
60. STM/STS studies of self-organised growth of iron silicide nanocrystals on vicinal Si(111) surface
A.Wawro, S.Suto, R.Czajka and A.Kasuya
Acta Phys. Polon., A104 (2003) 303.
61. Liquid Phase Epitaxy of (100) Oriented GaInAsSb with Indium Concentration in Liquid Phase
M.Piskorski, A.Piotrowska, E.Papis, T.T.Piotrowski, K.Gołaszewska, A.Wawro, J.Adamczewska, A.Barcz,
Proc. SPIE, 5136 (2003) 195-199.
62. Growth mode and structural characterization of epitaxial TM/RE thin films
P.Pankowski, S.Pizzini, J.B.Pelka, A.Wawro and L.T.Baczewski
J. Alloys Comp., 362 (2004) 56.
63. Magnetic properties of ultra-thin epitaxial V/Gd bilayres
P.Pankowski, L.T.Baczewski, T.Story, A.Wawro, K.Mergia, S.Messoloras
Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 1 (2004) 405.
64. Barrier properties of Ta-Si-N films in Ag – and Au – containing metallization
A.Kuchuk, J.Ciosek, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, A.Wawro, O.S.Lytvyn, L.Nowicki, R.Ratajczak
Vacuum, 74 (2004) 195.
65. LPE growth and characterisation of GaInAsSb and GaAlAsSb quaternary layers on (100) GaSb substrates
M.Piskorski, A.Piotrowska, T.T.Piotrowski, K.Gołaszewska, E.Papis, J.Kątcki, J.Ratajczak, J.Adamczewska,
A.Barcz, A.Wawro:
Thin Solid Films, 459 (2004) 2.
66. Overlayer induced changes of magnetic ordering in ultrathin cobalt film
M. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, M. Tekielak, A. Wawro, A. Maneikis and L. T. Baczewski
J. Magn. Magn. Mat., 272-276 (2004) E861.
67. Structure modifications in silicon irradiated by ultra-short pulses of XUV free electron laser
J.B.Pełka, A.Andrejczuk, H.Reniewicz, N.Schell, J.Krzywiński, R.Sobierajski, A.Wawro, Z.R.Żytkiewicz, D.Klinger
and L.Juha
J. Alloys Comp., 382 (2004) 264.
68. HREELS, STM and STS study of CH3-terminated Si(111)-(1×1) surface
T.Yamada, M.Kawai, A.Wawro, S.Suto and A.Kasuya
J. Chem. Phys., 121 (2004) 10660.
69. Quantum size effect in Ag islandsformed on Si(111)-(7x7)
J.Gutek, R. Czajka, S.Suto, A.Wawro and A.Kasuya
Mol. Phys. Rep., 40 (2004) 62.
70.The influence of annealing on magnetic properties of ultrathin cobalt films
Z. Kurant, A.Wawro, A.Maziewski, A.Maneikis L.T. Baczewski
Mol. Phys. Rep., 40 (2004) 104.
71. Tuning of ultrathin cobalt film magnetic properties by underlayer and overlayer structures
A.Maziewski, M.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
Mol. Phys. Rep., 40 (2004) 119.
72. Laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) produced by short-wavelength, fast beam of TTF FEL I
L. Juha, J. Krzywiński, A. Andrejczuk, M. Bittner, J. Feldhaus, J. B. Pełka, R. Sobierajski, B. Steeg, A. Wawro
Hasylab Annual Report 2003, edited by G Falkenberg, U Krell, J.R. Schneider, Hamburg 2004, Germany.
73. Interaction of intense ultrashort XUV pulses with different solids – results from the Tesla Test Facility FEL
phase I
J.Krzywinski, M.Jurek, D.Klinger, R.Nietubyc, J.Pelka, A.Wawro, M.Sikora, E.Saldin, E.Schneidmiller, B.Steeg,
R.Treusch, M.V.Yurkov, M.Bittner, D.Chvostova, L.Juha, V.Letal, V.Vorlicek, A.Andrejczuk, H.Reniewicz,
R.Sobierajski, A. Kauch
Proceedings of the 26th International Free Electron Laser Conference and 11th FEL Users Workshop, Aug.29-Sep.3,
2004, Trieste, Italy, ed. R.Bakker, L.Giannessi, M.Marsi, R.Walker, p.675.
74. Response of (semi)conductors and insulators to short-wavelength, fast beam of TTF1 FEL
J.Krzywinski, A.Andrejczuk, M.Bittner, J.Feldhaus, L.Juha, M.Jurek, R.Nietubyc, J.B.Pelka, E.L.Saldin,
E.A.Schneidmiller, R.Sobierajski, R.Treusch, A.Wawro, M.V.Yurkov
Hasylab Report 2004, ed. P.Guertler, J.R.Schneider, E.Welter, Hasylab at Desy, Hamburg 2005, p. 633.
75. Annealing influence on Co ultrathin film morphology in MBE grown Co/Au bilayers
A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, P.Pankowski, P.Aleszkiewicz, M.Kisielewski, I.Sveklo, A.Maziewski
in “Scanning Probe Microscopy: Characterization, Nanofabrication and Device Application of Functional
Materials”, NATO Advanced Study vol. 187; eds. P.M. Vilarinho, Y. Rosenwaks, A. Kingon, (Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2005), p. 435.
76. Ablation of organic polymers by 46.9-nm-laser radiation
Juha L, Bittner M, Chvostova D, Krasa J, Otcenasek Z, Prag AR, Ullschmied J, Pientka Z, Krzywiński J, Pełka JB,
Wawro A, Grisham ME, Vaschenko G, Menoni CS, Rocca JJ
Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 (2005) 034109.
77. Magnetic anisotropy modification in ultrathin Co(0001) film epitaxially grown on Mo(110)
A. Stupakiewicz, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, L.T. Baczewski, A. Maneikis, A.Wawro
J. Magn. Magn. Mat., 290-291 (2005) 242.
78. Anisotropy of magnetic domain wall orientation in ultrathin Co grown on Mo(110) buffer layer
M.Tekielak, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski, L.T.Baczewski, A.Maneikis and A.Wawro
J. Magn. Magn. Mat., 290-291 (2005) 783.
79. STM studies of PtSi formation on Si(111) by solid state epitaxy
A.Wawro, S.Suto and A.Kasuya
Phys. Rev. B, 72 (2005) 205302.
80. Improved Performance of GaSb-based MIR Photodetectors Through Electrochemical Passivation in Sulphur
Containing Solutions
A. Piotrowska, E. Papis, K. Gołaszewska, R. Łukasiewicz, E. Kamińska, T.T. Piotrowski, R. Kruszka, A. Kudła,
J.Rutkowski, J. Szade, A. Winiarski, A. Wawro, M. Aleszkiewicz
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. vol. 829, pp. B6.8.1-6, 2005.
81. Structure and magnetic anisotropy evolution in Au/Co/Au sandwiches upon thermal treatment
A. Wawro, Z. Kurant, L.T. Baczewski, P. Pankowski, J.B. Pełka, A. Maneikis, A. Bójko, V. Zablotskii and
A. Maziewski
phys. stat. sol (c), 3 (2006) 77.
82. New reconstructions of platinum silicide surface
A. Wawro, S. Suto, and A. Kasuya
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 45 (2006) 2166.
83. Magnetic anisotropy changes in ultrathin Co films grown on vicinal sapphire substrates
A. Stupakiewicz, R. Gieniusz, A. Maziewski, K. Postava, L. T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
phys. stat. sol. (b) 243 (2006) 202.
84. Induced magnetism at interfaces in ultra-thin epitaxial V/Gd bilayers
L.T. Baczewski, P. Pankowski, A. Wawro, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, F. Ott
Phys. Rev. B, 74 (2006) 075417.
85. Transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect measured using phase modulation
K. Postava, A.Maziewski, A.Stupakiewicz, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, S.Visnovsky, T.Yamaguchi
J. Eur. Opt. Soc., 1 (2006) 06017.
86. Domain structures and magnetization processes in thin Co films with in-plane anisotropy
J. Jaworowicz, Z. Kurant, K. Postava, A. Maziewski, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
Mat. Sci. Poland 24 (2006) 639.
87. Magnetic ordering in ultrathin Co films grown on vicinal substrates
A. Stupakiewicz, R. Gieniusz, K. Postava, M. Tekielak, A. Maziewski, I. Szerel, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
Mat. Sci. Poland, 24 (2006) 659.
88. Dendritic domain structures in ultrathin cobalt films
W. Stefanowicz, M. Tekielak, V. Bucha, A. Maziewski, V. Zablotskii, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
Mat. Sci. Poland, 24 (2006) 783.
89. Magnetic anisotropy FMR studies of Co films grown between Mo or Au buffer and Mo or Au overlayers
R. Gieniusz, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski and A. Wawro
J. Mag. Mag. Mat., 310 (2007) 2198.
90. Transparent ohmic contacts to GaSb/In(Al)GaAsSb photovoltaic cells
K. Golaszewska, E. Kamiska, A. Piotrowska, J. Rutkowski, R. Kruszka, E. Kowalczyk, E. Papis, A. Wawro,
T.T. Piotrowski
phys. stat. sol. (a), 204 (2007) 1051.
91. Sulphur passivation of GaSb, InGaAsSb and AlGaAsSb surfaces
E. Papis, A. Piotrowska, E. Kamińska, K. Golaszewska, R. Kruszka, T.T. Piotrowski, W. Rzodkiewicz, J. Szade,
A. Winiarski, A. Wawro
phys. stat. sol. (c), 4 (2007) 1448.
92. MFM study of domain structure in ultrathin Co films under external magnetic field
I. Sveklo, M. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, L. T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
Proceedings of the International Conference NANOMEETING 200: Physics, Chemistry and Applications of
Nanostructures, Minsk, Belarus, May 22-25, 2007, Editors V. E. Borisenko and S. V. Gaponenko, Chapter Physics
of Nanostructures, p.74.
93. Needle-like domain structure in Co films deposited on Mo (110)
M. Tekielak, R. Schafer, J. McCord, A. Maziewski, V. Zablotskii, L.T. Baczewski and A. Wawro
J. Mag. Mag. Mat., 316 (2007) 184.
94. Magnetic domain structure in ultrathin.Au/Co/Au films grown on vicinal sapphire substrates
A. Stupakiewicz, M. Tekielak, A. Maziewski, V. Zablotskii, L.T.Baczewski, A. Wawro
J. Mag. Mag. Mat.,316 (2007) e136.
95. Magnetization processes in Mo/Co/Au films with in-plane anisotropy
Z. Kurant, J. Jaworowicz, A. Maziewski, A. Stupakiewicz, V. Zablotskii, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski and
A. Wawro
J. Mag. Mag. Mat., 316 (2007) e507.
96. Changes in magnetic properties of ultrathin cobalt films as induced by Mo, V, Au overlayers
Z. Kurant, R. Gieniusz, A. Maziewski, M. Tekielak, W. Stefanowicz, I. Sveklo, V. Zablotskii, A. Petroutchik,
L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
J. Mag. Mag. Mat., 316 (2007) e511.
97. Preparation of an ultraclean and atomically controlled hydrogen-terminated Si(111)-(1× 1) surface revealed
by high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling
microscopy: aqueous NH4F etching process of Si(111)
H. Kato, T. Taoka, S. Nishikata, G. Sazaki, T. Yamada, R. Czajka, A. Wawro, K. Nakajima, A. Kasuya and S. Suto
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 46 (2007) 5701.
98. Image processing study of ultrathin cobalt domain structure evolution induced by overlayer structure
W.Dobrogowski, Z Kurant, A. Nedzwiedz, W.Stefanowicz, M.Tekielak, L.T.Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Maziewski
Mat. Sci. Poland, 25 (2007) 405).
99. In-plane magnetic anisotropy symmetry in ultrathin Co films grown on sapphire substrates
A. Stupakiewicz, A. Maziewski, P. Trzciński, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, R. Kalinowski
Mat. Sci. Poland, 25 (2007) 429.
100. Influence of V and Mo overlayer on magneto-optical Kerr effect in ultrathin Co films
K.Postava, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski, A.Stupakiewicz, L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, M.Aoyama and T.Yamaguchi
Appl. Surf. Sci., 254 (2007) 360.
101. Structural characterization of materials exposed to intense photon beams of XUV free electron laser
J.B. Pelka, R. Sobierajski, E. Dynowska, W. Szuszkiewicz, W. Caliebe, D. Klinger, A. Wawro
Hasylab Report 2006, Hasylab at Desy, Hamburg 2007, p. 713.
102. The solid state reaction of Fe with Si (111) vicinal surface: splitting of bunched steps
A.Wawro, S.Suto, R.Czajka and A.Kasuya
Nanotechnology, 19 (2008) 205706.
103. STM study of titanium silicide nanostructure growth on Si(111)-(√19x√19) substrate
M.Cęgiel, M.Bazarnik, P.Biskupski, S.Winiarz, J.Gutek, A.Boś, S.Suto, S.Mielcarek, A.Wawro, R.Czajka
Appl. Surf. Sci., 254 (2008) 6948.
104. Linear and nonlinear magneto-optical response of ultrathin Co/Au/Mo and Co/Mo films grown on sapphire
A. Stupakiewicz, A. Kirilyuk, A. Maziewski, Th. Rasing, A. Wawro, and L. T. Baczewski
phys. stat. sol. (a), 205 (2008)1770.
105. Brillouin light scattering investigations of magnetic and elastic properties in MBE grown trilayer Mo/Co/Au
R. Gieniusz, T. Blachowicz, A. Maziewski, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, J. Hamrle, O. Serga, and
B. Hillebrands
Acta Phys. Polon. A 115 (2009) 213.
