Lesson 18 HAVE vs. HAVE GOT


Lesson 18 HAVE vs. HAVE GOT
Lesson 18
Wersja A
Opracowanie: Łukasz Aniśkiewicz
Konsultacja: Bogna Ferensztajn
Czasownika have got używamy:
gdy chcemy powiedzieć, że coś posiadamy:
I have got a new bike.
gdy mówimy, że chorujemy na coś:
I've got a headache.
W obu przypadkach nie możemy używać formy “continous” (am having/is having/are
having). W 3 osobie liczby pojedynczej have got ma formę has got.
W pytaniach i przeczeniach mamy dwie możliwości.
Have you got any money?
I haven't got any money.
Do you have any money?
I don't have any money.
Has she got a car?
She hasn't got a car.
Does she have a car?
She doesn't have a car.
W czasie przeszłym (Past Simple) have got ma formę had bez 'got' bez względu na
Ann had long fair hair when she was a child.
Zdania pytające i przeczące tworzymy za pomocą did/didn't.
Did they have a car two years ago?
I didn't have a watch, so I didn't know the time.
Czasownika have (ale nie have got) używamy w następujących przypadkach:
have breakfast/lunch/dinner/a cup of coffee/a cigarette
have a bath/a shower/a swim/a rest/a party/ a holiday/a nice time
have an accident/an experience/a dream
have a look (at something)/a chat (with somebody)/a baby = give birth to a baby
(urodzić) have difficulty/trouble/fun
We usually have breakfast at school.
Goodbye! I hope you have a nice time!
Mary’s had a baby recently.
The phone rang while we were having dinner.
1. Uzupełnij zdania za pomocą have lub have got w czasie teraźniejszym lub przeszłym.
1. Excuse me, __________ a pen I could borrow?
2. Why are you holding your face like that? __________ a headache?
3. __________ a bike when you were a child?
4. I need a stamp for this letter, __________ one ?
5. When you did the exam, __________ you time to answer all the questions?
2. Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z tabeli we właściwej formie (czas i osoba).
have a cigarette / have a shower / have a swim / have a rest / have a party / have a nice time
have a look / have a chat / have a baby / have lunch
1. I don't eat much during the day. I never __________.
2. David likes to keep fit, so he __________ every day.
3. We __________ last Saturday. It was great - we invited lots of people.
4. Excuse me, can I __________ at your newspaper, please?
5. „Where's Jim?" „He __________ in his room. He's tired."
6. I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and __________.
7. I haven't seen you since you came back from holiday. Did __________?
8. Suzanne __________ a few weeks ago. It's her second child.
9. I don't usually smoke but I was feeling very nervous, so I __________.
10. The phone rang but I couldn't answer it because I __________.

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