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Wybrane publikacje
Szwoch M., Pieniążek P.: Detection of Face Position and Orientation Using Depth Data; 8th
International Conference on Image Processing and Communications (IP&C); Image Processing And
Communications Challenges 7 Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume:
389 Pages: 239-251; 2016.
Malina W., Szwoch M., Podstawy interfejsów użytkownika, , Gdańsk: PWNT, 2015.
Szwoch M., Pieniążek P.: Facial Emotion Recognition Using Depth Data [in:] The 8th Int. Conf. on
Human System Interaction, pp. 271-277, IEEE, 2015.
Szwoch M.: On Facial Expressions and Emotions RGB-D Database [in:] 10th Int. Conf. Beyond
Databases, Architectures, and Structures, pp. 384-394, Springer, 2014.
Kołakowska A., Landowska A., Szwoch M., Szwoch W., Wróbel M. : Emotion Recognition and Its
Applications [in:] The 7th Int. Conf. on Human System Interaction, pp.51-62, IEEE, 2014.
Kołakowska A., Landowska A., Szwoch M., Szwoch W., Wróbel M. : Emotion Recognition and its
Application in Software Engineering, 6th International Conference on Human System Interactions
(HSI); IEEE; pp.: 532-539, 2013.
Szwoch, M.; Pieniazek, P.: Eye Blink Based Detection of Liveness in Biometric Authentication
Systems Using Conditional Random Fields, International Conference on Computer Vision and
Graphics (ICCVG) , COMPUTER VISION AND GRAPHICS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Volume: 7594 pp.: 669-676 Published: 2012.
SZWOCH MARIUSZ, Języki formalne, automaty i translatory, Gdańsk: PWNT, 2008.
MALINA WITOLD, SZWOCH MARIUSZ, Metodologia i techniki programowania, Warszawa:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN SA, 2008.
SZWOCH MARIUSZ, Using MusicXML to evaluate accuracy of OMR Systems, 5th International
Conference Diagrams 2008, Germany, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, pp. 419422, 2008.
SZWOCH MARIUSZ, Guido: a musical score recognition system, ICDAR 2007: 9th International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Brazil, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 809-813, 2007.
SZWOCH MARIUSZ, A robust detector for distorted music staves, CAIP 2005: 11th International
Conference of Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, France, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pp. 701-708, 2005.
SZWOCH MARIUSZ, SZWOCH WIOLETA, Preprocessing and segmentation of bad quality
machine typed documents, DAS 2004: 6th International Workshop Document Analysis Systems, Italy,
Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 276-285, 2004.