dr hab. Janusz Januszewski, prof. nadzw. UTP


dr hab. Janusz Januszewski, prof. nadzw. UTP
Instytut Matematyki i Fizyki
dr hab. Janusz Januszewski, prof. nadzw. UTP
Autor: Janusz Januszewski
Zmieniony 03.03.2017.
dr hab. Janusz Januszewski, prof. nadzw. UTP
e-mail: [email protected]
tel.: 52 -
gabinet: 213, budynek 2.7
konsultacje: środa, 10:30-12:00
Interpretacje, dowody, wyjaśnienia, omówienia, powiązania, zadania dotyczące zagadnień z matematyki
inżynierskiej (semestr I, kurs podstawowy)prezentowane są przeze mnie na wykładach. Poniżej
umieszczone są tylko pliki z informacjami wyświetlanymi na ekranie. funkcje (I) , funkcje (II) , granice ,
pochodne (I) ,pochodne (II) , zastosowania, ekstrema, przebieg funkcji, macierze , układy równań ,
całka nieoznaczona (I) , całka nieoznaczona (II) , całka oznaczona, współrzędne
biegunowe,zastosowania całek, całki niewłaściwe, wektory,prosta i płaszczyzna,
liczby zespolone zadania 3
Research papers:
J. Januszewski, On the Darboux problem in Banach spaces,
Commentationes Mathematicae, 29 (1989), 57-62. J. Januszewski, On the existence of continuous
solutions of nonlinear integral equation in Banach spaces, Commentationes Mathematicae, 30 (1990), 8592. J. Januszewski, On the Hammerstein integral equations in Banach
spaces, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 31 (4) (1990), 685-691. J.
Januszewski, L-solution of the Hammerstein integral equation in Banach spaces, Commentationes
Mathematicae, 32 (1992), 61-67. J. Januszewski, Stanisław Szufla, On the Urysohn integral
equation in locally convex spaces, Publications de L'institut Mathematique (Beograd) (N.S.), 51 (65),
(1992), 77-80. J. Januszewski, On Volterra integral equations with weakly singular kernels in
Banach spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica, 26 (1), (1993), 131-136. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak,
On-line covering the unit cube by cubes, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 12 (1994), 433-438. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, On-line covering by boxes and convex bodies, Bulletin of the Polish
Academy of Sciences, Mathematics, 42 (1994), 70-76. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, On-line covering
the unit square by squares and the three-dimensional unit cube by cubes, Demonstratio Mathematica,
28 (1), (1995), 143-149. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, Efficient on-line covering of large cubes by
convex bodies of diameters at most one, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics, 4,
(1995), 305-315. J. Januszewski, On-line covering of the unit square by a sequence of convex
bodies, Demonstratio Mathematica, 29 (1996), 155-158. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, G. Rote, G.
Woeginger, Solution of Problem 74 (Volume 41, p.207 (1994)), Mathematische Semesterberichte, 43
(1996), 94-100. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, G. Rote, G. Woeginger, On-line q-adic covering by the
method of the n-th segment and its application to on-line covering by cubes, Beitrage zur Algebra und
Geometrie, 37 (1), (1996), 51-56. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, On-line packing sequences of cubes
in the unit cube, Geometriae Dedicata, 67 (1997), 285-293. J. Januszewski, Filling a cube with
subsequences of boxes, Demonstratio Mathematica, 31 (2), (1998), 377-386. J. Januszewski,
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Instytut Matematyki i Fizyki
Translative covering a convex body with its positive homothetic copies, Proceedings of the International
Scientific Conference on Mathematics, ®ilina 1998, 29-34. J. Januszewski, Covering a triangle with
sequences of its homothetic copies, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 36 (2-3), (1998), 183-189. J. Januszewski, On-line packing regular boxes in the unit cube, Archivum Mathematicum (Brno), 35
(2), (1999), 97-101. J. Januszewski, Packing rectangles into the unit square, Geometriae
Dedicata, 8, (2000), 13-18. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, Covering a convex body by its negative
homothetic copies, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 197 (2001), 43-51. J. Januszewski, Translative
covering by sequences of homothetic copies, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 91 (4),(2001), 337-342. J. Januszewski, Packing similar rectangles in a rectangle, Geombinatorics, 12 (1), (2002), 24-30. J. Januszewski, Universal container for packing rectangles, Colloquium Mathematicum, 92 (2), (2002),
155-160. J. Januszewski, Covering by sequences of squares, Studia
Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 39, (2002), 179-188. J. Januszewski, Covering the unit
square by squares, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 43 (2), (2002), 411-422. J. Januszewski,
A simple method of translative packing triangles in a triangle, Geombinatorics, 12 (2), (2002), 61-68. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, On-line 2-adic covering of the unit square by boxes, in Monographs and
Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 253 pp.359-366, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2003. J. Januszewski, M. Lassak, On-line covering of the unit cube by boxes and by convex bodies, Bulletin
of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics, 51 (3), (2003), 309-317. J. Januszewski, Packing
similar triangles into a triangle, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 46 (1), (2003), 61-65. J.