106. Buffer induced magnetic patterning of ultrathin Co layer
A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik, Z. Kurant, L.T. Baczewski, P.Mazalski and A. Maziewski
Acta Phys. Polon. A 115 (2009) 306.
107. Depth-resolved XMCD study of ultrathin Mo/Co/Au films
M. Sakamaki, H. Abe, R. Sumii, K. Amemiya, T. Konishi, T. Fujikawa, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik,
Z. Kurant, and A. Maziewski
Acta Phys. Polon. A 115 (2009) 309.
108. Preparation and characterization of ultraclean H:Si(111)-(1x1) surfaces studied by HREELS, AFM and
H. Kato, T. Taoka, S. Suto, S. Nishikata, G. Sazaki, K. Nakajima, T. Yamada, R. Czajka, A. Wawro, A. Kasuya
e-J Surf. Sci. Nanotech., 7 (2009) 557.
109. Damage in solids irradiated by a single shot of XUV free-electron laser: Irreversible changes investigated
using X-ray microdiffraction, atomic force microscopy and Nomarski optical microscopy
J.B.Pelka, R.Sobierajski, D.Klinger, W.Paszkowicz, J.Krzywinski, M.Jurek, D.Zymierska, A.Wawro, A.Petroutchik,
L.Juha, V.Hajkova, J.Cihelka, J.Chalupsky, T.Burian, L.Vysin, S.Toleikis, K.Sokolowski-Tinten, N.Stojanovic,
U.Zastrau, R.London, S.Hau-Riege, C.Riekel, R.Davies, M.Burghammer, E.Dynowska, W.Szuszkiewicz, W.Caliebe
and R.Nietubyc,
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 78 (2009) S46.
110. (100) GaAs surface treatment prior to contact metal deposition in AlGaAs/GaAs quantum cascade laser
E. Papis, A. Barańska, P. Karbownik, A. Szerling, A. Wójcik-Jedlińska, M. Bugajski, W. Rodkiewicz, J. Szade,
A. Wawro
Optica Applicata 39 (2009) 787.
111. Formation of magnetic dots in an ultrathin Co film forced by a patterned buffer
A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik, L. T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant and A. Maziewski
Europhys. Lett. 89 (2010) 37003.
112. Platinum overlayer induced changes of magnetic and magneto-optical properties of ultrathin Co layer
J.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, K.Postava, A.Stupakiewicz, A.Petroutchik, L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro
JMMM 322 (2010) 1475.
113. STM/STS characterization of platinum silicide nanostructures grown on a Pt(111) surface
W. Koczorowski, M. Bazarnik, M. Cęgiel, A. Petroutchik, A. Wawro, R.Czajka
Appl. Surf. Sci. 256 (2010) 4215.
114. Self-assembled growth of Au islands on a Mo(110) surface
A. Wawro, M. Sobańska, A. Petroutchik, L. T. Baczewski and P. Pankowski
Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 335606.
115. Selective sensitivity of ellipsometry to magnetic nanostructures
K. Postava, D. Hrabovský, J. Hamrlová, J. Pištora, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski, I. Sveklo, A. Maziewski
Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 2627.
116. Local variation of ultrathin Co film magnetization orientation induced by a structured buffer: Magnetic
A. Wawro, E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski
Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 092405.
117. Perpendicularly magnetized monodomain dots induced in a Co layer by a structured buffer
E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, P. Aleszkiewicz, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, and A. Wawro
IEEE Trans. Magn., 47 (2011) 2632.
118. Method of determination of AlGaAsSb layer composition in molecular beam epitaxy processes with regard
to unintentional As incorporation
A. Jasik, J. Kubacka-Traczyk, K. Regiński, I. Sankowska, R. Jakieła, A. Wawro, and J. Kaniewski
J. Appl. Phys., 110 (2011) 073509.
119. Struktury detektora podczerwieni na bazie supersieci II rodzaju ze związków InAs/GaSb
J. Kaniewski, A. Jasik, K. Regiński, I. Sankowska, D. Pierścińska, K. Pierściński, E. Papis, A. Wawro
Elektronika, nr 10 (2011) 18.
120. MBE Growth of Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattices on GaSb Buffer
A. Jasik, I. Sankowska, K. Regiński, E. Machowska-Podsiadło, A. Wawro, M. Wzorek, R. Kruszka, R. Jakieła,
J. Kubacka-Traczyk, M. Motyka, J. Kaniewski
in “Horizons in World Physics”, Volume 276, chapter 3, (Editor: Albert Reimer) Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,
2011, ISBN: 978-1-61324-654-2, pp.101-144
121. Tailoring of magnetism in Pt/Co/Pt ultrathin films by ion irradiation
A. Maziewski, P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, M.O. Liedke, J. McCord, J. Fassbender, J. Ferré, A. Mougin, A. Wawro, L.T.
Baczewski, A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm, T. Gemming
Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 054427.
122. MBE Growth of Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattices on GaSb Buffer
A. Jasik, I. Sankowska, K. Regiński, E. Machowska-Podsiadło, A. Wawro, M. Wzorek, R. Kruszka, R. Jakieła,
J. Kubacka-Traczyk, M. Motyka, J. Kaniewski
in “Crystal Growth: Theory, Mechanisms and Morphology”, chapter 9, (Editor:. James P. Isaac, Nicole A.
Manusco), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., March 2012, ISBN: 978-1-61324-529-2, pp. 293-327.
123. Laser-induced manipulation of magnetic anisotropy and magnetization precession in ultrathin cobalt wedge
J. Kisielewski, A. Kirilyuk, A. Stupakiewicz, A. Maziewski, A. Kimel, Th. Rasing, L.T. Baczewski, and A. Wawro
Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 184429.
124. Study of interfaces chemistry in type-II GaSb/InAs superlattice structures
E. Papis-Polakowska, J. Kaniewski, J. Szade, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Jasik, K. Regiński, A. Wawro
Physics Procedia 32 (2012) 184.
125. Terahertz properties of metallic layers and grids
J. Szczytko, M. Stolarek, B. Piętka, J. Łusakowski, A. Barańska, E. Papis, A. Wawro, R. Adomavisius, A. Krotkus,
N. Pałka, P. Zagrajek
Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON 2012;
May 21-23, 2012; Warsaw, Poland; vol.1, pp. 271-275.
126. Study of interfaces chemistry in type-II GaSb/InAs superlattice structures
E. Papis-Polakowska, J. Kaniewski, J. Szade, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Jasik, K. Regiński, A. Wawro,
Thin Solid Films 522 (2012) 223.
127. THz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Thin Gold Layers on GaAs
J. Szczytko, R. Adomavicius, E. Papis, A. Barańska, A. Wawro, A. Krotkus, B. Piętka and J. Łusakowski
Acta Phys. Polon. A 122 (2012) 1118.
128. Ga+ ion irradiation-induced changes in magnetic anisotropy of a Pt/Co/Pt thin film studied by X-ray
magnetic circular dichroism
K. Amemiya, M. Sakamaki, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender,
A. Wawro, and L. T. Baczewski
EPJ Web of Conferences 40 (2013) 08002.
129. Mo/Si multilayer coated amplitude division beam splitters for XUV radiation sources
Ryszard Sobierajski, Rolf Antonie Loch, Robbert W.E. van de Kruijs, Eric Louis, Gisela von Blanckenhagen,
Eric M. Gullikson, Andrzej Wawro and Fred Bijkerk
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 20 (2013) 249.
130. Ion irradiation induced enhancement of out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin Co films
P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, L. T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
J. Appl. Phys. 113 (2013)17C109.
131. Bimodal properties of patterned magnetic nanostructures: separation of individual components’
I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski and A. Wawro
JMMM 345 (2013) 82.
132. Effect of Ga+ irradiation in molecular beam epitaxy grown Pt/Co/Pt thin films studied by magneto optic
E. Jakubisova-Liskova, S. Visnovsky, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski, P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski, M.O. Liedke,
J. McCord, and J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2014) 17C106.
133. Irreversible modification of magnetic anisotropy in Pt/Co/Pt ultrathin films by femtosecond laser pulses
J. Kisielewski, W. Dobrogowski, Z. Kurant, A. Stupakiewicz, M. Tekielak, A. Kirilyuk, A. Kimel, Th. Rasing,
L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, K. Balin, J. Szade, A. Maziewski
J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2014) 053906.
134. Magnetization states and magnetization processes in nanostructures: From a single layer to multilayers
A. Maziewski, J. Fassbender, J. Kisielewski, M. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, F. Stobiecki, A. Stupakiewicz,
I. Sveklo, M. Tekielak, A. Wawro, V. Zablotskii
Phys. Status Solidi A 211 (2014) 1005.
135. Passivation studies of GaSb-based superlattice structures
E. Papis-Polakowska, J. Kaniewski, J. Szade, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Jasik, J. Jurenczyk, Z. Orman, A. Wawro
Thin Solid Films 567 (2014) 77.
136. Influence of shape, size and internal structure on magnetic properties of core-edge nanodots with
perpendicular anisotropy
E. Milińska and A. Wawro
J. Appl. Phys. 116 (2014)193905.
137. Structural and magnetic properties of hybrid ferromagnetic metal/semiconductor Co/(ZnTe) core-shell
P.A. Misiuna, P. Dłużewski, T. Wojciechowski, E. Milińska, B. Kurowska, M. Wiater, A. Wawro, T. Wojtowicz and
L.T. Baczewski
J. Cryst. Growth 412 (2015) 80.
138. Magnetic and structural study of (ZnTe)/Co core-shell nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy
P.A. Misiuna, P. Dłużewski, T. Wojciechowski, S. Lewińska, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, A. Wawro, M. Wiater,
T. Wojtowicz and L.T. Baczewski
Acta Phys. Polon. A 127 (2015) 517.
139. XAS and XMCD studies of magnetic properties modifications of Pt/Co/Au and Pt/Co/Pt trilayers induced by
Ga+ ions irradiation
P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, K. Ollefs, A. Rogalev. F. Wilhelm, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro and
A. Maziewski
J. Synchrotron Rad. 22 (2015) 753.
140. Structural investigation of ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt trilayer films under EUV irradiation
E. Dynowska, J.B. Pelka, D. Klinger, R. Minikayev, A. Bartnik, P. Dluzewski, M. Jakubowski, M. Klepka,
A. Petruczik, O.H. Seeck, R. Sobierajski, I. Sveklo, A. Wawro, A. Maziewski
Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B 364 (2015) 33.
1. Electron mean free path in Ni/Pb modulated films
A.Wawro, W.Maj and J.Majewski
6th Conference on Physics of Magnetism, 19 - 21 June 1990, Poznań, Poland.
2. Magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction in Ni/Pb multilayer films
R.Żuberek, A.Wawro, H.Szymczak and M.Baran
6th Conference on Physics of Magnetism, 19 - 21 June 1990, Poznań, Poland.
3. The Hall effect in Ni/Pb modulated films
A.Wawro and W.Maj
13th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Aug. 26 - 30, 1991, Glasgow, UK.
4. Surface magnetostriction constant in some multilayers
R.Żuberek, H.Szymczak, A.Wawro, R.Krishnan and M.Tessier
Conference "Fizyka powierzchni", June 1991, Łódź, Poland.
5. Au cluster deposited on silicon and graphite surfaces
A.Wawro, R.Czajka, A.Kasuya, N.Horiguchi and Y.Nishina
Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Oct.12 - 15, 1993, Okayama, Japan.
6. STM observation of microclusters on graphite surface
N.Horiguchi, R.Czajka, A.Wawro, A.Kasuya and Y.Nishina
Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Oct.12 - 15, 1993, Okayama, Japan.
7. Vibrational modes of C60 fullerenes on Si(100)2x1 surface
S.Suto, A.Kasuya, O.Ikeno, A.Wawro, N.Horiguchi, T.Goto and Y.Nishina
Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Oct.12 - 15, 1993, Okayama, Japan.
8. Vibrational modes of C60 fullerenes on silicon and graphite surfaces
S.Suto, A.Kasuya, O.Ikeno, C.W.Hu, A.Wawro, N.Horiguchi, T.Goto and Y. Nishina
Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 28 - 31, 1994, Fukuoka, Japan.
9. Carbon clusters produced by laser ablation
A.Kasuya, N.Horiguchi, A.Wawro and Y.Nishina
Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 28 - 31, 1994, Fukuoka, Japan.
10. Vibrational modes and structures of C60 thin films on silicon and graphite surfaces
S.Suto, A.Kasuya, C.W.Hu, A.Wawro, T.Goto and Y.Nishina
Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Sep. 2 - 5, 1994, Shizuoka, Japan.
11. Magnetic multilayers Co/Cu fabricated by MBE method
L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, R.Kalinowski
IV Seminar on Surface and Thin Layer Structures, Sep. 18-21, 1996, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland.
12. Au clusters deposited on Si substrate - observations by scanning tunneling microscope
A.Wawro, R.Czajka, A.Kasuya and Y.Nishina
IV Seminar on Surface and Thin Layer Structures, Sep. 18-21, 1996, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland.
13. Magnetization and anisotropy in Fe/Gd multilayers
L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, R.Kalinowski
The Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, July 27 - August 1, 1997, Cairns, Australia.
14. STM observations of nanoclusters
IV Polish - Dutch Colloquium on Condensed Matter, Jan. 9-10, 1998, Kraków, Poland.
15. Preparation of high quality MBE-grown Au/Mo/Al2O3(11-20) thin films for epitaxy of ultrathin cobalt layers
L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, I.Sveklo, A.Maziewski
The European Conference „Physics of Magnetism 99” , June 21-25, 1999, Poznań, Poland.
16. Optical properties and surface chemistry of (100) GaSb surface
E.Papis, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, A.Kudła, A.Barcz, M.Zieliński, A.Wawro, J.Szade, A.Winiarski
International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, June 2-9, 2000, Ustroń-Jaszowiec, Poland.
