square - PlaySchool


square - PlaySchool
square – kwadrat
rectangle – prostokąt
triangle – trójkąt
circle – koło
star – gwiazda
cross – krzyż
diamond - diament
pentagon – pięciokąt
trapezoid – trapez
oval – owal
Ref. Take a shape and make
a picture
Make a picture take a shape x2
A square
A big, round square
A square, pink and round
Smooth, pink circles
Smooth and pink
A rectangle
An orange rectangle
A rectangle, orange and pink
A triangle
A yellow triangle
A triangle, yellow and smooth
Rectangles, squares, circles,
I’m a circle like a ball
Like a ball, like a ball x2
I go round and round
I’m a square like a box
Like a box, like a box x2
My sides are all the same
I’m a triangle like a roof
Like a roof, like a roof x2
I have got three sides
I’m a rectangle like a door,
Like a door, like a door x2
My sides are long and short.