Januszewski, Translative packing two squares in the unit square, Demonstratio Mathematica, 36 (2003),
757-762. J. Januszewski, Translative covering a convex body by its homothetic copies, Studia
Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 40 (2003), 341-348. J. Januszewski, Packing clones in
triangles, Geombinatorics, 13 (2), (2003), 73-78. J. Januszewski, M. Kucharczyk, On packing
trapeziums in a trapezium, Studies of the University of ®ilina, Mathematical, 16 ( 2003), 55-60. J.
Januszewski, On the density of a translative packing of equilateral triangles, Geombinatorics, 14 (3),
(2005), 117-123. J. Januszewski, A note on translative packing a triangle by sequences of its
homothetic copies, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 52 (2), (2006), 27-30. J. Januszewski,
Translative covering of a square by a sequence of arbitrary-oriented squares, Demonstratio Mathematica,
40 (3), (2007), 681-700. J. Januszewski, A note on cover-up conjecture, Geombinatorics, 17 (1),
(2007), 5-7. J. Januszewski, Translative packing of a convex body by sequences of its positive
homothetic copies, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 117 (4), (2007), 349-360. DOI: 10.1007/ s10474-0076121-7 J. Januszewski, Translative packing of a convex body by sequences of its negative
homothetic copies, Archivum Mathematicum (Brno), 44, (2008), 89-92. J. Januszewski,
Translative covering of a square by a sequence of arbitrary-oriented squares: Part II, Demonstratio
Mathematica, 41 (2), (2008), 441-454. J. Januszewski, Covering a cube of side n+ε with
unit cubes, Geombinatorics, 17 (3), (2008), 113-116. J. Januszewski, Optimal translative packing
of homothetic triangles, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 46 (2), (2009), 185-203. DOI:
10.1556/SScMath.46.2009.2.1083 J. Januszewski, A note on covering of a square of side length
2+ε with unit squares, American Mathematical Monthly, 116 (2), (2009), 174-178; the Chinese
version: Mathematics, ISSN 1003-3092, 32 (2), (2013), 190-192.
J. Januszewski, On-line covering the unit square with squares, Bulletin of the Polish Academy
of Sciences, Mathematics, 57 (1), (2009), 57-62. J. Januszewski, Parallel packing and covering of
an equilateral triangle with sequences of squares, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 125 (3), (2009), 249260. DOI: 10.1007/s10474-009-9015-z J. Januszewski, Covering the plane with translates of a
triangle, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 43 (1), (2010), 167-178. DOI: 10.1007/s00454-0099203-1 J. Januszewski, On-line packing squares into n unit squares, Bulletin of the Polish Academy
of Sciences, Mathematics, 58 (2), (2010), 137-145. J. Januszewski, Translative packing of a square
with sequences of squares, Colloquium Mathematicum, 121 (2), (2010), 273-280. J. Januszewski,
On the lower bound of the sum of squared distances between vertices of a convex polygon,
Geombinatorics, 20 (3), (2011), 110-114. J. Januszewski, On-line packing and covering a disk with
disks, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 52 (2), (2011), 305-314. J. Januszewski, A convex
polygon with small sum of squared distances between its vertices, Geombinatorics, 23 (3), (2012), 97100. J. Januszewski, Translative packing of unit squares into squares, International Journal of
Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 613201, 7 pages, DOI:
10.1155/2012/613201. J. Januszewski, On-line algorithms for 2-space bounded 2-dimensional bin
packing, Information Processing Letters, 112 (2012), 719-722.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ipl.2012.06.016. J. Januszewski, Translative packing of unit squares
into circles, Geombinatorics 23 (1), (2013), 12-15.
J. Januszewski, Translative covering by unit squares , Demonstratio Mathematica, 46 (3),
(2013), 605-616. P. Grzegorek, J. Januszewski, Online algorithms for 3-space bounded 2-dimensional bin
packing and square packing, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology 17 (2), (2014),
190-203. J. Januszewski, An upper bound for some coloring problem, American Mathematical Monthly,
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122 (5), (2015), p. 481 (filler)J. Januszewski, Translative packing of unit squares into equilateral
triangles , Demonstratio Mathematica, 48 (3), (2015), 452-461.
P. Grzegorek, J. Januszewski, A note on one-space bounded square packing, Information Processing
Letters, 115 (2015), 872-876.J. Januszewski, Packing rectangles into a large square , Periodica
Mathematica Hungarica 72 (1), (2016), 90-101.J. Januszewski, Ł. Zielonka, Improved online
algorithms for 2-space bounded
2-dimensional bin packing, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 27 ( 4), (2016),
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