17. MBE growth and magnetic characterization of ultrathin cobalt films on different substrates
L.T.Baczewski, J.Korecki, A.Maziewski, N.Spiridis, I.Sveklo, A.Wawro
8th European Magnetic Materials and Applications Conference, 7-10 June 2000, Kyiv, Ukraine.
18. Structural Study of Metallic Multilayers with Exotic Magnetic Properties by X-Ray Grazing- Incidence
Pełka J.B., Paszkowicz W., Wawro A., Baczewski L.T.
V International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science, June 12-17, 2000, UstronJaszowiec, Poland.
19. X-ray reflectivity and difraction study of metallic multilayers grown by MBE
Pełka JB, Paszkowicz W, Dynowska E, Wawro A, Seeck O, Messoloras S, Gamari-Seale H, Pankowski P,
Baczewski LT
5th Biennal Conf. on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Topography, XTOP 2000, 13-15 Sept. 2000, UstronJaszowiec, Poland.
20. Kontakty omowe AgTe/Cr/Au do antymonku galu typu n
I.Wójcik, L.Ilka, E.Papis, A.Kudła, A.Wawro, A.Piotrowska,
VII Konferencja Naukowa ELTE 2000,18-22 września 2000 r., Polanica Zdrój, Poland.
21.TEM and X-ray structural study of Co/Gd multilayers with exotic magnetic properties
P.Dłużewski, A.Szczepańska, J.B.Pełka, W.Paszkowicz, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
Intern. Conference on Thin film deposition of oxide multilayers - industrial scale processing, TFDOM, 28-29
September 2000, Vilnius, Lithuania.
22. Growth and magnetic characterization of ultrathin cobalt films on different substrates
L.T.Baczewski, M.Kisielewski, J.Korecki, A.Maziewski, N.Spiridis, A.Wawro, I.Sveklo
ESF Nanomag Workshop on Magnetic properties of artificial and self-organized nanostructures, September 2000,
Uppsala, Sweden.
23. Chemical processing of GaSb related to surface preparation and patterning
E.Papis, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, M.Guziewicz, T.T.Piotrowski, A.Kudła, A.Wawro
International Conference on Solid State Crystals, October 9-13, 2000, Zakopane, Poland.
24. Design and fabrication of GaSb/InGaAsSb/AlGaAsSb mid-IR Photodetectors
T.T.Piotrowski, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, M.Piskorski, E.Papis, K.Gołaszewska, J.Kątcki, L.Adamczewska,
A.Wawro, J.Piotrowski, Z.Orman, J.Pawluczyk, Z.Nowak
International Conference on Solid State Crystals, October 9-13, 2000, Zakopane, Poland.
25. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość zapisu informacji
M.Aleszkiewicz, P.Pankowski, A.Wawro
VII Seminarium Polskiego Towarzystwa Próźniowego, "Powierzchnia i Struktury Cienkowarstwowe - Badania
Prowadzone Metodami Skaningowej Mikroskopii STM i AFM", 2000, Zakopane, Poland.
26. Optymalizacja warunków wzrostu warstw Au/Co/Au
A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, M.Kisielewski, I.Sveklo, A.Maziewski
Materiały Konferencyjne VII Seminarium Polskiego Towarzystwa Próżniowego, "Powierzchnia i Struktury
Cienkowarstwowe - Badania Prowadzone Metodami Skaningowej Mikroskopii STM i AFM", 2000, Zakopane,
27. Magnetic domains and anisotropy of ultrathin Au/Co/Au wedges deposited on sapphire substrates
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, A.Stupakiewicz, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, T.Baczewski
1st Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 2001, Grenoble, France.
28. Single exciton spectroscopy of CdTe quantum dots
Maćkowski S., Wróbel J., Fronc K., Wawro A., Kossut J., Karczewski G., Pulizzi F., Christianen P.C., Maan J.C.
XXX International School on the Physics of Semicond. Compounds, , 03-06-2001, Jaszowiec, Poland.
29. Magnetic Properties of FeCo/Au Multilayers
Szymczak H., Żuberek R., Wawro A., Gibbs M.R.
4th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers, MML'01, 21-06-2001, Achen, Germany.
30. Chemical and electrochemical preparation of the sulphide pssivating layers on GaSb
E.Papis, A.Piotrowska, A.Kudła, K.Gołaszewska, T.T.Piotrowski, A.Wawro, P.Pankowski, M.Zieliński, A.Barcz,
J.Szade, A.Winiarski
II International Seminar on Semiconductor Surface Passivation, September 10-13, 2001, Ustroń, Poland.
31. The MBE growth modes of Au/Co/Au sandwiches
A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, M.Kisielewski, I.Sveklo, and A.Maziewski
4th International Workshop on Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Vapour Phase Epitaxy Growth Physics and
Technology, 23-28 IX 2001, Warszawa, Poland.
32. Recent results of structural and magnetic properties study of ultrathin cobalt films
A.Maziewski, L.T.Baczewski, M.Kisielewski, A.Wawro
ESF-Nanomag final meeting, October 25-27, 2001, Biarritz, France.
33. Formation of iron silicide clusters on a Si(111)7x7 surface
Andrzej Wawro, Shozo Suto and Atsuo Kasuya
57th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March, 24 – 27, 2002, Kusatsu City, Japan.
34. Relation between structure and magnetic properties in epitaxial cobalt thin films on sapphire and mica
L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, J.Korecki, N.Spiridis, M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski
17th International Colloquium on Magnetic Film and Surfaces, March 5-8,2002, Kyoto, Japan.
35. Magnetooptical micromagnetometry of ultrathin Co wedges
Z.Kurant, M.Tekielak, M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
The European Conference on Physics of Magnetism, July 1-5, 2002, Poznań, Poland.
36. Interface stability of refractory metal nitride contacts to GaAs and GaN under high thermal stress
A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, K.Gołaszewska, M.Guziewicz, T.T.Piotrowski, A.Barcz, E.Dynowska, R.Jakieła,
XXI International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, June 7-14, 2002, Ustroń-Jaszowiec,
37. Engineering ZnO thin films for transparent contacts to GaN
E.Kamińska, A.Piotrowska, K.Gołaszewska, M.Guziewicz, R.Kruszka, A.Barcz, E.Dynowska, A.Wawro, J.Jasiński,
XXI International School on the Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, June 7-14, 2002, Ustroń-Jaszowiec,
38.Optimisation of layer growth and structural characterization of TM/RE epitaxial thin films
P.Pankowski, S.Pizzini, A.Wawro and L.T.Baczewski
6th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science, ISSRNS'2002, June 17-22,
2002, Ustroń-Jaszowiec, Poland.
39. Electrical properties and microstructure of transparent ZnO contacts to GaN
E.Kamińska, A.Piotrowska, K.Gołaszewska, M.Guziewicz, R.Kruszka, A.Kudła, A.Barcz, A.Wawro, J.Jasiński,
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, July 22-25, 2002, Aachen, Germany.
40. Determination of the optical properties of GaSb and GaN surfaces
A.Kudła, E.Papis, R.Kruszka, E.Kamińska, J.Szade, A.Winiarski, A.Wawro
Woollam Ellipsometry Seminar, Oct. 15-16, 2002, Darmstadt, Germany.
41. A noble metals overlayer induced changes of magnetic ordering in ultrathin cobalt film
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, Z.Kurant, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
EMRS Fall Meeting, Symposium C: Workshop of the Network of Centers of Excellence “Nanostructured materials”,
Sep. 15–18, 2002, Warsaw, Poland.
42. Annealing influence on Co ultrathin film morphology in MBE grown Co/Au bilayers
A. Wawro, L.T.Baczewski, P.Pankowski, M. Kisielewski, I.Sveklo, A.Maziewski
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Characterization, Nanofabrication and Device Application of Functional Materials,
NATO Advanced Study Institute, October, 1-13, 2002, Algrave, Portugal.
43. Surface properties of GaSb(100) under chemical and electrochemical treatment in sulphur containing nonaqueous solutions
E.Papis, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, T.T.Piotrowski, R.Kruszka, K.Gołaszewska, A.Kudła, A.Wawro, J.Szade,
International Conference on Solid State Crystals – Materials Science and Applications, October 14-18, 2002,
Zakopane, Poland.
44. Liquid phase epitaxy of (100) oriented GaInAsSb with high indium concentration in the liquid phase
M.Piskorski, E.Papis, A.Piotrowska, T.T.Piotrowski, K.Gołaszewska, J.Adamczewska, A.Barcz, R.Jakieła,
International Conference on Solid State Crystals – Materials Science and Applications, October 14-18, 2002,
Zakopane, Poland.
45. Properties of sputter deposited refractory metal nitrides on III-V semiconductors targeting high temperature
A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, K.Gołaszewska, M.Guziewicz, T.T.Piotrowski, A.Barcz, E. Dynowska, R.Jakieła,
International Conference on Solid State Crystals – Materials Science and Applications, October 14-18, 2002,
Zakopane, Poland.
46. Cleaning procedures for GaN surfaces
E.Kamińska, A.Piotrowska, R.Kruszka, E.Papis, K.Gołaszewska, A.Kudła, A.Wawro, A.Barcz, J.Szade,
International Conference on Solid State Crystals – Materials Science and Applications, October 14-18, 2002,
Zakopane, Poland.
47. Fabrication and properties of ZnO/GaN tunnel junction
E.Kamińska, A.Piotrowska, K.Gołaszewska, A. Kuchcik, J.Szade, A.Winiarski, A.Barcz, A.Wawro, J.Jasiński,
The European Material Conference of the European Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting, Oct. 14-18, 2002,
Zakopane, Poland.
48. Drastic changes of the domain size in an ultrathin magnetic film
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, V.Zablotskii, T.Polyakova, J.M.Garcia, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Nov.11-15, 2002, Tampa, Florida, USA.
49. Magnetic ordering in ultrathin cobalt film covered by a noble metals overlayer
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, Z.Kurant, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Nov .11-15, 2002, Tampa, Florida, USA.
50. Tuning of ultrathin cobalt film magnetic properties by a noble metals overlayer
M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
7th Korean - Polish Joint Seminar on Physical Properties of Magnetic Materials, December 1- 5, 2002, Warsaw,
51. Termicznie indukowane reakcje na powierzchni Fe:Si(111)
A.Wawro, S.Suto, R.Czajka, A.Kasuya
II Seminarium: Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM, 4-8
grudnia 2002, Zakopane, Poland.
52. Stable ohmic contacts on GaAs and GaN devices for high temperatures
A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, K.Gołaszewska, H. Wrzesińska, T.T.Piotrowski, A.Barcz, E.Dynowska, R.Jakieła,
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Dec. 2-6, 2002, Boston, USA.
53. AF coupled Co/Cr sandwiches grown on Al2O3
M.Major, A.Wawro, A.Maneikis, A.Ślawska-Waniewska, L.T.Baczewski
12th Euro-MBE Workshop, Feb.16 - 19, 2003, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.
54. Clustering of Ag, Al and Fe Silicide on Si Surfaces Observed by VT-STM
S. Suto, R. Czajka, A. Wawro, and A. Kasuya
ORCS Workshop on Mechanism of STM-Induced Luminescence, February 24, 2003, Tsukuba, Japan.
55. Combined diffraction and reflectometric study of EuTe layer growth by MBE method
W. Paszkowicz, R. Minikayev, A. Maneikis, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
International Symposium on 50th Anniversary of the Death of Prof. Dr. Jan Czochralski, April 26-27, 2003 Toruń,
56. The properties of (100) GaSb surface under sulphur treatment in alcohol-based solutions.
E.Papis, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, T.T.Piotrowski, R.Kruszka, K.Gołaszewska, A.Kudła, A.Wawro, J.Szade,
European Vacuum Congress, 23-26.06.2003, Berlin, Germany.
57. Amorphous Ta-Si-N diffusion barriers on GaAs
A.Kuchuk, J.Ciosek, E.Kamińska, A.Piotrowska, A.Barcz, K.Gołaszewska, E.Dynowska, R.Jakiela, A.Wawro,
European Vacuum Congress, June 23-26, 2003, Berlin, Germany.
58. LPE growth and characterisation of GaInAsSb and GaAlAsSb quaternary layers on (100) GaSb substrates
M. Piskorski, A. Piotrowska, T.T. Piotrowski, K. Gołaszewska, E. Papis, J. Kątcki, J. Ratajczak, J. Adamczewska,
A. Barcz, A. Wawro
European Vacuum Congress, June 23-26, 2003, Berlin, Germany.
59. STM/STS studies of self-organised growth of iron silicide nanocrystals on vicinal Si(111) surface
A.Wawro, S.Suto, R.Czajka and A.Kasuya
3rd International Symposium Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Related Methods, July 16-19, 2003, Poznań,
60. Tuning of ultrathin cobalt film properties by an overlayer structure
M.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, A.Maneikis, L.T.Baczewski
XVIII International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, July 22-25, 2003, Madrid, Spain.
61. Overlayer induced changes of magnetic ordering in ultrathin cobalt film
M.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, A.Maneikis, L.T.Baczewski
International Conference on Magnetism, July 27-August 1, 2003, Roma, Italy.
62. Barrier properties of Ta-Si-N films in Ag – and Au – containing metallization
A.Kuchuk, J.Ciosek, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, A.Wawro, O.S.Lytvyn, L.Nowicki, R.Ratajczak
International Workshop on Surface Physics 2003: Metals on Surfaces, September 13-15, 2003, Polanica Zdrój,
63. Progress in passivation of GaSb: the role of sulphur source and type of solvent
E.Papis, A.Piotrowska, E.Kamińska, T.T.Piotrowski, R.Kruszka, K.Gołaszewska, A.Kudła, W.Rzodkiewicz,
R.Łukasiewicz, A.Wawro, P.Pankowski, J.Szade, A.Winiarski
III International Workshop on Semiconductor Surface Passivation - SSP'03, 14-17 September 2003, Ustroń,
64. Study of long-term stability of ohmic contacts to GaN
K.Gołaszewska, E.Kamińska, A.Piotrowska, R.Kruszka, A.Kuchuk, E.Papis, R.Szeloch, P.Janus, T.Gotszalk,
A.Barcz, A.Wawro
The European Materials Conference E-MRS 2003 Fall Meeting, September 15-19, 2003, Warsaw, Poland.
65. Structure modifications in materials irradiated by ultra-short pulses of VUV free electron laser
J.B.Pełka, A.Andrejczuk, H.Reniewicz, N.Schell, J.Krzywiński, R.Sobierajski, A.Wawro, Z.R.Żytkiewicz, D.Klinger
The European Materials Conference E-MRS 2003 Fall Meeteing, September 15-19, 2003, Warsaw, Poland.
66. Magnetic properties of V atoms in ultra-thin epitaxial Gd/V bilayers
P.Pankowski, L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro, K.Mergia, S.Messoloras, F.Ott
The European Materials Conference E-MRS 2003 Fall Meeteing, September 15-19, 2003, Warsaw, Poland.
67. Modification of magnetic properties of ultrathin cobalt layers by an overlayer structure
M.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, A.Maneikis, L.T.Baczewski
The European Materials Conference E-MRS 2003 Fall Meeteing, September 15-19, 2003, Warsaw, Poland.
68. Overlayer tuning of ultrathin cobalt film properties
M.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, A.Maneikis and L.T.Baczewski
International Workshop on Processing and Characterization of Nanomaterials, October 8-10, 2003, Warsaw,
69. Growth and characterisation of GaSb-based quaternary compounds for thermophotovoltaic applications
T.T.Piotrowski, M.Piskorski, K.Gołaszewska, E.Papis, J.Kątcki, J.Ratajczak, A Piotrowska, A.Barcz, A.Wawro,
XVII School of Optoelectronics Photovoltaics Solar Cells and Detectors, 13-16 October 2003, Kazimierz Dolny,
70. Influence of solvent in sulphur solution on optical properties of GaSb surface
A. Kudła, E. Papis, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Wawro, J. Szade, A. Winiarski
Woollam Ellipsometry Seminar, LOT, 22 October 2003, Darmstadt, Germany.
71. Splitting of bunched steps on Si vicinal surface by solid state reaction with Fe
A. Wawro, S.Suto and A.Kasuya
The 7th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures,
November 16 - 20, 2003, Nara, Japan.
72. Growth of iron silicde on Si vicinal surface by solid state reaction with Fe
A.Wawro, S.Suto and A.Kasuya
Tohoku University Experimental Physics Forum XPF 2003, December 13, 2003, Sendai, Japan.
73. Laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) produced by short-wavelength, fast beam of TTF1 FEL
L.Juha, J.Krzywiński, A.Andrejczuk, M.Bittner, J.Feldhaus, J.B.Pełka, R.Sobierajski, B.Steeg, A. Wawro
HASYLAB Users’ Meeting 2004:“Research with Synchrotron Radiation”, Jan. 30, 2004, HASYLAB DESY,
Hamburg, Germany.
74. VT-STM/STS investigations of the Ag nanocluster growth on the H:Si(111)1x1 surface
A.Shiwa, H.Nagashima, H.Kato, Y.Hayakawa, S.Suto, R.Czajka, A.Wawro, T.Yamada, A.Kasuya
Meeting of the Surface Science Society of Japan, March 4-5, 2004, Sendai, Japan.
75. Surface plasmon energy and dispersion of Ag nanoclusters
H.Kato, H.Nagashima, S.Suto, R.Czajka, A.Wawro, T.Yamada, A.Kasuya
Meeting of the Surface Science Society of Japan, March 4-5, 2004, Sendai, Japan.
76. Temperature dependence of the Ag cluster growth on H/Si(111)1x1 surface using VT-STM
H.Nagashima, R.Czajka, A.Shiwa, H.Kato, A.Wawro, T.Yamada, Y.Hayakawa, S.Suto and A.Kasuya
59th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 27-30, 2004, Fukuoka, Japan.
77. Solid state reactions of platinum with silicon surface
A.Wawro, S.Suto, A.Kasuya
59th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 27-30, 2004, Fukuoka, Japan.
78. Surface plasmon energy and dispersion of Ag particles
H.Kato, H.Nagashima, R.Czajka, A.Wawro, T.Yamada, A.Kasuya, S.Suto
59th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 27-30, 2004, Fukuoka, Japan.
79. Induced magnetic moment of V atoms in ultra-thin epitaxial V/Gd bilayers
L. T. Baczewski, P. Pankowski, and A. Wawro
Conference "New materials for magnetoelectronics", 13 - 16 April 2004, Będlewo, Poland.
80. The Effect of Sulphur Passivation Treatment on GaSb/InGaSb/AlGaSb Photovoltaic Detector Parameters
Gołaszewska K., Papis E., Piotrowska A., Piotrowski T.T., Kamińska E., Kruszka R., Łukasiewicz R., Rutkowski J.,
Szade J., Winiarski A., Wawro A.
4th Int. Conference on Solid State Crystals: Material Science and Applications, 16-20.05.2004, Zakopane, Poland.
81. Quantum size effect in Ag islandsformed on Si(111)-(7x7)
J.Gutek, R.Czajka, S.Suto, A.Wawro and A.Kasuya
School on Nanostructured Systems: Basic Properties and Technology, May 31 – June 2, 2004, Będlewo, Poland.
82. Investigation of magnetic anisotropy in Co/Mo ultrathin layer films by FMR method
I. Szerel, R. Gieniusz, A. Wawro
School on Nanostructured Systems: Basic Properties and Technology, May 31 – June 2, 2004, Będlewo, Poland.
83. The influence of annealing on magnetic properties of ultrathin cobalt film
Z.Kurant, A.Wawro, A. Maziewski, Maneikis, L.T. Baczewski
School on Nanostructured Systems: Basic Properties and Technology, May 31 – June 2, 2004, Będlewo, Poland.
84. Tuning of ultrathin cobalt film magnetic properties by underlayer and overlayer structures
A.Maziewski, M.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
School on Nanostructured Systems: Basic Properties and Technology , May 31 – June 2, 2004, Będlewo, Poland.
85. Surface plasmon energy and dispersion of Ag nanoparticles and films on a H:Si(111)1x1 surface: a combined
study of HREELS and STM
Kato H, Nagashima H, Czajka R, Wawro A, Yamada T, Kasuya A, Suto S
IVC-16/ICSS-12/NANO-8/AIV-17, June 28 - July 2, 2004, Venice, Italy.
86. Sulphur passivation of GaSb surface and GaSb-based MIR photodetector heterostructures
Papis E., Piotrowska A., Piotrowski T.T., Gołaszewska K., Kamińska E., Kruszka R., Łukasiewicz R., Kudła A.,
Rutkowski J., Szade J., Winiarski A., Wawro A.
IVC-16/ICSS-12/NANO-8/AIV-17, June 28 - July 2, 2004, Venice, Italy.
87. Sn and Te doped InGaAsSb quaternary layers for TPV applications
Piskorski M., Piotrowska A., Gołaszewska K., Piotrowski T.T., Jung W., Przesławski T., Barcz A., Kątcki J.,
Ratajczak J., Wawro A.
IVC-16/ICSS-12/NANO-8/AIV-17, June 28 - July 2, 2004,Venice, Italy.
88. Interaction of intense ultrashort XUV pulses with different solids - results from the Tesla Test Facility FEL
Jacek Krzywinski, Marek Jurek, Dorota Klinger, Robert Nietubyc, Jerzy Pelka, Andrzej Wawro, Marcin Sikora,
Evgeny Saldin, Evgeny Schneidmiller, Barbara Steeg, Rolf Treusch, Mikhail V. Yurkov, Michal Bittner, Dagmar
Chvostova, Libor Juha, Vit Letal, Vladimir Vorlicek, Andrzej Andrejczuk, Henryk Reniewicz, Ryszard Sobierajski,
Anna Kauch
26th International Free-Electron Laser Conference and the 11th FEL User-Workshop, ELETTRA, Aug. 29 – Sep. 3,
2004, Trieste, Italy.
89. Silver/gold overlayer structure induced changes of magneto-optical properties of ultrathin cobalt films
Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, K. Postava, A. Stupakiewicz, A. Wawro and L.T. Baczewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 5-10 September 2004, Dresden, Germany.
90. Magnetic anisotropy modification in ultrathin Co(0001) film epitaxially grown on Mo(110)
A. Stupakiewicz, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A.Wawro; A. Maneikis L.T. Baczewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 5-10 September 2004, Dresden, Germany.
91. Anisotropy of magnetic domain wall orientation in ultrathin Co grown on Mo(110) buffer layer
M.Tekielak, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski, A.Wawro, A.Maneikis, L.T.Baczewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 5-10 September 2004, Dresden, Germany.
92. Temperature dependence of the Ag cluster growth on a H/Si(111)1x1
H. Nagashima, R. Czajka, H. Kato, A. Wawro, T. Yamada, Y. Hayakawa, A. Kasuya and S. Suto
60th Autumn Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Sep.12-15, 2004, Aomori, Japan.
93. Surface plasmon energy and dispersion on Ag nanoclusters
H. Kato, H. Nagashima, R. Czajka, A. Wawro, T. Yamada, A. Kasuya and S. Suto
60th Autumn Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Sep.12-15, 2004, Aomori, Japan.
94. Ideal Methyl Termination of the Si(111) surface
T.Yamada, M.Kawai, A.Wawro, S.Suto and A.Kasuya
AVS 51st International Symposium & Exhibition, November 14-19, 2004, Anaheim CA, USA.
95. Improved Performance of GASb-based MIR Photodetectors Through Electrochemical Passivation in Sulphur
Containing Solutions
Piotrowska A., Papis E., Gołaszewska K., Łukasiewicz R., Kamińska E., Piotrowski T.T., Kruszka R., Kudła A.,
Rutkowski J., Szade J., Winiarski A., Wawro A., Aleszkiewicz M.
MRS Fall Meeting, 29.11-3.12.2004, Boston, USA.
96. Badania morfologii powierzchni krzemków platyny metodą skaningowej mikroskopii tunelowej
A.Wawro, S.Suto, and A.Kasuya
III Seminarium " Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań" STM/AFM, 1-5
grudnia 2004, Zakopane, Poland.
97. Dendrite domains structures in ultrathin cobalt films
W. Stefanowicz, M. Tekielak, W. Bucha, A. Maziewski, V. Zablotskii L.T. Baczewski, and A. Wawro
Scientific Network „New Materials for Magnetoelectronics”, 2-6 May 2005, Będlewo, Poland.
98. Magnetic ordering in ultrathin Co films grown on vicinal substrates
A. Stupakiewicz, R. Gieniusz, K. Postava, M. Tekielak, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
Scientific Network „New Materials for Magnetoelectronics”, 2-6 May 2005, Będlewo, Poland.
99. Domain structures and magnetization processes in thin Co films with in-plane anisotropy
J. Jaworowicz, Z. Kurant, K. Postava, A. Maziewski, L.T. Baczewski and A. Wawro
Scientific Network „New Materials for Magnetoelectronics”, 2-6 May 2005, Będlewo, Poland.
100. Magnetic anisotropy changes in ultrathin Co films grown on vicinal sapphire substrates
A.Stupakiewicz, R.Gieniusz, A.Maziewski, K.Postava, L.T.Baczewski and A.Wawro
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM'05, June 24-27, 2005 Poznan, Poland.
101. Structure and magnetic anisotropy evolution in Au/Co/Au sandwiches upon thermal treatment
A. Wawro, Z. Kurant, L.T. Baczewski, P. Pankowski, J.B. Pełka, A. Maneikis, A. Bójko, V. Zablotskii and A.
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM'05, June 24-27, 2005, Poznan, Poland.
102. Anisotropic domain wall propagation in ultrathin Co(0001) films grown on vicinal sapphire substrates
A. Stupakiewicz, M. Tekielak, A. Maziewski, V. Zablotskii, A. Wawro, L.T.Baczewski
3rd Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, June 25-30, 2005, Moscow, Russia.
103. Tuning of ultrathin films magnetic properties by overlayer and/or underlayer structures
A. Maziewski, R. Gieniusz, M. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, A. Stupakiewicz, M. Tekielak, V. Zablotskii, A. Wawro, L.
T. Baczewski
International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism ICNM, July 3-7, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
104. New Reconstructions of Platinum Silicide Surface
Andrzej Wawro, Shozo Suto, and Atsuo Kasuya
13th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques (STM'05),
July 3-8, 2005, Sapporo, Japan.
105. Interface vanadium magnetic moment in ultra-thin epitaxial V/Gd bilayers
L. T. Baczewski, P. Pankowski, A. Wawro, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, F. Ott
Int. Conf. on Self-Organized Nanostructures, 17-23 July 2005, Cargese, France.
106. Properties of InGaAsSb and AlGaAsSb surfaces under sulphide treatments studied using XPS and VASE
E. Papis, A. Piotrowska, K. Golaszewska, R. Lukasiewicz, T. T. Piotrowski, E. Kaminska, R. Kruszka, A. T. Kudla;
J. Rutkowski, J. Szade, A. Winiarski, A. Wawro
SPIE International Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics, 28 August - 2 September 2005, Warsaw, Poland.
107. GaAlAsSb/GaInAsSb/GaSb structures for thermophotovoltaic cells
P. A. Skoczylas, M. Piskorski, A. B. Piotrowska, K. Golaszewska, T. T. Piotrowski, J. Kątcki, J. Ratajczak, W. Jung,
T. Przeslawski, A. Wawro, M. Wojcik, J. Gaca
SPIE International Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics, 28 August - 2 September 2005, Warsaw, Poland.
108. Magnetic Properties of Mo/Au/Co/Au Sandwiches Grown on Vicinal Sapphire Substrate Studied by
Magneto-optical Vector Magnetometry
K. Postava , A. Stupakiewicz, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski, A. Maziewski
EUROMAT 2005, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, 5-8 September 2005, Prague, Czech
109. Changes of ultrathin Co films magnetic properties by overlayer and/or underlayer structures
A. Maziewski, R. Gieniusz, M. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, A. Stupakiewicz, M. Tekielak, V. Zablotskii, K.Postava, L.
T.Baczewski, A. Wawro
8th International Conference on Intermolecular and Magnetic Interactions in Matter, 8­10 September 2005,
Nałęczów, Poland.
110. Electrochemical sulphur passivation of InGaAsSb and AlGaAsSb surfaces
E. Papis, A. Piotrowska, E. Kamińska, T.T. Piotrowski, A. Kudła, J. Szade, A. Winiarski, A. Wawro
IV International Workshop on Semiconductor Surface Passivation SSP’2005, September 10-14, 2005, Ustroń,
111. Ideal Methyl Termination of the Si(111) surface
T.Yamada, M.Kawai, A.Wawro, S.Suto and A.Kasuya
4th International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 14-17 November 2005, Omiya, Japan.
112. HREELS, AFM, STM and STS study of hydrogen and deuterium terminated Si(111)-(1x1) surfaces
S. Suto, H. Kato, T. Yamada, H. Nagashima, R. Czajka, A. Wawro, T. Taoka, T. Motoya, S. Nishikata, G. Sazaki,
K. Nakajima, A. Kasuya
4th International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology, November 14-17, 2005, Omiya, Japan.
113. Ultrathin cobalt domain structure changes induced by overlayer structure
W. Dobrogowski, Z. Kurant, A. Nedzved, W. Stefanowicz, M. Tekielak, V. Zablotskii, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro,
and A.Maziewski
New materials for magnetoelectronics, 3-6 May 2006, Będlewo, Poland.
114. MOKE, AFM and RHEED study of cobalt ultrathin films covered with different metals
Z. Kurant, I.F. Sveklo, M. Tekielak, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, and A. Maziewski
New materials for magnetoelectronics, 3-6 May 2006, Będlewo, Poland.
115. In-plane magnetic anisotropy symmetry in ultrathin Co films grown on sapphire substrates
A. Stupakiewicz, A. Maziewski, P. Trzciński, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, and R. Kalinowski
New materials for magnetoelectronics, 3-6 May 2006, Będlewo, Poland.
116. Sulphur passivation of GaSb, InGaAsSb and AlGaAsSb surfaces
E. Papis, A. Piotrowska, E. Kamińska, K. Gołaszewska, R. Kruszka, T.T. Piotrowski, W. Rzodkiewicz, J. Szade, A.
Winiarski, A. Wawro
8th International Workshop on Expert Evaluation & Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials &
Technologies, May 15-17, 2006, Cadiz, Spain.
117. Transparent ohmic contacts to GaSb/In(Al)GaAsSb photovoltaic cells
K. Gołaszewska, E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, J. Rutkowski, E. Kowalczyk, E. Papis, R. Kruszka, T.T. Piotrowski,
A. Wawro
8th International Workshop on Expert Evaluation & Control of Compound Semiconductor Materials &
Technologies, May 15-17, 2006, Cadiz, Spain.
118. Preparation and characterization of H:Si(111) 1x1 surface using STM/STS, AFM and RHEELS
S.Suto, A.Kato, T.Taoka, J.Osiecki, T.Yamada, S.Nishikata, G.Sazaki, K.Nakajima, R.Czajka, A.Wawro, A.Kasuya
4th International Conference on Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and 1st Internatinal Workshop on Spin-Polarised
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy; July 23-26, 2006; Hamburg, Germany.
119. Needle-like domain structure in Co films deposited on Mo (110)
M. Tekielak, R. Schaefer, J. McCord, A. Maziewski, V. Zablotskii, L.T. Baczewski and A. Wawro
III Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 26-30 June, 2006, San Sebastian, Spain.
120. Magnetic domain structure in ultrathin Au/Co/Au films grown on vicinal sapphire substrates
A. Stupakiewicz, M. Tekielak, A. Maziewski, V. Zablotskii, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
III Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 26-30 June, 2006, San Sebastian, Spain.
121. Magnetization processes in Mo/Co/Au films with in-plane anisotropy
Z. Kurant J. Jaworowicz, A. Maziewski, A. Stupakiewicz, V. Zablotskii, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro.
III Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 26-30 June, 2006, San Sebastian, Spain.
122. Changes in magnetic properties of ultrathin cobalt films as induced by Mo, V, Au overlayers
Z. Kurant, R. Gieniusz, A. Maziewski, M. Tekielak, W. Stefanowicz, I. Sveklo, V. Zablotskii, A. Petroutchik, L.T.
Baczewski, A. Wawro
III Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 26-30 June, 2006, San Sebastian, Spain.
123. FMR studies of thin and ultrathin Co films grown between Mo, Au buffer and overlayers
R.Gieniusz, L.T.Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
17th International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2006), August 20-25, 2006, Kyoto, Japan.
124. Magnetic Co nanostructures : from clusters to thin films
Workshop on Properties of ultrathin magnetic films, 7-9 September 2006, Białowieża, Poland.
125. Mid-infrared transparent contacts for GaSb-based photovoltaic devices
K. Gołaszewska, E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, J. Rutkowski, E. Kowalczyk, R. Kruszka, E. Papis, J. Bodzenta, A.
Kaźmierczak-Bałata, T. T. Piotrowski, A. Wawro
1st International Symposium on Transparent Conducting Oxides, October 23-25, 2006, Crete, Greece.
126. Badania nanostruktur tytanu i krzemku tytanu za pomocą STM/STS
Sz.Winiarz, R. Czajka, M.Bazarnik, A.Boś, P.Biskupski, S.Mielcarek, A.Wawro
Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań, 6-10 grudnia 2006, Zakopane,
127. Badania MFM struktury domenowej ultracienkich warstw kobaltu o różnej anizotropii magnetycznej w
zewnętrznym polu magnetycznym
I.Sveklo, M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, L.T.Baczewski, A.Wawro
Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań, 6-10 grudnia 2006, Zakopane,
128. X-ray microdiffraction and AFM study of gold films irradiated by FLASH single shots
J.B. Pelka, W.Paszkowicz, R. Sobierajski, J. Krzywinski, A. Wawro, Ch. Riekel, R. Davis, M. Burghammer, L.
Juha, K. Sokolowski-Tinten
HASYLAB User Meeting, 25-26.01.2007, Hamburg, Germany.
129. Gold film damage induced by EUV free electron laser single shots. An X-ray microdiffraction and AFM
J. B. Pelka, R. Sobierajski, W. Paszkowicz, J. Krzywinski, M. Jurek, D. Klinger, A. Wawro, C. Riekel, R. Davies,
M. Burghammer, L. Juha, V. Hajkova, K. Sokolowski-Tinten
SPIE Europe Conference "Optics and Optoelectronics" "Damage to VUV, EUV & X-ray Optics", 16-19 April 2007,
Prague, Czech Republic.
130. Badania MFM wpływu pola magnetycznego na strukturę domenową ultracinkich warstw kobaltu
I.Sveklo, M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, L.T.Baczewski, A. Wawro
I Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii, 26-28 kwietnia 2007, Wrocław, Poland.
131. Wpływ przykrycia molibdenu i wanadu na właściwości magnetyczne i magnetooptyczne ultracienkich
warstw kobaltu
Z. Kurant, K. Postava, A. Maziewski, L. T.Baczewski, A. Wawro
I Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii, 26-28 kwietnia 2007, Wrocław, Poland.
132. Passivation of GaN surface by chemical bath deposition of thin CdS layers
E. Papis, E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, R. Kruszka, N. Kwietniewski, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Wawro
5th International Conference on Solid State Crystals and 8th Polish Conference on Crystal Growth, May 20-24,
2007, Zakopane, Poland.
133. MFM study of domain structure in ultrathin co films under external magnetic field
I.Sveklo, M.Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, L.T.Baczewski, A. Wawro
International Conference Nanomeeting-2007, May 22-25 2007, Minsk, Belarus.
134. Linear and nonlinear magneto-optical response of ultrathin Co/Au/Mo and Co/Mo films grown on sapphire
A. Stupakiewicz, A. Kirilyuk, A. Maziewski, T. Rasing, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
Third Seeheim Conference on Magnetism, August 26th - 30th, 2007, Frankfurt, Germany.
135. Development of thermally stable Ir-based Schottky contacts n-type 4H Sic
N. Kwietniewski, M. Guziewicz, A. Piotrowska, E. Kamińska, M. Sochacki, J. Szmidt, R. Diduszko, R. Ratajczak,
R. Jakieła, A. Wawro
IX Konferencja Naukowa Technologia Elektronowa ELTE, 3-8 wrzesień, 2007, Kraków, Poland.
136. Properties of chemical bath deposited CdS and ZnS coatings for application in surface passivation of GaN
E. Papis, E. Kamińska, A. Piotrowska, R. Kruszka, N. Kwietniewski, Z. Sidor, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Wawro
V International Workshop on Semiconductor Surface Passivation, September 16-19, 2007, Zakopane, Poland.
137. Preparation of high quality Si(111)-1× 1 surface
H. Kato, T. Taoka, S. Nishikata, G. Sazaki, T. Yamada, R. Czajka, A. Wawro, K. Nakajima, A. Kasuya and S. Suto
62nd Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Sep. 21-24 2007, Sapporo, Japan.
138. Effect of Mo overlayer on magnetism of ultrathin Au/Co/Mo films
M. Sakamaki, K. Amemiya, L. T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Maziewski, T. Konishi, T. Fujikawa
The 21th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research; Jan. 12 - 14, 2008; Kusatsu,
139. Interface magnetism in ultra-thin Mo/Co multilayers
L.T. Baczewski, K. Mergia, A. Petroutchik, A. Wawro, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, F. Ott
IEEE International Magnetics Conference INTERMAG 08; 4-8 May 2008, Madrid, Spain.
140. Buffer induced magnetic patterning of ultrathin Co layer
A. Wawro A. Petroutchik, Z. Kurant, L.T. Baczewski, P Mazalski and A. Maziewski
The European Conference Physics of Magnetism; June 24-27, 2008; Poznań, Poland.
141. Depth-resolved XMCD study of ultrathin Mo/Co/Au films
M. Sakamaki, R. Sumii, K. Amemiya, T. Konishi, T. Fujikawa, L. T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik,
Z. Kurant, and A. Maziewski
The European Conference Physics of Magnetism; June 24-27, 2008; Poznań, Poland.
142. Brillouin light scattering investigations of magnetic and elastic properties in MBE grown trilayer Mo/Co/Au
R. Gieniusz, T. Błachowicz, A. Maziewski, B. Hillebrands, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
The European Conference Physics of Magnetism; June 24-27, 2008; Poznań, Poland.
143. Nanostruktury krzemków żelaza i platyny na schodkowej powierzchni Si(111)
A. Wawro
II Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii; 25-28 czerwca 2008; Kraków, Poland.
144. Mo induced magnetic moment in Co/Mo multilayers evidenced by PNR
L.T. Baczewski, K. Megia, A. Petroutchik, A. Wawro, J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, F. Ott
Workshop on high temporal and spatial resolution studies of magnetic nanostructures; June 27 – July 2, 2008;
Augustów, Poland.
145. Magnetic nanodots as the result of anisotropy engineering in ultrathin Co films
A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik, Z. Kurant, M. Tekielak, L.T. Baczewski and A. Maziewski
Workshop on high temporal and spatial resolution studies of magnetic nanostructures; June 27 – July 2, 2008;
Augustów, Poland.
146. Platinum overlayer induced changes of magnetic and magneto-optical properties of ultrathin Co layer
J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, K. Postava, A. Stupakiewicz, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
Joint European Magnetic Symposia; Sep. 14-19, 2008; Dublin, Ireland.
147. Mapping magnetic and magnetooptical parameters of ultrathin magnetic films
W. Dobrogowski, A. Nedzved, M. Tekielak, M. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
Conference “Magnetic Measurements 2008”, Sep. 21 ­ 24; 2008; Budapest, Hungary.
148. Structural and magnetic properties of Gd/Cr multilayers
L.T. Baczewski, K. Mergia, A. Petroutchik, A.Wawro, A. Maziewski
International Colloquium on Magnetization Dynamics; Sep. 2008; Irsee, Germany.
149. Cobalt ultrathin films magnetic and magnetooptical properties tuned by platinum overlayer
J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, K. Postava, A. Stupakiewicz, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Kirilyuk,
Th. Rasing
Magnetic Single Nano-Object Workshop and School; Nov. 23-26, 2008; Nancy, France.
150. Preparation and characterization of ultra-clean H:Si(111)1x1 surfaces studied by HREELS, AFM and
H. Kato, T. Taoka, S. Nishikata, G. Sazaki, T. Yamada, R. Czajka, A. Wawro, K. Nakajima, A. Kasuya and S. Suto
The Eight Japan – Russia Seminar on Semiconductor Surfaces; Oct. 19-22, 2008; Sendai, Japan.
151. Nanostrukturyzacja magnetycznych układów wielowarstwowych
A. Wawro, P. Pankowski, A. Petrouchik, L.T. Baczewski, M. Sobańska, Z. Kurant, P.Mazalski, A. Maziewski
V Seminarium „Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM”; 26-30
listopada 2008; Zakopane, Poland.
152. Badania nanostruktur krzemu na podłożach metalicznych (Au, Mo) za pomocą STM/STS
P. Biskupski, M. Cęgiel, A. Wawro, S. Mielcarek, R. Czajka
V Seminarium „Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM”; 26-30
listopada 2008; Zakopane, Poland.
153. Badania nanostruktur krzemu i krzemku platyny na Pt(111) za pomoca STM/STS
M. Bazarnik, W. Koczorowski, M. Cęgiel, K. Rozalczyk, A. Wawro, R. Czajka
V Seminarium „Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM”; 26-30
listopada 2008; Zakopane, Poland.
154. Complementary study of (100) GaAs surface ion etching treatment for application in quantum cascade
A. Barańska, E. Papis, A. Szerling, P. Karbownik, A. Wójcik-Jedlińska, K. Kosiel, J. Kubacka-Traczyk, M.
Bugajski, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Wawro, J. Szade
Semiconductor Laser Workshop; Nov .30 - Dec. 2, 2008; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland.
155. Improvement of n-type ohmic contact resistance for GaAs/AlGaAs quantum cascade lasesr by optimisation
of surface pretreatment
P. Karbownik, A. Barańska, A. Szerling, E. Papis, A. Wójcik-Jedlińska, K. Kosiel, J. Kubacka-Traczyk, M.
Bugajski, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Wawro, J. Szade
Semiconductor Laser Workshop; Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2008; Kazimierz Dolny, Poland.
156. Characterization of nanoclusters and nanostructures on silicon substrate by scanning tunneling microscopy
and spectroscopy
R. Czajka, A. Wawro, J. Osiecki, J, Gutek, A.Kasuya. S Suto
Workshop "Materials Science for Future Semiconductor Technology”; Dec. 11-12, 2008, Cottbus, Germany.
157. Depth-resolved XMCD analysis of Mo/Co/Au films
M. Sakamaki, T. Konishi, T. Fujikawa, S. Kouzai, H. Abe, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik, Z. Kurant, A.
Maziewski, R. Sumii, K. Amemiya
The symposium of synchrotron/surface electron microscope of nano- and micromaterial; Dec. 24-25, 2008;
Sapporo, Japan.
158. (100) GaAs surface treatment by Ar+ sputter etching for AlGaAs/GaAs quantum cascade laser processing
E. Papis, A. Barańska, A. Szerling, P. Karbownik, A. Wójcik-Jedlińska, M. Bugajski, W. Rzadkiewicz, J. Szade, A.
Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, 4–6 May 2009, Dresden, Germany.
159. Damage of solids by intense femtosecond XUV beams
J.B. Pełka, D. Klinger, R. Sobierajski , M. Jurek, D. Żymierska, J. Krzywiński, H. Chapman, S. Hau Riege, R.
London, L. Juha, J. Chalupsky, J. Cihelka, U. Jastrow, K. Tiedtke, S. Toleikis, H. Wabnitz, K. Sokolowski-Tinten,
N. Stojanovic, W. Paszkowicz and A. Wawro
XLIV Zakopane School of Physics; Breaking Frontiers: Submicron Structures in Physics and Biology, 18-23 May,
2009, Zakopane, Poland.
160. Procesy przygotowania powierzchni (100) GaAs dla zastosowania w kwantowych laserach kaskadowych
Papis E., Barańska A., Karbownik P., Szerling A., Wójcik-Jedlińska A., Bugajski M., Rzodkiewicz W., Szade J.,
Wawro A.
XI Seminarium Powierzchnia i Struktury Cienkowarstwowe (SPSC-09), 19-22.05.2009, Szklarska Poręba, Poland.
161. Investigation of the morphology of surface nanostructures by means of the sychrotron radiation beased high
resolution GEXRF technique
S. Nowak, Y. Kayser, L.T. Baczewski, D. Banaś, W. Cao, J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Hoszowska, M. Pajek, A. Petroutchik, J.
Szlachetko, A. Wawro
XXXVIII International School and Coference on the Physics of Semiconductors “Jaszowiec” 2009, 19-26 June
2009, Krynica-Zdrój, Poland.
162. Przestrzenna modyfikacja anizotropii magnetycznej ultracienkich warstw Co: nanokropki magnetyczne
A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, P. Aleszkiewicz, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski
III Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2009, 22-26 czerwca 2009, Warszawa, Poland.
163. Wytwarzanie i charakteryzacja nanostruktur krzemku platyny na podłożu Pt(111)
W. Koczorowski, M. Bazarnik, M. Cęgiel, A. Wawro, R.Czajka
III Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2009, 22-26 czerwca 2009, Warszawa, Poland.
164. Nanostructures of silicon on metallic Mo (110) surface studied by STM\STS
P. Biskupski, M. Cęgiel, A. Wawro, S. Mielcarek, R. Czajka
5th International Symposium on Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Related Methods SPS’09, July 19-22, 2009,
Wasowo, Poland.
165. The influence of tip modification in STS measurements of PtSi nanostructures on Pt(111)
W. Koczorowski, M. Bazarnik, A. Wawro, R. Czajka
5th International Symposium on Scanning Probe Spectroscopy and Related Methods SPS’09, July 19-22, 2009,
Wasowo, Poland.
166. Spin configuration in MBE-grown magnetic Gd/Cr multilayers
A. Petroutchik, L. T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, R. Puźniak, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, M. Sakamaki and K. Amemiya
20th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, July 20–24, 2009, Berlin, Germany.
167. Magnetization depth profile in ultrathin Au/Co/Mo AND Au/Co/Au triayers
M. Sakamaki, T. Konishi, T. Fujikawa, S. Kouzai, H. Abe, L. T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik, Z. Kurant,
A. Maziewski, R. Sumii, and K. Amemiya
20th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, July 20–24, 2009, Berlin, Germany.
168. Magnetic dots with perpendicular anisotropy induced in ultrathin Co layer by patterned buffer
A. Wawro, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, A. Alekseev, I. Sveklo, A. Maziewski
20th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, July 20–24, 2009, Berlin, Germany.
169. The Aspects of Wet and Dry Surface Etching in AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Cascade Lasers Processing
Papis E., Szerling A., Barańska A., Karbownik P., Wójcik-Jedlińska A., Bugajski M., Rzodkiewicz W., Wawro A.,
Szade J.
3th Workshop on Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Lasers (PTSL09), 04-07.10.2009, Jeziorkowskie,
170. Damage of solids inuced by single pulses of XUV-flash
J.B. Pełka, R. Sobierajski , M. Jurek, J. Krzywiński, D. Żymierska, D. Klinger, S. Hau Riege, H. Chapman, R.
London, L. Juha, J. Chalupsky, J. Cihelka, U. Jastrow, K. Tiedtke, S. Toleikis, H. Wabnitz, W. Caliebe, K.
Sokolowski-Tinten, N. Stojanovic, C. Riekel, R. Davies, M. Burghammer, W. Paszkowicz, and A. Wawro
VIII Krajowe Sympozjum Użytkowników Promieniowania Synchrotronowego, 24-26 września 2009, Podlesie,
171. Spin configuration at the interface of Mo/Co thin film structures
L.T. Baczewski, K. Mergia, A. Petroutchik, A.Wawro, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, F. Ott
Nanomagnetism, Spin Electronics and Quantum Optics, November 11-13, 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
172. Ellipsometric selective sensitivity to magnetic nanostructures
K. Postava, D. Hrabovsky, O. Zivotsky, J. Hamrlova, J. Pistora, A. Wawro, L. T. Baczewski, A. Maziewski
5th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, 23-28 May 2010, Albany, USA.
173. Optical study of GaSb-based epitaxial layers for type II superlattices application using fractional derivative
spectrum and spectroscopic elipsometry
W. Rzodkiewicz, E. Papis, A. Jasik, K. Regiński, J. Kaniewski, J. Szade, A. Wawro
5th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, 23-28 May 2010, Albany ,USA.
174. Procesy magnesowania kropek magnetycznych stabilizowanych w warstwach Co strukturyzowanym
E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik , P. Aleszkiewicz, L.T. Baczewski , Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
IV Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2010, 28 VI - 2 VII 2010, Poznań, Poland.
175. Wykorzystanie reflektometrii spolaryzowanych neutronów (PNR) do badania magnetycznych struktur
L.T. Baczewski, K. Mergia, A. Petroutchik, A.Wawro, J. Kisielewski, A.Maziewski, F. Ott
IV Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2010, 28 VI - 2 VII 2010, Poznań, Poland.
176. Międzypowierzchnia w supersieciach InAs/GaSb wytwarzanych metodą epitaksji z wiązek molekularnych
Papis E., Kaniewski J., Szade J., Rzodkiewicz W., Jasik A., Regiński K., Wawro A.
IV Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2010, 28.06-02.07.2010, Poznań, Poland.
177. Analiza optyczna supersieci InAs/GaSb metodą różniczkowania ułamkowego widm elipso metrycznych
Papis E., Rzodkiewicz W., Kaniewski J., Jasik A., Regiński K., Szade J., Wawro A.
IV Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2010, 28.06-02.07.2010, Poznań, Poland.
178. Modelling of magnetic hysteresis loops from an ultrathin Co film deposited on a patterned buffer
I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, E. Sieczkowska, L. T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, August 23 - 28, 2010, Kraków, Poland.
179. Influence of Ga+ irradiation on MO spectra of Pt/Co/Pt films
E. Liskova, M. Veis, S. Visnovsky, P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, A. Wawro, L. T.
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, August 23 - 28, 2010, Kraków, Poland.
180. Magnetization reversal of magnetic dots stabilized in a Co film by a buffer layer
A. Wawro, E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L. T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, August 23 - 28, 2010, Kraków, Poland.
181. Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Pt/Co/Pt systems around spin reorientation phase transition
J. Kisielewski, S. Khorsand, A. Stupakiewicz, A. Wawro, L. T. Baczewski, A. Kimel, A. Kirilyuk, A. Maziewski,
Th. Rasing
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, August 23 - 28, 2010, Kraków, Poland.
182. X-ray reflectivity investigations of Ga+ ion irradiated Pt/Co/Pt films
J. Kanak, T. Stobiecki, W. Powroźnik, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, A. Maziewski, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, A.
Wawro, L. T. Baczewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, August 23 - 28, 2010, Kraków, Poland.
183. SQUID investigations of Ga+ irradiated epitaxial Pt/Co/Pt trilayers
M. O. Liedke, A. Shalimov, J. Fassbender, P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro, L. T. Baczewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, August 23 - 28, 2010, Kraków, Poland.
184. Depth-resolved XMCD study of Mo/Co/Au films
M. Sakamaki, K. Amemiya, A. Wawro, L. T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, August 23 - 28, 2010, Kraków, Poland.
185. Modifications of magnetic properties of Pt/Co/Pt layers induced by Ga irradiations
R. Gieniusz, P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, August 23 - 28, 2010, Kraków, Poland.
186. Chemistry of interfaces in type-II GaSb/InAs superlattices
Papis-Polakowska E., Kaniewski J., Szade J., Rzodkiewicz W., Jasik A., Regiński K., Wawro A.
18th International Vacuum Congress, August 23-27, 2010, Beijing, China.
187. Mo Induced Moment in Co/Mo Epitaxial Multilayers Studied by Polarized Neutron Reflectivity PNR
L.T. Baczewski, K. Mergia, A. Petroutchik, A.Wawro, J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, F. Ott
International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism, ICNM-2010, September 28 - October 2, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
188. Alteration of magnetic anisotropy of Pt/Co/Pt trilayers by FIB irradiation
P. Mazalski, W. Dobrogowski, I. Sveklo, A. Maziewski, M. Fritzsche, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, L. T.
Baczewski, A. Wawro
5th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials NANOSMAT-5, 19-22 October,
2010, Reims, France.
189. Etching of (100) GaAs Substrates with Citric Acid-Hydrogen Peroxide Solution for Vertical-ExternalCavity Surface Emitting Laser
Trajnerowicz A., Papis-Polakowska E., Wawro A.
International Conference on Semiconductor Mid-IR Materials and Optics SMMO 2010 (SMMO10), 21-23.10.2010,
Warszawa, Poland.
190. Procesy magnesowania nanokropek
E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
VI Seminarium Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM, 1-5
grudnia 2010, Zakopane, Poland.
191. Spin configuration in Co/Mo epitaxial multilayers studied by polarized neutron reflectivity PNR
L.T. Baczewski, K. Mergia, A. Petroutchik, A.Wawro, J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, F. Ott
International Worshop: Atomic and molecular level devising of functional nanostructures for magnetic and catalytic
applications, 12-16.04.2011, Zakopane, Poland.
192. Damage in Mo/Si multilayer optics irradiated by intense short-wavelength FELs
E. Louis, R. Sobierajski, R. A. Loch, Ch. Bostedt, John Bozek, T. Burian, J. Chalupsky, J. Gaudin, A. Graf, J.
Grzonka, V. Hajkova, S. P. Hau-Riege, E. van Hattum, L. Juha, D. Klinger, J. Krzywinski, R. A. London, M.
Messerschmidt, S. Moeller, T. Plocinski, A. Wawro, P. Zabierowski, F. Bijkerk
SPIE Optics+Optolectronics, 18-21 April 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
193. Multilayer XUV/SXR beam splitters for short-wavelength FEL applications
R. A. Loch, R. Sobierajski, E. M. Gullikson, D. Klinger, R. W. E. van de Kruijs, E. Louis, F. Siewert, A. Wawro, F.
SPIE Optics+Optolectronics, 18-21 April 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
194. Perpendicularly magnetized monodomain dots induced in a Co layer by a structured buffer
A. Wawro, E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, P. Aleszkiewicz, Z. Kurant and A. Maziewski
IEEE International Magnetics Conference; 25-29 Apr. 2011; Taipei, Taiwan.
195. Struktury detektora podczerwieni na bazie supersieci II rodzaju ze związkow InAs/GaSb
J. Kaniewski, D. Pierścińska, A. Jasik, K. Pierściński, K. Regiński, E. Papis, I. Sankowska, A. Wawro
X Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki; 5-9.06.2011; Darłówko Wschodnie, Poland.
196. Badanie wpływu pocieniania podłoża (100) GaAs na morfologię powierzchni laserów dyskowych z
zewnętrzną wnęką rezonansową
A. Trajnerowicz, A. Wawro, E. Papis-Polakowska, J. Musialski
X Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki; 5-9.06.2011; Darłówko Wschodnie, Poland.
197. Structure dependent magnetization reversal of nanodots
E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski, and A. Wawro
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2011, June 27-July 1, 2011; Poznań, Poland.
198. XAS and XMCD studies of Ga+ irradiation induced changes of Pt/Co/Pt nanostructure magnetic properties
P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, J. McCord, A. Wawro, A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2011, June 27-July 1, 2011; Poznań, Poland.
199. The effect of platinum buffer annealing on the magnetic properties of cobalt wedge
U. Guzowska , V.D. Bessonov, R. Gieniusz, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, G. Gubbiotti, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2011, June 27-July 1, 2011; Poznań, Poland.
200. Magnetyczna nanostrukturyzacja układów cienkowarstwowych
A. Wawro
V Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2011; 3–7 lipca 2011, Gdańsk, Poland.
201. Pasywacja powierzchni supersieci II rodzaju InAs/GaSb
E. Papis-Polakowska, J. Kaniewski, J. Szade, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Jasik, K. Regiński, E. Szczukocka, A. Wawro
V Krajowa Konferencja Nanotechnologii NANO 2011; 3–7 lipca 2011, Gdańsk, Poland.
202. Magnetization reversal of epitaxial nanodots: MFM studies and micromagnetic simulations
E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
Workshop on Novel Trends in Optics and Magnetism of Nanostructures; July 2-7, 2011; Augustów, Poland.
203. The influence of the microstructure on the domain structure and magnetic properties of Nd-Fe-Al alloys
D. Derewnicka, S. Arabasz, E. Sieczkowska, H. Krztoń, B. Michalski, W. Kaszuwara, A. Wawro
Thirteenth Annual Conference Yucomat 2011, September 5-9, 2011; Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
204. Surface passivation in type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice structures
E. Papis, J. Kaniewski, J. Szade, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Jasik, K. Reginski, E. Szczukocka, Z. Orman, A. Wawro
VII International Workshop on Semiconductor Surface Passivation, 11-15 September 2011, Kraków, Poland.
205. Magnetic nanodots forced in an ultrathin Co film by a structured buffer
A. Wawro, E. Sieczkowska, A. Pietroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski
Joint Polish-Japanese Workshop: Spintronics - from new materials to applications; 15-18 Nov. 2011; Warsaw,
206. The dependence of magnetization reversal of nanodots on their size and occurring defects
E. Sieczkowska, A. Pietroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
Joint Polish-Japanese Workshop: Spintronics - from new materials to applications; 15-18 Nov. 2011; Warsaw,
207. XAS and XMCD studies of Ga+ irradiation driven magnetization reorientation in Pt/Co/Pt nanostructure
P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski, Z. Kurant, M.O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, J. Ferré, A. Mougin, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski,
A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm
ESRF Users' Meeting 2012; 6-9 February 2012; Grenoble, France.
208. Co nanotubes grown on ZnTe nanowires template
L.T. Baczewski, P. Misiuna, A. Wawro, T. Wojtowicz, T. Wojciechowski, P. Wojnar
2nd International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science; 26-29 April 2012; Antalya, Turkey.
209. Polarized neutron reflectivity (PNR) as a tool for studying interface magnetism in metallic multilayers
L. T. Baczewski, K. Mergia, A. Wawro, J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, F. Ott, A. Petroutchik
2nd International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science; 26-29 April 2012; Antalya, Turkey.
210. Dry Plasma and Wet Chemical Etching of Antymonides-Based Structures
Maciejewska E., Papis-Polakowska E., Trajnerowicz A., Szerling A., Kaniewski J., Jasik A., Regiński K., Wzorek
M., Wawro A.
XII Seminarium "Powierzchnia i Struktury Cienkowarstwowe" (SPSC-12); 9-12 maja 2012; Szklarska Poręba,
211. XAS/XMCD studies of Pt/Co/Pt nanostructures with out-of-plane magnetization induced by Ga+ ions low
fluence radiation
P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, M.O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Rogalev, and F.
11th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science (ISSRNS'2012); 20-25 May
2012; Kraków, Poland.
212. Terahertz Properties of Metallic Layers and Grids
J. Szczytko, M. Stolarek, B. Piętka, J. Łusakowski, A. Wawro, A. Barańska, E. Papis, R. Adomavisius, A. Krotkus,
N. Pałka, P. Zagrajek
19th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar & Wireless Communications (MIKON 2012); 21-23 May
2012; Warsaw, Poland.
213. THz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Thin Gold and Titanium Layers on GaAs
J. Szczytko, R. Adomavicius, E. Papis, A. Barańska, A. Wawro, A. Krotkus, B. Piętka, J. Łusakowski
41st ”Jaszowiec 2012” International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors; 8-15 June, 2012;
Krynica-Zdrój, Poland.
214. New routes for ion-driven tailoring of magnetic nanostructures properties
A. Maziewski, P. Mazalski, J. Fassbender, A. Ehresmann, F. Stobiecki, and A.Wawro
18th International Conference on Ion Beam Modifications of Materials (IBMM2012); 2-7 Sep. 2012; Qingdao,
215. Creation of perpendicular magnetization state in Pt/Co/Pt nanostructures using femtosecond laser pulses
J. Kisielewski, W. Dobrogowski, Z. Kurant, A. Stupakiewicz, A. Maziewski, A. Kirilyuk, A.V. Kimel, T. Rasing,
L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro
Joint European Magnetic Symposia; 9-14 Sep. 2012; Parma, Italy.
216. Ga+ ion-induced changes in magnetic anisotropy of Pt/Co/ Pt thin fi lms studied by x-ray magnetic circular
K. Amemiya, M. Sakamaki, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, M.O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, A.
Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia; 9-14 Sep. 2012; Parma, Italy.
217. Alteration of magnetic anisotropy of Pt/Co/Pt trilayers by FIB irradiation
P. Mazalski, W. Dobrogowski, J. Sveklo, A. Maziewski, M. Fritzsche, M.O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski,
A. Wawro
Joint European Magnetic Symposia; 9-14 Sep. 2012; Parma, Italy.
218. Defect influence on magnetic nanodot magnetization reversal
E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, P. Aleszkiewicz, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
Joint European Magnetic Symposia; 9-14 Sep. 2012; Parma, Italy.
219. Structural and magnetic study of Co nanotubes grown on ZnTe nanowires template
P. Misiuna, E. Sieczkowska, P. Dluzewski, A. Wawro, T. Wojciechowski, T. Wojtowicz and L.T. Baczewski
21st International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces; 24-28 Sep. 2012, Shanghai, China.
220. Structural and magnetic properties of ZnTe/Co core/shell nanowires
P. Misiuna, E. Sieczkowska, A. Wawro, P. Dłużewski, T. Wojciechowski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, L.T.
VII Seminarium "Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań - STM/AFM";
28.11-2.12.2012; Zakopane, Polska.
221. Badanie wpływu jakości interfejsu na właściwości magnetyczne warstw Pt/Co/Pt
M. Jakubowski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, J. Kisielewski, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
VII Seminarium "Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań - STM/AFM”;
28.11-2.12.2012; Zakopane, Polska.
222. Forcing of out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin Co films by ion irradiation
A. Maziewski, P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, M.O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski and A. Wawro
12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference; January 14-18, 2013; Chicago, USA.
223. The dependence of magnetization reversal of nanodots on their size, shape and occurring defects
E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
The European School on Magnetism 2013: Magnetism for Energy - From fundamentals to materials; Feb.25th Mar.8th, 2013; Cargèse, France.
224. Multiple pulse damage in Mo/Si multilayer optics irradiated by intense shortwavelength FELs
R. Sobierajski, R.A. Loch, E. Louis, D. Klinger, P. Dluzewski, M. Klepka, F. Bijkerk, T. Burian, J. Chalupsky, S.D.
Farahani, V. Hájková, M. Harmand, J. Krzywinski, L. Juha, S.P. Moeller, J. Gaudin, A. Wawro
SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2013; 15 - 18 April 2013; Prague, Czech Republic.
225. Investigations of switching field in nanodots with perpendicular magnetization
E. Sieczkowska, A. Petroutchik, T. Wojciechowski, P. Aleszkiewicz, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, A.
8th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers; 19–24 May 2013; Kyoto, Japan.
226. The quality of the interfaces and ion-beam/e-beam irradiation influencing the magnetic properties of thin
Pt/Co/Pt films
M. Jakubowski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, J. Kisielewski, A. Petroutchik, T. Wojciechowski L.T. Baczewski,
A. Maziewski, A. Wawro
6th IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School; June 9-14, 2013; Perugia, Italy.
227. Wybrane aspekty technologii wytwarzania detektorów podczerwieni na bazie supersieci II-rodzaju
E. Papis-Polakowska, J. Kaniewski, J. Ratajczak, A. Jasik, A. Wawro, J. Szade, Z. Orman
XII Krajowa Komnferencja Eelektroniki; 10 – 13.06.2013; Darłówko, Polska.
228. Interface properties of type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice structures
E. Papis-Polakowska, J. Kaniewski, A. Jasik, W. Rzodkiewicz, J. Szade, W. Rzodkiewicz, A. Wawro
Third Scientific Symposium for Nanomeasurement Research, Nano-measure 2013; June 25-26, 2013; Warsaw,
229. Interface magnetism study in metallic magnetic multilayers
L.T. Baczewski, K. Mergia, A. Petroutchik, A. Wawro, J. Kisielewski, A. Maziewski, F. Ott
21st Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCE-21); July 21-27, 2013; Tenerife,
Canary Islands, Spain.
230. Structural aspects of nanoscale magnetic patterning of epitaxial metallicthin films
A. Wawro, E. Sieczkowska, M. Jakubowski, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, and A. Maziewski
17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy ICCGE-17; August 11-16, 2013; Warsaw, Poland.
231. XAS/XMCD studies of Ga+ ions irardiated of Pt/Co/Pt trilayers
P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski, A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski, A.Wawro
Joint European Magnetic Symposia; 25-30 August 2013; Rhodes, Greece.
232. BLS and Kerr effect studies of Ga+ ions irradiated Pt/Co/Pt trilayers
N. Tahir, R. Gieniusz, P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, A. Maziewski
Joint European Magnetic Symposia; 25-30 August 2013; Rhodes, Greece.
234. Magnetization states and magnetization processes in nanostructures: from a single layer to multilayers
A.Maziewski, J.Kisielewski, M.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, P.Mazalski, F.Stobiecki, A.Stupakiewicz, I.Sveklo,
M.Tekielak, A.Wawro, V.Zablotskii
Donostia International Conference on Nanoscaled Magnetism and Applications (DICNMA); September 9-13, 2013;
San Sebastian, Spain.
235. Appearance of perpendicular magnetization in Pt/Co/Pt thin films by Ga ion irradiation: Observation of
depth-resolved XAFS
K. Amemiya, M. Sakamaki, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, M.O. Liedke, J. Fassbender,
A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
Japan Physical Society Fall Meeting 2013; Sep. 20-23, 2013; Kochi University, Japan.
236. Ga+ ion irradiation-induced lattice distortion and changes in magnetic anisotropy of Pt/Co/Pt thin films
M. Sakamaki, K. Amemiya, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, M.O. Liedke, J. Fassbender,
A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
Japan Physical Society Fall Meeting 2013; Sep. 20-23, 2013; Kochi University, Japan.
237. Nanopatterning of magnetic multilayers
A. Wawro, E. Sieczkowska, M. Jakubowski, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, A. Maziewski
3rd Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology - 2013; September 26-28, 2013; Xi'an, China.
238. New routes for ions or light irradiation driven modifications of ultrathin cobalt properties
A.Maziewski, J.Fassbender, J.Kisielewski, P.Mazalski, F.Stobiecki, A.Wawro
International Conference “Functional Materials-2013” ICFM’2013; September 29 – October 5, 2013; Yalta,
239. Effect of Ga+ irradiation in MBE grown Pt/Co/Pt thin films studied by magneto-optic spectroscopy
E.L. Jakubisova, S. , A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski, P. Mazalski, A. Maziewski, M.O. Liedke, J. McCord,
J. Fassbender
58th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, MMM 2013; 4–8 November 2013; Denver,
Colorado, USA.
240. XAS/XMCD studies of Ga+ ions irradiation driven magnetization changes in ultrathin cobal films
P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, K. Olefs, A. Rogalev, F. Wilhelm, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro,
Users' Meeting 2014 and Associated Workshops:Workshop on Functional Materials for Electronics; 3-5 February
2014; Grenoble, France.
241. Thickness dependence of surface plasmons of Ag nanocluster on H:Si(111)-(1x1) surface
S.Y. Matsushita, H. Kato, E. Kawamoto, A. Wawro, R. Czajka, T. Yamada, S. Suto
69th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, 27-30 March 2014; Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan.
242. Magnetic nanostructures studies by magneto-optical imaging system
W. Dobrogowski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, K. Postava, A. Wawro, J. Fassbender, A. Maziewski
IEEE International Magnetics Conference, May 4-8, 2014, Dresden, Germany.
243. Samoorganizujące się związki siarki dla cienkowarstwowych struktur półprzewodnikowych
A. Grzegorek, E. Papis-Polakowska, J. Kaniewski, A. Jasik, J. Jureńczyk, T. Martyński, A. Wawro,
A.E. Walkiewicz, B. Radkowski, S. Lesko, E. Leonhardt
XIII Krajowa Konferencja Elelktroniki; 9-13.06.2014; Darłówko, Polska.
244. Relations between structural and magnetic properties in metallic ultrathin multilayers
A. Wawro, E. Milińska, A. Petruczik, P. Aleszkiewicz, J. Kanak, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski, K. Ollefs and A. Rogalev
th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science; 15-20 June 2014; Warsaw,
245. Modification of magnetic properties of Pt/Co/Pt trilayer under nanosecond EUV irradiation
I. Sveklo, A. Bartnik, R. Sobierajski, E. Dynowska, J. Pelka, P. Dłużewski, A. Rogalev, A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski,
J. Kisielewski, P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, A. Maziewski
12th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science; 15-20 June 2014; Warsaw,
246. Structural investigation of ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt trilayer films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy induced
by extreme ultraviolet light irradiation
E. Dynowska, J.B. Pelka, D. Klinger, R. Minikayev, A. Petruczik, A. Wawro, R. Sobierajski, P. Dłużewski
A. Bartnik, I. Sveklo, A. Maziewski and O.H. Seeck
12th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science; 15-20 June 2014; Warsaw,
247. Non-monotonic dependence of Pt/Co/Pt trilayer magnetic properties on ion irradiation fluence
I. Sveklo, P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, M. Sakamaki, K. Amemiya, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, K.
Nordlund, A. Maziewski
X-th International Conference on Ion Implantation and other Applications of Ions and Electrons; June 23-26, 2014;
Kazimierz Dolny, Poland.
248. Magnetic and structural study of (ZnTe)/Co core-shell nanowires grown by MBE
P.A. Misiuna, T. Wojciechowski, P. Dłużewski, B. Kurowska, M. Wiater, S. Lewińska, A. Ślawska-Waniewska,
A. Wawro, E. Milińska, T. Wojtowicz, and L.T. Baczewski
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014 (PM’14); June 23-27, 2014; Poznań, Poland.
249. Shape, size and internal structure influence on magnetic properties and reversal magnetization in nanodots
E. Milińska, A. Wawro
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014 (PM’14); June 23-27, 2014; Poznań, Poland.
250. Controlling the magnetic anisotropy in Pt/Co/Pt ultrathin films by femtosecond laser pulses
J. Kisielewski, W. Dobrogowski, Z. Kurant, A. Stupakiewicz, M. Tekielak, A. Kirilyuk, A. Kimel, Th. Rasing,
L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, K. Balin, J. Szade, and A. Maziewski
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014 (PM’14); June 23-27, 2014; Poznań, Poland.
251. FIB nano-fabrication of the Pt/Co/Pt magnonic crystals
M. Jakubowski, Z. Kurant, N. Tachir, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, T. Wojciechowski, L.T. Baczewski, A. Maziewski, and
A. Wawro
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014 (PM’14); June 23-27, 2014; Poznań, Poland.
252. Magnetic ordering in Pt/Co/Pt trilayer studied by PMOKE using 3D magnetic field
P. Mazalski, W. Dobrogowski, I. Sveklo, J. Fassbender, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, and A. Maziewski
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014 (PM’14); June 23-27, 2014; Poznań, Poland.
253. Magnetooptical analysis of ultrathin Co films modified by femtosecond laser pulses
W. Dobrogowski, J. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, K. Kosciuk, I. Sveklo, K. Postava, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, and
A. Maziewski
The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014 (PM’14); June 23-27, 2014; Poznań, Poland.
254. Multicomponent magnetooptical domain structure imaging in a Pt/Co/Pt film driven by FIB irradiation
P. Mazalski, N. O. Urs, W. Dobrogowski, J. Ferré, J. Gierak, L.T. Baczewski, A. Wawro, J. McCord, A. Maziewski
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism MISM-2014; 29 June - 3 July 2014; Moscow, Russia.
255. Magnetic patterning and interlayer coupling in epitaxial metallic ultrathin multilayers
A.Wawro, E.Milińska, M.Jakubowski, A.Petruczik, T.Wojciechowski, Z.Kurant, P.Mazalski, A.Maziewski
57 Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego; 14-18 września 2014; Częstochowa, Polska.
256. Rola struktury i defektów we właściwościach magnetycznych nanokropek: obserwacje MFM i symulacje
E. Milińska, A. Wawro
VIII Seminarium: Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM 2014;
3-7 grudnia 2014; Zakopane, Polska.
257. Strukturalne i magnetyczne właściwości warstw wielokrotnych Fe/Pt
A. Marynowska, A. Petroutchik, Z. Kurant, A. Wawro, A. Maziewski, L.T. Baczewski
VIII Seminarium: Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań STM/AFM 2014;
3-7 grudnia 2014; Zakopane, Polska.
258. Magnetic and structural properties of Co/Mo systems
E. Milińska, A. Pietruczik, J. Kanak, Z. Kurant, M. Tekielak, A. Maziewski, K. Ollefs, F. Wilhelm, A. Rogalev and
A. Wawro
XIV DESY Research Course on X-ray Science 2015: New Trends in X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopy from
Magnetic Materials; 25-27 March 2015; DESY Hamburg, Germany.
259. Nanosecond pulse EUV irradiation of Pt/Co/Pt trilayers: structural, morphological and magnetic changes
I. Sveklo, A. Bartnik, I. Yatsyna, D. Klinger, J. Pełka, R.Sobierajski, M.Klepka, P.Dłużewski, A.Wawro,
J.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski
Damage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray Optics V (XDam5); 15 - 16 April 2015; Prague, Czech Republic.
260. Growth and magnetic properties of cobalt nanotubes on ZnTe nanowires template
P.A. Misiuna, T. Wojciechowski, P. Dłużewski, B. Kurowska, M. Wiater, S. Lewińska, A. Ślawska-Waniewska,
P. Aleshkevych, A. Wawro, E. Milińska, T. Wojtowicz and L.T. Baczewski
International Workshop on Magnetic Nanowires and Nanotubes 2015, from 3D Nanostructuring towards Novel
Magnetic Data Storages; May 17 - 20, 2015, Meersburg, Germany.
261. Badanie zmian właściwości magnetycznych nanostruktur Pt/Co/Pt na skutek ich oświetlania impulsami
promieniowania elektromagnetycznego
W. Szuszkiewicz, F. Ott, E. Dynowska, A. Bartnik, A. Wawro, R. Sobierajski, J. Kisielewski, z. Kurant,
A. Maziewski
IX Ogólnopolska Konferencja „Rozpraszanie neutronów i metody komplementarne w badaniach fazy
skondensowanej”;7-11 czerwca 2015; Chlewiska, Polska.
262. Ion bombardment and light irradiation driven modifications of magnetic nanostructures
A. Maziewski, J. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, M. Jakubowski, T. Wojciechowski, A. Wawro,
J. Fassbender and F. Stobiecki
7. Krajowa Konferencja Nonotechnologii; 24-27 czerwca 2015; Poznań, Polska.
263. Thin film magnetic nanodots with perpendicular anisotropy
A. Wawro, E. Milińska, A. Pietruczik, L.T. Baczewski, Z. Kurant, I. Sveklo and A. Maziewski
EMN Istanbul Meeting 2015, Energy Materials Nanotechnology; 1-4 July 2015; Istanbul, Turkey.
264. Light irradiation-­‐driven modifications of Pt/Co/Pt trilayers
A. Maziewski, I. Sveklo, J. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, A. Bartnik, M. Jakubowski, R. Sobierajski, J. Pełka, A. Wawro
20th International Conference on Magnetism; 5-10 July 2015; Barcelona, Spain.
265. Magnetic anisotropy of (ZnTe)/Co core/shell nanowires grown by MBE
P. Misiuna, T. Wojciechowski, P. Dłużewski, B. Kurowska, M. Wiater, S. Lewińska, A. Ślawska-Waniewska,
A. Wawro, E. Milińska, T. Wojtowicz, L.T. Baczewski
20th International Conference on Magnetism; 5-10 July 2015; Barcelona, Spain.
266. Magnetic properties changes in ion beam irradiated Fe/Pt multilayers
A. Marynowska, A. Petroutchik, A. Wawro, S. Lewińska, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, E. Dynowska, R. Böttger,
J. Fassbender, L.T Baczewski
20th International Conference on Magnetism; 5-10 July 2015; Barcelona, Spain.
267. PNR studies of magnetization in Pt/Co/Pt trilayers irradiated by EUV light pulses
W. Szuszkiewicz, F. Ott, E. Dynowska, R. Minikayev, A. Bartnik, I. Jacyna, D. Klinger, A. Wawro, R. Sobierajski,
Z. Kurant
20th International Conference on Magnetism; 5-10 July 2015; Barcelona, Spain.
268. EUV modification of Pt/Co/Pt trilayers: structural, morphological and magnetic studies
I.Sveklo, A.Bartnik, I.Yatsyna, D.Klinger, J.B.Pełka, R.Sobierajski, M.Klepka, P.Dłużewski, A.Wawro,
J.Kisielewski, Z.Kurant, A.Maziewski
1st Workshop on Applications of laser Plasma X-ray and EUV Sources in Technology and Science ALPS-2015;
6-9 July 2015; Warsaw, Poland.
269. Ga+ irradiation control over nonlinear magnetooptical effects in plamar Pt/Co/Pt films structures
V.L. Krutyanskiy, T.V. Murzina, P. Mazalski, Z. Kurant, A. Wawro, J. Fassbender, A. Maziewski
22nd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS); 12-17 July 2015; Krakow, Poland.
270. Ion beam irradiation-induced changes of magnetic and structural properties of Fe/Pt multilayers
A. Marynowska, S. Lewińska, E. Dynowska, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, A. Petroutchik, J. Fassbender, R. Boettger,
A. Wawro, L.T. Baczewski
22nd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS); 12-17 July 2015; Krakow, Poland.
271. Extreme ultraviolet light–induced modifications in Pt/Co/Pt trilayers studied with magneto-optical
I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, A. Bartnik, R. Sobierajski, E. Dynowska, , J. Pełka, P. Dłużewski, A. Wawro,
W. Dobrogowski, M. Tekielak, A. Petroutchik, D. Klinger, A. Maziewski
22nd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS); 12-17 July 2015; Krakow, Poland.
272. Magnetic properties investigation of cobalt nanotube shell grown on ZnTe nanowires
P.A. Misiuna, T. Wojciechowska., P. Dłużewski, B. Kurowska, M. Wiater, S. Lewińska, A Ślawska-Waniewska,
A. Wawro., P. Aleshkevych, T. Wojtowicz, L.T. Baczewski
22nd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS); 12-17 July 2015; Krakow, Poland.
273. Ion beam induced modifications of Pt/Co/Pt magnetic films for control of perpendicular magnetic
M. Jakubowski, Z. Kurant, R. Boettger, J. von Borany, J Fassbender, A.Wawro, A. Maziewski
22nd International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS); 12-17 July 2015; Krakow, Poland.
274. Ion beam modification of magnetic and structural properties of Fe/Pt multilayers
A. Marynowska, S. Lewińska, E. Dynowska, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, A. Pietruczik, J. Fassbender, R. Boettger,
A. Wawro, L. T. Baczewski
European School on Magnetism: from basic magnetic concepts to spin currents; 24.08-04.09.2015; Cluj-Napoca,
275. Local structure around Co atoms in the ion and light irradiated magnetic trilayers
A. Wolska, M.T. Klepka, I. Sveklo, A. Wawro, A. Bartnik, P. Mazalski, R. Sobierajski, J. Fassbender and
A. Maziewski
XI Krajowe Sympozjum Użytkowników Promieniowania Synchrotronowego; 1-4 września 2015; Chorzów, Polska.
276. Morphological and structural modifications induced in ultrathin metallic films by nanosecond pulses from
laser-plasma source operating in the EUV region
D. Klinger, I. Jacyna, J.B. Pełka, A. Reszka, A. Łusakowska, E. Dynowska, A. Wawro, M. Jakubowski, A. Bartnik,
R. Sobierajski
XI Krajowe Sympozjum Użytkowników Promieniowania Synchrotronowego; 1-4 września 2015; Chorzów, Polska.
277. Investigation of morphological and structural changes in ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt trilayers induced by
nanosecond pulses from laser-plasma source operating in the EUV region
I. Jacyna, D. Klinger, J.B. Pełka, R. Sobierajski, P. Dłuzewski, A. Klepka, E. Dynowska, A. Wawro, A. Wolska,
M. Jakubowski, A. Bartnik,I. Sveklo, Z. Kurant, D.Eichert and A. Maziewski
XI Krajowe Sympozjum Użytkowników Promieniowania Synchrotronowego; 1-4 września 2015; Chorzów, Polska.
278. Ions and femtosecond light pulses irradiations induced modifications of ultrathin cobalt layers magnetic
A. Maziewski, J. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, P. Mazalski, I. Sveklo, M. Jakubowski, A. Wawro and J. Fassbender
Energy, Materials and Nanotechnology EMN Conference; November 10-13, 2015; Bangkok, Thailand.
279. Impact of femtosecond light pulses on garnets and ultrathin Co films
A. Maziewski, J. Kisielewski, S. Parchenko, T. Satoh, A. Wawro, A. Stupakiewicz
Ultrafast Science 2015; November 19-21, 2015; Kolkata, India.